LOGS 03 - 09 APR. 2017
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 21:56 pm
A rather quiet week before the Easter rush. Still not IDing KING SW, can't even find a positive clue (weak signal, low modulation, some drifting, unknown music with nothing typical, no talk, no jingles, no IDs : just a stealth transmission). I'm luckier at IDing Black Bandit Radio - the station with 1000 names - with positive clues. BTW, on 6210 there are sometimes other stations, the last one playing archives from offshore Laser 558, and maybe using that name or another name, we still don't know.
Dubious ID this week :
- on Fri. 6290, at the end it was R.319,but sooner, the ID as RONNIE or RONALISA has no clues
* * * * * MON. 03 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0550-0554 UNID, weak; Beach Boys songs, but only 1 min. parts
6070,0 0805-0816 R. NORTHSEA INT, "Haha said the clown", rock, more pops, 0815 ID by DJ
6150,0 0810,1552 R. MARABU %, 0810 weak\noisy; mx. 1552 v.weak\noisy; mx
6070,0 1559-1623 R. NORDSEE INT, (after DARC), from offshore days, pops, IDs (Zurich POB)
6220,0 1605-1832 LHH %, v.>e.weak; mx, tk, 1618 psiou ! (so-called laser), 1809 killed by stanag; QSY
4029,0 1613-2315 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak, hard to cancel loc.noise; mx, tk, 1829 and later: IDs too, 2314 FSN
6210,0 2024-2116 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; weak\PLC; expelled from 6220 by stanag; mx, tk, IDs
3905,0 2035-2045 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, quiet songs, lost
6205,05 2056-2100 UNID, \bad PLC, QRM6210; mx, 2059 Don't go breaking my heart. (2102 gone)
* * * * * TUES. 04 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6285,0 1441-1522 R. PYTHON, v.weak\noisy >weak; pops, 1446 live ID, SW snake, bye-bye, goes on, 1521 \bad PLC;
6210,0 1609-2102 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; mx, tk, 1621 T.Turner, 1624 IDs '6220', etc, 1852 'Energy a new LHH'
6300,1 1731-1818 R. MERLIN, pops, 1732 ID+@, 1815 IDs (above 'Major Tom'). (1848 gone)
5820,0 1819-2017 R. 3-1-9, weak-fair; pop-rock, short IDs, 1842 F song, 2013 E.Mitchell"La dernière séance" (2055 gone)
4029,0 1829-2108 LASER HOT HITS, \loc.noise, later traffic4025u; mx, tk, 1838 ID, 2026 FSN, OEM
3905,0 2035-2040* UNID, v.weak\loc.noise(cancelled),atmos; pop, disco, sudden s/off
* * * * * WED. 05 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 1300, 1504 R. MARABU, weak \1303 bad PLC; 1304 ID, mx
6210,0 1645-2043 LASER HOT HITS, "Call me", reggae, pops, 1752 tk, 'Laser', 2046 full ID
6290,0 1646-1659 UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx, 1648 deep fade, 1656 Sweet Caroline [ cf RONALISA ]
6285,0a 1754-1814 UNID, strong peak > fair-good; mx, tk in E, g's(SluweV., Oleg...), 1810 c'/d. [ cf PYTHON ]
6070,0 1755-1822 IBC, good-strong; DX tips in it., pops and DJ in it., 1821 ID, etc
6070,0 1907-1908 UNID, "Semi-detached suburban", ad in E for Toshiba car radios
3985,0 1756-1802* R. MI AMIGO INT, "Bend me shape me", DJ about Amen Corner, ID, ID+@ (then SW Sce, Slovakia)
5820,0 1823-1948 R.3-1-9, weak>fair \PLC; My sweet lord, JID '3-3-1-1-9', etc, pops. (2021 gone)
6320,0 1827-1835 UNID, e.weak +peak \PLC,atmos; School's out, in a loop ?
6260,0 1841-2020 UNID, trace, e.weak peak at 2018 with mx
6285,05 1843-1956* LITTLE FEAT R., fair-good; pops, many IDs, 1938 tk, Blue bayou, 1945 g's, "Denis", 1952 Crunchy granola, 1954 g's in F for France, 1955 motor JID, c'/d
6375,0 1852-1933 R. ONE-ZERO-TWO, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, 1857 ID in E, mx, 1932 mx, ID?, lost or end.
