Look for :
- 5820-5840 : Radio 319, ID with own shows. >> Lecteurs français, regardez à dimanche.
- 6289 : unser-underground, several times
- 6400 : Nova, going better
- 6284,8 at 1202 on Sunday : was 'State of Unrest', another version of Rainbow
- R. Paisano, only one weekend each year for "Colombus day"
Dubious :
- 6290 PERIOD FM ??, on Wed., must be Baltic Sea R., but no positive ID
- 6985 UNID on Sat/Sun : probably QBC, but no one is sure about that
Many Unids (mostly from NL, including some QSO round on Sunday)
* * * * * MON. 02 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6205,0 1522-2135 LASER HOT HITS, 1523 JID, pops, 1636 'Laser', Tamla mx, 2000 R. One jingle, transe mx
6289,0 1529-1836 UNID, trace, slowly f'/up to e.weak with mx and tk, 1829 accn, 1830 tk in D, 'Radio - -', 1833 blank
6307,15 1533-1745 R. O[rgasm] INT, mx, many unclear ID's by W (plus small shoutings...)
6400,0 1537-1548 UNID, e.weak; mx. (f'/down, later N.Korea on 6400)
3985,0 1703-1746 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair \fading; mx, DJ, ID, g's
6300,0 1710-1737 BBR %, good \long blanks after records; 1710 tiki, 1726 guitar, 1737 Greek style
5820,0 1739-1745 R. CAROLINE (via 319 %), pops, 1742 tk in E, web site, ..R.Caroline..., mx
5850,0 1839-1919 R. 3-1-9, instrum. mx, 1842 JID, 1844 Katchaturian "Sword dance"
6285,0 1920-1958* UNID, \mushy, deep fades; parts of rock: My Sharona, Cocaine, The wall,.. [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6400,0 1932-2114 R. NOVA vs UNID?, 1934 Hang on Sloopy, 1937 ID, 1954 Itsy..bikini, 2002 JID, 2110 blank QRM ?
* * * * * TUES. 03 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6205,0 1641-1728 LASER HOT HITS, fair \ut.QRM?; 1643 ID, mx, tk
6210,0 1814-1920 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ment' M.Scott
6205,0 1932-2029 LASER HOT HITS, 1933 ID, mx
6300,1 1645-1822 R. MERLIN, pops, ID+@, 1716 Tainted love, tk, Rin my bell, 1817 Japanese boys, ID, g's, mx
6307,1 1648-1725 R. GOOFY, mx, 1651 ID
5820,0 1700-1700 UNID, mx
5840,0 1708-1719* UNID, weak\PLC; Don't fear the reaper, We will you, mx
6085,0 1701-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT %, pop, end
3985,0 1700-1724 blank carrier \weaker QRM; (no relay of Mi Amigo Int)
3905,0 1826-1949 R.Z. ALICE, good; blank, polka at 1829'52", D mx and rock, 1839 "Mony Mony" and tk+ID, etc
* * * * * WED. 04 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6205,0 1205-1244 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; mx, tk, IDs
6205,0 1602-2157 LASER HOT HITS, mx, DJ, 2035 ' a new Laser Hot Hits'
6150,0 1216-1237 R. MARABU, v.weak\noisy; mx, 1226 ID, DJ
6085,0 1218-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\fading; "Got my mojo working", ID, pops, tk about R.Caroline in 1975, etc
6307,1 1623-1629 R. GOOFY, mx, IDs, tk (in slavic language ?)
6289,0 1631-1928 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk, D mx, 1712 Hello Marylou, accn, D song, yodl..., 1905 "Pour un flirt", 1919 het
5820,0 1657-1700 UNID, pops. (1708 gone)
3985,0 *1701-1728 R. MI AMIGO INT, welcome ID, //6085, mx, tk: R.Veronica and others, ID+web, mx, M+W tk, JID
6285,0- 1906-1933 UNID, Final countdown, Hendrix, 1915 H.California, tk in D?, 1929 Hot stuff, Yes sir... [cf DOLFIJN ]
6290,0 1919-2002 PERIOD FM ??, in USB+pilot?, pops, "I love you", 1926 ID(not OK), 1934 tk in E about 19-85, 80's club mx, 1949 tk, mx, 1955 "Love shack" long remix, 1959 end of show, 2000 other DJ ? (2004 gone)
6290,0 2007-2037 BALTIC SEA FM ?, in USB+pilot, short breaks; mx, 2011 retro singer, 2024 Irish singer?, 2025 seagulls and ID (not quite OK), some jazz, Sukiyaki, f'/down to e.weak
6940 U 2315-2335 CLEVER NAME R., 2315 ID, mx, mx
* * * * * THURS. 05 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0947-1339 R. MARABU, mx, 0951 news in G, ID, mx, etc
6085,0 0954-1339 R. MI AMIGO INT %, weak; mx, promo for E.Rosko, Walk on the wild side, 1312 Harlem shuffle
6070,0 0955-1339 JAMMING OLDIES, pops, tk in G, IDs (caught as 'German Oldies' at times), soul, R&B, tk:558
6400,0 1006-1335 UNID, e.weak\Morse; pops, 1329 yodl ?
