LOGS : 23 - 29 JAN. 2017
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 13:33 pm
Very quiet bands on weekdays, very active on WE, but chaotic results across Europe.
The puzzling ones :
-3975 MELODIA(?) on Monday
-6290 w. G.Moustaki on Thursday
-6294,9 any day (DELTRAX? DELTRACKS ?)
-6325 [ R. JOEY ] on Sat., only IDed by Marco (and Unid by Rick), that's winter ?
-6320 TIME R. on Sun.: no IDs on morning (UITZENKRACHT acc. to SWCH report)
-6945 USB on Sun. night...
BTW, 'overmod' in SSB means 'distorted' as there is no carrier
* * * * * MON. 23 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6085,0 0926-1610 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good\fading, at first; pops, IDs, 1400 weak
6070,0 0930-1558 CH. 292 %, non stop rock, 1558 60's pops \QRM beating; (Also 1609 DARC %, tech. tk in G)
4029,0 1600-2116 LASER HOT HITS, weak \soon v.noisy; pops, tk, IDs, 1605 "6210 via Blackbeard", 2016 FSN,OEM
6325,1 1944-2014 UNID, e.weak; mx, 1954 Rhythm of the night(?title), then \v.hard, soon PLCnoise;
3975,0 2021-2059* MELODIA ? , digi-mode, then SSTV?, 2028 mx, 2030 IDs "... A.M." but maybe a clip in a DX progr. about stations in spanish, incl' R.Vaticana with IS, 2055 ment' R. Mi Amigo, more in sp., 2059 ID (?), IS, end
* * * * * TUES. 24 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
4029,0 1739-2246 LASER HOT HITS, w. a R. GEMINI tape at 1958-2028 at least (w. a R.Invicta clip, an ID in F)
3985,0 1841-1854 R. MI AMIGO INT, good-strong\fading; offshore nostalgia, Santana "Black magic woman"
3905,0 1848-1956* TESTING PIRATE, weak\traffic3905u; pop-rock,"Funky town"(reprise), R&B, 1954 c'/d in E+F+G
* * * * * WED. 25 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0822-0855 R. OHNE NAMEN %, old jazz
6070,0 1334-1547 CH. 292 %, non stop pops
4029,0 1550-2233 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1554 FSN, OEM, ID, 1756 story: Laser 558 and Caroline, 2145 ZZ Top
3934,9 1738-2235 R. RAINBOW, v.weak\noisy; a 2 min. loop (mx parts, ID+@, test) all along, 2235 lost
3975,0 1759-2041 IBC, v.weak\noisy >good; IS, s/on ID+@, tk in it., pops, 1905 DX tips in it., 1925 Kiss, 2030 digi \QRM
3985,0 1817-1909* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good; snow on the Costa Brava, ID, pops, offshore stories (Invicta, etc... then 1985-1987 : Laser 558, offshore Laser Hot Hits with a clip from March 9th,1987), end at 1909 (9' late !)
3925,0 2143-2239 UNID, trace, e.weak at 2157-2212 with mx and tk (no copy)
* * * * * THURS. 26 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6085 a 0758-0953 R. MI AMIGO INT, cold start on 6085,15a, mx, pips 10" before 0900, welcome ID, cold reader problem (back and back again at "welcome", still the same at 0806. 0850 good, all OK now, on 6085,0 ID, M.Gaye, etc
6294,9 0854-0910* UNID, weak\PLC,occ.ut.,mushy or double carrier?; pops, sudden s/off. [ cf DELTRACKS ? ]
6294,9 0955-1013 UNID, v.weak\fading,noisy,PLC; pops. (still a trace at 1025)
6209,8 1353-1452 KOMINTERN % , trace>e.weak \het6210,9,some RTTY; 1431 mx, tk, Ru song, mx.
