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LOGS : 13 -19 FEB. 2017

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 13:44 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Scent of coming spring that week, but too much frequency hopping on W.E.
The puzzling ones :
- R. Ronalisa, often reported as Ronnie AM
- UNID on 3975 on Monday
- R. Super(size?), 3915 on Friday, before R. Deprimo
- web stn 8-Radio relayed on 6985 or 6965 (prob. via QBC), (boring at times)
- 8-Radio was also relayed on 6280 on Sunday aft' (more power, a lot of problems)
- rare or new stns Jordan and Jimmy (no IDs heard here)

All stations heard with own RX, disturbed by PLC from neighbours. PLC is not 'magic' link between electronic boxes, it's the hell, a leading supplier is branded as "Devolo" ! Smiling like an angel (on the boxes), but that's the devil.

* * * * * MON. 13 FEB. 2017 * * * * *

6085,0 0731-0841 R. MI AMIGO INT, peaking \fades; IDs, pops

6070,0 0733,0841 CH. 292 % / OHNE NAMEN %, 0733 good\fading, noise, beatings; B.Dylan. 0841 old jazz
6070,0 0948-1059 R. CHANNEL 292, blues, rock, tk in G, 0959 ID+@, comments, 1035 also it., 1059 ID, weak\loc.noise,
6070,0 1100-1149 R. OHNE NAMEN, weak\noisy; ID, mx, 1146 "I'm a believer" changed into "I was a believer, now I'm a denyer"

6070,0 1317-1338 and later, LASER 5-5-8, pops, DJ, IDs, pop, rock
6070,0 1540-1556 SWEDISH DX FEDERATION, mailbox, tk (in Sw.?) about BBC World Sce, 1556 ID, mx

6980,1 1520-1528 UNID, e.weak; barely heard mx. (1614 trace only) - - - - - - - - - [ cf JORDAN ]

4029,0 1559-1808 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\loc.noise; ads FSN-OEM, ID, tk(Caroline), ID+@, mx...

6390,0 1611-1613* BBR % , good-strong; retro D song -78 rpm, off at end of track

6305,1 1616-1651* R. UNDERGROUND INT, fair\slow fading; Lazy sunday, D waltz, 1-2, D song 1633 ID, 'long skip' etc

6386,0 1652-1702 R. 3-1-9, fair;mx, Wounded Knee, JID, mx

6290,0 1717-1750 R. RONALISA, \ deep fades; D mx, gd aft', gd ev', IDs, accn, The wanderer, barrel organ, c'/d, 4 W,, 1727 'piraten' song, etc, 1741 Black Betty, 1746 Loco-motion, latino accn. (1758 trace)

6385,0 1731-1809* BBR % , good-strong; Goodbye my friend, accn \dropouts, blanks, 1750 D mx, yodl, accn...

3985,0 *1802-1807 R. MI AMIGO INT (via SW Sce, 2'24" late), welcome ID, R&B, Jr Walker

6305,0 1812-1815 BBR % , fair+good mod.\ut. bursts, C&W, QSY
6300,0 1815-1823 BBR % , C&W, blank bridges, D waltz, accn...

4029,0 1928-2139 LASER HOT HITS, mx, DJ,2019 CCR"Bad moon, +tips, FSN, ID, duo tk. (2332 still on, ID+@)

3975,0 2023-2041 UNID, 2 SSTV images?, mx, "World radio day", IS in sp., 2032 pips, bells, beasts, ID(=?), etc, sp.

6985,0 2145-2326 EIGHT R., e.>v.weak \loc.noise; mx, soon IDs are good

* * * * * TUES. 14 FEB. 2017 * * * * *

6294,9 1100-1112 R. DELTRACKS, e.weak; Smoke on the water, pop-rock, ID+@, ..kurzwelle.., Here comes the sun

4029,0 1551-2138 LASER HOT HITS, \loc.noise > ut.4030 > RTTY 4030; 1805 M+W tk, 1957 Laser Int'l, 2038 squeezed

