Note R. Nova now right on 6400 kHz, almost everyday, and easier to ID. To me, 6401 on Sunday morning was the heterodyne, not the station. On Friday evening, there was some "Radio UN-I-D" with a very hard to catch name (once warned about such a name, it was easier to catch it on Sunday). Look for Universe R. on much different ways.
* * * * * MON. 25 SEP. 2017 * * * * * portable, Sony + - 2kHz
6205 1903-2107 LASER HOT HITS, good; mx, tk, 1959 list of the DJs, 2102 James Brown
6400 1911-2035 UNID, \v.hard at times; pops, 1930 'remember this golden classic', 2029 Man of action, JM.Jarre
6300 2010-2050 FREE R. VICTORIA, folk, 60's singers, DJ, Paul Simon, "Logical song", 2025 ID, 2045 ID
1626 2056-2104 R. BARONES, C&W, J.Cash, tk and ID in D, g's
1640 2100-2108 UNID, v.weak\atmos; D song, mx, "Dam dam"(?title), pop > > > [ cf VERONICA ]
* * * * * TUES. 26 SEP. 2017 * * * * * portable, Sony + - 2kHz
6150 0655-0759 R. MARABU, weak\noisy; pops, tk in G, 0759 ID
6085 0748-0824 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop, rock, 0821 ID+web
6070 0748-0750 R. CHANNEL 292, "Mythical woman", promo for relaying, Hendrix"The wind cries Mary"
6205 0752-0824 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs
6205 1602-2105 LASER HOT HITS, noisy at first; mx, tk, ID, comments, mx, mx, 2105 ID
5820 1605-1635 R. 3-1-9, Eloise, ID, Days of Pearly Spencer, etc
6070 1620-1635 R. CHANNEL 292, pop-rock, ID+promo, 1635 Simon &Garfunkel
6085 1624-1635 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, 1625 ID
6400 1939-2100 R. NOVA, \Morse; "Logical song", pops, 1959 JID, Ebony&Ivory, 2012 Upside down, 2017 ID, 2100 JID
6265 2001-2008 R. OSCAR ZULU INT, mx, tk, 2007 ID
1620 2037-2042 UNID, mx
1630 2037-2102 UNID, strong; D songs, accn, 2102 "My darling Clementine", D song > > > [ cf MARIANNE ]
* * * * * WED. 27 SEP. 2017 * * * * *(1027 portable : traces on 6280 and 6400)
(back home)
6290,0 1809-1830a UNID, e.weak\noisy,occ.traffic6290u; mx, end at 1830 approx
6400,45 1835-2102 R.NOVA INT, v.weak\noisy,atmos,Morse; pops, JIDs, 1939 Beatles medley, 2028 Tobacco road
6285,05 1847-1934 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, off/on several times, 1906 ID, testing 2 antennas, 1909 Beatles, 1911 antenna #2, g's, 1915 off-on again, 1915 ID, 1921 Rhythm of the rain, 1923 ID+@, etc.
* * * * * THURS. 28 SEP. 2017 * * * * *
6220,0 1643-1855 LASER HOT HITS, \v. bad stanag noise right on spot; mx, 1646 DJ, ID, etc, 1855 killed by stanag
6290,5 1648-1830 R. GOOFY, mx, ID, then \hets; mx, mx. (1854 gone)
6085,0 1655-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, Gainsbourg-Birkin, IDs, welcome, Booker T.
3985,0 1700-1721 R. MI AMIGO INT, 45" late, s/on, welcome, Bruno Hantson, Booker T, 60's R&B, IDs
3904,95 1834-1914 R. STN ALICE, good; D songs, occ.60s-80s pops, 1912 ID
6307,0 1848-1852 BALTIC SEA R. %, USB+pilot, v.weak\PLC; mx, gipsy jazz, 1852 seagull, ID(=? in Ru?), pop
6205,0 1917-2025 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\fades,Morse6205,5; 1921 M+W tk, H.California, etc
* * * * * FRI. 29 SEP. 2017 * * * * *
6205,0 1536-1616 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1548 ID by Gary Drew. (not at 1657, see 6210)
6210,0 1657-1824 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, DJ. (not at 2004, see 6205)
6205,0 2004-2129 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, DJ.