* * * * * FRI. 06 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6400,0 0750-0825 R. NOVA INT, v.weak\PLC,slow Morse; mx, 0801 long JID
5820,0 1620-1709 UNID, mx, Abba"Fernando", 1632 reggae, 1640 strass mx (in F), pops, 1706 strass mx
6205,0 1622-1659 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk about K.Everett on R.One, pops, 'Laser Int', "Grocer Jack", promo OEM
6307,1 1624-1645 R. GOOFY, mx and IDs, good ID at 1634. (1712 gone)
6085,0 1648-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, DJ, g's, 1700 time pips 10" late, ID, welcome, pop, off
3985,0 1701-1706 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, //6085 at first, DJ in E, 1705 ID
6298,0 1709-1800 UNID, good; rock, CCR, 1727 "Um-da-he"(like "Wounded Knee"), etc > > >[ cf F.R. VICTORIA ]
6325,0 1713-1723 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC,traffic6320U; mx
6385,05 1720-1720 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; pop
6400,0 1722-2025 R. NOVA INT, \noisy,Morse,traffic, N.Korea; pops, 1901 JID
6297,8v *1808-1810 UNID, drift to 6297,9; instrum mx. > > > > > > [ cf F.R. VICTORIA ]
6298,1 1829-1959* F.R. VICTORIA, mx, DJ, 1833 Tainted love, 1902 Jérôme c'est moi, 1917 ID+@, mx, 1952 ID, 1957 c'/d ID+@, Adamo "Tombe la neige", end
6323,0 1833-1903 NMD Radio, "Still loving you", 1835 ID+@, rock. (1928 gone)
6285,0 1844-1850 UNID, "Message in a bottle, 1850 Koto. (1854 gone) > > > [ cf DOLFIJN ]
6265,0 1845-2032 R.OSCAR ZULU ?, pops, strass mx, filler mx, 1919 "Music was my first love", etc, 2001 \stanag6266; pops, 2017 "Bette Davis eyes", 2021 tk: rpt, "Lion sleeps tonight", 2029 tk ..power 15W.. mail.. ID(not OK), D song in E
6205,0 1847-2033 LASER HOT HITS,mx, tk, IDs, jingle, mx (2123 trace)
6285,35 1906-2021* WORLDCUP R. ?, pops, 1907 "Life is life", 1926 stadium schlager, 1936 Final countdown, If you be my girl; 2000 ID no copy, schlager, 2006 "Nabucco"-lalala, 2007 ID+@ noted as "Realcat R.", should be "Worldcup", 2012 SSTV, songs in E and G, end.
