LOGS : 06 - 12 NOV 2017
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 13:50 pm
Most of the activity was on Sat/Sun. So were the doubts :
- R. Atlantis on Sunday, reported everywhere as R. Atlantic
- maybe this was a fancy name ?
- about fancy names, BBR (% = tentative) was heard and reported with music only
- Technical Man got a hum after QSY 0,2 kHz lower, strange move
- Cosmic R. escaped to the Unid category, but that's it, too weak to enjoy.
- long skip early in the evenings, but also US signals early in the night
* * * * * MON. 06 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6400,0 1359,1655 UNID, mess between pops and N. Korea ?? \beacon QRM;
6205,0 1648-2233 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; mx, tk, 1910 Laser Int'l, 2227 Don't bring me down, 2230 deeeep fade !
6070,0 1705-1919 CH. 292 %, \QRM in Ru at first; pops, 1912 fair-good; Ring my bell, Tell me why
6085,0 1710-1802* R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, DJ, 1720 ID, "Eloise", 1758 deep fade, back but then ended
6150,0 1714-1715 R. MARABU, pops, ID
3985,0 1800-1817 R. MI AMIGO (via SW Sce: annt in G at first), welcome ID, soul/R&B with DJ, 1814 Arthur Conley
6945 U 2154-2238* CLEVER NAME R. %, strange mx, rap, ska, rock, 2223 break, 2235 back
6945 U 2321-2402 CLEVER NAME R., mx, 2323 off for 5', 2333 now many IDs and mx, 2350 "Barbra Streisand"
* * * * * TUES. 07 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6925,0 0258-0311* UNID, \mushy carrier; preacher in E with translator in it., 0306 church song, 0310 annt in E, end
6400,0 0316-0342 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; mx, mx, 0332 "Monday monday"
6205,0 0321-0339 LASER HOT HITS, fair; tk about TV, pops, IDs
6400,0 1058-1510 UNID, pops, \Korea f'/up to same level at end.
6305,1 1059-1515 R. MERLIN INT, pops, DJ, IDs, 1128 SSTV, ID, "Camouflage", 1514 Troggs "Can I dance..."
6160,0 1104-1136 TEST 6160, mx with DJ, 1135 long 'ID', etc... (again at 1448, 1515)
6150,0 1110,1449 R. MARABU, mx, 1111 news in G, ID, 1449 \RTTY on 6151; rock
6240,0 1452-1453 R. BATAVIA ??, e.weak, quite dubious ID, mx. (1457 gone)
6205,0 1940-1943 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID+@. (2102, 2211 : trace only)
6070,0 1952-2002* ISLE OF MUSIC, mx from Cuba, tk in E,ID, Instituto cubano de la musica, end, 2000 "Tommy", off
* * * * * WED. 08 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6400,0 0945-0955 R. NOVA, e.-v.weak\occ. F fishers; pops, 0946 ID
6205,0 1613-2025 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs. (also 2235-2249)
6085,0 1623-1725 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; pop, rock, 1720 JID, 1724 deeeeep fade !
3985,0 1805-1901* R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; IDs, DJ, mx, offshore radio history, Doors, etc... 1856 \bad QRM.
3916,0 1904-2003* MELKBUS, v.weak\noisy; pops, D pops, C&W, R&R, etc, annts (only gmail copied).
3916,0 2005-2013 MELKBUS %, back?, tk, accn, several breaks
6875,1 2031-2103 UNID, weak-v.weak\fading,PLC; jazzy mx, 2056 bit tk, 2100 tk, ID(=?), mx.
* * * * * THURS. 09 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0741-1327 JAMMIN OLDIES, pops, IDs, DJ in G
6085,0 1037-1327 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, IDs, 1051 promo for Rosko
6400,0 1308-1425 R. NOVA (1113 trace), e.weak\beacon,Korea under; pops, 1311 JID(=?), 1359 good JID, 1425 Korea above
6150,0 1348-1443 R. MARABU, pops, IDs
6160,0 1435-1443 TEST 6160, mx, DJ in E, IDs above mx, above "The walrus"
6315,8 1445-1457 OZNRH %, e.weak; mx
6215,0 1458-1505 UNID, 1458 blank, 1500 mx, 1502 tk above, in E (no copy)
3905,2 2223-2250 UNID, \fading; pops
3934,9 2230-2235 BATAVIA %, \noise on u-side; mx
* * * * * FRI. 10 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0652-0715 CH. 292 %, strong; rock
6085,0 0851-0908 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, DJ in E+G, mashed potatoes, Let's have a party.., I can see for miles
6150,0 0908-0911 R. MARABU, mx, ID. (Also 1157 mx, 1553 Doors"Riders..")