6294,9 1656-1812 UNID, trace; 1737 and 1753 peaks with some mx heard

6300 u 1659-1828 UNID (Ru?), e.weak\fading,PLC; mx, IDs(=?), 1756 nr in G, D songs, 1815 Soviet~ songs [ cf OLEG ]

6299,0 1922-2025 UNID, (6300 at 1921), strong; rock, C&W, D songs, 2014 ID from N.NL, g's, Paloma blanca, f'/out

6985,05 1933-2402 UNID, e.weak+peaks \noisy,traffic; mx, 1937 ID(=?), 2144 IDs+@(=?) by W

* * * * * WED. 15 FEB. 2017 * * * * *

4029,0 1701-2237 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1718 ID+@, 2012 FSN, OEM, ID, \traffic4030u; 2236 Laser Int'l, old fq's

3975,0 1933-2036 IBC, in it., news for hams, comments about "radio vaticana", 2029 ID, Olivia digital

* * * * * THURS. 16 FEB. 2017 * * * * *

6205,05 1029-1106 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, v.hard to hear, f'/out

1395,0 1559-1604 SEA BREEZE AM, v.weak\noisy; tk, ID, ID+@, "Rain & tears", D mx

4029,0 1617-2147 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, 1626 "Laser Int'l", 2145 Caroline story

6268,4 1618-1657 BLACK PANTHER, (after 6270,05), D song, g's, IDs as "De Panter", D songs, 1641 ID (1703 gone)

6150,0 1644-1702 EUROPA 24, pops in it. versions, 1701 \QRM; ID, "It's 6 o'clock in central Europe", news in G

6330,0 1754-1804 UNID, e.-v.weak; Lion sleeps, Dam dam, h.rock, 1804 killed by strong PLC [cf RONNIE? RONALISA?]

6085,0 1810-1825 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\bad PLC; pops, ID, DJ, promo Bruno, ID, etc

6235,0 1917-1952 sth \under strong PLC

6985,05 1920-2440 UNID, e.weak \var. traffic and ut's; pops, 1926, v.hard to hear

3932,3 1936-2001 UNID, weak-v.weak\noisy; "Lili Marlene", mx, song in it.?, 2001 \occ. Morse; Greek? mx

* * * * * FRI. 17 FEB. 2017 * * * * *

6150,0 0934-1020 EUROPA 24, weak\noisy; pops, rock, Ebony & ivory, Self control, 1002 "eleven o'lock", meldungen, ID

6070,0 0951-1021 R. CHANNEL 292, weak\noisy; Dust in the wind, 1000 ID, promo in E, "Tommy"

6240,05 1006-1014* UNID, weak\noisy; mx, talking D song, 'greek' mx, accn (messing), end [ cf FLYING D. MAN]

6375,3 1021-1035* TIME R., pops, 1026 ID+@, mx, 1032 IDs and Shadows

6300,0 1036-1038 R. VERONA, fancy sounds, ID, mx, QSY
6290,0 1038-1039* R. VERONA, same mx, same mx again, end

6282,0 1346-1408 UNID, e.weak; D mx, 1408 J.Cash ?

6300,1 1644-1653 UNID, e.weak\noisy,traffic6300u; mx, 1653 lost

6390,0 1656-1715 R. 3-1-9, weak; pops, 1659 canned ID, Living by numbers. (1734 gone)

4029,0 1719-2254 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise, RTTY?; mx, 1723 old fq's, ID+@+hl, etc

6985,1 1736-1935 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx

3920,0 1753-1825 MIKE R., good\fading; rock, pops, 1801 hippy shake, S.Shaw"Allways sth..", 1805 ID, Got to get out..,IDs, rock, Mrs Applebee, 1824 live ID, Francoise Hardy "Tous les garcons et les filles"

6085,0 1800-1817 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, Paul Graham, mx, DJ, JID, web-store

3915,0 1939-2016 R. SUPERSIZE ?, e.weak\noisy; "Tina Tina", this is R. (Super??....), J.Joplin, ID(=?), 2002 ID(?)
3915,0 2026-2107 R. DEPRIMO, transe-techno mx, 2100-2104 IDs, mx

