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European Free Radio Report from Dunlo, PA, USA. 3 Dec. 2006

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 17:50 pm
by Dave Valko
It didn't seem like there was much activity Saturday evening, but this Sunday morning was great!! Many stations were on the air at the same time. It was a pleasure to hear so much activity from out at the remote site. But first a few loggings from home.

6306.97 UNID. An unstable carrier here at 2035. Definite M anncr at 2039 but too much lcl noise. M again 2044 w/poss. ID "...This is R. ??" to end the anmnt. Into what sounded like Rock mx, almost clear enough to recognize. 2049 M anncr briefly w/ment of radio, and back to mx. Anmnts at 2056 and 2115. Was there to at least 2117 but noise got to bad to be certain after that. (see below) (2 Dec.)

6309.98 UNID. Found the unstable carrier on this freq at 2131, so must've been the same stn. Sounded like Dance mx. Clearer when I turned the TV off!! 2135 M anncr but unreadable. M back at 2140 but just couldn't copy. Last noted at 2145, so I'm not sure when it went off. Who was this?? (2 Dec.)

3 December 2006: It seemed a little too noisy at home, and all indications showed that propagation should have been good, so I decided to drive up to the remote site. For almost the first hour, it looked like it was going to be a wasted trip. But then the flood gates opened at 0735 UTC and there were stations everywhere!! I heard at least 15 stations total!! It got really hectic trying to identify all of them!! And propagation conditions were fairly decent. It wasn't good, but at least normal, and definitely better than the last couple Sunday mornings. It was a bit fady though. I was shocked at how long the stations stayed in before morning fade out. I had R. Borderhunter and Delta R. at 1035 which is nearly lunchtime in the Netherlands!! It was quite chilly and the fingers and toes were going numb at the end, but it certainly was an enjoyable and profitable session.

ANT: 315' Beverage (BOG) at 50°
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 0650-1040 UTC
Solar Indices: S.F. = 87 A Index = 2 K Index = 2 No storms.
WX: Moonlit with some clouds, and frosty. Chilly 21° F. (-6° C.)

6300 UNID. R. Campervan?? Strong OC at 0656-0700, then at 0700 mx w/W vcl briefly and what sounded like Cuckoo Clock SFX. Back to deadair until disappearing at 0727*. Testing or equipment difficulty?? At times it sounded like there was some extremely weak, imagination level modulation, but it was impossible to be certain. Nice, mainly S-3 signal but sometimes peaking up to S-5!!! Would have been great if it was modulating at 100%. Some CW QRM too. (3 Dec.)

6220.09 Mystery R. OK signal again peaking about S-5 or S-6 this Sunday morning, 0650+. Also noted abt equal strength at home before leaving for the remote site. (3 Dec.)

6279.9 Orion R. Polka mx at 0737. First noted the carrier w/out any audio as early as 0735. QRM from Atlantis just above. Op. John said he moved up to 6300 then 6305 (see below). (3 Dec.)

6280 R. Atlantis Int. First noted at 0735 although I think the carrier was there at 0732. Equal strength w/Orion R. at t/in. 0741 GM song. 0743 beautiful canned ID by M as "R. Atlantis Int.". At this time, Orion R. left 6279.9 leaving this in the clear. 0748-0751 Dance/Pop song sounding like either Madonna or Kyle Minogue. 0751 another simple canned ID as above. 0751-0754 lively GM Pop song. Pulsing UTE causing some QRM at 0753 briefly. 0754-0758 Dance/Pop song w/deep-voiced M vcl. 0758 short canned ID/e-mail anmnt as "(low audio at beginning) (??)". Into Techno Dance/Pop mx w/M vcl. Came back at 0828 and still going but pretty weak. 0831 UTE QRM and I tuned out. The M voice in the anmnts had absolutely no accent at all, sounding like American EG. Glad to hear this new stn!!! (3 Dec.)

6299.92 Orion R. 0744 found here. Suddenly moved the freq up to 6300.3 and it went off. 3 minutes later found it on 6304.93. (3 Dec.)

6304.93 Orion R. 0747 sounding like a Polka. 0759-0801 Pop song. 0801-0804 usual instru. song (Percy Faith??) as theme. Then at 0804 usual canned ID. Not very strong and fady. Has to be the new 100 watt xmtr. 6304.9 by 0800. (3 Dec.) (Thanks for your help John)

6287.73 ALI Techno mx at 0747. Came back and noted Techno Dance mx at 0808. Drifting down quite a bit and down to 6287.67 by 0810. Next song at 0810 and tuned out at 0811. Gone at 0821 check. Moved up to 6293.69 (see below). (3 Dec.)

6260.05 West Coast R. Carrier here at 0806 and definite mx at 0807. Came back at 0813 and getting noise QRM from below. Sounded like Rock mx at 0816. Songs at threshold recognizability. Quite weak. Tuned out at 0821. Still in at 0831 check but noise UTE QRM getting stronger. Was able to detect the mx at 0833. (3 Dec.) Thanks Jari log in ALI Free Radio Board.

6210.3 Cupid R. 0811 t/in but UTE started up almost immediately. 0824 UTC disappeared just as I tuned back in. Pretty weak. Pop/Dance mx. 0826 UTC came on again. The signal improved and was clear at 0846 when I noted the song "The Reason" by Hoobastank to 0849. Canned mailing addr anmnt by M, not by Rinus "...send your reports to Cupid R., P.O. Box 9, 8096 Zulu Gulf, Oldebroek ?? I repeat...Box 9, 8096 Zulu Gulf, Oldebroek..". Then "This Love" by Maroon 5. 0853 next song unrecognizable. 0856 Rinus w/ID and poss. e-mail addr. Fading badly at this time and too far gone at 0857 t/out. Still there at 0912 but very little audio. 0913 anmnt again but all I could copy was "...coming down now...Michael Michael, Michael ?? from Germany..." on very brief peak. Tuned out at 0916. (3 Dec.)