4029,0 1920-2040 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise hard to cancel; mx, tk, 2026 ID+url, etc
6300,4v 1935-1938 UNID, V from 6300,8, D mx, lost
6301,0 1956-2038 R. ONE-ZERO-TWO, \strong traffic then noisy,PLC; mx, 2006 ID, pops, 2022 \OTH bursts; instrum mx
* * * * * THURS. 06 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 1135-1150 'GERMAN' OLDIES, mx, S.Wonder"Superstitious", tk in G, ID, tk in E
6085,0 1150-1205 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\v.weak; mx, twist, Free electric band, ID, 'welcome', "My girl", etc
6150,0 1205-1220 Marabu %, trace + peaks; tk,mx
6150,0 1530-1600* R. MARABU, pops with DJ Peter Anthony in E, 1537 "Mrs Robinson", 1554 ID, tk in G, mx
6210,0 1600-2058 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, tk, 1610 chart numbers 40-50, 2027 'chat room', 2057 news, M.Andrews
4029,0 1621-2032 LASER HOT HITS, e.-v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, IDs(2022 Cities of Europe), 2032 \Morse4030;
6260,0 1642-1745 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC,traffic6260u; non stop pops
6265,0 1735-1738 R. CASANOVA, D/G song, tk, ID above, ID+@. (1742 gone)
6300,0 1739-1748 UNID, e.weak (already trace at 1612-1618); mx
5819,0 2033-2056* R. 3-1-9, mx, full IDs and JIDs
* * * * * FRI. 07 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6207,1 1554-1730 UNID, trace under bad PLC; mx. - - - - - - [ cf GOOFY ]
6220,0 1555-2027 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; 1555 ID, 1559 Living by numbers, mx, tk, 1714 time pips, etc...
6085,0 1601-1607 R. MI AMIGO INT, "Rock your baby", DJ in E, ID, mx. (1700 gone)
6300,0 1610-1730 UNID, trace\PLC, 1649 a peak with some mx
6325,0 1615-1659 BBR %, Baker street, No milk today, songs (often cut), 1659 C&W. (1720 gone)
6264,9 1618-1622 UNID, trace-e.weak.
6290,0a 1652-1735 UNID, e.-v.weak; Sugar baby love, D songs, Blue monday, Don't bring me down, Born to be alive [cf RONNIE - RONALISA ?? ]
6290,0a 1818-1928 UNID, up to weak; mx, 1839 jingle'Caroline', 1845 CCR, 1853 "Hot stuff", 1922 Dancing in the street
6290,0a 1951-2027 R. 3-1-9, occ.QRM6285; mx, 2001 R.Stones"Harlem shuffle", 2003 'R. Caroline 3-1-9', '3-1-9', 2020 f'/down
3985,0 *1701-1709 R. MI AMIGO INT, 'SW Service, 19 uhr', MI AMIGO welcpmepops, tk, 1706 schedule, ID, '19-66'
4029,0 1709-2012 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak at first; mx, tk, 1917 Laser Int'l, time pips, FSN new(s), JID, etc
6285,0 1728-1903 R. ALTREX %, e.weak\PLC; hiphop, mx, 1821 Born to be alive, 1855 moo! moo! (1909 gone)
6260,0 1729-2005 UNID, trace>e.weak; 1824 mx, 1901 \QRM Mustang; 1954 mx
6321,2 1833-1930* R. DR TIM, 1833 ID, 1834 SSTV images, 1846 mx, 1850 ID, mx,1910 weak-fair\PLC; 1929 g's, JID
6267,0 1858-1943 MUSTANG R., good-v.strong peaks; 1859 IDs, g's, 'last song', 1903 Smoke on the water, Bette Davis eyes, 1911 Walking on sunshine, 1926 ELO, 1936 carnaval D song, etc. (1953 gone)
6285,0 1924-2001* BBR %, good-strong; accn: Happy birthday to you, D fiesta mx, accn, "Rosamunde"(other words), 1933 tk (not BBR voice), Heili heilo(D version?), 1938 Andrew Sisters medley, 1944 accn, 1958 C&W
* * * * * SAT. 08 APR. 2017 * * * * *
4029,0 0718-0723 LHH %, v.weak; tk, mx, f' under the noise. (Also 1859-2121; mx, mx, DJ, mx, mx)
6070,0 0723-0800* R. WAVES INT, good; 0724 ID+BP, C&W, 0744 F song, multi-ID, trad. mx from Auvergne, 0755 gigouillette "La fille de la meunière"(trad. mx), ID, "Les filles de la Rochelle"? but sudden s/off.