6085,0 1528,1552 R. MI AMIGO INT %, 1528 \QRM (from utility??), 1552 clear: DJ, mx
6160,0 1556-1557* TEST 6160 %, c'/down.
6205,0 1559-1822 LASER HOT HITS, pops, tk, 1707 ID, 98FM, web. 1820 rpt. (1920 trace, 2115 not found, 2307 trace)
6294,9 1602-1616 UNID, v.weak-fair peak; pops and D songs, 1612 "Adios amor"
5830,0 1618-1630 UNID, pops, 1625 DJ in D, said 'Doobie brothers', etc, 1630 quick f'/out
6265,0 1637-1641 R. CASANOVA INT, v.weak; mx, ID+@, Lion sleeps tonight, fading out
6400,0 1642-1705 R. NOVA, (already1159 e.weak); \Korean QRM f'/up; pops, 1704 JID
6315,3 1822-1829 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; mx, mx (longer, but end before 1900).
* * * * * SAT. 11 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0718-1122 R. MARABU, 0721 non-stop Marabu mit Marcel Fischer, pop-rock, IDs
6205,0 0732-1121 LASER HOT HITS, weak\occ. deep fade > v.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk, IDs
6210,4 0806-0907 UNID, e.-v.weak+short peaks; mx, 0824 This is - - -, 0837 \traffic. > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6400,0 0809-1119 UNID, v.weak\Korean QRM; quiet mx. (Also 150-1517) > > > > > > [ cf NOVA ]
6070,0 0810-0855 R. WAVES INT, C&W, IDs (also WCS WORLD), 34 years
6070,0 0900-0946 SUPERCLAN R., R&R, ID, DJ, mx, 0946 Get it on.
6070,0 1010-1123 R. NORDSEE INT / GOLDRAUSCH, maybe old recording at first, 1104 Goldrausch
6085,0 0814-1056 R. MI AMIGO INT, 0815 in G, 'Country hall of fame', ID, 0849 Joe Cocker"With a little help..", 1020 Emperor Rosko, 1038 Amy Whinehouse, "Come on everybody". (see 7310 at 1105) (also 1531-1612 on 6085)
5840,0 0928-0929 UNID, mx, tk(muffled voice). (0941 gone) > > > > > > > > > > > >[ cf R. 319 ]
6315,5a 1003-1051 R. GOOFY, e.weak\PLC; quiet mx, 1008 ID
6160,0 1022-1122 TEST 6160, Sonny&Cher, DJ, Mamas&Papas (ou Mama Cass), 1028 ID+@, etc
6305,1 1049-1120 R. MERLIN INT %, early 60s pop, movie theme ?, instrum mx, 1120 "Hurricane"
7310,0 1105-1400 R. MI AMIGO INT, //6085, 1122 Kinks "Lola", then ID, etc, 1400 welcome ID.
- - -
6205,0 1405-1805 LASER HOT HITS %, weak\PLC; mx, tk
6070,0 1409-1430 UNID, mx, tk in it., 1412 Goldfinger, 1426 S.Shaw "Pourvou que ça durè"
6150,0 1431-1612 R. MARABU, mx, IDs, tk in G
6160,0 1433-1541 TEST 6160, pop-rock, 1967 news, "The letter", 1537 "San franciscan nights", ID
6319,4 1517-1520* UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, end
6290,5 1521-1529 R. GOOFY, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, mx, 1526 clear ID, 1529 lost
6070,0 1532-1600 CHANNEL 292 %, non-stop pops, 1559 ID
6070,0 1600-1612 RNI - GOLDRAUSCH, in G, pop-rock, IDs, Flashback, "Born to be wild"
6319,3 1615-1653 UNID, m, pip, blank, 1621 robot voice above mx, 1626 f'/down, 1633-1653 trace.