3945,7 2004-2109 KEY CHANNEL R., \QRM3955powerhouse; pops, 2016 songs in F, 2020 tkin it., Greek? songs, 2044 ID+@, "I will follow him"(Chariot?), My way, crooner, 2054 IDs, mx. (2204 gone)

6964,9 2113-2250 EIGHT(?) R., e.weak; pop-rock, 2128 ID not OK, 2137 \helico OTH;, mx, etc

6305,4 2142-2153 Z. SALLANDSE BOER, good\PLC; mx, very bad mike, 2150 ID

4035,0 2156-2203* UNID, fair+peaks; soul-R&B, You really got me, anorak mx, \TX problem or bad ut.QRM?;

3945,7 2213-2225 UNID, part of Lili Marlene, cartoon, tk, D~song, Lili Marlene again, quiet W singer...

* * * * * SAT. 18 FEB. 2017 * * * * *

6964,8 0309-0316 EIGHT R. % , weak\noises; pops

6085,0 0754-0902 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, 0830 ID, g's in E

6294,9 0756-0853 DELT[racks], weak-v.weak; mx, 0839 M+W tk, part @, 0851 Smoke on the water (0917 gone)

6070,0 0803-0859 R. WAVES INT, fair-good\some beating; C&W, 0829 IDs, then F songs, "Voyage voyage", etc

6190,0 0831-0853 HLR % , in AM-USB, weak\fading; old jazz, crooner and jazz singers

6210,3 0833-0918 UNID, after long blank, v.weak, 0833 tk \undermod., mx, mx. (0930 trace). [ cf KING SW ]

6359,0 0840-0915 UNID, fair-good > weakfading; pop, 0842 singer in G w. orchestra, pops [ cf 3-1-9 ]

6305,1 0916-0935 R. MERLIN INT, weak\noisy; Kids in America, IDs, g's, etc

6300,0 0930-0933 UNID, \noisy,QRM6305; pop

- - - - -

6305,1 1257-1735 R. MERLIN INT, \PLC; SSTV, mx, 1338 ID, 1350 "Rasputin", 1528 Sweet Caroline, 1710 Pretty woman, Riders on the storm, pops

6359,0 1258-1321 UNID, v.weak\bad PLC; Earth & Fire ?, summer 60s instrum, pop, lost [ cf 3-1-9 ? ]

6283,1 1303-1349 UNID, e.weak\almost killed by PLC; mx, 1314 ID (no copy), mx, end on 6283,0. [ cf ALTREX ]

6390,0 1322-1401 R. 3-1-9, weak\bad PLC; mx, mx, 1352 Mighty Quinn, mx, 1357 JID

6321,2 1330-1401 UNID, v.weak \v. bad PLC, traffic; mx. - - - - - - - - -[ cf COCHIGUAZ ]

6239,7 1403-1403 UNID, mx, lost at once - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SCOTLAND ? ]

6234,0a 1518-1606 R. WAVES INT, weak-fair\PLC; ID, pops, Flashback, 1603 Andrew sisters (?), 1605 US DJ

6265,35 1525-1556 DE (ZWARTE) PANTER, weak\PLC; ID, D songs, 1533 yodl,

6289,7 1526-1555 blank / trace. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf UNID ]

6309,9 1529-1539 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D accn only - - - - - - [ cf MEXICO ]

6375,3 1539-1542 TIME R., v.weak\PLC; ID, "Dynamit". (not heard around 1700)

4029,0 1545-1851 LHH *, v.weak\loc.noise; many DJs in the studio

6240,0 1557-1602 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf PANDA ]

6265,05 1644-1645 UNID, weak\PLC; D instrum, pop - - - - - - [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]

6392,0 1648-1709 R. 3-1-9, v.weak \bad PLC, mx, ID, 1700 QSY to 6390,0 mx, ID, weak-fair peak. (1738 gone)

6289,6 1711-1719* UNID, e.weak+peaks \dropouts; bits of mx, off at 17.19'44"
6289,6 1725-1735 UNID, peaks \deep fades; bits of mx (incl' "Boys boys boys")

6240,0 1720-1724* R. CASANOVA, weak\PLC; D mx, polka, ID, ID+@, end

6375,3 1737-1745 TIME R., back with D songs, 1740 ID. (1757 gone)

6964,8 1747-1755 UNID, e.weak\noisy; alternative ? mx, tk ?