6210,35 0725-0924 UNID, weak>e.weak; mx > trace of mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6220,0 0728-0925 LASER HOT HITS, fair>V.weak; mx, tk, 0736 ID
6294,9 0730-0733 UNID, Police ?, pop. (0735 gone)
6190,0 0739-0924 HLR %, in AM-USB, v.weak; pops, rock-blues, and tk in G.
6150,0 0741-0923 R. MARABU, weak>e.weak; mx, 0743 ID.
6085,0 0743-0931 R. MI AMIGO INT, good>fair; Mrs.Robinson, 0900 ID, welcome, 0907 "Teasing", 0922 Ron O'Quinn, ID
6070,0 *0800-0900* ATLANTIC 2000 INT, Sonia Twain, flaskback"You keep me hanging on", death of Pierre Bouteillier (former radio anchor on France-Inter), ID+@ in E, story of TSF Lafayette near Arcachon, Billy Ocean, ded. songs, Abba, G. Lenorman, 0849 "My year is a day", ID, S.Wonder, c'/d, bye-bye.
6070,0 0920-0920 UNID, mx, tk in E, 'test transmission' but it's old recording.
- - -
6220,0 1428-2101 LHH %, v.weak > fair; mx, 1444 Kinks"All day and all of the night"
6280,5 1430-1501 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx,tk, mx, 1453 W+M tk, SSTV, 1456 mx. (1537 gone) - - -[ cf LESBOS ]
6290,4 1432-1440 UNID, D songs. (1454 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6267,7 1436-1700a UNID, "Calif. dreaming" + more 60s parts, 60s, "..rather be with me", Hurdy gurdy man. [cf RRN ]
6299,9 1440-1443* UNID, pop, tk (D or Daccent) above, end.
6294,9 1538-1559 UNID, v.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk, "Music was my first love", mx. (1610 gone)
6379,9 1540-1544 UNID, D mx, /f'down under bad PLC; (1600 gone)
6850,0 1602-1610 UNID, weak\bad PLC; mx, 1605 a few words, mx. - - - [ cf BANDIDO ]
6285,0 1635-1639 R. ALTREX %, e.weak\bad PLC; pops, 1638 moo! moo! moo!, mx
6260,0 1611-1630* UNID, weak\bad PLC; mx, s/off. - - - - - - - - - [ cf PHOENIX ]
6325,8 1707-1708 UNID, "Da da da" (or "ja ja ja" ?), then blank (1710 still blank carrier) - - -[ cf TECH. MAN ]
5820,0 1710-1856 R. 3-1-9, weak\PLC; breton-like instrum mx, 1713 JID, pops
6232,4 1901-1911 UNID, \splash,traffic?; C&W, tk in US-E, 1911 \strong ut.QRN, QSY [ cf RWI ]
6234,95 1911-1918 UNID, \ut.6233,9; tk, C&W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RWI ]
6240,0 1904-1917 UNID, \sounds muffled,PLC; mx, tk, Walking on sunshine, mx. - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6289,9 1920-1939 UNID, fair\PLC; J.Jett, Abba?, Stones, 1931 rpt, R. - - from the NL, T.Turner, Blondie [ cf DOLFIJN ]
6260,0 1930-1930 UNID, mx under bad PLC
6301,0 1935-2006 UNID, v.weak>weak \PLC; mx, 1940 In the army now, 2003 el.guitar, etc (2026 gone) [ cf R.102 ]
6379,9 2006-2027 UNID, \strong RTTY6383; pops, DJ ??, CCR ?, mx \still the RTTY. [ cf BLAUWE PANTER ]
6204,9 2013-2103 TECH. MAN, good-strong; pops, 2013 ID, hello Terry, 2027 occ. C&W, 2047 D pops
6210 u 2017-2048 UNID, non stop: songs in it. - - - - - - - - - [ cf BARRAQUDA ]
6290,3 2023-2105 UNID, pops, 2025 blowing in the mike, pops and D songs direct from 33/45 rpm
* * * * * SUN. 09 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0755-0800* SUPERCLAN R.fair-good; mx, IDs
6070,0 *0800-0828 GOLDRAUSCH (via CH.292), s/on in G, ID+@, Summer wine, tk in G, pops
6210,3 0829-0915 UNID, e.weak\undermod; mx, 0852 ID ??, mx. - - - [ cf KING SW (not LASER 558 fqy) ]
6220,0 0830-0950 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \QRM hum; mx, FSN, 'Laser', Doors, 0856 ID+@, etc
6219,9a 0830-0950 UNID, carrier drifting around that of LHH, no evidence of audio
