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European Free Radio Report from Dunlo, PA, USA, 25 Feb. 2007

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 17:33 pm
by Dave Valko
15070.1 R. Scotland Int. 1458 getting a carrier and apparent start at 1500. Couldn’t recognize the song. As usual, the lcl ticking QRM was here along w/some nasty buzzing that the noise blanker couldn’t eliminate. Barely any audio by 1517. Sounded like an anmnt at 1524. Drifted down to 15070.07 by 1514. (24 Feb.)

25 February 2007: This morning we had the best conditions of the entire season, and it was actually quite good. Not great or spectacular, but ‘solidly good’!! I’m surprised George Maroti said it was subpar at his QTH. Noticing that Mystery R. was peaking over S-9 Saturday evening, I was hoping we wouldn’t have another let-down. Stormy conditions due to a recurrent coronal hole was forecast for today. Some say good conditions often occur just prior to solar disturbances. This mornings conditions seem to follow in line with the theory. Everything worked out splendidly too. Besides the favorable propagation, the huge weather system moving in from the mid-west stayed away, the temperature was relatively warm, and there was a crust on top of the 2 feet of snow making it much easier laying out the BOG. It was nice to see so many stations on the air. I managed to log at least 15 stations and maybe as many as 20!!! But that wasn’t all. I had R. Borderhunter with audio to 1115 UTC!!! Its not very common to log 48 mb European Pirates here that late even in early January when sunrise is at its latest!! To hear them after 1100 is incredible!! The signal path is 85-90% daylight!!! This was one micro-DXpedition to remember.

ANT: 315' Beverage (BOG) at 50°
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 0710-1140 UTC
Solar Indices: S.F. = 76 A Index = 2 K Index = 1 No storms, although G1 level storms due to a recurrent coronal hole were forecast to begin.
WX: Cloudy, a little chilly, 28° F. (-2° C.)

6239.03 BRI 0710 M anncr in UK-accented tlk at t/in, and into soft Pop song. 0715 M again. 0717 peaking, and excellent briefly at 0719 as if someone increased the xmtr power 100 fold!! 0720 M w/song anmnt and BRI ID, then into unrecog. Diana Ross song. Still in at 0753 w/tlk although a little weaker than at 0720 peak earlier. Still going at 0840, but gone by 0907 check. UTE and SSB traffic QRM. Fady signal. (25 Feb.)

6220 Mystery R. Peaking at S-5, sometimes S-6 at the start. Still getting audio w/Janet Jackson song at 1023!!! Unbelievable!! (25 Feb.)

6286.08v UNID. Definite Dance mx at 0723, Pop song at 0724. 0730 suddenly moved up to 6286.20. Signal a little better at 0732. 0733 moved back down to 6286.08. 0734 instru. remake of believed Ricky Martin song. 0735 CW QRM. 0736 back up to 6286.20, but then back down to 6286.08 at 0737. Next song started at 0737. Still going at 0801 and up to 6286.22 with a fast song and then I think it went off the air. No anmnts noted. All songs were unrecognizable. Fady w/adjacent channel UTE QRM. Who was this?? (25 Feb.)

6400.76 WMR (George Maroti says this was a bogus WMR) 0740 mx under 2 UTEs and SSB traffic. 0745 a bit better w/Pop song. Peaking this time at S-5. 0746 song anmnt and ID “…on WMR. This is the music ?? international broadcast ?? on 6400…â€

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 17:51 pm
by JoJo
Hello Dave, thanks for the log, much appreciated. That's a big list

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 20:37 pm
by Borderhunter
Hi Dave,

Great you hearded me again after a time of silence.
It was late in the morning when I started. I tought it was too late for you but you see...
There was a short break indeed. The transmitter fall out for unknow reson. Two minutes later was everything working again.
