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LOGS : 11 - 17 SEP 2017

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 14:12 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Part of my weekend logs were made 'portable', in a place not far from home and not better, only with a Sony and a wire.

6160 : the new SW station is using a lot of formulas instead of a true name, so I will name it "TEST 6160"
5820 : many relays of Caroline North, probably via R. 319
6205 - 6210 : dubious IDs there almost eveyday
6925 to 6940 : beginning of good season for TA propagation

* * * * * MON. 11 SEP. 2017 * * * * *

5820,0 1626-2110 R. CAROLINE, mx, DJ, ment' Ross Revenge, 1855 ship Mi Amigo.., etc

6205,0 1659-2113 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1820 Message in a bottle, 1823 ID, 2003 "Tell me why", etc

6235,0 1825-1913* MIKE R., good>strong; pop-rock, also D mx, IDs, 1908 c'/d, JM.Jarre bg

6400,2a 1829-2125 UNID, LSB better; pops, 1843 "Silence is golden", 2120 "Groovy kind of love", lost under N.Korea

6300,0 1916-1943 UNID, trace +peaks; some mx at best times, 1940 maybe testing USB and LSB ?

6285,0 1954-2041* LITTLE FEAT R., rock, IDs, R.Stones, R&B, Bonsoir à nos auditeurs en France, 2017 La bamba, 2022 France Gall "Poupée de cire", 2030 Bonsoir.., 2039 "Caroline", c'/d, off at 2041'50"

3920,0 2055-2107 UNID, very very hard, only a few seconds of mx heard

* * * * * TUES. 12 SEP. 2017 * * * * *

6290,0 1608-1611 UNID, mx, "All by myself", rap (1622 gone)

3985,0 1704-1725 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, DJ, 1712 ID

6393 a 1816-2141 UNID, \bad wobbling at first; mx, 2127 somewhat better, 2137 H.California [ cf NOVA % ]

6281,95 1831-1838* UNID, v.weak; D mx, 1836 ID(=?), ...shortwave radio@... > > >[ cf PANDA ]

6205,0 1841-2206 FREE R. NETWORK, e.weak\noisy; pop-rock, tk, 1926 "Wake me up before you go go", 1940 ID, 1953 ann' S.Quatro, 2020 crowd in studio, 2036 This is weekend(?).., 2045 ID

6210,0 1843,1854 UNID, 1843 mx under noise, 1854 v.weak\noisy; mx, tkabove every now and then [ cf RONALISA % ]

5820,0 1901-2006 R. (via UNID), mx, tk, 1910 ..SW in Europe.., 1933 ID+web, ads, 2005 Supertramp

6300,0 1914-1944 UNID, trace \under PLC; (so not heard, but LHU heard it)

6290,0 1941-1943 UNID, (blank at 1919-1928), R&R medley (ending with "Roll over Beethoven") (1948 gone)

6212,0 1955-2016 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, 2007 Georgie girl, 2010 Sugar baby love, 2014 ..AM..6-2-1-2.. (2021 gone)

6280,5 2046-2126 UNID, occ. deep fades; D songs, accn, yodl, 2059 tk, more D mx

* * * * * WED. 13 SEP. 2017 * * * * *

5820,0 1704-2024 R. CAROLINE online and DAB, fair \fading,noisy; pops, 1712 ID, pops, 1828 "Cocaine"

6205,0 1706-2341 UNID, \bad PLC; mx, tk, 1958 Abba"Waterloo", 2021 M+W long tk, 2205 "Do you love me",, "Wake me up before you go go", 2211 Beach Boys"Barbara-Ann", "Tell me ..", etc

6290,55 1707-1823 R. GOOFY, e.weak > trace; mx, 1708 ID

6070,0 1824-1827 IBC %, good-strong; it. pops,tk in it.

