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LOGS : 07 - 13 AUG 2017

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 20:27 pm
by Ray Lalleu
The SW pirates awoke from summer to 50th anniversary of MOA.
- R. Mi Amigo Int relayed by R. 319 ?
- polka on R. Polkawelle and yodl on R. Heidi
- BSR almost everyday, also '1000 names' BBR
- also lots of Unid's, but that's usual.

* * * * * MON. 07 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6150,0 0625-0648 R. MARABU, various mx styles, 0638 ID. (Also 1638-1644, fair, mx, 'non-stop Marabu'+web, mx)

6070,0 0634-0648 CH.292 %, pops, 0645 Days of Pearly Spencer. (Also 1703-1708, "Hey Carrie-Ann")

5800,0 1646-1844 R. 3-1-9 ?, weak`noisy; pop,rock, trance..., 1653 ID(not OK), 1834 instrum versions of pops

6204,95 1655-2136 COAST FM, v.weak; 1656 ID, pops, 2022 'This is the new Coast FM'

6085,0 1641-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good; 1643 JID, On the border, 1901 Love potion #9. (Then 3985 in blank...)

6220,0 1709-2136 LASER HOT HITS, pops, 'Laser', tk about Laser 558, 1855 'on LASER DANCE', etc

6290,1 1845-1850 UNID, e.weak; accn, 1847 tk (in D ?), 1850 lost

3920,0 2027-2315 R. POWERLINER INT, reader problem?, pops, 2100 Nena, 2105 IDs, g's, 2134 On the border

6235,0 2110-2114 BALTIC SEA R., in AM-USB, "Jungle rock", rockabilly, 2114 ID, Born to be wild

6268,0 2317-2324 BBR, ID as R. JOHNNY TOBACCO, C&W, "Que sera sera"

* * * * * TUES. 08 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6205,0 1010-1021 COAST FM, pops, tk, 1021 ID, mx. (Also 1530-2246, \atmos; mx, 1823 tk, ID, 2108 \Morse6204;)

6150,0 1630-1727 R. MARABU, mx, 1632 ID+@. (1814 gone)

6220,0 1925-2012 LASER HOT HITS, (after blank), \atmos; 1925 FSN,OEM, ID, mx, 2012 ID, \2nd carrier; (2110 blank)

3985,0 1815-1820 UNID, mx, tk in G by W and M (not Mi Amigo)

6070,0 1820-1822 UNID, "Rock the casbah", mx

3920,1 1931-1950* UNID, e.weak \atmos; non stop mx, small QSY > > > > > > > > > [ cf EDMR ]
3920,0 1950-2106 UNID, e.weak \atmos, some QRM?; mx, maybe a medley, 2005 blank (tk?), mx, etc... (2118 gone)

6232,0 2111-2112* UNID, in AM-USB; mx (oriental?), end

6940 U 2249-2337 CLEVER NAME R., alt. mx, 2252 fancy ID?, 2304 now regular IDs, 2310 R.Stones, 2327 Beatles

* * * * * WED. 09 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6205,0 1442-1850 COAST FM, e.weak\loc. noise > v.weak; mx, 1834 ID. (1953,2011,2137 : blank)

6240,0 1810-1827 R. CASANOVA, fair\atmos; D mx, 1822 ID+@, g's. (1835 gone)

6854,6 1816-1821 UNID, \much noise, atmos; only peaks with mx, f'/out. (1839 and later: blank)

5800,0 1827-2012 MANX R. / R. CAROLINE N., pops, tk, IDs, 1905 S.Francisco, offshore tk, ment' 648 kHz

6285,8 1841-1858 Z. AKENZO, v.weak\muffled, much atmos; tk, mx, 1847 at last good ID, strass mx

6245,4 1852-2011 R. POLKAWELLE, \F fishers at first, atmos; D songs, accn, 1919 ID(=?), 1922 \QRM, 1935 \het6246,9; 1941 SSTV x2, more IDs(\hard; no copy), more D mx, 1957 at last an almost OK ID, D mx

6235,0 1923-1956 MIKE R., good; pop, rock, 1933 ID, Smoke on the water, 1954 JM.Jarre, bye-bye ID, g's, accn

6220,0 1926-2213 LASER HOT HITS, after long blank; mx, 1927 ment' Gary Drew, Laser Int'l, 2213 R.London jingle

6246,9 1935-1946 UNID, good peak \QRM Polkawelle; Dutch C&W, D song, 1946 fair; sirtaki (1956 gone) [cf MAZDA ]

6285,0 1947-2133* Z. AKENZO, good-strong; rock, D songs, 2024 tk, ID, 2026 Knock on wood, etc, 2130 c'/d IDs

6305,0 1949-1952 UNID, "Africa", 1952 W voice, ...punkt com, "Blueberry hill". (2002 gone)

