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Somebody on 75 meters?
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 19:29 pm
by Bycross Radio
Time: 7:30 PM UK
Is anybody now on 75 meters? QRN + QRM horrendous, but I have weak music coming through. 25322. QRM sounds odd - like somebody practising nonsense morse (ie 7 dots and a dah, thre dahs and two dots, 24 dots and a dah, a dah dot dah and so on with out much break). Picking it up from 78 meters down to about 69M.
Still, whoever it is, I'm trying hard to hear you!
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 19:42 pm
by ukdxer
Yes there is. Bogusman is on 3931 - coming in S9+10dB at my QTH although signal fading quite a bit.
By the way, tried to hear you this morning on 6278 between 9 & 9.30am but no signal detected here - only Radio Scirocco on 6280.
Good luck with the tests,
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 19:57 pm
by Bycross Radio
Thankyou! Never heard Bogusman before, another to add to the logs. My first pirate on 75 meters. I only tuned down to listen in on an 80 meter AM net and got bored when they all signed off.
Thanks for trying to hear me - the anttena isn't doing much in the way of propagation. Groundwave report by a friend at 27 miles away. (34333) I threw it up thursday in preperation for this weekend. My 'real' ant has leaky (as in water damaged) Coax feeder and arm. The coax order I placed two weeks ago still hasn't arrived... Maybe next weekend?
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 21:26 pm
by RadioRamona
we have the same problem, water in the coax. the only store here in town to get coax 50 ohm was closed today.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 21:32 pm
by pjk
R.Quintus is now on 3925 khz. The signal into north sweden is around 6.
Peter J
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 08:31 am
by Bycross Radio
R.Bogusman closed at 9:40 last night, very good signal in his last hour.