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Logs from South-West of France - March 1 to 3

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 20:32 pm
by Toutatis
Hi to all,

Here are the logs of the weekend:

Friday, March 1st

5140 1840 Charleston Radio International
5780 1532 Radio Harmony
6205 1517 Laser Hot Hits
6230 1623 Coast FM - Tenerife - Canary Islands - via relay
6270 1508 Focus International

Saturday, March 2nd

3905 2040 Radio Mustang
5780 0850 Radio Harmony
5802 1634 Free Radio Victoria
5810 1118 Radio 319
6205 0823 Laser Hot Hits
6230 0812 Coast FM - Tenerife - Canary Islands - via relay
6285 1954 Technical Man
6290 1626 Radio Mustang

Sunday, March 3rd

5140 0856 Charleston Radio International
6205 0811 Laser Hot Hits
6210 0949 King Shortwave
6230 0814 Coast FM - Tenerife - Canary Islands - via relay
6243 0839 Radio Cuckoo
6270 0820 Focus International
6285 0826 Technical Man
6295 0830 Unid - Radio 102 ?
6305 0909 Radio Merlin International
6320 1808 Radio Joey
