LOGS : 27 FEB. - 05 MAR. 2017
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 14:39 pm
That was the carnaval week. Not sure, even with help from the other logs, if there was any difference between R. Carnaval, R. Carneval or R. Carnival. Lots of transmissions from NL, but very few IDs heard. R. Europe 3920 on Sunday may be the Ukrainian one. Odd transmission from HCJB Deutschland, playing rock.
* * * * * MON. 27 FEB. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0753-0916 R. MARABU, \noisy, jammed by scratching audio on upper sideband, mx, 0912 ID
6070,0 0846-1005 UNID, 0846 old jazz, 0909 pop, disco, 1004 Sonny &Cher"Little man"(part)
6085,0 0910-1003 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\fading; non-stop mx, 1003 canned ID, no DJ
6294,9 1006-1026 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy; mx, 1011 DJ?, Beatles"Love me Do", 1013 ID??, mx
6220,0 1458-1519* PAARDENKRACHT ?, v.weak\noisy,atmos; R&R, rock,twist, Suzi Q, 1518 c'/d, ID not sure [ cf MISTI ]
6150,0 1528-1539 R. MARABU, mx, tk in G, IDs
6085,0 1540-1555 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops and canned IDs
6070,0 1555-1600 UNID, pop, tk in D?, then at 1600 Radio D.A.R.C. s/on in G+E
6220,2 1602-1641 R. CARNIVAL KW, v.weak\atmos; mx, IDs, schlager, 1614 annt in E for SSTV(twice), etc
6319,2 1702-1812 R. GOOFY SW, e.weak\bad contact? at first; mx, IDs(1713 a good one and 'sigh')
6290,0 1717-1755 R. RONALISA, e.weak\some atmos; Birdie song, g's, IDs(=?), 1728 Sugar baby love, 1732 Birdie song, g's, 1746 Fox on the run, Telstar, tx, clear IDs, 1753 "Blueberry Hill"
6290,0 1820,1825 UNID, v.weak; 1820 pop. 1825 Yellow sun of Ecuador. [cf RONALISA ]
6376,0 1759-1827* UNID, weak\noisy; Spirit in the sky, instrum, pops [ cf 3-1-9 ]
6294,9 1816-1825 UNID (after long blank), e.weak; mx(somewhat Chinese style), 1824 swamped
6070,0 1932,2006 UNID / DARC, good; 1932 pops, Gainsbourg &Birkin. 2006 rock, ham news in G, ID+@, etc
4029,0 1937-2250 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, 1944 tk about Tony Blackburn, 1955 \RTTY 4024,5
3975,0 1959-2003 VOA, IS, Yankee Doodle, ID, then digital transmission
6925 L 2057-2105 UNID, mx, tone test?, movie sounds ?, 2101 muffled voice, 2104 mess of mx. (2205 : Brasil ?)
3934,9 2112-2202 R. BATAVIA ?, \v.noisy; mx, tk and IDs hard to copy, 2200 ID almost OK (2215 gone)
3920,6 2124-2230 R. CARNAVAL, carnaval mx, 2148,2212 ID+@, 2214 "Milord" carnaval version, etc
3905,0 2133-2229 SW R. ZERO ZERO, I believe in angels, M.Gaye, 2149 ID, 2209 JID, Hendrix, etc
* * * * * TUES. 28 FEB. 2017 * * * * *
6294,9 0708-0801 UNID, carnaval mx. (0805 gone)
6150,0 0857-0902 R. MARABU, mx, 0900 news in G, then IDs, rock
6085,0 0859,1255 R. MI AMIGO, 0859 rock. 1255 ID. (Also 1425 pop)
6305,0 1620-1638 UNID, fair > v.weak; non-stop accn, 1638 pop [ cf PIONEER ]
6260,0 1640-1919 UNID, trace, (1641-1643 killed), trace of audio, 1908-1910 some mx
6260,05 1641-1643* UNID, "Love shack", mx, end
6265,05 1644-1649* UNID, "We won't get fooled again", 1647 off/on/off.., 1649*. [ cf R. 807 ]
6305,2 1710-1757 R. UNDERGROUND, IDs, Yes hit, g's, 1726 S-Express, 1744 ..long skip.., 1757 end ?
