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What a weird weekend!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 14:07 pm
by Bycross Radio
I didn't hear an awful lot this weekend - I know you guys were out there, I just was not getting you! As many have remarked, conditions very strange this weekend.
On saturday I picked up scraps throughout the day, the only two written down in the log are:

Radio Borderhunter @ 10am (approx). I just caught the end of their programme and shut down! Audio here:

At 2:05 I heard (only just!) Mega Radio. Log book reads: 'Clear modulation, very heavy fading, sometimes disapearing for three or four minutes before fading back in. Peak signals reasonably loud.'

There were many other stations fading in and out that evening, but this is the only one I got a positive ID for.

As for today, I turned the valve set on at 8am, just in time for Orion Radio to start up. I sent them a reception E-mail along with a request, and heard both on air. Worth getting out of bed for! Conditions at this stage were improving with sunrise, but varied for the next hour. Orion Radio finnaly signed off at around 9am, and through the course of today I have exchanged several follow - up E-mails. You can hear my request here:

Very close by, on 6270 Kc, Radio Devalon was heard after Orion went off air. This is a completly new station for me, and I thank 'JoJo' for tipping me off during our E-mail chat. Log book reads: '10am clear signal, moderatly loud:long list of Xmas to greetings to listeners in English and German. Greetings to offshore Radio magazine. Fades out @ 10:06. Back @10:08 weak signal, clear. Gives out some sort of E-mail (unable to catch). @ 10:12 am list of other stations PX times, dates + freqs. Mentions Borderhunter + OPI (?).' Audio here:

Finally this morning I listened to Radio Boomerang before I had to get busy. Boomerang first heard at 11:20 am with an excellent signal, very strong. Unfortunatly, within moments of begining recording utillity QRM started. This QRM interfiered throughout the next hour. Heavy fading. Audio here:

To view the whole gallery of clips, the link is here:

As always, once the link has opened click the 'download' icon to the left of the image. Most images show the valve radio I was using to listen. I claim no copyright, feel free to do as you wish with these.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 15:06 pm
by JoJo
Hello Bycross radio,

thanks for the log and kind words of course, much appreciated! Try to download the clip, but got an error; forbidden... can you send it to me by email? thanks

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 15:14 pm
by Bycross Radio
E-mail sent! If anybody else has the same problems, just get in touch!
All Audio is in .WAV files

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 15:17 pm
by JoJo
Thanks, got it. What a quick service. I guess You sit on the computer!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 15:34 pm
by Bycross Radio
I leave it running and check every so often. Of course, I am more eager to respond to pirate E-mails than, say, Mobile phone top-up bills...