- - -
3905,05 2136-2211* R. STN ALICE, good>v.weak; var. pops, 2141 Eve of destruction, 'piraten' songs, 2209 c'/d ID
648,0 2229-2300 R. CAROLINE + other music station + talking station, all up & down, no winner, 2300 ID
6945 U 2257-2304* CLEVER NAME R. ?, Thorogood"Bad to the bone", 2303 gd ev', ID not OK, off
6269,0 2325-2339 UNID, e.weak+peaks\PLC,atmos; pops, D song. (2350 gone)
6265,0- 2351-2443 UNID, \much atmos, PLC; mx, tk (*not* BBR known voice), 2419 This is - - (?), more mx
* * * * * SUN. 12 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6265,0 0745-0926* UNID, e.weak at first, f'/up; mx, tk, , 0817 accn, accn.., 0925 tk in D, info...dot NL. [ cf MEXICO ]
6400,0 0755-0940 R. NOVA, e.weak\noisy,PLC,beacon +peaks; mx, 0759 JID, "La bamba", pops
6070,0 0800-0857 SUPERCLAN R., good; mx, 0804 tk in D, D song, 0815 Leader of the pack, pops, 0857 c'/d ID
6070,0 0901-0958 RNI - GOLDRAUSCH, pop-rock, 0956 tk in G, ID, c'/d, Man of action, goldrausch6070@yahoo.de
6085,0 0802-1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, cold offset, pops, 0858 "Lola", tk in D+E, 0900, 1000 ID, (see 7310), 1718 pop
6205,0 0805-1150 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy,mushy?; mx, tk, 1031 "Sweet dreams", ID
6210,4 0808-0909 UNID, v.>e.weak\QRM6205;mx, pop-rock, 0909 tk(no copy!), mx. > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6325,0 0843-1114* PAARDENKRACHT, weak\PLC; pops, IDs, Bridge over troubled water, D songs, 1112 c'/d, anthem
5840,0 0853-1107 UNID, "Hocus pocus", tk in D, mx, 1025 rock medley, tk in D. > > > [cf R. 319 ]
6195,0 0902-0905 UNID, good; D accn, pop(Tomtom Club?). > > > > > > [ cf TECH. MAN ]
6235,0 0910-0928 R. CASANOVA INT, mx, pops, 0915 \het6237; 0918 IDs, g's, mx, 0926 het\6236; (0929 gone)
6240 V 0912-0932 UNID, "Airport", "On my radio", 0915 blank on 6237, then 6236, 6235, 6240, 6236 (0935 gone)
6230,0 0931-1033 R. CASANOVA, \ut.noise,traffic; MinkDeville, 0935 ID+@, mx, 0947ID+@, 1003 Hello Marylou
6315,4 0936-0938 R. GOOFY, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, ID
6194,8 0941,1030 TECHNICAL MAN, 0941 \QRM 6195,0 hum; mx, ID, said 6295 !, ID+hotmail. 1030 ID, clear
6265,0 1005-1150 R. ATLANTIS, weak; tk and mx(pseudo Greek), 1008 "- - .de", ID, G pop, bit of messing, 1019 "Mein kleine Italiener", tk, pops in G, mx, 1146 tk in G: R.Bambolero(?), moin moin, R.Relegt(??), ID, bye-bye, dank U
6305,1 1023-1145 R. MERLIN INT, Peggy-Sue, tk, RMI, What a night, etc, 1041 H.Rising Sun, 1145 Man of action
6245,4 1033-1035 UNID, e.-v.weak\noisy; yodl. (1107 gone) > > > > > > [ cf JODELPIRAAT ]
6280,0 1036-1109 COSMIC %, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1039 spoken song \strong ut.noise, 1109 trace
6280,0 1337-1450 COSMIC R., e.weak; mx, 1339 This is..., 1344 JID, tk, pops, 1440 \hum (also 1607-1610 pops \QRM)
6315,8 1041-1041 OZNRH %, \swamped; mx
7310,0 1102-1459 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong, cold 160Hz higher, 1 min behind //6085, JID, One for you.., (1502 gone)
6287,0 1137-1145 BBR %, good; R&R, rock, C&W, 1145 retro D song
- - -
6205,0 1305-1711 LASER HOT HITS, pops, 1606 "Baker street", 1711 "All right now", 'Laser'. (1943 trace)