6254,85 1959-2042* R. MAZDA, pop-rock, Man of action, D songs, g's:Borderhunter from Russia, 2035 ID+@

6268,0 2016-2039 BBR %, var. accn mx, C&W, blanks, 2039 rockabilly. (2043 gone)

6228,0 2040-2049* BSR %, in AM-USB \very noisy; latino mx, messing, 2047 R&R

6305,0 2044-2057* UNID, \ut.bursts; R&B, R&R, 2052 "3 steps to heaven", 2054 ..tnx.., R&R, end [ cf TRX ]

6230 U 2058-2106 UNID, strictly USB(hard to clarify), mx, 2100 seagulls(+@?), 2104 messing, lost [ cf BSR 6229,5 ]

6229,5 U 2134-2136* BALTIC SEA R., easy USB; "Paloma blanca" by W, seagull, ID+@, end.

* * * * * THURS. 10 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6220,0 1429-2225 LASER HOT HITS, \v.noisy; 1436 "Angie", 1442 \swamped;, 1703 e.weak; 1809 good; ID, mx, then mx and IDs, 2111 ID by Gary Drew, said 98FM on south of England (but it's a repeat from 6th Aug.)

6070,0 1433-1702 JAMMING OLDIES, 1433 DJ in E, mx, pops, 1655 ID (sounds 'German'), Soul man, 1702 ID

6268,0 1704-2041 ODYNN ??, e.weak; 1704 tk, then non-stop mx,1818 Bzn, 1826 quite unsure ID, \deep fades; 1910 \atmos,bit of drift,deep fades; 1913 J.Cash"Ring of fire", 1920 tk(in D?), mx, etc. (2054 gone)

5800,0 1711-1946 R. 3-1-9 ? - R. MI AMIGO INT, 1711 "Les bals populaires", break, 1721 Maisonettes, pop-rock, 1853 '3-1-9' (not OK), "Sweet Caroline", 1940,1945 IDs as R. Mi Amigo Int'l (on 6-Oh-8-5 kHz)

6280,0 1947-2002* BBR %, good; accn version of "Comment ça va", well studied programme, 1959 part of blues, D song

6240,0 2041-2053* PANDA R., weak\atmos; Monkees?, g's, ID, tnx, 2051 'Way of life', promo AM forummx, ID+@

* * * * * FRI. 11 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6085,0 1700-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, "The day the music died", pips, ID, welcome, Paul Graham; Greatest Memories

3985,0 1701-1717 R. MI AMIGO INT, // 6085 but 30" late, weak; ID, tk, mx

4030a 1710-1711* UNID, mx in USB, could not clarify it before s/off

5800,0 1713-2005 R. MI AMIGO INT (via R. 319 %, not //), pops, IDs, DJ, 1950 Beatles "Good day sunshine" (2031 gone)

6220,0 1718-2126 LASER HOT HITS, weak; "Jolene", 1720 ID, 1839 Mungo J., 2029 FSN

6240,0 1721-1724 R. CASANOVA, Down on the corner, Non rien n'a changé, tk and ID+@ above pop

6318,6 1655-1824 UNID, trace > e.weak; 1657 tk, 1810 mx, 1819 \het then RTTY6318,9; 1842 gone or lost
6318,6 1932-1948 UNID, e.weak \noise,atmos,splash; mx, tk, mx... 1948 lost > > > [ cf GOOFY ]

6285,0 *1850-2000* UNID, good; R&R medley (In the mood, Rock around the clock...) without beatbox(tnx!), 1901 blank, 1903 Shadows and alike, 1931 long blank, 1937 R&R, 2 words, Shaking all over, tk in E, R&R parts, 1956 NL song?

6240,0 1907-2028 PIRATE R. BOSTON (via UNID), e.weak; mx, regular IDs (+tk)

6229,5 U 1917-1927 BALTIC SEA R., v.weak\noisy; mx, crooner, 1921 ID, retro accn, 1924 ID, retro song (1944 gone)

6850,0 2007-2035* U-BOAT ?, e.weak\noisy,atmos,v.hard > fair\atmos; tk, mx, ID(=?)+gmail, asdisc sound

6315 U 2101-2125 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; Scatman, few words, pop-rock (not BSR). > > > [ cf OLEG ]

* * * * * SAT. 12 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

5085,0 0218-0228 WCWW / WTWW, \fading; pop-rock, IDs, 0223 promo for SW Rx, "It's so easy to fall in love"

6070,0 0735-0740 RWI %, \het 6069; C&W show. (0800-0811 UNID with "Grocer jack" and more pops)

6220,0 0812-0825 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx

6280,25 0812-0830 MERLIN (ID from friend) \CW,noise,deep fades; bagpipe mx, pops, 'free radio on SW', 0826 FR skit

