Logs from South-West of France - December 17 & 18

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - December 17 & 18

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Stations heard this weekend:

Saturday, December 17th

5140 0821 Charleston Radio International
5800 1425 Hitmix - 5810 kHz at 1446
5800 1948 Zender Akenzo
6045 1335 Radio Telstar International - 1401 : end - via Nauen - Germany
6160 1402 Shortwave Radio - Winsen - Germany
6290 0825 WION - AM/FM station from Iona (Michigan USA) via unid pirate - 0857 : end
6290 1615 Panda Radio
6295 1458 Unid - end of transmission
6931 0924 Indy Radio
7405 1502 Radio Piepzender - Zwolle - NL
9510 0901 Radio City - via IRRS

Sunday, December 18th

5140 0830 Charleston Radio International
5775 0818 Radio Harmony
5800 0823 Radio Casanova
5800 0932 Zender Akenzo
5800 1448 Radio Continental
5940 1545 Radio Piepzender - // 7405 kHz - Zwolle - NL
5996 1130 Radio Zwarte Panter
6160 0900 Skyline Radio Germany - via Shortwave Radio - Winsen - Germany
6185 0854 Free Radio Service Holland - via Radio Piepzender - // 7700 & 9331 kHz
6195 1008 Radio Blackstone
6210 0848 King Shortwave
6262 0936 Time Radio
6280 1139 Radio Monique
6287 1409 Radio Joey
6290 0834 WION - AM/FM station from Iona (Michigan USA) via unid pirate
6300 1057 Abu Dhabi Radio
6300 1613 Radio Deltracks
6931 0843 Indy Radio
7405 1416 Radio Pacman International - via Radio Piepzender - Zwolle - NL
7405 1543 Radio Piepzender - // 5940 kHz - Zwolle - NL
7700 0852 Free Radio Service Holland - // 6185 & 9301 kHz
9294 1044 Radio Pamela
9301 0856 Free Radio Service Holland - // 6185 & 7700 kHz
9670 0914 Superclan Radio - Tribute to Christine McVie from Fleetwood Mac - via Channel 292

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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