3920,0 1800-1844* UNID, e.>v.weak; Birdie song, 1810 tk, 1812 Big bad John, 1819 ann' Kraftwerk"Autobahn"

3944,5 1805-1850 UNID, e.weak mx at first, then tk or traffic QRM, several hets

4029,0 2233-2247 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, promos FSN,OEM, DJ, mx

6964,8 2251-2303 UNID, v.hard to hear; mx. (Also later at 0342-0353, very long track)

* * * * * SUN. 19 FEB. 2017 * * * * *

6294,9 0755-0932 DELTRA-X /-CKS?, v.weak\muffled; ID, pop-rock 60s, 0848 here comes the sun, \PLC,ut.noise,fading

6359,0 0757-0831 R. 3-1-9, v.-e.weak\loc.noise; mx, canned ID, mx, mx

6070,0 *0800-0900* SUPERCLAN R., good-strong\fading; IDs, pops, 0804 "Cocaine"
6070,0 *0900-0901 GOLDRAUSCH, \fading; "In the army now". (At *1000 R. DARC)

6964,8 0834-0838 UNID, e.weak\noisy; again boring mx. (Also at 1446, 1504) - - - [ cf (QBC ?) ]

6240,0 0842-0852 R. CASANOVA INT, D brass mx, ID, g's, C&W, ID, gd m', OK, 0852 No milk today (0906 gone)

6260,0 0850,0907 trace \traffic; (no audio heard here, cf UNID elsewhere)

6085,0 0853-1143 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\fading,PLC; pops, DJ, 0904 Lion Keezer, ID in D, mx, 0937 ID, mx, rock

7310,0 0856-1003 UNID, good; mx, mx
7310,0 1103,1143 UNID, 1103 tk in G. 1143 D singer, DJ, pop

6305,1 0909-1146 R.MERLIN INT, f'/in > good \PLC; The wall, pops, 0930 ID, tk, ID+@, mx

6233,9 0933-0936 R. WAVES INT, weak\PLC; mx, known op voice, C&W
6236,5a 1005-1142 R. WAVES INT, good-fair; mx, ID, Splendid"Radio pirate", C&W, tk in F, 1051 mx from Brittany, Auvergne, Alsace, 1140 Midnight hour, IDs

6925,6 0948-0959 UNID, e.weak \hard to hear; mx, mx. [ cf PIRANA ]. Also 1049 [ cf COCHIGUAZ ]

6280,5 1014-1019 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx. - - - - - - [ cf SW PIRATE ]

6295,0 1018-1110 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D.Straits"Sultans.., Get it on, C&W, Kraftwerk? - - - [ cf QUADZILLA ]

6325,0 1028-1032 UNID, D songs, "Richtibi", call Odynn above D or G version of "Tant qu'il y aura des \E9toiles", 1030 whispered ID (tnx!), D song. - - - - - - [ cf LOWLAND, or J.TOBACCO, or UNID .... ]

6330,0 1032-1032* UNID, e.weak; mx.

6375,3 1034-1104 TIME R., v.weak\PLC; mx, 1036 ID, Radar love

6425,0 1037-1046 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, 1046 lost

6070,0 1100-1103 UNID, rock, tk in it. : headlines about radio-TV

6300,7 1105-1107 R. NORTH POLE ?, weak-v.weak\noisy,side QRM; mx, ID (or NORTON ? ), accn

6265,05 1111-1149 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, weak\PLC; mx, ID, Black night, 1138 ID, D mx

6285,4 1147-1149 DE (ZWARTE) PANTER, D-G schlager, 1148 ID (also as Black Panther)

- - - -

6260,0 1343-1347* UNID, fair\loc.noise; pops, end. - - - - - -[ cf AC-DC ]

6236,5a 1348-1519* R. WAVES INT, good>fair; repeat from 1005, 1448 Sound of silence, 1509 other voice in F, 1519 ID