6220,0 1040-1444 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; pops, tk, 1040 "Day tripper", 1315 trace; 1443 ID

6085,0 1044-1449 R. MI AMIGO INT, \noisy,beatings; pops, 1300 pips, ID, 1303 "Don't worry be happy"

6070,0 1045-1048 LASER 558, good\noisy, so-so audio; mx, 1048 ID

6070,0 1243-1300* ISLE OF MUSIC, weak\noisy; Lat-Am mx, 1252 ID+gmail, tk in E+sp., c'/d, end

5955,0 1247-1450 HITMIX, good\deep fading; 1248 ID+@, schlager, tk in G, D songs (going v.hard to hear)

6070,0 *1300-1351 IBC, tk in it with 'IBC' spelled in E, headlines, JID, DX-Italia for hams, later SW bc tips

6199,9 1310-1355 UNID, \BCL; endless beatbox mx. (1425 gone) > > > [ cf TECH. MAN ]

6204,95 1312-1448 UNID, e.weak\PLC,deep fades; mx, tk. > > > [ see below : COAST FM ]

7310,0 1324-1331 R. MI AMIGO INT, good\loc.noise; mx, 1327 JID, Porque te vas, //6085, 1330 Peter Vandam

5840,0 1336-1455* UNID, e.weak\v.noisy,PLC,deep fades; pops, 1453 jingle, "Tell me why"(?title), QSY
5890,0 1455-1458* UNID, ex-5840, same record going on, end without announcement

6150,0 1353-1449 MARABU %, v.weak\noisy,PLC, deep fade; mx

9400,0 *1500-1514 MIGHTY KBC, good; 1500 ..Juke-Box.. "Black night", 1505 JID, Eric van Willegen, ID, Dr Feelgood

6220,0 1920-2315 UNID, weak\noisy, het 6222; Madness, tk, said 6-2-2-zero kHz, mx, 2125 M+W duo tk. [ cf LHH ]

6235,4 1925-1927 UNID, \QRM; mx, ... Int'l, 1927 .. from the N. of NL .., \het 6235,0; (1933 gone). [ cf BORDERTIM ]
6235 U 1926-2132 BALTIC SEA R., in USB+pilot tone, \het 6235,4 at first; instrum Birdie song, 1932 ID+@, etc...

6245,4 1933-2044 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; 1934 ID??, yodl, ment ' Borderhunter?, mx, tk in E, 2001 duo tk in E, 2003 ID+@ (no copy), 2034 Get it on, 2037 g's \v.noisy, v.hard; 2040 > > > > > >[ cf BORDERTIM ]

6268,0 1947-2250 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC,atmos; mx, rock, pop, b.b., 2116 What is love, etc

6212,8 1957-2126 TECH. MAN, ID, g's, mx, polka, 2030 ID, g's in D for Casanova, hl in D, ID, mx...

6204,95 1958-2311 COAST FM, IDs and ad, mx, 2103 "Help" reprise, pops

6283,0 2008-2011 BBR %, good-strong; Peter Sarsted hit, 2009 cut, long blank > > > [ cf ABU DHABI ]

6290,0 2011-2059 QUADZILLA R. \QRM from 6285; mx, pop-rock, 2025 tk, IDs, 2046 "Don't come easy", 2059 Tequila

6285,0 2018-2027 UNID, very strong; Get it on, Driver's seat, 2026 blank, some chinese mx. > > > [ cf ABU DHABI ]

6950,0 2048-2058 UNID, fair\noisy; pops, 2051 ID+hotmail (R. monique??) (2114 gone). [ cf VOYAGER ]

6285,0 2245-2250 BBR, good; Jacques Brel"Ne me quitte pas", D song, ID as ABU DHABI, hello Chris Smolinsky

6305,0 2246-2333 UNID, good; Save your kisses for me, 2301 el.guitar, 2307 D mx, 2321 Sweet silver Annie, D mx

6322,0 2255-2356* NMD, rock, ID as NOVEMBER-MIKE-DELTA, 2305 "Let it roll baby roll", 2316 Mustang Sally", Take her home, f'/down, 2340 Dylan"I want you", 2352 so-so audio now, tnx, Booker T, ID+@, c'/d

6290,0 2302-2405 BBR, good; C&W, mx, D song, 2344 Dock of the bay(part), S.Blue, H.RisingSun, 2356 N.Sinatra"These boots..", DJ above, ID as R. ABU DHABI, g's, mx...