6234,7 2000-2037 R. RAINBOW INT, strong; Harlem shuffle, 2002 DJ, ID, also Peace stn, Happy E.U., more R.Stones, 2014 correct time, ID+@, "Ça plane pour moi", pops, 2037 weak; Do wah diddy
6234,8 2053-2201* R. RAINBOW INT, v.-e.weak\PLC; Beatles "Help", 2100 ID, 2104 Paint it black, etc... R.Stones

* * * * * THURS. 14 SEP. 2017 * * * * *

6070,0 0918-0933 JAMMIN OLDIES, pops, tk in G, ID copied as 'German oldies'

6150,0 0933,1637 R. MARABU, 0933 weak; mx. 1637 good-fair, mx, 1639 ID

6260,0 1642-1642 trace, maybe with audio. [ cf Unid heard by LHU later ]

6290,55 1647-1857 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak\noisy; mx, JID, tk, 1843 tk in E, later \traffic,Bad PLC;

5820,1 1654-1945 R. CAROLINE NORTH (via UNID), mx, ..from the Ross Revenge on DAB.., 1901 mailbox

6160,0 1917-1945 TEST 6160, good\fading; ID, test trn, 6160radio@shortwaveradio (.de), TomTom Club, etc

6964,7 1952-2234 UNID, e.weak\OTH bursts; mx, tk at times, f'/down. (2248,2256 : trace)

6295,4 2021-2047 WILD WEST FM, \better in LSB; C&W, 2023 ID @gmx, SSTV, >OTH bursts; , 2032 "King of the road" (guessed), 2045 "Big bad Jones", 2046 ID+contacts

6940 U 2152-2208 UNID, e.weak; mx, 2158 ID(=?) by W voice, Hendrix, etc..., 2207 rap. [ cf CLEVER NAME R. ]

6925 U 2209-2244 UNID, e.weak; only Beatles songs.

6940 U 2235-2254 UNID, e.weak at best; mx, mx (also 2339-2344)

* * * * * FRI. 15 SEP. 2017 * * * * *

6160,0 1015-1031 TEST 6160, e.weak\PLC,noisy low sideband; mx, 1019 ID ??

6150,0 1020-1027 MARABU %, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk in G (also in E?), mx

6085,0 1029-1031 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\noisy; mx, ID+contact+shop

- - - now portable, Sony, + - 2 kHz :
5820 1644-1645 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx. (1717 gone)

6230 1712-1721 R. CASANOVA INT, good-strong; D mx, IDs above, mx
6235 1725-1725 R. CASANOVA INT, mx, ID

6210 1714-1734 UNID, trace at first, 1734 v.weak; mx (80s synthe mx), then f'/out

6266 1716-1720 trace

3985 1719-1733 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, IDs, ad for SW Services, pops

* * * * * SAT. 16 SEP. 2017 * * * * * portable, Sony, + - 2 kHz :

6070 0808-0840 MV BALTIC R., pops, 0819 "Eloise", ID in F, 1€ for QSL-card, 0834 ID in E, H.Rising Sun (reprise), 0839 infos available via EMR, promo English For Kids Foundation, pop.

6210 0841-0851 UNID, e.weak-trace \loc.noise; mx, tk (in E?), 0851 mx, c'/d

6260 0846-1041 UNID, trace, audio under noise

6300 0848-1415 trace (better heard on Sun 17)

6085 1020-1022 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, DJ in G, ID, promo P.Vandam. (//7310, 7310 about 1 min late)

6070 1022-1025 UNID, tk, clip from offshore Radio Merkur

5820 1025-1039 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk > > > > > > > > > [ cf R. 319 ]

6235 1413,1425 UNID, trace, tk > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [ cf RWI ]

6380 1416-1425 UNID, D mx, accn, accn. (1435 gone)

6150 1427-1457 UNID, LASER 558(?), in E, R&R, DJ in E, rock, 1451 ID as - -55- International (+contacts?)

