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Europirate Logs from New York

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 14:39 pm
by curious george
Decent propagation to Europe this weekend, with reception of Laser Hot Hits possible 90 minutes before my local sunset. Unfortunately, as the evening progressed, atmospheric noise increased. I'd appreciate some help with my UNID on 6274.9.



PIRATE (Euro). 6210, Laser Hot Hits, 2030-2040 Oct 22, I don't usually bother to log LHH, but it's a good propagation indicator, as it was this evening. Decent audio and ID as early as 2035 UTC, with sunset 90 minutes away. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 6240.1, JRRI, 2320-0344 Oct 24, C&W music at tune-in, but reception hampered by ute QRM, needed LSB to escape it. Later check at 0330 had less QRM, mostly 60's music at that time. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 6272.6, Alfa Lima International, 2140-2250 Oct 22, The best signal of the Europirates this evening, but the band never improved, despite early indications that conditions would be superb. Atmospheric noise became more prominent after sunset here. Doobie Brothers song, ID at 2246 UTC. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 6274.9, UNID, 2035-2133* Oct 22, With the excellent conditions tonight, I could hear this presumed Dutch station with a weak signal. Accordian music at 2040 UTC, possible ID at 2130. SINPO 14431. Had it stayed on longer, it would have been easy to ID. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 6285.4, WNKR, 2145-2227 Oct 22, Dave Martin fired up WNKR tonight upon hearing 48 meter conditions were good. Not much more than a carrier, with snippets of audio. Unfortunately the anticipated dusk enhancement never materialized. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 6305, Radio Spaceman, 2253-0200 Oct 23, Came in with an S7 signal and C&W ballad at tune-in. Hung in there for a long time, but the atmospheric noise kept getting worse. Songs by Bob Dylan, greetings to USA and Canada. (Maroti-NY)