First a word of explanation...."Full data" means the station which has sent the QSL has included as a minium the time, date, and frequency. Many QSLs also include an indication of TX power and a signature from the station operator. As a bonus they might also include nekkid wimmin (read on...)
West and North Kent Radio
Full data green "cowboys" laminated QSL card 6400 kHz
Full data brown "cartoon" laminated QSL card 3920 kHz
Personal letter from Dave Martin "3920 kHz relayed by UK op Radio Skeleton"
WNKR station info sheet and CD of the "WNKR Story 1987 - 1994" in 4 weeks for email report.
Radio Chaos (NL)
Full data "topless Dutch girl with transmitter" photo QSL card 6294 kHz
300 Watts v/s Mike in four weeks for email report to
Thanks to WNKR and Mike at Radio Chaos.
WNKR and Radio Chaos (NL) QSLs received.
Moderator: Moderators group