6297,0 1739-1740 UNID, mx, QSY to 6295
6295,0 1740-1805a UNID, ex-6297, D songs, 1759 Most beautiful girl, end around 1805
4029,0 1745-2137 LASER HOT HITS, 1920 \RTTY 4027, RTTY 4031; later IDs,tk, mx
3905,0 2051-2057 UNID, weak\noisy; Black Betty, Radio - -.com, J.Cash"Boy named Sue"
1395,0 2152-2158 UNID+UNID once at a time, mx, 2155 accn, 2158 "Mustafa"
* * * * * WED. 01 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0739-0856 R. MARABU, weak-v.weak\PLC; mx, bit of tk in G, 0856 ID. (Also 1458 mx)
6290,0 1500-1507 UNID, e.weak\fax; D or carnaval mx. (1517 gone)
6295,0 1507-1758 UNID, trace, except some booming drum at 1650 and 1756 (carnaval?) [ cf MISTI ]
6300,05 1512-1527 UNID, tk in D above D mx, 1516 carnaval song, etc, 1526 C&W. (1530 gone) [ cf VERONA ]
6287,0 1518-1530 UNID, R&R, You are my destiny, R&R, Fats Domino?. (1536 gone)
6305,0 1523-1602 UNID, v.weak; D songs, occ. pop or D sirtaki. (1618 gone). [ cf PIONEER ]
6320,05 1539-1543* Z. VERONA, D song, 1542 c'/d IDs, gmail, D song
6290,5a 1547-1704 R. GOOFY, e.weak\occ.ut; "Scatman", tk, mx, 1644 Scatman again, ID, 1703 SW GOOFY
6265,1 1606-1640 R. CARNIVAL, v.weak\PLC; mx, Hard to copy IDs ..kurzwelle.., 1640 ID+@
6264,9 1633-1642 UNID, \QRM; polka, messing, allo een twee, 1641 mesing, Larsen [ cf MEXICO ]
6725,0 1620-1629 UNID, weak\hush,some splash; D mx, schlager, accn. (1656 gone)
6280,0 1704-1707* UNID, ..attention.., mx, c'/d in E, bye-bye, jingles??, rpt, techno shoutings... [ cf RONALISA ]
6299,95 1717-1751* UNID, weak-fair\PLC; accn, G? rock, brass+accn, messing, G? march, accn, C&W, long anthem (with organ? and "Ave Christus"??), 1746 accn, 1750 This is pirate station (Ronette???) free radio on SW, end
4029,0 1800-2233 LASER HOT HITS, \hard,loc.noise; mx, tk, 1922 IDs, duo tk, hl, ID+@, etc
3985,0 *1803-1804 R. MI AMIGO INT, Welcome ID (3 min. late), DJ, mx, etc
3975,0 1804-2017 IBC, v.weak; mx, M+W duo DJ in it., 1927 mailbox \v.noisy; 1949 IDs, ham news
3995,0 2224-2233 HCJB DEUTSCHLAND %, good\fading; rock in G, folk in G, violin, W tk about gospel
* * * * * THURS. 02 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0948-1402 R. MARABU, pops, IDs
3940,0 1855,1859 UNID, mx, jazz. (From friend, it was 3-1-9 ) [ cf 3-1-9 ]
4029,0 2326-2344 LASER HOT HITS, mx, many IDs, ads: OEM+FSN
* * * * * FRI. 03 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 1119-1119 R. MARABU, ID, mx.
6290,0 1120-1124 UNID, D song, end
6267,75 1540-1544* UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, 1543 "Walk on by"(?title), sudden off
6267,75 1607-1659 UNID, fair; pop, rock. (1725 gone).
6325,2 1554-1604 UNID, C&W, Laurel &Hardy theme, accn"Etoile des neiges" in G, D or G songs
6294,9 1618-1644 R. DELTRACKS, weak\PLC > v.weak\noisy; rock,pops, tk in D, IDs(=?), 1639 "Dandy", ID (copied at last), Spinning wheel \noisy, distorted bass?; ID in E+D.