* * * * * SUN. 13 AUG. 2017 * * * * *

6205,0 0657-0932 COAST FM, v.weak\deep fades; pops, 0759 jingle(=?), \QRM6200; 0819 ID. (also 1244 ID, 1405 mx)

6220,0 0658-0932 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; mx, 0753 ID, 0820 psiou, ID. (also 1244, 1302, 1405 mx)

5840,0 0659-0940 R. 3-1-9, fair > v.weak\deep fades; 0702 ID, JID, pop-rock, 0938 tk:Caroline N. (also 1224 mx)

6070,0 0740-0759 SUPERCLAN R., pops, DJ in E about Stevie Wonder, 0757 ID, c'/d, '60 years offshore bc'
6070,0 0801-0859 GOLDRAUSCH, Jefferson A.,, tk in G, ID, The Who, 0835 Santana, 0855 Hendrix (0900 DARC)

6085,0 0744-0933 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop, rock, IDs (also 1238-1242, pops, ID, 1403)

6150,0 0746-0933 R. MARABU, \fading,PLC; rock, mx, 0815 'Marabu non-stop', etc

6200,0 0759-0932 TECH. MAN, strong > fair; mx, electro, 0816 ID (Koto background), 0824 hl, g's Titanic?

6240,0 0858-0916 R. CASANOVA, mx, tk, 0911 g's to TechMan, ID above "Guantanamera" (0932 gone)

7310,0 1242-1243 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1 minute behind 6085, 1243 ID, mx

6070,0 1228-1600* UNID, offshore nostalgia(Atlanta, Caroilne N and S, King..) and oldies from Atlantic

9400,0 1530-1542 ISLAND OF MUSIC, mx from Cuba, duo DJ in sp. and E, ID+@, mailbox in E, etc

6220,0 1543-2225 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; mx, tk, IDs, 2225 "Bette Davis eyes"

6210,0 1544-1723 UNID, weak>v.weak\PLC; rock, mx, 1633 This is..., Born to be alive, pops, 1722 '... SW'

6875,1 1552-1600 UNID, mx, jingle, funky, mx (1615 gone)

6910,05 1605-1626 UNID, mx, duo tk in it. (QSO or phone?), deep fade, trace, 1626 'ola ola'

6950,0 1607-1617* UNID, instrum, jazz singer, 1616 Radio(Bolletin?)@hotmail (by W voice)

6070,0 *1700-1715 R. OHNE NAMEN (via CH.292), ID+various e-mail addresses, tk in G above patchwork, old G jazz

6205,0 1715-1722 UNID, e.weak; mx, summer pop, deep fade

6240,0 1724-2132 CWR, e.weak\v.hard; mx and tk, 1836, 1839 Spirit in the sky, 1846 ID, mx and tk, etc

6268,05 1725-2106 UNID, e.weak-trace, b.b. mx, 2030 M+W duo tk, 2103 www.. (in D or G), Supercoast ??

6320,0 1825-1928* UNID, bit of tk above techno, '6-3-2-zero', etc, D~ song, Elvis?, 1902 c'/d, D mx, rock. [ cf JOEY ]

6314,9 1833-1952 UNID, e.weak\splash; mx, occ. IDs??, 1928 .. bye-bye .. > > >[ cf GOOFY ]

6279,95v 1834-2107 UNID, tk in E, Baby please don't go, 1850 Kinks, offshore memories(1966), etc, drift to 6279,85

6287,0 1856-2035 UNID, v.strong; pops, Monkees, Equals, 1953 180 bpm, 2034 in USB, Cheek to cheek [cf MUSTANG ]

6256,2 1915-1945 UNID, mx, '', strange mx, Koto, 1942 synthe (JM.Jarre?)

6209,8 1921-2131 TECH. MAN, good-strong; electro, G songs, Falling in love with you, 2027 ID+hl in D, ID, mx

6325,2 1923-1934 UNID, D songs, Jacques Dutronc"Il est 5h..", etc (1950 gone)

6305,0 1932-2140 AKENZO or JOEY, W singer in G, then pops, 2107 g's in E (known voice). > > > [ cf JOEY ]

6290 a 1937,2014 UNID, distorted music, maybe in USB ? (not clarified)

6235,25v 1946-2030 BLACK PANTHER, D songs, 1946 'allo,allo', 2006 ID above D song, 2029 ID, on 6235,15 now

6242,0 1956-2001 UNID, \v.hard to hear; mx, tk (in D?), 2000 Radio (Kai - ??), mx. (2011 gone)

6310,0 2018-2051 BALTIC SEA R., in USB+pilot; gipsy jazz, 2020 ID, mx from IRL?, mx, 2051 ID (end?)

6369,3 2022-2040 UNID, \traffic6367,5U in F; yodl, mx, mx. (2052 gone) > > > > > > [ cf R. HEIDI ]

3920,0 2042-2232 UNID, pops, 2049 polka, 2123 "Hush", 2128 crooner, 2229" at the parties". [cf POWERLINER]

6377,0 2218-2244 BBR, 2219 ID as R. ABU DHABI, mx, blank, accn+ W singer, 2232 yodl, 2243 C&W yodl, C&W train

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
