Friday 09/02
20.30 UTC on 6220kHz
Mystery Radio with Mystery song contest (a song by D. E.)
SINPO 45433
Saturday 10/02
10.15 UTC on approx. 6305 kHz
Orion Radio with dutch songs ("kleine Eva"); sign-off at 10.33 UTC
SINPO 35333
23.00 UTC on 3925 kHz
Delta Radio, sign-off at 23.40 but back on the air 5 min. later
SINPO 45333
Sunday 11/02
11.00 UTC on approx. 6310 kHz
Radio Bongofox (?) with dutch songs
SINPO 25232
11.05 UTC on approx. 6305 kHz
West Coast Radio with 70s/80s rock, sign-off at 12.10
SINPO 35232
Receiver: Grundig Satellit 2100 with built-in telescope antenna
QTH: 44°N 4°E
Logs 09-11/02/2007 in S France
Moderator: Moderators group