6285,35 1700-1716 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, W tk in E with it. accent, 1711 het6285,0, 1716 SSTV twice
4029,0 1730-2216 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak \noisy,occ.Morse QRM; mx, tk, IDs
6300,0 1752-1758* UNID, good; pop-rock, some reggae, sudden s/off
6220,0 1800-1921 UNID, v.weak; Camouflage, D instrum-tk, 1809 e.weak\PLC; Blondie"Heart of glass", 1820 /under noise; 1915 weak-fair; mx, movie mx, choir, "Michaela", pop. (1927 gone)
6260,0 1811-1818 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, D mx, accn.
3920,0 1823-1850 UNID, good; JM.Jarre(messing), Mungo J., pops, about 1850 Mungo Jerry again (1905 gone) [cf MIKE]
3905,0 2048-2217 MUSTANG, good-strong; dull synthe, 2104 fair\noisy; pop-rock, 2109 Massachusetts, tk above, This is Mannus.. g's, 2111 ID, mx, 2114 Smoke on the water (tk above), 2118 D singer-accn(tk above), 2217 D mx
1395,0 2220-2239 UNID's, both mx and tk, one in E, (the other?) in D or G. 2229 Nights in white satin, 2233 again
* * * * * SAT. 04 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6290,0 0758-0806 UNID, D 'piraten' song, yodl, accn, accn. (0844 gone)
6070,0 0800-0855 RWI, weak\PLC; www .. .fr, mx, ID, C&W, 0850 tk in E, mx
6070,0 0900-0915 HOBART R. INT, via Ch.292, ID, tk, patchwork, etc, 0915 ID+@, pop medley and tk
6210,3 0845,0916 UNID, 0845 v.weak\PLC,fading; pop mx. 0916 e.weak
6150,0 0848-0916 R. MARABU, fair\fading; mx, ID and tk in G, steam engine... (Also 1137,1328 v.weak)
6085,0 0849-0915 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; Ian Dury, pops, DJ, 0914 ID+@, tk in D
6290,0 0917-0929 UNID, e.weak\strong hum at 0918(short); 60's pops, 0921 "Twist again"
- - - - -
6085,0 1138,1338 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1138 fair-good, mx, tk, IDs. 1338-1509 weak,ZZ Top, etc, 1418 Bailar la salsa
6375,0 1142-1148 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, lost
6240,0 1344-1415* R. CASANOVA, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, IDs, g's, Yesterday man, ID in sp., R&R, etc
6379,95 1400-1410 UNID, e.weak; b.b. mx, lost
6267,7 1515-1632 UNID, fair\PLC; non-stop rock, 1542 \het6264,9(see below); rock, rock.. [ cf RRN ]
6380,0 1526-1529* UNID, v.weak\PLC; pop, tk: ..gd ev', gd aft'.., mx, off at 15.28'45"
6380,0 1529-1532 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.; instrum mx, tk
6380,0 1536-1541 UNID, weak\PLC,ut.; mx, duo tk (like in a barrel), mx [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6260,0 1542,1601 UNID, 1542 e.weak; mx. 1601 lost under QRM. [ cf TEST PIRAAT ]
6264,9 1542-1627 UNID, \het 6267,7(see above); polka, messing, 1605 Birdie song, 1627 reggae~ [ cf MEXICO ]
6280,0 1611-1616* UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops, 1616 sudden (QSY to 6300 ?) [ cf TEST PIRAAT ]
6300,0 1617-1632 UNID, e.weak\PLC; pop-rock. [ cf PANDA ]
6320,05 1622-1631 UNID, weak-v.weak; mx, pop-synthe, mx [ cf JOEY ]
6320,05 2011-2022 UNID, v.weak; mx, mx [ cf JOEY ]
6299,9 2004-2017 UNID, wek>v.weak; D brass mx, pop, accn, accn, etc, f'/out
4029,0 2024-2205 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; 2025 ID, mx, tk, 2052 ment' Stewart Ross
3935,0 2027-2145 R. 3-1-9, pops, "Spinning wheel", DJ, 2036 High on emotion, Bette Davis eyes, 2142 clear JID at last
3920,0 2115-2141* UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; some mx at first, then below noise, maybe again at 2146-2151.