At 0813, there were 6 stations on at once!!! And at 0835, there were 7 stations on!!

6293.69 ALI 0821 Dance mx at t/in. 0822 Alfred w/ID. Tuned out but came back at 0827 and found Alfred in the middle of an anmnt w/ID, e-mail, Web, etc. Still going and readable at 0917 and 0936. Nice to hear Alfred on again!! (3 Dec.)

6299.5v R. Quintus Carrier noted here at 0823. Started out on 6299.59 but down to 6299.5 by 0834 when I noted Rock mx. 0835 canned jingle by M sounded like an ID. 0835-0838 "California Dreamin" by Mamas and Papas. 0838-0840 "I Get Around" by The Beach Boys. 0840 short live ID by M. 0840-0842 "I Saw Her Standing There" by The Beatles. 0841 another short live voice-over ID "OK listeners, good morning. R. Quintus...". 0842-0844 unrecognizable oldie, then 0844-0845 "Baby Love" by The Supremes, and into another oldie. Returned at 0918 and hrd "Wipe Out". Continually drifting down, 6299.43 by 0845, 6299.28 by 0928, and 6299.25 by 0956. Was also getting some QRM from R. Boomerang at 0928. (3 Dec.)

6401.04 WMR 0900 "Who's Crying Now" by Journey. 0903 tlk by Jack Russell. Came back at 0918 and hrd another anmnt. Usual QRM from North Korea on 6398. (3 Dec.)

6264.95 Premier R. Int. 0905-0907 "Love is the Drug" by Roxy Music. 0907 another Rock song but too weak to recognize. 0912 UTE QRM. 0921 brief anmnt by M possibly in UK accent. Short peak at 0923 w/what sounded like more Rock mx. Another poss. short anmnt at 0925. Tuned out at 0927 and found it was gone by 0940 check. (3 Dec.) Thanks to uk dxer for ID.

6299.97 R. Boomerang Big signal 0927-0930 w/instru. mx. QRMing Quintus below. 0930-0934 Pop/Rock song w/M vclist possibly in DT. 0934-0938 Techno Pop song. 0935 tuned out briefly. 0938 song started then voice-over ID in DT by M. Tuned out at 0940. Not there at 0946 check, but back on at 0950 w/"Listen" by A Flock of Seagulls. 0951 ID, ment of Delta, another ID "...moment to R. Boomerang. Until the next time". Then continued Seagulls song to the end and off at 0955*. Amazing strength for being so late. Nice to hear Boomerang again. (3 Dec.)

6239.6v JRRI Mx weakly at 0941. Came back at 0947 and still there w/M anncr and SFX. Sounded like Joe Vincent at 0948, then into C&W sounding mx. Seems kind of weak for JRRI. No better by 0958. Drifting down as usual. (3 Dec.)

6210 Somehere at 0942?? Possible audio but too weak. Maybe Borderhunter (see below) (3 Dec.)

6304.97 Delta R. 0944 end of song and M in DT w/ID and tlk, greetings to listeners, etc. 0946 back to mx. Still going at 1009 and readable. Still in there at 1035!!! (3 Dec.)

6274.98 LHH Just a carrier at 0957. Much too weak/late. Very weak carrier at 1016 check. (3 Dec.) ID per uk dxer.

6210 R. Borderhunter 0959 stronger strong here than at 0942. Definite mx at this time. Peak at 1000 w/W vclist. 1003 sounded like deadair for a minute but mx again at 1004, instru. song. 1005 Borderhunter 2007 Summer Meeting jingle then live anmnt "Hello hello...", ID, etc. Still readable w/anmnts at 1017, and still there w/audio at 1032!! (3 Dec.)

6295.07 R. Shadowman Carrier here at 1011, but wasn't there a few minutes earlier during tune through. Although strong enough for audio, didn't hear any at this time. Finally getting mx at 1018 sounding like an oldie. 1020-1022 Pop song w/W vclist but couldn't recognize it. Better after I changed DC power from the Power Tank to the Jeep battery at 1022. 1024 "Man Eater" by Hall & Oates. 1025 into "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor. 1027 M anncr voice-over anmnt w/what sounded very much like an ID. 1030 M again but too far down. 1031 tuned out. Did drift down just a tad to 6295.02. (3 Dec.) Thanks uk dxer for ID.

6294.67 Found a signal here at 1032 but nothing on 6295.02 Shadowman, so possibly him?? (3 Dec.)

No sign of Ramona on 6524 this morning. I thought I had a very weak carrier on 6325.3 at one point but didn't write it down. Maybe it was Campervan. I think it was around 0800 or so.

A very nice showing this morning. The most stations heard in a very long time. Thanks to all the operators for going on the air!! Good job!!!

Radio Campervan

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 18:21 pm
by Guest
Hello Dave!

Radio Campervan was broadcasting today on 6325 from 07.30 to 08.20 +/- So maybe that was our carrier you heard on 6325 at 08.00.

We will swich freq and make another antenna for further test.

Regards from Sweden
Radio Campervan

quintus USA

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 21:48 pm
by quintus
I am very happy that my have receivend you.
you have listenend 3 mp3"sand it is ongelovelijk(yes I is radio quintus.
thanks more info via email.sunday 26-11-2006 6300 150 watt transmitter.
greeeeettttttttttsssssss :D

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 05:24 am
by JoJo
Hello Dave,

thanks for the logs and good work. I'm Happy for you there where so many station on air!