6245,0 1306-1314 UNID, e.weak; "Chirpy chirpy cheap cheap", mx, Koto? (1330 gone). [ cf RONALISA ]
6250,0 1315-1329 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk (in D?), 1326 long tk
6307,1 1350-1358 R. GOOFY, weak; mx, ID, mx. (1427 gone)
6070,0 1358-1502 UNID, pops, 1402 The day the music died, 1502 Rose garden. (1719 mx, DJ, \China QRM in Ru;)
6875,1 1419-1425 R. EUROPE ?, Italian disco, 1424 unclear ID+@
5830,0 1504-1540 UNID, tk in D, mx patchwork, pops, tk: Mi Amigo, 1537 anorak, tk: Atlantis, Mi Amigo.. [ cf R. 319 ]
5895 U 1516-1527 N. STAR %, \ut.bursts; Animals "It's my life", W singer in F, "Yellow river". (1530 gone, AM stn)
6268,0 1544-1551 BBR %, good > fair\fading; trad. song(in D?), bit of messing, polka, Bzn. (1605 gone)
6320,0 1611-1716* R. JOEY, rock, 1700 bpm transe, 1713 rock, 1715 c'/d ID
3905,0 1630-1650 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx, 1649 tk, lost. > > > [ cf U-BOAT ]
6260,0 1702-1710 UNID, e.weak\bad het6259,0; mx
648,0 1723-1728 UNID+UNID, mess. 1929-1935 same mess. 2003 RNE (//612 //584) vs Slovenia? , no mx
3940,0 2026-2032 UNID, e.weak; pops, 2031 patchwork, a few words above that, end. (weaker stn on 3940,1 ??)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, bg=background
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
Most of the activity was on Sat/Sun. So were the doubts :
- R. Atlantis on Sunday, reported everywhere as R. Atlantic
- maybe this was a fancy name ?
- about fancy names, BBR (% = tentative) was heard and reported with music only
- Technical Man got a hum after QSY 0,2 kHz lower, strange move
- Cosmic R. escaped to the Unid category, but that's it, too weak to enjoy.
- long skip early in the evenings, but also US signals early in the night
* * * * * MON. 06 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6400,0 1359,1655 UNID, mess between pops and N. Korea ?? \beacon QRM;
6205,0 1648-2233 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; mx, tk, 1910 Laser Int'l, 2227 Don't bring me down, 2230 deeeep fade !
6070,0 1705-1919 CH. 292 %, \QRM in Ru at first; pops, 1912 fair-good; Ring my bell, Tell me why
6085,0 1710-1802* R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, DJ, 1720 ID, "Eloise", 1758 deep fade, back but then ended
6150,0 1714-1715 R. MARABU, pops, ID
3985,0 1800-1817 R. MI AMIGO (via SW Sce: annt in G at first), welcome ID, soul/R&B with DJ, 1814 Arthur Conley
6945 U 2154-2238* CLEVER NAME R. %, strange mx, rap, ska, rock, 2223 break, 2235 back
6945 U 2321-2402 CLEVER NAME R., mx, 2323 off for 5', 2333 now many IDs and mx, 2350 "Barbra Streisand"
* * * * * TUES. 07 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6925,0 0258-0311* UNID, \mushy carrier; preacher in E with translator in it., 0306 church song, 0310 annt in E, end
6400,0 0316-0342 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; mx, mx, 0332 "Monday monday"
6205,0 0321-0339 LASER HOT HITS, fair; tk about TV, pops, IDs
6400,0 1058-1510 UNID, pops, \Korea f'/up to same level at end.
6305,1 1059-1515 R. MERLIN INT, pops, DJ, IDs, 1128 SSTV, ID, "Camouflage", 1514 Troggs "Can I dance..."