6294,9 1537-1901 R. PIONEER, v.weak\PLC; pops, 1608 ID, 1623 'Last night a DJ.."remix, 1807 Koto, "Born in the USA", 1811 fair; now D songs. (1909 gone)
6070,0 1556-1655 R. CHANNEL 292, "Ma belle amie", "Time after time", 1622 ID, promo
6070,0 1824-1832 R. OHNE NAMEN %, jazz, retro jazz
6085,0 1600-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, 1604 tk in E, pops, 1700 ID, promo Paul Graham's Greatest Memories
3985,0 1701-1718 R. MI AMIGO INT, s/on 1 min behind 6085, 1715 DJ in (US)-E, jingles, mx
6305,0 1659-1710 carrier+UNID, blank carrier (or undermod) till 1703 f/down, e.weak UNID still there, tk
6285,0 1710-1750 UNID, rock, R&B, 1750 "Hello Marylou", jazz. (1806 gone) > > > [ cf MIKE ]
6230,0 1713-1714 UNID, Dsong-accn, 1714 C&W in D. (1815 gone). > > > > > >[ cf CASANOVA ]
6304-6306 1755-1835 LLR %, typical drifting-wandering, e.weak\PLC,atmos; some tk and mx, couldn't follow it !
6400,5 1816-2035 R. NOVA, \PLC,atmos,QRM6400,Morse6398,5; pops, short tk, 1821 Yes hit, later mx and JIDs
6300,8 1850-2010* Radio [UN-I-]D, Abba"Waterloo", pops, 1908 ID+@(=?), "Can't never say goodbye", 1911 mx à vendre de la bibine, 1923 instrum mx, dropouts, 1930 ID+@(=?), pops, 1943 Radio LSD(?)+dot-net, "Waterloo", 1951 Radio LSB(?) +gmx.net, 2002 Radio RCD(or RID ?)+@gmx.net, "Can't never say goodbye", 2009 Radio Adaïdi(?)@gmx.net (many times, no spelling, never could catch it OK). [ cf Radio Un-I-D, bitch of a name ! ]
6267,0 1913-1920 WORLD CUP R. ??, good\stanag6264a; "Mendocino", IDs not OK, 'piraat radio by ?? R.' (1933 gone)
6289,0 2011-2048 UNID, e.weak\PLC,f'/in &out; mx, J.Cash ?, D songs. [ many UNID tips on 6289 on next 30 days ]
6880,0 2136-2137 UNID, mx, then tk? but lost
6940 U 2140-2148* UNID, mx, rock. > > > > > > [ cf CLEVER NAME R. (on HFUnder. site) ]
* * * * * SAT. 30 SEP. 2017 * * * * *
6400,45 0645-0820 UNID, fair>v.weak; pop, rock. (1023-1232 trace on 6400,6a) > > > > > > [ cf NOVA % ]
6210,4a 0653-0818 UNID, trace-e.weak; some mx at best times. > > > > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6205,0 0654-0818 LASER HOT HITS, "Jimmy Mack", ID, Maisonettes, 0728 ID, mx, etc
6070,0 0659-0753 R. WAVES INT, good; IDs, mx, 0719 So happy together, ID, It's a heartache, etc
6070,0 0759-0809 UNID, mx, DJ in US-E: ' ...hit music', Beatles"Day tripper" > > > > > > [ cf LASER 558 ]
6085,0 0722-0809 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, 0727 ID, "Walk on the wild side"(cover), mx
6300,1 0731-0819 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak; mx, DJ, 0733 ID
6150,0 0740-0817 R. MARABU %, weak\PLC; 0740 R.Stones ?, mx, mx. (also pop at 1401, opera at 1715)
- - -
6291,5 1025-1046 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.noise; mx, tk, D mx
6284,9 1027-1040 UNID, trace-e.weak; pop, rock. (1047 gone)
6205,0 1030-2245 LASER HOT HITS, 1030 James Brown "Sex machine", mx, 1836 ID+facebook, 2010 Supertramp
5820,0 1031-1040 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; pops > > > > > > > > > > > > [ cf 319 ]
