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KBC Radio is on the air each and every Saturday from 2200utc

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 22:52 pm
by Guest
Very strong reception in the UK from 22:00 utc


KBC Radio into Guernsey

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 00:30 am
by Robin Banneville
nsharpe wrote:Very strong reception in the UK from 22:00 utc
Hi there

KBC on 1386 were a respectable 33433 on my car radio this evening at around 22.15 utc, but I did tune down to 1385 to try to avoid the worst of the splash from BigL.

On 6255 using my Icom IC-R10 hand portable, they were actually slightly down on previous weeks, but still a good 45434(v).

The Moon, on the other hand, disappeared almost completely.

73's ... Robin