6160,0 1104-1136 TEST 6160, mx with DJ, 1135 long 'ID', etc... (again at 1448, 1515)
6150,0 1110,1449 R. MARABU, mx, 1111 news in G, ID, 1449 \RTTY on 6151; rock
6240,0 1452-1453 R. BATAVIA ??, e.weak, quite dubious ID, mx. (1457 gone)
6205,0 1940-1943 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID+@. (2102, 2211 : trace only)
6070,0 1952-2002* ISLE OF MUSIC, mx from Cuba, tk in E,ID, Instituto cubano de la musica, end, 2000 "Tommy", off
* * * * * WED. 08 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6400,0 0945-0955 R. NOVA, e.-v.weak\occ. F fishers; pops, 0946 ID
6205,0 1613-2025 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs. (also 2235-2249)
6085,0 1623-1725 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; pop, rock, 1720 JID, 1724 deeeeep fade !
3985,0 1805-1901* R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; IDs, DJ, mx, offshore radio history, Doors, etc... 1856 \bad QRM.
3916,0 1904-2003* MELKBUS, v.weak\noisy; pops, D pops, C&W, R&R, etc, annts (only gmail copied).
3916,0 2005-2013 MELKBUS %, back?, tk, accn, several breaks
6875,1 2031-2103 UNID, weak-v.weak\fading,PLC; jazzy mx, 2056 bit tk, 2100 tk, ID(=?), mx.
* * * * * THURS. 09 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0741-1327 JAMMIN OLDIES, pops, IDs, DJ in G
6085,0 1037-1327 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, IDs, 1051 promo for Rosko
6400,0 1308-1425 R. NOVA (1113 trace), e.weak\beacon,Korea under; pops, 1311 JID(=?), 1359 good JID, 1425 Korea above
6150,0 1348-1443 R. MARABU, pops, IDs
6160,0 1435-1443 TEST 6160, mx, DJ in E, IDs above mx, above "The walrus"
6315,8 1445-1457 OZNRH %, e.weak; mx
6215,0 1458-1505 UNID, 1458 blank, 1500 mx, 1502 tk above, in E (no copy)
3905,2 2223-2250 UNID, \fading; pops
3934,9 2230-2235 BATAVIA %, \noise on u-side; mx
* * * * * FRI. 10 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0652-0715 CH. 292 %, strong; rock
6085,0 0851-0908 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, DJ in E+G, mashed potatoes, Let's have a party.., I can see for miles
6150,0 0908-0911 R. MARABU, mx, ID. (Also 1157 mx, 1553 Doors"Riders..")
6085,0 1528,1552 R. MI AMIGO INT %, 1528 \QRM (from utility??), 1552 clear: DJ, mx
6160,0 1556-1557* TEST 6160 %, c'/down.
6205,0 1559-1822 LASER HOT HITS, pops, tk, 1707 ID, 98FM, web. 1820 rpt. (1920 trace, 2115 not found, 2307 trace)
6294,9 1602-1616 UNID, v.weak-fair peak; pops and D songs, 1612 "Adios amor"
5830,0 1618-1630 UNID, pops, 1625 DJ in D, said 'Doobie brothers', etc, 1630 quick f'/out
6265,0 1637-1641 R. CASANOVA INT, v.weak; mx, ID+@, Lion sleeps tonight, fading out
6400,0 1642-1705 R. NOVA, (already1159 e.weak); \Korean QRM f'/up; pops, 1704 JID
6315,3 1822-1829 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; mx, mx (longer, but end before 1900).
* * * * * SAT. 11 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0718-1122 R. MARABU, 0721 non-stop Marabu mit Marcel Fischer, pop-rock, IDs
6205,0 0732-1121 LASER HOT HITS, weak\occ. deep fade > v.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk, IDs
6210,4 0806-0907 UNID, e.-v.weak+short peaks; mx, 0824 This is - - -, 0837 \traffic. > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6400,0 0809-1119 UNID, v.weak\Korean QRM; quiet mx. (Also 150-1517) > > > > > > [ cf NOVA ]
6070,0 0810-0855 R. WAVES INT, C&W, IDs (also WCS WORLD), 34 years
6070,0 0900-0946 SUPERCLAN R., R&R, ID, DJ, mx, 0946 Get it on.