15230,0 1034-1040 UNIVERSE R. ?, weak\PLC,splash15220; mx, 1038 ID not OK, Janis Joplin? (1256-1300 mx, tk)
6085,0 1048-1400 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, // 7310, 1400 welcome, ID, pop
7310,0 1048-1225 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop-rock, IDs, // 6085, 1221 R&B, soul, ID, DJ. (1359 gone)
6259,9 1235-1255 UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops
6324,2V 1240-1650 UNID, e.weak;PLC, shaky,drifting up; pops,DJ, IDs(=?), 1528 blues, 1541 Beatles"Ticket to ride", 1644 "It's only rock'n roll". > > > > > > > > > [ cf UNIVERSE ]
9290,0 1302-1605 UNID, e.weak\v.hard; IDs(=?), 1304 Lion sleeps.., 1308 Judy in disguise [ cf SPACESHUTTLE ]
6295,0- 1318-1413 UNID, e.weak > \PLC; mx, tk in E, IDs(=?), pops, folk, D mx, 1343 Radio - -, - - .nl [ cf DOLFIJN ]
6285,05 1330-1332 UNID, \v.v.hard; some mx heard
6285,0 1337-1358 UNID, trace>e.weak; 1348 transe mx, 1349 80s club
6245,4- 1456-1513* UNID, \noisy,RTTY low side, v.hard; jazz, mx, 1507 gmx.net
6235 a 1501-2057 R. WAVES INT, v.weak; accn, mx from Auvergne, 1505 ID, F song, 1516 C&W, 1637 Julien Clerc, 1713 Independent Music Network in US-E, 1730 F DJ in E, mx, 1808 accn, 2006 F song, 2009 ID, 2026 Auvergne mx
6252,0 1508-1511* UNID, tk and mx, This is ....(no copy), mx, off > > > > > > [ cf TITANIC ]
6300,1 1542-1729 R. MERLIN, mx, ID, pops, 1652 Troggs, rock
6875,1 1610-1613 R. EUROPE, weak\PLC,atmos; 1611 ID+@, tk in it., mx. (1650 gone)
6400,0 1615-1644 UNID, e.weak\Morse,atmos; pop-rock, 1614 Yes hit.
6285,6 1628-1639 UNID, D song, D C&W, D song. (1652 gone). > > > [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6307,0 1639-1706 BALTIC SEA R., USB+pilot; ID, accn, piraten song, etc
6070,0 1724-1732 UNIVERSE R., 1724 blues, 1728 ID, pops
6070,0 1803-1804 UNID, tk in it., then pop
6305,0 1805-1805 UNID, \OTH bursts; mx
6280,25 1806-2025 R. MERLIN INT, weak\fading,noisy; rock, IDs, 1839 "Bad case.., 1910 Black Betty, 1956 fair peak
6267,0 1808-1808 UNID, strong; synthe mx > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [ cf MUSTANG ]
3920,0 1809-1810* UNID, "Ein zwei polizei", end. > > > > > > > > > [ cf MIKE ]
6320,0+ 1811-2105 R. JOEY, various styles, 1832 ID, g's, 1851 D songs, 1950 mx, silent 'bridges'
6286,0- 1834-1850* R. ALTREX, v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1843 ID, bye-bye, "Boys boys boys", Nicoletta"Africa"
6330,0- 1852-1854* UNID, weak\noisy; 80's track, Ça plane pour moi, sudden s/off at 1854'46"
6290,0- 1856-2047 UNID, e.weak; "Kids in America, pop-rock, 1955 Yes hit, etc
6400,0 1902-2150 R. NOVA, \het6401,1; mx, 1904 JID, mx, mx, 2136 \QRM Korea; pops
6255,0 1937-2058 F.R. VICTORIA, (blank at 1900), strong; 1937 ID, mx, 1957 weak; "Amarillo", DJ, Beautiful sunday, Girls girls girls, Rock your baby, etc. (22.47 e.weak; mx)
6367,0 2105-2135* UNID, v.weak; 2107 Wake up Little Susie, Can't buy me love, Oh boy, It takes two, R&B-soul, 2127 It's my party, early 60s, Sloop John B, 2135 break (or QSY to 6267 ?)