6260,0 0833,0930 trace, 0833 f'/up and down. 0930-0932 \under bad PLC;
6300,0 0836-0847 UNID, e.weak\noise,PLC; f'/down, (0934 trace) - - - [ cf UNID ]
6330,0 0850-0851* UNID, pop, off. (0935 trace on 6329,9) - - - [ cf UNID ]
6375,0 0908-0914 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC,deep fades; mx, 0910 E.Clapton "Cocaine"
6245,0 0916-0950 R. CASANOVA, ID, D mx, Casanovas song, g's, tk above cajun(M.Fugain?), mx
6249,9 0921-0926 UNID, trace with some mod. \bad PLC; 0926 lost
6085,0 0938-1027 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\noisy, PLC; DJ in D, pops, 1026 ID above mx
7310,0 0938-0943 UNID, fair: mx, pops
7310,0 1022-1032 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, about 1 min behind // 6085, 1027 ID, hip-hop, 1031 DJ, ID
6070,0 0943-0949 R. D-A-R-C, tk in G, ID, 'amateur funk', signal quiz
6305,1 0951-0951* UNID, v.weak; mx, end
- - -
6329,9 1515-1546 UNID, e.>v.weak; rec. from Summermeeting R. 2016, mx and IDs. - - -[ cf LOWLAND ]
6305,1 1522-1547 R. MERLIN INT, pop-rock, 1526 ID+hl+@
6285,0 1528-1530 UNID, e.weak, mx, end ?
6220,0 1533-1548 LHH %, v.weak; mx, psiou 'laser' effects
- - -
6220,0 2104-2119 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy; mx, tk, 'Laser', Heart of gold, etc
4029,0 2110-2118 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\loc.noise; ID'Cities of Europe', IDs, hello Martin Scott, duo/trio DJ, mx
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
A rather quiet week before the Easter rush. Still not IDing KING SW, can't even find a positive clue (weak signal, low modulation, some drifting, unknown music with nothing typical, no talk, no jingles, no IDs : just a stealth transmission). I'm luckier at IDing Black Bandit Radio - the station with 1000 names - with positive clues. BTW, on 6210 there are sometimes other stations, the last one playing archives from offshore Laser 558, and maybe using that name or another name, we still don't know.
Dubious ID this week :
- on Fri. 6290, at the end it was R.319,but sooner, the ID as RONNIE or RONALISA has no clues
* * * * * MON. 03 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0550-0554 UNID, weak; Beach Boys songs, but only 1 min. parts
6070,0 0805-0816 R. NORTHSEA INT, "Haha said the clown", rock, more pops, 0815 ID by DJ
6150,0 0810,1552 R. MARABU %, 0810 weak\noisy; mx. 1552 v.weak\noisy; mx
6070,0 1559-1623 R. NORDSEE INT, (after DARC), from offshore days, pops, IDs (Zurich POB)
6220,0 1605-1832 LHH %, v.>e.weak; mx, tk, 1618 psiou ! (so-called laser), 1809 killed by stanag; QSY
4029,0 1613-2315 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak, hard to cancel loc.noise; mx, tk, 1829 and later: IDs too, 2314 FSN
6210,0 2024-2116 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; weak\PLC; expelled from 6220 by stanag; mx, tk, IDs
3905,0 2035-2045 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, quiet songs, lost
6205,05 2056-2100 UNID, \bad PLC, QRM6210; mx, 2059 Don't go breaking my heart. (2102 gone)
* * * * * TUES. 04 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6285,0 1441-1522 R. PYTHON, v.weak\noisy >weak; pops, 1446 live ID, SW snake, bye-bye, goes on, 1521 \bad PLC;
6210,0 1609-2102 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; mx, tk, 1621 T.Turner, 1624 IDs '6220', etc, 1852 'Energy a new LHH'
6300,1 1731-1818 R. MERLIN, pops, 1732 ID+@, 1815 IDs (above 'Major Tom'). (1848 gone)