6935 U 2324-2333* COOL AM R. via CLEVER NAME R., end of ID,'Flashback', mx, rock, Laurel&Hardy theme, 2332 ID
* * * * * SAT. 07 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6205,0 0720-1032 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy; mx, tk about R.One with clip, 0839 ID, 0940 Black is black (1239 gone)
6210,4 0721,0753 UNID, e.weak > weak; mx (0840 gone) > > > > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6070,0 0722-0800* R. WAVES INT, fair; mx, 0729 ID, C&W, 0751 multi-ID, 0759 ID
6070,0 *0800-0859 ATLANTIC 2000 INT, s/on IDs, 0801 fading, 0810 tk (also Tifany), S.Davis Group, radio news, 0815 ID in US-E, mx, 0829 Laurent Voulzy "Jeanne", 0833 Whiter shade of pale, 0838 J.Brel, 0846 Whisky in the jar, 0852 Mireille Darc and Michel Sardou duo song, 0858 c'/d ID+@
6070,0 0900-1038 UNID, mx, pops
6085,0 0723-1038 R. MI AMIGO INT, 0723 S.Francisco, 0801 welcome, pop-rock, soul, Rosko ?, 0824 promo SW Sce, JID, Message to you Rudy, etc, 0834 Rosko (back on), R&B, 0859 IDs.., 0931 Rosko?, 0957 Rosko: bye bye (sounds like a 1 hour Rosko show is extended to 2 hours), 1000 welcome ID, 1034 DJ, rpts. (Also 1248, 1428, 1618 : pops)
5820,0 0723-1036 R. CAROLINE via UNID, tk, ID, bell, All right now, mx, tk, mx, mx... (also 1242-1244)
6150,0 0724-1033 R. MARABU, mx, mx, 1033: 'non-stop Marabu'. (also 1241, 1618-1620 IDS, mx and tk)
6319,95 0933-0937 UNID, v.weak\fading,noisy; mx. > > > > > > [ cf ORION 2000 ]
7310,0 *1001-1038 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1 min behind // 6085. (1249 DJ, ID, mx, still 1' late)
6305,0 1003-1038 R. PYTHON, pops, 1004 ID, 1029 tk and mx, 1038 ID
6319,9 1030-1031* UNID, mx, end
6265,0 1039-1042 UNID, traces of mx. > > > > > > > > > > > >[ cf MEXICO ]
6265,0 1234-1709 UNID, e.weak\noisy at first, deep fades; mx, 1445 ID?+@, 1541 D song, accn, mx. [ cf MEXICO ]
6325,0 1236-1324 UNID, trace, 1321 peaking: e.weak, mx. (1404 gone)
6070,0 1245-1248 UNID, mx, '- - independant radio' (v. bad mike !), mx
6245,0 1311-1345 R. AC-DC, v.weak; tk, ID above "Rawhide", IDs, AC-DC track, 1345 "God only knows"
6307,1 1325-1551 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx, maybe IDs at 1403 and 1516. > > > [ cf GOOFY ]
6205,0 1343-2215 LASER HOT HITS, 'Laser', tk, mx, 1834 tk about 208 Luxembourg, mx, 'Laser', etc
6285,0 1354-1419 R. PYTHON, \2nd carrier QRM; 1355 ID above mx, 1357 tk in D above mx
6950,0 1407-1514 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk, 1412 - - Radio ?, mx, 1509 tk in it., g's David. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
6313,0 1435-1551 BALTIC SEA R., in USB+pilot, mx, IDs, Sukiyaki, 1549 singer in F, Crunchy granola
6235,15 1449-1455 R. WAVES INT %, \some audio problem?; C&W, tk (no copy). (1547 gone)
6267,0 1518-1539* UNID, \het6265; bumpy tries with mx, D mx, 1523 blank carrier
6240,0 1544-1559 UNID, D songs. > > > > > > > > > > > > [ cf RONALISA , cf RONNIE AM ]
6070,0 1559-1618 UNID, rock, 1600 time in G, non stop pop-rock
6295,0- 1622-1935 UNID, (1552 trace), v.weak, mx, 1653 'Radio 1-2-9-2 ' ?, pops, 1807 \noise6296; 1814 "Cocaine", 1844 "Israelites", 1901 "Smooth operator", 1930 "I hear you knocking". (2022 gone). > > >[ cf RADIO 102 ]
6325,0 1654-1717 UNID, bpm-techno-trance mx > > > > > > [ cf JOEY ]
6325,0 1833-2046 UNID, pops, bpm. (2106 gone)
6070,0 1710-1714 R. SYLVIA, mx, duo tk in G, ID, mx
6285,0 1809-1819 BBR, strong, wideband; some C&W, 1812 "Ein zwei polizei", "Simply the best", 1817 known voice, 'allo Ricky', ID as TRIPLE L Radio, etc... (1824 gone)
6259,85 1813-1824* UNID, 1813 "1 2 polizei", 1819 "Fox on the run", "Black Betty"+'non-stop music' [ cf DELTA ]
6259,8 1837-1938 DELTA R., rock, 'non-stop music', JIDs, 1858 American woman. (2041 Unid 6260,0-)
6305,0 1829-1930 UNID, v.weak; 1830 P.Anka?, 1846 Rose garden, humor in D, 60's mx, 1927 Inmates [cf SUNRISE ]
