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Radio Ramona!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 08:55 am
by Goran
Late on Sunday afternoon I heard a new station on 6400 kHz. They called themselvs Radio Ramona, and played very nice music. Also e-mail was mentioned as

Nice to hear them.

Best from
Göran in Halmstad

re ramona

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 17:26 pm
by JoJo
Hello Goran,

Maybe it's nice to know, but this Dutch pirate station is one of the stations who was brewing becasue of "the Bet" from rob007

Radio Ramona

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 18:37 pm
by Robin Banneville
Hi Goran and John,

As you say Goran, they did play some good mx and varied. I tuned in at about 17.55 utc and left them on in the background whilst I was doing other things, untill they closed around 20.15.

There was a bit of noise and fading, and local thunderstorms created a bit of static. :(

The only thing I would say, however, was that the announcer was a bit distorted. Still, the music was okay :wink:


73's Robin


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 20:27 pm
by Goran
Hey Guys!

Nice that we where some more who heard them. first I had problem hearing what the DJ was saying, it's was a bit low in the speach but the music came through very nice.

I will read more about this "The Beat", Thanks John for the info.

from Sweden

re Ramona

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 06:21 am
by JoJo
Hello Goran and Robin,

Glad you both liked it. As I know by now this station is working on it, voice audio, qsl (e) card. and will be more on air. The best is I guess; one of the OP's name is John too! :wink:

keep on doing the greet work, we appreciated it very much!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 19:17 pm
by Guest
The email address announced tonight is

Ramona on again this week

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 19:52 pm
by Robin Banneville
Good to hear Ramona on air again this week. =D>

However, although the signal is improving now (19.45 utc : 28th May), an hour ago it was barely audible above the noise ...

Ramona via DX Tuner

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 19:56 pm
by curious george
Thanks for the tip Gert that Ramona is on this evening. I'm able to hear them via the free DX Tuner in Sweden on 6400.1 kHz. Fairly steady signal, with strong audio. Nice production too, with various jingles and ID's and diverse music.