* * * * * SUN. 05 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6295,0 0034-0044* BBR % , pops, 0040 Summer in the city(W choir,part), 0042 C&W, tk deep fade
6855,0 0050-0101 UNID, e.weak; mx
6070,0 0823-0859 R. HIT, ID, oldies, It's my party, That's the way I like it, Apeman, It's now or never, 0858 ID
6070,0 0901-1000* GOLDRAUSCH, pops, DJ in G, 0928 IDs, 0959 ID+@. (1000 R. D.A.R.C.)
6150,0 0852-1130 R. MARABU, v.weak; almost non-stop, ock, mx, 1130 ID. (Also 1348-1506)
6085,0 0900-1504 R. MI AMIGO INT, welcome, mx, 1116 \beatings; 1120 Tomtom Club, 1346 N.in white satin
6299,9 0923-0927* UNID, mx, latino kind ..senorita.., off at end of record [ cf N.PIRAAT ]
6264,9 0941-1018 UNID, e.weak\PLC >weak; D/G songs, tk at times,1010 J.Cash, accn [ cf MEXICO]
6299,95 0947-0952 UNID, e.weak; D mx, 0951 ..hotmail.., mx. (1006 gone). [ cf N.PIRAAT ]
6380,0 1019-1134 UNID, 1019 trace(mx?), 1133 Ferry cross the Mersey \RTTY, 1134 swamped [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6301,0 1022-1103* BBR, weak\loc.noise; G songs, E.Piaf"Je ne regrette rien", 78rpm, Kampiernieren, 1001 known voice
6264,9 1031-1130 UNID, weak\PLC; D or G songs, 1040 Radio ... punkt-de, G songs, tk in G. [ cf DINKELWELLE ]
6320,0 1056-1116 UNID, e.weak; Nena"99..", pops, "Yellow sun.." poor song. [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6289,9a 1104,1132 trace-e.weak (also 1408)
7310,0 1119-1125 R. MI AMIGO INT, good+peaks; //6085, 1122 "Wordy rapinghood", 1124 ID
6070,0 1127-1129 R. DITCHI (? 'DX' in it. ?), weak\PLC; tk in it., ..studio DX.., 1129 digi-mode
6070,0 1340-1347 R. HIT ?, pop-rock, R&B, ID not OK, in D 60s & 70s, My sweet lord. (1444-1446 SUPERCLAN)
6210,0 1349-1354 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx
6324,9 1355-1355 UNID, Link Wray, lost
6299,95 1400-1406 UNID, e.weak; D song, ID(no copy), ..low power here.., polka, lost. [ cf NMD ]
6210,0 1425-1443* UNID, "Dam dam", tk, You're my world, Mustang Sally, I'll be there, Man of action, ID(=?) [cf PANDA]
6284,9 1507-1521 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, ID no copy, mx, mx, 1520 some tk, mx. [ cf N. RIJDER ]
6385,1 1525-1542 UNID, trace-v.weak \F fisher6385u; D mx
6379,95 1530-1542 BLAUWE PANTER, v.weak\occ.traffic,PLC; D mx, non stop accn, 1540 ID
6307,1 1543-1548 UNID, v.weak\noisy on peak, mx. [ cf GOOFY ]
6267,7 1618-1716 UNID, 1618 bumpy, then non stop rock, 1715 Send me a postcard, then long blank. [ cf RRN ]
6235,4 1705-1736 UNID, v.weak; Booker T, IDs no copy, "Respect", Armstrong, Doors.. [ cf DUMMYLOAD ]
4029,0 1730-2212 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak-fair \noisy; mx, tk, 2002 low ID, 2210 ID
3920,0a 2213-2304* R. EUROPE, If I had a hammer, 60s pops, Mungo jerry, deep fade, 2300 multi-ID
3930,u 2218-2245 UNID, pop, Baccara"Yes sir..", 2231 Don't go breaking my heart, 2239 Rasputin
3935,6 2219-2236 UNID, Booker T, Radio D.., .net, 2233 ID(=?), Armtrong, Doors.. [ cf DUMMYLOAD ]
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
That was the carnaval week. Not sure, even with help from the other logs, if there was any difference between R. Carnaval, R. Carneval or R. Carnival. Lots of transmissions from NL, but very few IDs heard. R. Europe 3920 on Sunday may be the Ukrainian one. Odd transmission from HCJB Deutschland, playing rock.