6267,0 2152-2205* UNID, e.weak\noisy; (maybe ex-6367?), 60s pops, Itsy bitsy.. bikini, If you want to be happy, 2159 break, 2201 back with mx, 2203 Witch doctor, 2205 ID??, end
6940 U 2252-2317 UNID, mx, IDs(no copy), 2256 Dolly Parton acc. to DJ, 2304 J.Brown"I feel good", 2306 ID??, mx, break, 2310 mx, W voice, mx, rock. > > > > > > [ cf COOL AM Flashback, via CLEVER NAME R. (HFUnd. site) ]
6955 L 2355-2403 UNID, \badly disturbed by noisy ut.; singer (in F). [ HFU site says: UNID with Maurice Chevalier ]
6953,7 2405-2407 UNID, mx, lost
* * * * * SUN. 01 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0703-0745 SUPERCLAN R., duo multi-ID, Kraftwerk"Autobahn", 0714 Put your head on my shoulder
6070,0 0836-0900 GOLDRAUSCH, tk about R.Atlantis, ID, 0859 ID+@, Man of action
6070,0 0912-0918 Radio D.A.R.C., rock(AC-DC), tk in G : Oktober Fest, ID
6205,0 0745-1022 LHH %, weak\noisy>PLC; mx, then mx and tk
6280,25 0746-0748 UNID, v.weak; rock, DJ. (0857 gone) > > > > > > > > > > > > [ cf MERLIN ]
6400,0 0749-0952 R. NOVA, \het,Morse; mx, 0752 ID, Upside down, mx. (1019 trace) [ or maybe 6401,0 ?? ]
6085,0 0756-0918 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, IDs
5820,0 0759-0910 UNID, v.weak\fading; mx, 0834 Simon &Garfunkel, 0909 jingle > > > [ cf 319 ]
7300,0 0801-0802* UNID, v.weak; mx, end
7310,0 0803-0901 SW SERVICE, news in G, rock. > > > (0911 UNID, // 6005)
6939,95 0805-0833 UNID, pops, 0822 G pop, 0833 tk, mx. (0844 gone)
6875,1 0808-0856 UNID, mx, 0813 "Fever"(cover), 0816 Radio - -, mx, etc. > > > [ cf R. EUROPE ]
6860,0 0809-0856 UNID, weak>e.weak; rock, mx, mx. > > > > > > > > >[ cf BANDIDO ]
6150,0 0838,0919 MARABU %, mx, tk in G (cf at 1454)
6289,0 0858,0924 UNID, 0858 e.weak; mx. 0924 faint trace
6260,0 0921-0928 R. CASANOVA, \dropouts; pop, Wir sind die Casanovas, tiki, ID, g's
6396,5 0930-0935 UNID, e.weak\Morse6398,5; mx. (0948 trace)
7310,0 1004-1018 R. MI AMIGO INT, // 6085, mx, 1006 ID
- - -
6205,0 1413-2210 LASER HOT HITS, ID+web, FSN,OEM, mx, 1822 mx, \2nd carrier; 2210 \bad fading;
6289,0 1416-1418 UNID, e.weak\noisy,splash; mx, 1418 \het burst, audio lost; (still a trace at 1945)
6400,0 1425-1452 UNID, e.weak\het,Morse; mx, tk, pop (cf at 1715)
6085,0 1440-1442 R. MI AMIGO INT, "Sail away", ID, mx
6070,0 1442-1452 UNID, \fading; non stop rock
6150,0 1454-1505 R. MARABU, rock, 1500 ID, ann' Ringo Starr, mx, ID, tk in G, mx
6291,9 1506-1532 UNID, \PLC,splash6295; pop, mx, mx, 1527 a few words > > > [ cf PIONEER ]
6280,5 1644-1729 Radio Un-I-D, \2nd carrier; Sunny afternoon, Green grass of home, Troggs, 1656 ID, You're my world
6240,0 1649-1730 R. RONALISA, "Sugar sugar", tk, ID, Tiger feet, 1652 ID+@, 1723 on 6240,1 and back on 6240,0 mx
6305,1 1659-1829 R. MERLIN INT, "Let's dance", 60's pops, IDs, 1714 Tequila, 1825 50's-like and ID
6310,0 1706-1730 BALTIC SEA %, in USB+pilot; v.weak; pops, DJ, 1712 La macarena, 1728 hl (see at 1950)
6320,0 1709-1710 UNID, e.weak; mx, lost
6400,0 1715-2209 R. NOVA, e.v.weak\het at first,Morse; mx, 1846 ID(=?), 1939 Rosanna, 2023 ID, 2100 JID, 2203 \v.bad;
5820,0 1726-1732 UNID, pops. (1821 gone)
6375,0- 1830-1841* UNID, v.weak\PLC,noisy; ID(? above mx), 1836 ann' Bowie, Radio - -, Space oddity, 1840 ID(=?)
6323 a 1936-1936* UNID, mx and s/off
6310,0 1950-2012 BALTIC SEA R., USB+pilot; mx and IDs in various languages, 1950 accn, 1956 gipsy jazz, 2007 Sukiyaki, 2010 Birdie song, signal f'/out
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
LOGS : 25 SEP - 01 OCT 2017
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France