5820,0 1819-2017 R. 3-1-9, weak-fair; pop-rock, short IDs, 1842 F song, 2013 E.Mitchell"La dernière séance" (2055 gone)
4029,0 1829-2108 LASER HOT HITS, \loc.noise, later traffic4025u; mx, tk, 1838 ID, 2026 FSN, OEM
3905,0 2035-2040* UNID, v.weak\loc.noise(cancelled),atmos; pop, disco, sudden s/off
* * * * * WED. 05 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 1300, 1504 R. MARABU, weak \1303 bad PLC; 1304 ID, mx
6210,0 1645-2043 LASER HOT HITS, "Call me", reggae, pops, 1752 tk, 'Laser', 2046 full ID
6290,0 1646-1659 UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx, 1648 deep fade, 1656 Sweet Caroline [ cf RONALISA ]
6285,0a 1754-1814 UNID, strong peak > fair-good; mx, tk in E, g's(SluweV., Oleg...), 1810 c'/d. [ cf PYTHON ]
6070,0 1755-1822 IBC, good-strong; DX tips in it., pops and DJ in it., 1821 ID, etc
6070,0 1907-1908 UNID, "Semi-detached suburban", ad in E for Toshiba car radios
3985,0 1756-1802* R. MI AMIGO INT, "Bend me shape me", DJ about Amen Corner, ID, ID+@ (then SW Sce, Slovakia)
5820,0 1823-1948 R.3-1-9, weak>fair \PLC; My sweet lord, JID '3-3-1-1-9', etc, pops. (2021 gone)
6320,0 1827-1835 UNID, e.weak +peak \PLC,atmos; School's out, in a loop ?
6260,0 1841-2020 UNID, trace, e.weak peak at 2018 with mx
6285,05 1843-1956* LITTLE FEAT R., fair-good; pops, many IDs, 1938 tk, Blue bayou, 1945 g's, "Denis", 1952 Crunchy granola, 1954 g's in F for France, 1955 motor JID, c'/d
6375,0 1852-1933 R. ONE-ZERO-TWO, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, 1857 ID in E, mx, 1932 mx, ID?, lost or end.
4029,0 1920-2040 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise hard to cancel; mx, tk, 2026 ID+url, etc
6300,4v 1935-1938 UNID, V from 6300,8, D mx, lost
6301,0 1956-2038 R. ONE-ZERO-TWO, \strong traffic then noisy,PLC; mx, 2006 ID, pops, 2022 \OTH bursts; instrum mx
* * * * * THURS. 06 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 1135-1150 'GERMAN' OLDIES, mx, S.Wonder"Superstitious", tk in G, ID, tk in E
6085,0 1150-1205 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\v.weak; mx, twist, Free electric band, ID, 'welcome', "My girl", etc
6150,0 1205-1220 Marabu %, trace + peaks; tk,mx
6150,0 1530-1600* R. MARABU, pops with DJ Peter Anthony in E, 1537 "Mrs Robinson", 1554 ID, tk in G, mx
6210,0 1600-2058 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, tk, 1610 chart numbers 40-50, 2027 'chat room', 2057 news, M.Andrews
4029,0 1621-2032 LASER HOT HITS, e.-v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, IDs(2022 Cities of Europe), 2032 \Morse4030;
6260,0 1642-1745 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC,traffic6260u; non stop pops
6265,0 1735-1738 R. CASANOVA, D/G song, tk, ID above, ID+@. (1742 gone)
6300,0 1739-1748 UNID, e.weak (already trace at 1612-1618); mx
5819,0 2033-2056* R. 3-1-9, mx, full IDs and JIDs
* * * * * FRI. 07 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6207,1 1554-1730 UNID, trace under bad PLC; mx. - - - - - - [ cf GOOFY ]
6220,0 1555-2027 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; 1555 ID, 1559 Living by numbers, mx, tk, 1714 time pips, etc...
6085,0 1601-1607 R. MI AMIGO INT, "Rock your baby", DJ in E, ID, mx. (1700 gone)
6300,0 1610-1730 UNID, trace\PLC, 1649 a peak with some mx
6325,0 1615-1659 BBR %, Baker street, No milk today, songs (often cut), 1659 C&W. (1720 gone)
6264,9 1618-1622 UNID, trace-e.weak.
