Logs: weeks 49/2006 from S-W Finland

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Logs: weeks 49/2006 from S-W Finland

Post by Jari »

Hello !

Conditions were quite good at early Sunday morning.
Radio RPI from the Netherlands with 10 W is a new station for me.
I'm glad to able to hear a few low power stations again.

All times in UTC.

Saturday 09.12.2006

6275 13:56 23232 Laser Hot Hits
6295 14:10 32332 R. Boomerang
6300 13:43 34333 R. Boomerang
6305 13:31 33333 R. Mazda
15070 11:31 35333 Cupid R.

Sunday 10.12.2006

6210 09:32 34333 Westcoast R.
6210 10:03 34333 R. Borderhunter
6215 09:28 13121 UNID "Josephine"
6220 07:08 44444 Mystery R.
6239 10:46 12231 Britain R. Int.? Ann in E
6260 08:13 33333 Orion R.
6275 07:15 24232 R. RPI
6280 09:18 34333 R. Atlantis Int.
6290 10:34 12131 UNID "Sweet Home Alabama"
6298 15:21 22232 R. Bonofox
6300 07:11 34333 Flux AM
6300 10:59 34333 R. Boomerang
6300 11:17 24232 R. Campervan
6307 14:57 44333 R. Malaisy?
6310 10:12 45444 R. Spaceman
6326 10:53 24232 R. Paardenkracht
6401 09:21 21231 WMR? Ann in E
6423 15:03 23232 Zender Ascona
6524 10:22 24232 R. Ramona
12257 08:35 24232 Wrekin R. Int.

rx: Icom IC-735
ant: 1/2 wave dipole for 48 mb.


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cupid radio
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Post by cupid radio »

:o hi there jari thanks for the log and email/sms good to hear that the signal was nice and clear in finland 8) have a good one
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UNID on 6215

Post by Goran »

Hello Jari

Your UNID on 6215 is King Shortwave, heard with OK signal in Sweden.

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Re: UNID on 6215

Post by Jari »

Hello Göran!

Thanks again for your help.


Good to see

Post by Guest »

Hello Jari,

"6300 07:11 34333 Flux AM" good to see that we have made an improvement in our signal!

Thanks for logging and till next time!
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Post by RadioRamona »

Thanks Jari, for the loggings.

Post by Guest »

Hello jari

Thank you for the report but there is one thing my transmitter stay on the 6425 khz and that you have recieve me on the 6423 khz??? what is wrong????? my transmitter or a mistake in the log???

Greetings martin Zender Ascona
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Post by Jari »

Hello Martin!

I wondered also your frequency,
but I checked it carefully and my frequency meter gave 6423 kHz.
I knew already that you have used before 6425 kHz.
I didn't hear your signal anymore on 6425 Khz with a narrow filter.
One explanation is that if there was a strong signal near by over
6425 kHz and that's why I could heard your carrier in a lower position,
but there wasn't so bad interference on your frequency. Strange ??
Do you have a chrystal controlled transmitter ?

Greetz, Jari

Thanks Jari

Post by Guest »

Many Thanks Jari for the reports

Radio Atlantis
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Post by JoJo »

Hello Jari,

many thanks for the logs, much appreciated!
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Dave Jones
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Post by Dave Jones »

Hi Jari,
As always many thanks for your report of WR International on Sunday 10th December 2006, It is nice to see that you are looking at 12Mhz still and checking our frequency.
We thankyou very much
Dave Jones.


Post by Guest »

Hello Jari.

Thanks for the mention of us in your logg, much appreicated.

73 from Campervan

Post by Guest »

Hello Jari

Yes i have a crystalcontrolled transmitter .
But Thanks for your respons it's great a send this weak a qsl card to you
Greeting martin
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