Logs from South-West of France - February 12 to 14

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - February 12 to 14

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Many stations on the air this weekend, with a fairly good propagation.

Friday, February 12th

3905 2002 Zenith Classic Rock - USB
4882 1928 Rock Radio Rekord - Russian station via relay
5140 0913 Charleston Radio International
5780 0923 Radio Harmony
5790 1502 Radio 319
5790 2015 Radio 319
6205 1808 Laser Hot Hits
6280 1338 Dazzle FM - English web radio via relay
6305 0903 Radio Merlin International

Saturday, February 13th

3905 0842 Zenith Classic Rock - USB
3940 1544 Mike Radio
4875 1815 Mystery Radio 21
5140 1110 Charleston Radio International
5780 1121 Radio Harmony
5880 0934 Radio Rock Revolution
5980 0916 Radio Zwarte Panter
6020 1150 Radio Delta - Elburg - NL
6205 1636 Laser Hot Hits
6210 1611 King Shortwave - 1715 : end
6270 1700 Radio Fox 48
6280 0940 Dazzle FM - English web radio via relay
6280 1624 Coast FM - Tenerife - Canary Islands - via relay
6290 1538 TRX Radio
6290 1654 Radio Monique
6295 1143 Radio 319
6295 1800 Unid
6305 0922 Radio Merlin International
6325 0907 Image Radio UK
6600 1024 Rock Radio Rekord - Russian station via relay
6940 1550 Radio Nova

Sunday, February 14th

3905 0825 Zenith Classic Rock - USB
5015 0835 Radio Deltracks
5140 0841 Charleston Radio International
5780 0849 Radio Harmony
5790 1734 Radio 319
5880 0905 Radio Rock Revolution
5982 0955 Radio Zwarte Panter - 5985 kHz at 1002
5995 1619 Radio Face de Blatte
6130 0855 Radio Casanova
6170 0919 Technical Man
6200 0935 Radio Scotland International
6205 1056 Laser Hot Hits
6210 0927 King Shortwave
6240 1017 Radio Benelux
6240 1420 Valentine AM
6265 1146 Radio Joey
6266 1037 Radio Zeewolf
6270 1006 Radio Zwarte Non - 4 watts
6275 1415 Baken 16
6276 1705 Clinic Radio
6280 1051 Laser Hot Hits - many transmitter breaks
6285 1602 Radio Monique - end of programme
6295 0941 Radio 319
6305 1027 Radio Merlin International
6320 1409 Radio Joey
6321 1130 Radio Dr Tim
6325 1012 Image Radio UK
6330 1634 Radio Batavia
6336 1105 Image Radio UK - testing a new 20W transmitter
6940 1121 Radio Nova
6950 1614 Enterprise Radio - 1711 : end
7605 1342 Radio Pamela - 1404 : end

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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