6070,0 1010-1123 R. NORDSEE INT / GOLDRAUSCH, maybe old recording at first, 1104 Goldrausch
6085,0 0814-1056 R. MI AMIGO INT, 0815 in G, 'Country hall of fame', ID, 0849 Joe Cocker"With a little help..", 1020 Emperor Rosko, 1038 Amy Whinehouse, "Come on everybody". (see 7310 at 1105) (also 1531-1612 on 6085)
5840,0 0928-0929 UNID, mx, tk(muffled voice). (0941 gone) > > > > > > > > > > > >[ cf R. 319 ]
6315,5a 1003-1051 R. GOOFY, e.weak\PLC; quiet mx, 1008 ID
6160,0 1022-1122 TEST 6160, Sonny&Cher, DJ, Mamas&Papas (ou Mama Cass), 1028 ID+@, etc
6305,1 1049-1120 R. MERLIN INT %, early 60s pop, movie theme ?, instrum mx, 1120 "Hurricane"
7310,0 1105-1400 R. MI AMIGO INT, //6085, 1122 Kinks "Lola", then ID, etc, 1400 welcome ID.
- - -
6205,0 1405-1805 LASER HOT HITS %, weak\PLC; mx, tk
6070,0 1409-1430 UNID, mx, tk in it., 1412 Goldfinger, 1426 S.Shaw "Pourvou que ça durè"
6150,0 1431-1612 R. MARABU, mx, IDs, tk in G
6160,0 1433-1541 TEST 6160, pop-rock, 1967 news, "The letter", 1537 "San franciscan nights", ID
6319,4 1517-1520* UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, end
6290,5 1521-1529 R. GOOFY, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, mx, 1526 clear ID, 1529 lost
6070,0 1532-1600 CHANNEL 292 %, non-stop pops, 1559 ID
6070,0 1600-1612 RNI - GOLDRAUSCH, in G, pop-rock, IDs, Flashback, "Born to be wild"
6319,3 1615-1653 UNID, m, pip, blank, 1621 robot voice above mx, 1626 f'/down, 1633-1653 trace.
- - -
3905,05 2136-2211* R. STN ALICE, good>v.weak; var. pops, 2141 Eve of destruction, 'piraten' songs, 2209 c'/d ID
648,0 2229-2300 R. CAROLINE + other music station + talking station, all up & down, no winner, 2300 ID
6945 U 2257-2304* CLEVER NAME R. ?, Thorogood"Bad to the bone", 2303 gd ev', ID not OK, off
6269,0 2325-2339 UNID, e.weak+peaks\PLC,atmos; pops, D song. (2350 gone)
6265,0- 2351-2443 UNID, \much atmos, PLC; mx, tk (*not* BBR known voice), 2419 This is - - (?), more mx
* * * * * SUN. 12 NOV. 2017 * * * * *
6265,0 0745-0926* UNID, e.weak at first, f'/up; mx, tk, , 0817 accn, accn.., 0925 tk in D, info...dot NL. [ cf MEXICO ]
6400,0 0755-0940 R. NOVA, e.weak\noisy,PLC,beacon +peaks; mx, 0759 JID, "La bamba", pops
6070,0 0800-0857 SUPERCLAN R., good; mx, 0804 tk in D, D song, 0815 Leader of the pack, pops, 0857 c'/d ID
6070,0 0901-0958 RNI - GOLDRAUSCH, pop-rock, 0956 tk in G, ID, c'/d, Man of action, goldrausch6070@yahoo.de
6085,0 0802-1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, cold offset, pops, 0858 "Lola", tk in D+E, 0900, 1000 ID, (see 7310), 1718 pop
6205,0 0805-1150 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy,mushy?; mx, tk, 1031 "Sweet dreams", ID
6210,4 0808-0909 UNID, v.>e.weak\QRM6205;mx, pop-rock, 0909 tk(no copy!), mx. > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6325,0 0843-1114* PAARDENKRACHT, weak\PLC; pops, IDs, Bridge over troubled water, D songs, 1112 c'/d, anthem
5840,0 0853-1107 UNID, "Hocus pocus", tk in D, mx, 1025 rock medley, tk in D. > > > [cf R. 319 ]