6234,95 1835-2023 R. WAVES INT, M+W duo in US-E (Independent Music Network), mx, 1857 C&W, 1940 ID, "Gabrielle" by Johnny Hallyday, \splash from 6242, pops
6285,3+ 1935-1937 UNID, tk above brass mx, pop. > > > > > > [ cf WORLDCUP R. ]
6242,0 1938-1942 UNID, good; mx, 1939 speeding bpm > > > > > > [ cf PYTHON ]
6939,95 1943-1946 UNID, mx, 1946 '... music non stop.. Radio ....', mx. (2016 gone). > > > [ cf ORION 2000 ]
6984,9- 1947-2227 UNID, (1658 trace), e.weak; mx, mx, 2052 \v.hard, ut.bursts; 2205 e.weak; mx [ cf QBC % at 1655 ]
6210,0 2025-2038 UNID, mx, 2027 "Won't get fooled again", 2037 tk, ..@gmail.com, Radio ..., mx. [ cf ROCK 'N ROLL ]
6374,9 2057-2103* BLAUWE PANTER, "Never rains in Calif.", ID above, then 'Blue Panther', tnx rpts, c'/d
6284,95 2104-2105* UNID, mx, tk (in ? language), end at 2105'25"
3905,0 2156-2200 BORDERHUNTER, (2108-2112 blank), R&R, ID, 'test', H.California. (2216-2220 trace)
* * * * * SUN. 08 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6234,9 0652-1305* R. WAVES INT, v.weak\noisy; mx, known voice in F, Renaud, 0712 \traffic6330U; mx, Independent Music Network (M+W duo tk), 0753 weak, 0808 C&W, F song, 0925 R&R, ID, 1042 some 'gigouillette', ID, etc
6210,4 0656-0723 UNID, v.weak\v.noisy,undermod; mx, tk??. (0752 gone). > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6205,0 0658-1556 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 0710 ID, 0901 Born to be wild, 1556 rap
6070,0 0659-0700 SUPERCLAN R. (after preacher at 0658), pops, ID
6070,0 0805-0859* RNI - GOLDRAUSCH, tk in G, RNI jingle, 0859 Goldrausch e-mail (0900 Radio D.A.R.C.)
6070,0 0959-1040 R. BCL..., 0959 ID in it. 'BCL' OK but something after that, tk in it., 1040 DX bulletin in E
6085,0 0700-1040 R. MI AMIGO INT, welcome ID, 0727 H.Rising Sun, pop-rock, etc, 0900 welcome, 1003 // 7310
6150,0 0701-1042 R. MARABU, mx, 0707 rock, tk in G, ID+web, Man of action, tk about R. Nordsee Int, etc
5820,0 0701-1038 R. 3-1-9, pop-rock, 0723 mx, \F fishers 5820u 'putain y a de la musique derrière'; 0800 Kids in America \F fishers; 0803 ID(=?), 0843 Luxy jingle, R.3-1-9 +@, 0858 Maisonettes, 0934 Stranglers, then Pierre "Messe pour le temps présent", 0937 ID, H.California, etc, but f' to e.weak.
6390,0 0718-0839 UNID, \bad stanag noise, PLC; mx, 0721 Kiss hit, 0726 It's a heartache, 0754 Kids in America [cf 102 ]
6449,5 0810-0837 UNID, \under stanag !; mx. > > > > > > > > > [ cf READYMIX ]
7300,0 0818-0921 U-BOAT 66, e.weak\noisy; mx, 0830 gmail, ID by sonar sound
6285,0 0840-0948* UNID, mx from Asia, 0928 tk (in D?), mx, mx. > > > > > >[ cf PYTHON ]
7336,0 0908-0919* UNID, \strange mod.; "Purple rain" ?, tk, ..last song.., 0916 ID? in it.+F?, tk in it., c'/d [ cf RMGP ]
6265,0 0939-1006* UNID, Sultans of swing, H. Rising Sun, mx, mx, 1004 piano and orch., end
7310,0 1003,1041 R. MI AMIGO INT, // 6085, 1003 mx, 1041 Suzi Quatro
6240,0 1045-1057 R. CASANOVA, mx, 1057 known voice, g's
6259,9 1047-1058 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx,mx, f'/out, end ? > > > > > > [ cf DELTA % ]
6245,0 1159-1301* R. AC-DC, v.weak; ID above "Rawhide", ID above rock, rock
6284,8 1202-1222 STATE OF UNREST, mx, IDs, hard to copy e-mail @gmail, peace tk. (1301 trace?)
6295,4a 1213-1259 DE PANTER, IDs, D mx, \some downdrift; 1259"Gigi l'amoroso" > > > [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
5890,2 1224-1236 R. BATAVIA, \noisy; disco "Belfast", 1229 ..hotmail, 1234 ID, 1235 "Bachelor boy"
6424,25 1242-1259 UNID, v.weak; pops. (1348 gone) > > > > > > > > > > > > [ cf NOVA ]
6424,3 1432-1452 UNID, "Born to be wild", pop, rock
6315,8 1218-1253 trace (1256 lost). > > > > > > > > > [ cf OZNRH ]
6235,0 1330-1339 UNID, e.weak; mx, "Peter Gunn", D mx. > > > > > > > > > [ cf RONNIE AM , cf RONALISA ]
6244,5 1339-1341 UNID, weak-fair; D mx, accn.