6290,0a 1652-1735 UNID, e.-v.weak; Sugar baby love, D songs, Blue monday, Don't bring me down, Born to be alive [cf RONNIE - RONALISA ?? ]
6290,0a 1818-1928 UNID, up to weak; mx, 1839 jingle'Caroline', 1845 CCR, 1853 "Hot stuff", 1922 Dancing in the street
6290,0a 1951-2027 R. 3-1-9, occ.QRM6285; mx, 2001 R.Stones"Harlem shuffle", 2003 'R. Caroline 3-1-9', '3-1-9', 2020 f'/down
3985,0 *1701-1709 R. MI AMIGO INT, 'SW Service, 19 uhr', MI AMIGO welcpmepops, tk, 1706 schedule, ID, '19-66'
4029,0 1709-2012 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak at first; mx, tk, 1917 Laser Int'l, time pips, FSN new(s), JID, etc
6285,0 1728-1903 R. ALTREX %, e.weak\PLC; hiphop, mx, 1821 Born to be alive, 1855 moo! moo! (1909 gone)
6260,0 1729-2005 UNID, trace>e.weak; 1824 mx, 1901 \QRM Mustang; 1954 mx
6321,2 1833-1930* R. DR TIM, 1833 ID, 1834 SSTV images, 1846 mx, 1850 ID, mx,1910 weak-fair\PLC; 1929 g's, JID
6267,0 1858-1943 MUSTANG R., good-v.strong peaks; 1859 IDs, g's, 'last song', 1903 Smoke on the water, Bette Davis eyes, 1911 Walking on sunshine, 1926 ELO, 1936 carnaval D song, etc. (1953 gone)
6285,0 1924-2001* BBR %, good-strong; accn: Happy birthday to you, D fiesta mx, accn, "Rosamunde"(other words), 1933 tk (not BBR voice), Heili heilo(D version?), 1938 Andrew Sisters medley, 1944 accn, 1958 C&W
* * * * * SAT. 08 APR. 2017 * * * * *
4029,0 0718-0723 LHH %, v.weak; tk, mx, f' under the noise. (Also 1859-2121; mx, mx, DJ, mx, mx)
6070,0 0723-0800* R. WAVES INT, good; 0724 ID+BP, C&W, 0744 F song, multi-ID, trad. mx from Auvergne, 0755 gigouillette "La fille de la meunière"(trad. mx), ID, "Les filles de la Rochelle"? but sudden s/off.
6210,35 0725-0924 UNID, weak>e.weak; mx > trace of mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6220,0 0728-0925 LASER HOT HITS, fair>V.weak; mx, tk, 0736 ID
6294,9 0730-0733 UNID, Police ?, pop. (0735 gone)
6190,0 0739-0924 HLR %, in AM-USB, v.weak; pops, rock-blues, and tk in G.
6150,0 0741-0923 R. MARABU, weak>e.weak; mx, 0743 ID.
6085,0 0743-0931 R. MI AMIGO INT, good>fair; Mrs.Robinson, 0900 ID, welcome, 0907 "Teasing", 0922 Ron O'Quinn, ID
6070,0 *0800-0900* ATLANTIC 2000 INT, Sonia Twain, flaskback"You keep me hanging on", death of Pierre Bouteillier (former radio anchor on France-Inter), ID+@ in E, story of TSF Lafayette near Arcachon, Billy Ocean, ded. songs, Abba, G. Lenorman, 0849 "My year is a day", ID, S.Wonder, c'/d, bye-bye.
6070,0 0920-0920 UNID, mx, tk in E, 'test transmission' but it's old recording.
- - -
6220,0 1428-2101 LHH %, v.weak > fair; mx, 1444 Kinks"All day and all of the night"
6280,5 1430-1501 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx,tk, mx, 1453 W+M tk, SSTV, 1456 mx. (1537 gone) - - -[ cf LESBOS ]
6290,4 1432-1440 UNID, D songs. (1454 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6267,7 1436-1700a UNID, "Calif. dreaming" + more 60s parts, 60s, "..rather be with me", Hurdy gurdy man. [cf RRN ]
6299,9 1440-1443* UNID, pop, tk (D or Daccent) above, end.