6195,0 0902-0905 UNID, good; D accn, pop(Tomtom Club?). > > > > > > [ cf TECH. MAN ]
6235,0 0910-0928 R. CASANOVA INT, mx, pops, 0915 \het6237; 0918 IDs, g's, mx, 0926 het\6236; (0929 gone)
6240 V 0912-0932 UNID, "Airport", "On my radio", 0915 blank on 6237, then 6236, 6235, 6240, 6236 (0935 gone)
6230,0 0931-1033 R. CASANOVA, \ut.noise,traffic; MinkDeville, 0935 ID+@, mx, 0947ID+@, 1003 Hello Marylou
6315,4 0936-0938 R. GOOFY, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, ID
6194,8 0941,1030 TECHNICAL MAN, 0941 \QRM 6195,0 hum; mx, ID, said 6295 !, ID+hotmail. 1030 ID, clear
6265,0 1005-1150 R. ATLANTIS, weak; tk and mx(pseudo Greek), 1008 "- - .de", ID, G pop, bit of messing, 1019 "Mein kleine Italiener", tk, pops in G, mx, 1146 tk in G: R.Bambolero(?), moin moin, R.Relegt(??), ID, bye-bye, dank U
6305,1 1023-1145 R. MERLIN INT, Peggy-Sue, tk, RMI, What a night, etc, 1041 H.Rising Sun, 1145 Man of action
6245,4 1033-1035 UNID, e.-v.weak\noisy; yodl. (1107 gone) > > > > > > [ cf JODELPIRAAT ]
6280,0 1036-1109 COSMIC %, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1039 spoken song \strong ut.noise, 1109 trace
6280,0 1337-1450 COSMIC R., e.weak; mx, 1339 This is..., 1344 JID, tk, pops, 1440 \hum (also 1607-1610 pops \QRM)
6315,8 1041-1041 OZNRH %, \swamped; mx
7310,0 1102-1459 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong, cold 160Hz higher, 1 min behind //6085, JID, One for you.., (1502 gone)
6287,0 1137-1145 BBR %, good; R&R, rock, C&W, 1145 retro D song
- - -
6205,0 1305-1711 LASER HOT HITS, pops, 1606 "Baker street", 1711 "All right now", 'Laser'. (1943 trace)
6245,0 1306-1314 UNID, e.weak; "Chirpy chirpy cheap cheap", mx, Koto? (1330 gone). [ cf RONALISA ]
6250,0 1315-1329 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk (in D?), 1326 long tk
6307,1 1350-1358 R. GOOFY, weak; mx, ID, mx. (1427 gone)
6070,0 1358-1502 UNID, pops, 1402 The day the music died, 1502 Rose garden. (1719 mx, DJ, \China QRM in Ru;)
6875,1 1419-1425 R. EUROPE ?, Italian disco, 1424 unclear ID+@
5830,0 1504-1540 UNID, tk in D, mx patchwork, pops, tk: Mi Amigo, 1537 anorak, tk: Atlantis, Mi Amigo.. [ cf R. 319 ]
5895 U 1516-1527 N. STAR %, \ut.bursts; Animals "It's my life", W singer in F, "Yellow river". (1530 gone, AM stn)
6268,0 1544-1551 BBR %, good > fair\fading; trad. song(in D?), bit of messing, polka, Bzn. (1605 gone)
6320,0 1611-1716* R. JOEY, rock, 1700 bpm transe, 1713 rock, 1715 c'/d ID
3905,0 1630-1650 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx, 1649 tk, lost. > > > [ cf U-BOAT ]
6260,0 1702-1710 UNID, e.weak\bad het6259,0; mx
648,0 1723-1728 UNID+UNID, mess. 1929-1935 same mess. 2003 RNE (//612 //584) vs Slovenia? , no mx
3940,0 2026-2032 UNID, e.weak; pops, 2031 patchwork, a few words above that, end. (weaker stn on 3940,1 ??)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, bg=background
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.