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London Calling.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 21:52 pm
by Andy Richards
This weekend had better conditions than we have had for a long time.Many stations heard.
Radio Spaceman had his usual huge signal on 3927Khz on Saturday night.Some very good music too.
As for 48m on's a while since I have heard so many stations.Nice to hear Radio Borderhunter back on 6210Khz,superb music & mic modulation & very strong.
Orion Radio must have problems sleeping,he is allways on so early!!:-)Nice signal,even though I was still eating breakfast!!
Radio Boomerang was testing his speech mod and was just a touch stronger here than Borderhunter.The two strongest signals of the day.
Radio Scotland.........nice music mod.......from one of your inputs,the other seems to struggle with the bass frequencies.You and Borderhunter had the best modulation of all the stations on today,but one of your music inputs is letting you down.Very strong signal too.
Radio Saturnus was a good signal on 6285Khz,but was it really only 25 watts??The signal was stronger than last week when it was 60 watts!!
I can rarely hear Radio Rob 007,but I heard him today on 6275Khz,weak but clear,giving a rundown of who was on air.
Heard Radio Ramona on 6400Khz for the first time today.Good signal for low power,very proffesional programmes.
The Bogusman on 6295Khz was the strongest I have ever heard him.
Others heard were Radio Scirrocco,Radio Zodiac,BRI & Digitaal.
Best music of the day was the Dutch station on 6295Khz from 1428 - 1500 till he was drowned out by Reflections Europe,I didn't catch the station name,was it Mazda?

A good days listening!

Andy richards.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 22:51 pm
by RadioRamona
Thanks for your report, keep up the good work.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 04:17 am
by JoJo
Helo Andy,

Thanks for the comment, much appreciated. HaHa No problems with sleeping here, I am just an early bird.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 18:40 pm
by saturnus
Hello Andy,thanks for reporting! Yes,only 25 watts,i cant make anymore.Cant remember saying 60 watts,maybe you heard someone else? :?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 19:34 pm
by Radio Scotland
Hi Andy,

Thanks for reporting and comment on the modulation.
I have really no idea WHY one of the inputs is struggling with the bass..
Playing with 2 identical cd players, using same output of mixer/eq.
I was using a old record player too, just playing 2 songs (Beatles and The Cult) mayby this was causing this problem...
Ok, work to do!

Greetings, R.S.I.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 19:44 pm
by Borderhunter
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the report and compliments.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 22:28 pm
by Andy Richards
Thanks to all the operators that responded to my post.Just a couple of quick replies.

Saturnus,you are right of course,I chacked my logs,not you claiming to be running 60 watts.But I still can't believe your signal on 25 watts!!Superb result!

Scotland,as to the faulty music input,I can't tell which songs were on the CD players and which on the turntable.Maybe the old turntable is the problem.Next time I hear you I will log which songs are not superb mod & let you know.
The bottom line is that it sounded great.No need to worry,just one music input was a little "Bassy".


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 21:13 pm
by saturnus
Thanks again Andy for the compliment,the antenna is doing his job :D
@Scotland,throw away your cd players and play more vinyl! :!:

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 21:35 pm
by Andy Richards

Maybe Saturnus is right.The old vinyl does sound richer than CD,but unfortunately I suspect that your old turntable may be the problem.