6294,9 1538-1559 UNID, v.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk, "Music was my first love", mx. (1610 gone)
6379,9 1540-1544 UNID, D mx, /f'down under bad PLC; (1600 gone)
6850,0 1602-1610 UNID, weak\bad PLC; mx, 1605 a few words, mx. - - - [ cf BANDIDO ]
6285,0 1635-1639 R. ALTREX %, e.weak\bad PLC; pops, 1638 moo! moo! moo!, mx
6260,0 1611-1630* UNID, weak\bad PLC; mx, s/off. - - - - - - - - - [ cf PHOENIX ]
6325,8 1707-1708 UNID, "Da da da" (or "ja ja ja" ?), then blank (1710 still blank carrier) - - -[ cf TECH. MAN ]
5820,0 1710-1856 R. 3-1-9, weak\PLC; breton-like instrum mx, 1713 JID, pops
6232,4 1901-1911 UNID, \splash,traffic?; C&W, tk in US-E, 1911 \strong ut.QRN, QSY [ cf RWI ]
6234,95 1911-1918 UNID, \ut.6233,9; tk, C&W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RWI ]
6240,0 1904-1917 UNID, \sounds muffled,PLC; mx, tk, Walking on sunshine, mx. - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6289,9 1920-1939 UNID, fair\PLC; J.Jett, Abba?, Stones, 1931 rpt, R. - - from the NL, T.Turner, Blondie [ cf DOLFIJN ]
6260,0 1930-1930 UNID, mx under bad PLC
6301,0 1935-2006 UNID, v.weak>weak \PLC; mx, 1940 In the army now, 2003 el.guitar, etc (2026 gone) [ cf R.102 ]
6379,9 2006-2027 UNID, \strong RTTY6383; pops, DJ ??, CCR ?, mx \still the RTTY. [ cf BLAUWE PANTER ]
6204,9 2013-2103 TECH. MAN, good-strong; pops, 2013 ID, hello Terry, 2027 occ. C&W, 2047 D pops
6210 u 2017-2048 UNID, non stop: songs in it. - - - - - - - - - [ cf BARRAQUDA ]
6290,3 2023-2105 UNID, pops, 2025 blowing in the mike, pops and D songs direct from 33/45 rpm
* * * * * SUN. 09 APR. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0755-0800* SUPERCLAN R.fair-good; mx, IDs
6070,0 *0800-0828 GOLDRAUSCH (via CH.292), s/on in G, ID+@, Summer wine, tk in G, pops
6210,3 0829-0915 UNID, e.weak\undermod; mx, 0852 ID ??, mx. - - - [ cf KING SW (not LASER 558 fqy) ]
6220,0 0830-0950 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \QRM hum; mx, FSN, 'Laser', Doors, 0856 ID+@, etc
6219,9a 0830-0950 UNID, carrier drifting around that of LHH, no evidence of audio
6260,0 0833,0930 trace, 0833 f'/up and down. 0930-0932 \under bad PLC;
6300,0 0836-0847 UNID, e.weak\noise,PLC; f'/down, (0934 trace) - - - [ cf UNID ]
6330,0 0850-0851* UNID, pop, off. (0935 trace on 6329,9) - - - [ cf UNID ]
6375,0 0908-0914 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC,deep fades; mx, 0910 E.Clapton "Cocaine"
6245,0 0916-0950 R. CASANOVA, ID, D mx, Casanovas song, g's, tk above cajun(M.Fugain?), mx
6249,9 0921-0926 UNID, trace with some mod. \bad PLC; 0926 lost
6085,0 0938-1027 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\noisy, PLC; DJ in D, pops, 1026 ID above mx
7310,0 0938-0943 UNID, fair: mx, pops
7310,0 1022-1032 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, about 1 min behind // 6085, 1027 ID, hip-hop, 1031 DJ, ID
6070,0 0943-0949 R. D-A-R-C, tk in G, ID, 'amateur funk', signal quiz
6305,1 0951-0951* UNID, v.weak; mx, end
- - -
6329,9 1515-1546 UNID, e.>v.weak; rec. from Summermeeting R. 2016, mx and IDs. - - -[ cf LOWLAND ]
6305,1 1522-1547 R. MERLIN INT, pop-rock, 1526 ID+hl+@
6285,0 1528-1530 UNID, e.weak, mx, end ?
6220,0 1533-1548 LHH %, v.weak; mx, psiou 'laser' effects
- - -
6220,0 2104-2119 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy; mx, tk, 'Laser', Heart of gold, etc
4029,0 2110-2118 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\loc.noise; ID'Cities of Europe', IDs, hello Martin Scott, duo/trio DJ, mx
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.