* * * * * MON. 27 FEB. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0753-0916 R. MARABU, \noisy, jammed by scratching audio on upper sideband, mx, 0912 ID
6070,0 0846-1005 UNID, 0846 old jazz, 0909 pop, disco, 1004 Sonny &Cher"Little man"(part)
6085,0 0910-1003 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\fading; non-stop mx, 1003 canned ID, no DJ
6294,9 1006-1026 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy; mx, 1011 DJ?, Beatles"Love me Do", 1013 ID??, mx
6220,0 1458-1519* PAARDENKRACHT ?, v.weak\noisy,atmos; R&R, rock,twist, Suzi Q, 1518 c'/d, ID not sure [ cf MISTI ]
6150,0 1528-1539 R. MARABU, mx, tk in G, IDs
6085,0 1540-1555 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops and canned IDs
6070,0 1555-1600 UNID, pop, tk in D?, then at 1600 Radio D.A.R.C. s/on in G+E
6220,2 1602-1641 R. CARNIVAL KW, v.weak\atmos; mx, IDs, schlager, 1614 annt in E for SSTV(twice), etc
6319,2 1702-1812 R. GOOFY SW, e.weak\bad contact? at first; mx, IDs(1713 a good one and 'sigh')
6290,0 1717-1755 R. RONALISA, e.weak\some atmos; Birdie song, g's, IDs(=?), 1728 Sugar baby love, 1732 Birdie song, g's, 1746 Fox on the run, Telstar, tx, clear IDs, 1753 "Blueberry Hill"
6290,0 1820,1825 UNID, v.weak; 1820 pop. 1825 Yellow sun of Ecuador. [cf RONALISA ]
6376,0 1759-1827* UNID, weak\noisy; Spirit in the sky, instrum, pops [ cf 3-1-9 ]
6294,9 1816-1825 UNID (after long blank), e.weak; mx(somewhat Chinese style), 1824 swamped
6070,0 1932,2006 UNID / DARC, good; 1932 pops, Gainsbourg &Birkin. 2006 rock, ham news in G, ID+@, etc
4029,0 1937-2250 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, 1944 tk about Tony Blackburn, 1955 \RTTY 4024,5
3975,0 1959-2003 VOA, IS, Yankee Doodle, ID, then digital transmission
6925 L 2057-2105 UNID, mx, tone test?, movie sounds ?, 2101 muffled voice, 2104 mess of mx. (2205 : Brasil ?)
3934,9 2112-2202 R. BATAVIA ?, \v.noisy; mx, tk and IDs hard to copy, 2200 ID almost OK (2215 gone)
3920,6 2124-2230 R. CARNAVAL, carnaval mx, 2148,2212 ID+@, 2214 "Milord" carnaval version, etc
3905,0 2133-2229 SW R. ZERO ZERO, I believe in angels, M.Gaye, 2149 ID, 2209 JID, Hendrix, etc
* * * * * TUES. 28 FEB. 2017 * * * * *
6294,9 0708-0801 UNID, carnaval mx. (0805 gone)
6150,0 0857-0902 R. MARABU, mx, 0900 news in G, then IDs, rock
6085,0 0859,1255 R. MI AMIGO, 0859 rock. 1255 ID. (Also 1425 pop)
6305,0 1620-1638 UNID, fair > v.weak; non-stop accn, 1638 pop [ cf PIONEER ]
6260,0 1640-1919 UNID, trace, (1641-1643 killed), trace of audio, 1908-1910 some mx
6260,05 1641-1643* UNID, "Love shack", mx, end
6265,05 1644-1649* UNID, "We won't get fooled again", 1647 off/on/off.., 1649*. [ cf R. 807 ]
6305,2 1710-1757 R. UNDERGROUND, IDs, Yes hit, g's, 1726 S-Express, 1744 ..long skip.., 1757 end ?
