Logs week 32/2006 N-E France
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 09:22 am
20H14 R.ZODIAC 6302,1 444 E, D, Dutch
19H45 SPACEMAN 3923 454 E, D, Dutch
07H12 R.PAARDENKRACHT 6265 444 E, Dutch
07H30 ORION RADIO 6300 454 E
08H11 Z.DIGITAL 6300 444 Dutch
08H20 WRI 12257 333 E
09H47 Z.VALENCIA 6310,2 434 Dutch, D
I had heard on August 6, 2006 at 2H15 UTC an UNID on 6859 Khz it is about TCS ( THE CRISTAL SHIP) of the USA. For me a new US in my bag from which I hope to receive the QSL card.
20H14 R.ZODIAC 6302,1 444 E, D, Dutch
19H45 SPACEMAN 3923 454 E, D, Dutch
07H12 R.PAARDENKRACHT 6265 444 E, Dutch
07H30 ORION RADIO 6300 454 E
08H11 Z.DIGITAL 6300 444 Dutch
08H20 WRI 12257 333 E
09H47 Z.VALENCIA 6310,2 434 Dutch, D
I had heard on August 6, 2006 at 2H15 UTC an UNID on 6859 Khz it is about TCS ( THE CRISTAL SHIP) of the USA. For me a new US in my bag from which I hope to receive the QSL card.