6283,6 1341-1346 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, Black Betty > > > > > > [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6304,95 1406-1410 UNID, pops
6283,95 1411-1413* UNID, tk (in D?), Koto, end
6283,5 1414-1417* UNID, mx, bpm, allo, tk, end. > > > [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6283,5 1417-1419* UNID, e.weak; mx, tk, end
6284,0- *1420-1426 UNID, mx, tk ..amateur.. gd aft' Iann, 1423 ID?, mx, g's, 1425 I'm c'/down > > >[ cf DOLFIJN ]
6284,0- 1426-1429* UNID (same or other??), tk, mx, 1427 bye-bye, tnx for the rpts, end > > > [ cf DOLFIJN ]
6240,0 1452-1511* UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; pops, 1506 Asian mood, 1509 JM.Jarre, sudden s/off
6289,0 1456-1457 UNID, e.weak \noisy; mx. (Already a trace at 1211-1219 and 1410)
6289,0 1524-1550* UNID, e.weak; "My little lady", D mx, tk, ..gmail, mx, tk, el.guitar, end
6245,0 1513-1515 PACMAN ?, tk, tk above yodl, ment' Pacman, accn
6264,4 1522-1524 DELTA R., Get it on, ID, Bowie?
6231,8 1556-1609 R. MA [ USJAGER ], v.-e.weak; D/G songs, ..city name.., mx, piraten song, 1609 'Radio MA - - ', accn
6240,0 1631-1631 UNID, mx, maybe Bzn. (1637 gone) > > > > > > > > >[ cf RONNIE AM ]
6235,0 1631-1644 R. CASANOVA, rap(fucky! bullshit!), hip-hop, jamaican rap(fuck!), 1643 ID+@, rap
6245,0 1638-1641 UNID, e.weak; mx, mx
6263,0 1644-1652 UNID, pop, strass mx, 1650 tk in D, mx (1700 gone) > > > > > [ cf relay NOSTALGIE BELGIE ]
6283,0- 1647-1701 BBR %, good-strong; D version of "Down by the river", 50's duo in D, D singer, polka
6240,0 1652-1652 UNID, strong \hum; mx, then blank, off (QSY? to 6230 ?)
6230,0 1654-1659 R. CASANOVA, mx, then \hum, hum+het 6231,8 (jammers?); 1657 ID+@
6307,1 1702-1833 R. GOOFY, v.weak; pops, 1723 ID, 1819 'from the heart of Europe'
6375,8 1710-1716 R. MERLIN INT, ID, 'test', mx, "I got the power", \Morse;
6375,8 1830-1842 R. MERLIN INT, ID, 'live', mx, muli-ID, mx...
6324,4 1716-1723 UNID, weak; mx, mx
6320,05 1721-1721 carrier > > > > > > [ cf JOEY soon after ]
6284,4 1724-1726 R. UNDERGROUND, strong; tk, long blanks, mx, 1726 JID above mx
6265,05 1726-1851 BOGUSMAN, strong > v.strong; ment' Armadillo and Little feat, mx, tk about albums, 1851 ID
6205,0 1817-2111 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1828 'Laser', mx, tk, 1852 \ut.bursts;
6325,0 1820-1843 JOEY, up to strong; messing at first, techno, ID, hello Iann, rpt, etc, 1843 bpm trance
6985,0 1856-2340 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, mx, 2058 DJ in E, later mx, mx. (2410 tk, different stn?) [ cf QBC % ]
6955,0 2155-2221 trace. > > > [ cf R. ILLUMINATI ]
6925,3 2159,2211 trace. > > > > > >[ cf RECYCLE R. ]
6937,65 2226-2303 R. PAISANO %, e.weak; mx, barely at noise level, 2301 tk (in it?), 2302 Italian anthem
6935 U 2250-2252* UNID, mx, killing Paisano but soon s/off
6965 L 2305-2309 UNID, loop IS with bagpipe mx, 13"on followed by 7" off,
6965 L 2321-2330 UNID, \on-off traffic; Edith Piaf show (not her big hits). (2333-2336 again bagpipe IS)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
LOGS : 02 - 08 OCT 2017
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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