6200,0 1356-1434 UNID, v.weak; pop, J.Cash"Boy named Sue", etc. (1507 gone). - - - [ cf R. JIMMY ]

6383,0 1402-1402* UNID, mx, Dit ist De - - -, end. - - - - - - [ cf BATAVIER ]

6375,3 1404-1506 TIME R. % , R.Stones(devil), H.Rising Sun, Paint it black, pop-rock (1605 gone)

6320,0 1406-1412 UNID, v.weak; mx, D mx, a few words above, mx. (1454 gone) - - - [ cf RONALISA ]

6295,0 1413-1424 UNID, 60s pops, tango"Agatha", Mickey Mouse polka, singer in E. (1450 : 2 traces)

6279,9 1425-1530* EIGHT R., I fought the law, IDs and rock, sudden s/off
6279,95 1530-1533* EIGHT R., 1531 IDs+hl, off again
6280 a 1533-1551 EIGHT R., more tech. problems (every few seconds), 1539 ID, 'Internet radio', quite pro
6280 a 1616-1939 EIGHT R., 1622 Heart of gold, 1625 ID+hl, mx, mx, 1817 ID, 1822 //6965, 1913 ID, 1936 \hum;

6208,0 1431-1433* UNID, pop, s/off at 1433'35"

7310,0 1434-1444 R. MI AMIGO INT, \eastern QRM; Dylan"..rolling stone", DJ, mx patchwork, Beatles, 6-7' behind 6085

6085,0 1435-1503 R. MI AMIGO INT, rock, "Abbey Road" album, ID, P.Graham, promo P.Vandam"Est-ce que \E7a vient?", JID, "They're coming to take me away ah-ah"

6424,95 1552-1604* UNID, v.weak; mx, 1602 Man of action. - - - - - -[ cf BAKEN 16 ]

6320,05 1606-1701 LITTLE FEAT R., "Barefooting", g's, ID, pops, CCR, etc, Poup\E9e de cire, 1626 ID, R.Stones, ID, S.Blue"Venus", ID+@, We love the pirate stns, 1650 60s, tk in F, Ch.Berry, J.Cocker, f'/down, (1925 back ?)

6305,1 1609-1651 R. UNDERGROUND INT, J.Brown \bad mod. level; g's, 1613 ID, now good, g's, pops
6305,0 1719-1722 R. UNDERGROUND INT, mx, 1720 JID above

6210,0 1644-1647 UNID, "hello, testing this frequency" - - - - - - [ cf SLUWE VOS ]
6210,0 1702-1703* UNID, mx, part of yodl, noname c'/d, "I'll be back" - - - [ cf SLUWE VOS ]

4029,0 1705-2230 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\loc.noise,RTTY4030; mx, tk, 'Laser', 2205 IDs by G.Drew

6330,2 1708-1739* UNID, v.weak\ut.noise6332; techno, C&W, Stop in the name of love, pops

6320,0 1717-1721* R. ZEEWOLF, mx, ID, rpt in E, 1721 ID, gd ev'

6325,1 1727-1757 PAARDENKRACHT, pop-rock, g's, IDs, H.Rising Sun, I got a woman, etc, 1757 f'/down

6356,1 1742-1755 R. 3-1-9, fair\noisy; pops, 1755 ID, JID

5800,0 1806-1947 LASER HOT HITS, ( not // ), pop, IDs, Beatles, Caroline in 1966, W DJ

6964,8 1821-1917 EIGHT R., \'helico' ut.bursts; //6280, mx, tk in E
6964,75 2141-2200 EIGHT R., mx, IDs, "Internet radio",

6330,0 1919-1923* UNID, v.weak \PLC; pop, D mx, sudden s/off - - - - - - - - - [ cf Dutch QSO ]

3930,0 1949-1959 \traffic3930u sp., v.hard; mx, 1956 now clear, mx

3932,3 2048-2128 SW PIRATE, mx, IDs+@, SSTV images (IDs from part OK up to clear, mx still like a jumble)

3450 L 2213-2228 UNID, Greek mx, 2220 QSO or phone call ?

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
