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2 UNIDs Heard Here in Dunlo, PA

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 00:45 am
by Dave Valko
This evening, independently of George, I had found the UNID. on 6265.6 also, at around 2210 UTC. There was just a hint of audio, but there was way too much TVI to try to get any details. (17 Oct.)

Also, last evening while listening to R. Borderhunter at the remote site, I found a station on 6266.43 just before I left at 2253 UTC. The carrier was strong enough but the modulation was extemely weak. I could definitely hear music though. (16 Oct.)

Any ideas who these might be, do please drop me a line!!!!


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 09:21 am
by Borderhunter
Hi Dave,

Thanks for your report. Was testing a new antenna for comming winter season. Seems it working well!