6297,0 1739-1740 UNID, mx, QSY to 6295
6295,0 1740-1805a UNID, ex-6297, D songs, 1759 Most beautiful girl, end around 1805
4029,0 1745-2137 LASER HOT HITS, 1920 \RTTY 4027, RTTY 4031; later IDs,tk, mx
3905,0 2051-2057 UNID, weak\noisy; Black Betty, Radio - -.com, J.Cash"Boy named Sue"
1395,0 2152-2158 UNID+UNID once at a time, mx, 2155 accn, 2158 "Mustafa"
* * * * * WED. 01 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0739-0856 R. MARABU, weak-v.weak\PLC; mx, bit of tk in G, 0856 ID. (Also 1458 mx)
6290,0 1500-1507 UNID, e.weak\fax; D or carnaval mx. (1517 gone)
6295,0 1507-1758 UNID, trace, except some booming drum at 1650 and 1756 (carnaval?) [ cf MISTI ]
6300,05 1512-1527 UNID, tk in D above D mx, 1516 carnaval song, etc, 1526 C&W. (1530 gone) [ cf VERONA ]
6287,0 1518-1530 UNID, R&R, You are my destiny, R&R, Fats Domino?. (1536 gone)
6305,0 1523-1602 UNID, v.weak; D songs, occ. pop or D sirtaki. (1618 gone). [ cf PIONEER ]
6320,05 1539-1543* Z. VERONA, D song, 1542 c'/d IDs, gmail, D song
6290,5a 1547-1704 R. GOOFY, e.weak\occ.ut; "Scatman", tk, mx, 1644 Scatman again, ID, 1703 SW GOOFY
6265,1 1606-1640 R. CARNIVAL, v.weak\PLC; mx, Hard to copy IDs ..kurzwelle.., 1640 ID+@
6264,9 1633-1642 UNID, \QRM; polka, messing, allo een twee, 1641 mesing, Larsen [ cf MEXICO ]
6725,0 1620-1629 UNID, weak\hush,some splash; D mx, schlager, accn. (1656 gone)
6280,0 1704-1707* UNID, ..attention.., mx, c'/d in E, bye-bye, jingles??, rpt, techno shoutings... [ cf RONALISA ]
6299,95 1717-1751* UNID, weak-fair\PLC; accn, G? rock, brass+accn, messing, G? march, accn, C&W, long anthem (with organ? and "Ave Christus"??), 1746 accn, 1750 This is pirate station (Ronette???) free radio on SW, end
4029,0 1800-2233 LASER HOT HITS, \hard,loc.noise; mx, tk, 1922 IDs, duo tk, hl, ID+@, etc
3985,0 *1803-1804 R. MI AMIGO INT, Welcome ID (3 min. late), DJ, mx, etc
3975,0 1804-2017 IBC, v.weak; mx, M+W duo DJ in it., 1927 mailbox \v.noisy; 1949 IDs, ham news
3995,0 2224-2233 HCJB DEUTSCHLAND %, good\fading; rock in G, folk in G, violin, W tk about gospel
* * * * * THURS. 02 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0948-1402 R. MARABU, pops, IDs
3940,0 1855,1859 UNID, mx, jazz. (From friend, it was 3-1-9 ) [ cf 3-1-9 ]
4029,0 2326-2344 LASER HOT HITS, mx, many IDs, ads: OEM+FSN
* * * * * FRI. 03 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 1119-1119 R. MARABU, ID, mx.
6290,0 1120-1124 UNID, D song, end
6267,75 1540-1544* UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, 1543 "Walk on by"(?title), sudden off
6267,75 1607-1659 UNID, fair; pop, rock. (1725 gone).
6325,2 1554-1604 UNID, C&W, Laurel &Hardy theme, accn"Etoile des neiges" in G, D or G songs
6294,9 1618-1644 R. DELTRACKS, weak\PLC > v.weak\noisy; rock,pops, tk in D, IDs(=?), 1639 "Dandy", ID (copied at last), Spinning wheel \noisy, distorted bass?; ID in E+D.