5820 1442-1446 R. CAROLINE, v.weak\noisy; Sweet home Alabama, DJ, ID, ding !, jingle, mx [ cf : via 319 ]

6235 2008-2015 UNID, f'up & doxn; mx > > > > > > [ cf RWI, but sooner ]

3905 2015-2109 UNID, strong; instrum"Satisfaction", ID??, rock, DJ in E, 2046 D? pops, 2049 TV theme, 2053 "Take her home", accn, 2056 now v.weak, mx. > > > > > > > > >[ cf ALICE ]

3915 2042-2050 UNID, weak; mx

3935 2043-2055 UNID, good-strong; mx, 2052 "Tainted love". > > > > > > [ cf UNDERGROUND ]

* * * * * SUN. 17 SEP. 2017 * * * * * portable, Sony, + - 2 kHz :

6070 0811-0859* RNI-GOLDRAUSCH, pops, tk in G, RNI jingle, 0858 c'/d, ID in G, Golrausch e-mail
6070 *0859,0906 Radio D.A.R.C., s/on, 0906 ID+web site

6400 0816-0852 UNID, v.weak\noisy,Morse; mx, mx. (0919 trace)

6875 0822-0826 UNID, pops, 0824 ID in E as "Radio - - ". (0844 trace) > > > [ cf EUROPE ]

6240 0831-0833 CASANOVA %, pop: "Beautiful thing", then QSY to 6235
6240 0833-0857 trace > > > > > > > > > > > > [ cf GOOFY ]
6235 0835-0836 CASANOVA %, was on 6240, some D song, 0836 pop (0838 gone)

6150 0839-0905 MARABU %, mx, 0903 good; singer in G.

6085 0840-0906 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, DJ in D, 0900 welcome ID, 0905 Doors"Hello I love you"

5820 0845-0908 UNID, pop-rock, DJ in D (triumphal bg), pops, 0908 "Shame shame shame" > > > [ cf R. 319 ]

6250 0848-0910 R. CASANOVA INT, good-strong; Casanovas song, tk, ID, 0856 In the summertime,0858 JID, mx

6300 0911-0918 UNID, good\noisy; blues, rockabilly "Too much for the business", blues... [ cf UNID ]

- - - back home, kHz better than 0,05 but rounded - - -
6205,0 1620-2001 LASER HOT HITS, pops, 1641 ID, happy birtday to..., pops2001 news, ID, mx

6289,0 1627-2000 UNID, trace, 1905-1911 e.weak\v.hard; mx, later only trace again

6308,0 1628-1659 UNID, pops, tchac-boom, , 1657 "Japanese boys", (1710 trace 6307,9)

6315,3 1633-1732 R. GOOFY, 1633 oriental mx, 1638 ID, mx, 1710 ID

6737,0 1702-1708 BBR, good; 1950's songs, often parts only, 1707 known voice, fancy ID, mx [ cf HARDANGER ]

6284,5 1711-1731* R. UNDERGROUND, tk, 1713 ID+@, mx, g's, 1717 J.Lewie"Kitchen at the parties"+IDs above, etc

6235,05 *1722-1729 UNID, blank till 1723'40, KISS hit, more mx. (1744 gone). > > > [ cf MIKE R. ]

6260,2 1730-1934 UNID, trace or blank most of the time, 1851 bit of mx, blank, off/on, blank

6479,9a 1733-1923* UNID, v.>e.weak \ut.noise; 1734 mx, 1737 D v. of "Etoile des neiges", 1741 D song, tk above, ID(=?), mx, mx, 1847 D waltz, D mx, 1921 mx, " - - Radio", blank, end

6400 a 1749-1952 R. CAROLINE NORTH (via ?), \slow Morse, 2nd carrier; pops, maybe on 6400,15a with LSB and pilot tone, 1941 IDs, long tk, 1945 audio clip, story, 1949 Fortunes"Caroline", etc

6307,0 1756-1801 BALTIC SEA R., in USB+pilot, song, 1757 ID, 'piraten' song, seagull-ID, "Z.Athletico" song

6281,95 1853-1903* PANDA(?) R., e.weak; 1853 ID not OK(weak voice), 'test trn', mx, Koto? undermod, pops, 1900 ID not better, , mx, 1903 a few words and off

6940 U 2139-2150 UNID, mx, instrum mx, alt. rock, 2148 Beatles "Good love from me to you"

6925,0 2144-2215 UNID, trace only, 2211 now mx just under noise level. (still a carrier around 2500 \noisy, Brasil QRM)

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
