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Greece(?) on 6310

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 06:25 am
by Guest
I believe that I heard the Greek station Radio Odyssey on 6310 yesterday evning, 21-4-07 between 2210-2340 UTC.

Because I heard it was ided like Radio Alice not Odyse, but I'm not sure. Because of this I would like to receive your help to identify the station before I sent the report anywhere:

so here some details
the jingles were with female voice, except there were one jingle by male
music was mostly soul, but also some 50's rock'n'roll, jazz, and songs like "i don't know much about history...what a wonderful world it would be", "Hit the road jack" and "I'm so excited" by Pointers Sisters.

I would be very happy for your help to confirm these were really from Greece if somebody was listening at same time? How I could contact with Radio Odyssey if I have to ask this from them? Have you e-mail?

Also other loggings 6265 Cupid Radio, 3927 Spaceman, 6400 UNID and 6220 UNID, very possibly WMR and Mystery.

Nice sunday from Mr Smart

Re: Greece(?) on 6310

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 07:45 am
by Box73
Yes, also heard this station. Relatively strong signal overhere in the Netherlands. S9 to S9+20, but with very dull modulation. Could not copy any ID

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 07:55 am
by Guest
let's see what was that, in fact I found an e-mail for odyssey radio and I sent a tentative report, hopefully they will answer soonly who was that.

Sometimes i think they were announcing also something like "this is Greece" but the ID sounds still like Radio Alice which have been here on 6310 sometimes?

Anybody knows please let us know!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 21:09 pm
by Guest
We were on air, starting at 22:00 UTC to 23:40 UTC 21/4 on 6310 KHz, playing soul music and using lower power.
Thanks for reporting, e-mails will be answered soon.
Also heard radio Boomerang, at about 21:00 UTC on same freq, SINPO 44434, 9+30 dB on peaks!!

Greetings, Radio Odyssey

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:07 pm
by Box73
> Also heard radio Boomerang, at about 21:00 UTC on same freq,
> SINPO 44434, 9+30 dB on peaks!![/quote]

Aha, nice to know. Thanks for this piece of info.


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 21:21 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Heard station with Hit the road jack around 22.26. Several ID heard as R.Odyssey (just like ODC in english), no country mentionned.

Well, Radio Odissey should include a few greek records!


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 20:57 pm
by Guest
yep it was odyssey with hit the road jack

they confirmed my reception report with e mail yesterday evening.

power was 1000watts as they said, it seems to be that this kind of power cover whole europe very well.

I didn.t get clear id but my details were correct so..

my first qsl from greece. very nice thank you odyssey!!!!