6285,35 1700-1716 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, W tk in E with it. accent, 1711 het6285,0, 1716 SSTV twice
4029,0 1730-2216 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak \noisy,occ.Morse QRM; mx, tk, IDs
6300,0 1752-1758* UNID, good; pop-rock, some reggae, sudden s/off
6220,0 1800-1921 UNID, v.weak; Camouflage, D instrum-tk, 1809 e.weak\PLC; Blondie"Heart of glass", 1820 /under noise; 1915 weak-fair; mx, movie mx, choir, "Michaela", pop. (1927 gone)
6260,0 1811-1818 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, D mx, accn.
3920,0 1823-1850 UNID, good; JM.Jarre(messing), Mungo J., pops, about 1850 Mungo Jerry again (1905 gone) [cf MIKE]
3905,0 2048-2217 MUSTANG, good-strong; dull synthe, 2104 fair\noisy; pop-rock, 2109 Massachusetts, tk above, This is Mannus.. g's, 2111 ID, mx, 2114 Smoke on the water (tk above), 2118 D singer-accn(tk above), 2217 D mx
1395,0 2220-2239 UNID's, both mx and tk, one in E, (the other?) in D or G. 2229 Nights in white satin, 2233 again
* * * * * SAT. 04 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6290,0 0758-0806 UNID, D 'piraten' song, yodl, accn, accn. (0844 gone)
6070,0 0800-0855 RWI, weak\PLC; www .. .fr, mx, ID, C&W, 0850 tk in E, mx
6070,0 0900-0915 HOBART R. INT, via Ch.292, ID, tk, patchwork, etc, 0915 ID+@, pop medley and tk
6210,3 0845,0916 UNID, 0845 v.weak\PLC,fading; pop mx. 0916 e.weak
6150,0 0848-0916 R. MARABU, fair\fading; mx, ID and tk in G, steam engine... (Also 1137,1328 v.weak)
6085,0 0849-0915 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; Ian Dury, pops, DJ, 0914 ID+@, tk in D
6290,0 0917-0929 UNID, e.weak\strong hum at 0918(short); 60's pops, 0921 "Twist again"
- - - - -
6085,0 1138,1338 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1138 fair-good, mx, tk, IDs. 1338-1509 weak,ZZ Top, etc, 1418 Bailar la salsa
6375,0 1142-1148 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, lost
6240,0 1344-1415* R. CASANOVA, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, IDs, g's, Yesterday man, ID in sp., R&R, etc
6379,95 1400-1410 UNID, e.weak; b.b. mx, lost
6267,7 1515-1632 UNID, fair\PLC; non-stop rock, 1542 \het6264,9(see below); rock, rock.. [ cf RRN ]
6380,0 1526-1529* UNID, v.weak\PLC; pop, tk: ..gd ev', gd aft'.., mx, off at 15.28'45"
6380,0 1529-1532 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.; instrum mx, tk
6380,0 1536-1541 UNID, weak\PLC,ut.; mx, duo tk (like in a barrel), mx [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6260,0 1542,1601 UNID, 1542 e.weak; mx. 1601 lost under QRM. [ cf TEST PIRAAT ]
6264,9 1542-1627 UNID, \het 6267,7(see above); polka, messing, 1605 Birdie song, 1627 reggae~ [ cf MEXICO ]
6280,0 1611-1616* UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops, 1616 sudden (QSY to 6300 ?) [ cf TEST PIRAAT ]
6300,0 1617-1632 UNID, e.weak\PLC; pop-rock. [ cf PANDA ]
6320,05 1622-1631 UNID, weak-v.weak; mx, pop-synthe, mx [ cf JOEY ]
6320,05 2011-2022 UNID, v.weak; mx, mx [ cf JOEY ]
6299,9 2004-2017 UNID, wek>v.weak; D brass mx, pop, accn, accn, etc, f'/out
4029,0 2024-2205 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; 2025 ID, mx, tk, 2052 ment' Stewart Ross
3935,0 2027-2145 R. 3-1-9, pops, "Spinning wheel", DJ, 2036 High on emotion, Bette Davis eyes, 2142 clear JID at last
3920,0 2115-2141* UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; some mx at first, then below noise, maybe again at 2146-2151.
