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Friday evening log

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 21:57 pm
by pjk
2122 R.Borderhunter 3925 khz, 45444 oldies
2338 UNID 6284 khx, 32231 music
2131 UNID 6290 khz, 43443 Dutch-mx
1842 UNID 6311 khz, 44333 pop-mx

After a long break from yhe A.L forum, im back again. I had some serious computer trouble, in the end i had to format the harddrive and install all the software again. Anyway some strong signals received this evening, Borderhunter is heard loud and clear here at my QTH in the north.

Greetings, Peter J
_____________________________________ Skype: peterjk62


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:27 am
by jan
Hello PJK :veryhi

Computers are these days a necessary evil. :scul:
As long as it works, no problem, but when it dosn't work as it shout be or crashes, it can take alot of time to get it working again.
For me it was two months ago when he crashed, flashed the mainbios with the wrong bios when upgrading to Windows XP. :oops:
It dit take me a month to get every working again with a new mainboard, without losing any data.
Installing new software is indeed PLUG and PRAY.

But this forum is for radio and not computers, radio's are much easier to operate and don't crash so often :D so here is fryday night log from me:

6311khz 22.30h utc 33323 Radio Fox48 with a international program and playing some scandinavian music.

greetings jan

6283 UNID

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 13:12 pm
by curious george
I also heard that UNID station on 6283.8 kHz last night around 2330 UTC. Played a song by the Police. It was coming in slightly better than LHH on 6275.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 14:07 pm
by pjk
Many thanks for the help Jan, conditions on 48 was very noisy last evening/night. Not bad signals, but the 76 were much better with less noise. Maybe somone knows who that station was on 6284 last night.
Indeed Plug and Pray Hi !, i lost count in how many times i had to reinstall xp and the other drivers etc.., it took me nearly 2 weeks before i got everything working, computers are good when working ok, and a hell when not. This HP laptop is only 6 months old, and messing up winxp totally. But now the pc working ok :D , just need some more software installed. Also i will clone the harddrive with Northon Ghost, saves a lot of time when you get a winxp crash. This was not the end, on the Dell computer suddenly the networkcard died, only 3 moths old, also the ADSL modem/router died just 2 months old, both of the mark D-Link. A word of warning, dont buy D-Link they seems to make bad equipment, also the support D-Link has is a big joke :down:: .

Cheerio Peter J

Re: Friday evening log

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 22:49 pm
by Robin Banneville
At this moment in time - Saturday 22.40 20th May - on 6283.9 kHz with quite a bit of QRM - this station appears to be a relay of a local station in Dublin ... (ARD Radio Dublin 1 ???) - (although it is a sunday afternoon recording). Not sure who's TX it is though ... ??

Just gone off air ... 22.45 utc

73's Robin
pjk wrote:19/5
2338 UNID 6284 khx, 32231 music
Greetings, Peter J
_____________________________________ Skype: peterjk62

unid 6285 Khz

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 23:28 pm
by achim
Hi Peter,
heard also the UK/IRL-station on 6284 Khz at 2300 Utc. Gave out IDs as Iron Radio and email It were test broadcasts but I am not 100 % sure of the station name. Saturday evening it is again booming in with O=3/4 but now seems to be a relay of another station.

greetings achim

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 00:32 am
by pjk
Thanks Robin and Achim, i dont hear the station tonight but a lot of static here. I think the thunderstorm season allredy begun.

Cheerio Peter J

Audible Again in NY

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 01:52 am
by curious george
Hearing it again here in NY at 0153 UTC. Lots of static crashes here too.