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Logs from Belgium, 11 March

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 16:30 pm
by robertasleuven
Received on a lake terrace outside Leuven, Belgium
Receiver: SONY ICF SW-7600 GR
Antenna: 15 m long wire.
Times UTC. *x - start, x* - end.

QSL-address: Robertas Pogorelis, PO Box 1111, Leuven 3000, Belgium.

11 March 2007

5725 10:38 R. Flux AM, SINPO 55544. Dutch songs, thanks to Markel in France, 50 watts, hotline 0031 641148395, Voice modulation could be better.

6210 08:35 R. Eastside, SINPO 24322, 25333. Roxette ("Dangerous"), Boney M ("My Baker"), ID,

6215 *09:58 R. Merlin, SINPO 45544., Hampstead Heart(?) address.

6238 09:12 BRI-Britain R. Int., SINPO 33433, 32432, utility QRM. Music, "Radio Review" and "gaslinks" website ad.

6260 09:36 R. Thunderbird, SINPO 45544. Rock music, ID by jingle, "The Beach Boys".

6267.5 09:42 Skyline R. Germany, SINPO 23422, 33433. No QSL for email reports (well, an exception would always be nice:)).

6275 08:44, *11:03 R. Scirocco, SINPO 35333. Hotline 0031 625584892. Music, later QSO.

6275 10:27 R. Rob 007, SINPO 33433. QSO with Dr. Tim, together with Scirocco on the frequency.

6275 LSB *11:02-11:03* R. Altrex, SINPO 43544. Short voice-only QSO.

6275 11:12-11:18* Scotland R., SINPO 55555. Music, QSO with Scirocco, Altrex.

6275 11:54 WNKR, SINPO 35534. Mediumwave announced. "I am still here in Germany".

6280 11:13 R. Golbreker, SINPO 24323. Dutch songs, ID, echo, operator De Kleine Man, hotline 0031 623765101,

6281 09:04 R. Dr. Tim, SINPO 45544. First time so well audible!! 20 watts. Instrumentals, hotline 0049 1752811863,, thanking for reception reports.

6285 10:51 UNID, SINPO 25433. Music heard for a short time.

6289.5 *10:45-10:48*, *10:59 Westcoast R., SINPO 43443. QSO with Skyline, Shadowman, skype conversations. From West NL.

6290 10:10-10:15* UNID, SINPO 44434. Dutch polka, utility QRM. No ID heard or missed.

6290 LSB *10:49*, *10:57-10:58* R. Altrex, SINPO 44434, 43544. Short voice-only QSO.

6290 11:22-11:23* Cobra R., SINPO 35333. Voice-only QSO, operator Johnny.

6291 10:43-10:45*, 10:54 R. Skyline (NL), SINPO 55545. QSO with Shadowman.

6292 *10:30 R. Shadowman, SINPO 44544. English song, QSO.

6298 09:16 (and later) R. Romeo Echo, SINPO 34444. "Walking on the Moon" and other English songs, ID, from West NL,

6300 10:11 UNID, SINPO 23222. Reporting in English - received Borderhunter and others. May have been a different station from Romeo Echo (not 100% sure).

6300 10:19-10:24* Skyline R. (NL), SINPO 44544, on top of Romeo Echo. QSO, transmitter talk in Dutch. Operator Henk.

6305 11:19 R. Mazda, SINPO 45544. From east NL,

6305 11:46 R. Zodiac, SINPO 35444. English song with words "crazy Sunday afternoon", jingle.

6310 09:01 R. Borderhunter, SINPO 45433, later 55545. First transmitter problems, later better.

6400 08:36 WMR-Weekend Music R., SINPO 35333. From Scotland. 6401 announced.

6540 11:11 R. Brigitte (presumed), SINPO 25322. Music.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 17:34 pm
by sciroccoam

Thanks for the logs

Re: Logs from Belgium, 11 March

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 17:55 pm
by Dave
robertasleuven wrote:Received on a lake terrace outside Leuven, Belgium
Receiver: SONY ICF SW-7600 GR
Antenna: 15 m long wire.
Times UTC. *x - start, x* - end.

QSL-address: Robertas Pogorelis, PO Box 1111, Leuven 3000, Belgium.

11 March 2007

6275 11:54 WNKR, SINPO 35534. Medium wave announced. "I am still here in Germany".
Thanks for the report!
We were testing the latest Commando TX with only 25 watts, your report is encouraging.
The program was from a month ago when Andy Walker was still in Germany,(he is now in the USA!!).


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 18:31 pm
by free radio holland
6290 10:10-10:15* UNID, SINPO 44434. Dutch polka, utility QRM. No ID heard or missed.

I think that was me free radio holland

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 19:38 pm
by Bycross Radio

Code: Select all

 We were testing the latest Commando TX with only 25 watts
Is this for you, or does it mean another station is in the offing? :D

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 19:49 pm
by rob007

Thanks for the logs



Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 07:46 am
by merlin
many thanks for the report at last it seems like we are getting out ok. Using 100watts with a half wave diploe instead of the inverted V ariel. At a new site with a FM link tx to the studio
paul watt
----- Original Message -----

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 09:34 am
by Dave
Bycross Radio wrote:

Code: Select all

We were testing the latest Commando TX with only 25 watts
Is this for you, or does it mean another station is in the offing? :D
Another station in the offing yes.
I can't say more than that though.


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 20:03 pm
by zodiac
Hello, Robertas.
thanks for the log and report.
greetings Martin.