* * * * * SUN. 05 MAR. 2017 * * * * *
6295,0 0034-0044* BBR % , pops, 0040 Summer in the city(W choir,part), 0042 C&W, tk deep fade
6855,0 0050-0101 UNID, e.weak; mx
6070,0 0823-0859 R. HIT, ID, oldies, It's my party, That's the way I like it, Apeman, It's now or never, 0858 ID
6070,0 0901-1000* GOLDRAUSCH, pops, DJ in G, 0928 IDs, 0959 ID+@. (1000 R. D.A.R.C.)
6150,0 0852-1130 R. MARABU, v.weak; almost non-stop, ock, mx, 1130 ID. (Also 1348-1506)
6085,0 0900-1504 R. MI AMIGO INT, welcome, mx, 1116 \beatings; 1120 Tomtom Club, 1346 N.in white satin
6299,9 0923-0927* UNID, mx, latino kind ..senorita.., off at end of record [ cf N.PIRAAT ]
6264,9 0941-1018 UNID, e.weak\PLC >weak; D/G songs, tk at times,1010 J.Cash, accn [ cf MEXICO]
6299,95 0947-0952 UNID, e.weak; D mx, 0951 ..hotmail.., mx. (1006 gone). [ cf N.PIRAAT ]
6380,0 1019-1134 UNID, 1019 trace(mx?), 1133 Ferry cross the Mersey \RTTY, 1134 swamped [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6301,0 1022-1103* BBR, weak\loc.noise; G songs, E.Piaf"Je ne regrette rien", 78rpm, Kampiernieren, 1001 known voice
6264,9 1031-1130 UNID, weak\PLC; D or G songs, 1040 Radio ... punkt-de, G songs, tk in G. [ cf DINKELWELLE ]
6320,0 1056-1116 UNID, e.weak; Nena"99..", pops, "Yellow sun.." poor song. [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6289,9a 1104,1132 trace-e.weak (also 1408)
7310,0 1119-1125 R. MI AMIGO INT, good+peaks; //6085, 1122 "Wordy rapinghood", 1124 ID
6070,0 1127-1129 R. DITCHI (? 'DX' in it. ?), weak\PLC; tk in it., ..studio DX.., 1129 digi-mode
6070,0 1340-1347 R. HIT ?, pop-rock, R&B, ID not OK, in D 60s & 70s, My sweet lord. (1444-1446 SUPERCLAN)
6210,0 1349-1354 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx
6324,9 1355-1355 UNID, Link Wray, lost
6299,95 1400-1406 UNID, e.weak; D song, ID(no copy), ..low power here.., polka, lost. [ cf NMD ]
6210,0 1425-1443* UNID, "Dam dam", tk, You're my world, Mustang Sally, I'll be there, Man of action, ID(=?) [cf PANDA]
6284,9 1507-1521 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, ID no copy, mx, mx, 1520 some tk, mx. [ cf N. RIJDER ]
6385,1 1525-1542 UNID, trace-v.weak \F fisher6385u; D mx
6379,95 1530-1542 BLAUWE PANTER, v.weak\occ.traffic,PLC; D mx, non stop accn, 1540 ID
6307,1 1543-1548 UNID, v.weak\noisy on peak, mx. [ cf GOOFY ]
6267,7 1618-1716 UNID, 1618 bumpy, then non stop rock, 1715 Send me a postcard, then long blank. [ cf RRN ]
6235,4 1705-1736 UNID, v.weak; Booker T, IDs no copy, "Respect", Armstrong, Doors.. [ cf DUMMYLOAD ]
4029,0 1730-2212 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak-fair \noisy; mx, tk, 2002 low ID, 2210 ID
3920,0a 2213-2304* R. EUROPE, If I had a hammer, 60s pops, Mungo jerry, deep fade, 2300 multi-ID
3930,u 2218-2245 UNID, pop, Baccara"Yes sir..", 2231 Don't go breaking my heart, 2239 Rasputin
3935,6 2219-2236 UNID, Booker T, Radio D.., .net, 2233 ID(=?), Armtrong, Doors.. [ cf DUMMYLOAD ]
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.