6290,0 1412-1503 UNID, v.weak; D mx, pops, tk ..amateur.. Radio - - -, 1443 You can't hurry love, Man of action, "Le métèque" (in F), Massachusetts. - - - - - - - - - [ cf TESTPIRAAT ]
4029,0 2331-2357 LASER HOT HITS, fair; mx, tk, IDs+@
* * * * * FRI. 27 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6294,9 0824-0948 UNID, v.weak\noisy,fading; J.Lewie"..kitchen..", pops, 0842 D. Roussos? (0954 gone) [cf DELTRACKS ]
6305,1 1143-1736 R. MERLIN INT, weak; IDs, pop-rock, DJ, 1441 ad DrTimNews, 1546 MungoJ., .. Hendrix, 1714 f'/down
6070,0 *1400-1409 R. OHNE NAMEN via CH.292, s/on ID, old jazz. (1559-1604 UNID, pop-rock)
6209,75 1410,1428 just a trace today here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf KOMINTERN ]
6294,9 1412-1416* UNID, v.weak; mx, sudden s/off. (Later, trace+some mod at 1504-1626)
6205,95 1447-1511 UNID, e.weak; D mx, tk, accn-brass (medley?), tk. [ cf F.R. BUMPERSTOCK ]
6321,2 1627-1639 UNID, yodl, ID by M+W(no copy)+@yahoo.com all above yodl, yodl... [ cf JODELPIRAAT ]
4029,0 1640-1732 LHH %, weak; R. GEMINI tape (1642 ID, S.Quatro"48 crash, 1647 tk:RNI, Ch.Berry, 1731 stickers)
6299,9 1657-1720 UNID, trace>weak \hum6300,0 +side QRM 6305; some C&W, singer in G (twice), \deep fades;
4029,0 2126-2303 LHH %, v.weak > trace; mx
3905,05 2222-2242* UNID, e.weak; D song"Papa trink beer..", 2234 latino mx; 2240 gipsy mx
* * * * * SAT. 28 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0800-0900* R. WAVES INT, fair\noisy channel; A la francaise, IDs+B.P., song in F, later C&W
6070,0 0900-1102 CH.292 %, mx, mx, 0938 The day the music died
6305,1 0804-1417 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs, 0844 Heart of glass, 0928 Abba, 1024 Ya ya twist, etc
6085,0 0840-1613 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good>weak; 0900 Wounded knee, 1013 Ron O'Quinn, 1606 The midnight hour
6150,0 0843-1047 EUROPA 24, pos, 0906,0937 IDs. (Also 1314 pop)
6210,3a 0907-0935 UNID, fair\light mod > e.weak\undermod. mx, occ. jingle - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6265,0 0914-0933 R. CASANOVA INT, Kiss hit, S.Blue"Venus", g's, S.Francisco, ID+@, g's.. 0932 c'/d
6294,9 1030-1042 UNID, v.weak\PLC; pop, Hendrix"Hey Joe". (1041-1239 trace) - - - [ cf DELTRACKS ]
6190,0 1044-1047 HLR %, in AM-USB; movie theme, duo tk in G, mx
7310,0 1103-1303 R. MI AMIGO INT, good, 3 min behind 6085; 1113 You keep me hanging on, 1257 Camouflage
6915,05 1115-1254 UNID, v.weak \ut. on u-side; it. pops, tk (no copy), 1254 lost - - - [ cf KEY CHANNEL R. ]
6070,0 1300-1315 IBC, IS, ID in it.+G, tk in it., ID+@, 1315 DX news in it.
6284,8a 1305-1359 R. RAINBOW, tk ..democratic.., ID+.tk, ..happy european union.., g's, 1311 pop-rock, AC-DC
6325,1 1330-1352* UNID, Spirit in the sky, Mungo J."..summertime", Stuck in the middle.., J.Hendrix, etc, sudden s/off
6240 a 1400-1419 UNID, e.weak+peaks \bit of wandering; pops - - - - - -[ cf ALTREX ]
6234,8a 1520-1529 R. WAVES INT, fair\loc.noise; Irish mx, ID, cajun mx, ID+BP, etc (1601 gone)
6379,9 1531-1546 UNID, \het 6380,95 then splash; mx, "Dragon..", g's to Akenzo, Baken16 (1603 gone) [cf POLARIS ]
6380,95 1531-1536* UNID, \het 6379,9; mx, end
6330,7V 1547-1555 UNID, e.weak\QSY on 6330,0 at times; mx, tk, 1551 web, tk, accn, tk (in D?), song [cf BLACKSTONE]
6325,05 1554-1600* UNID, fair, f'/up; Get it on, Venus(part), Mungo J."In the summertime"(part), end [ cf JOEY ]
6389,95 1602-1602* UNID, polka
6070,0 1613-1648 UNID, \tk QRM; mx, DJ in G. (Also 1704 pop, \QRM in Ru)
6295 u 1650-1653 UNID, mx, SSTV, blank. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf OLEG ]
6325,05 1654-1700* UNID, mx, mx, 1700 blank (1701'38" s/off) - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf JOEY ]
4029,0 1706-2417 LASER HOT HITS, fair; mx, tk, IDS, 1832 ZZ Top, 2110 tk: hackers
3899,7 1715-1730* POLARIS R., good\some noise; pops, 1728 ID, bye-bye, ID+@
3985,0 1809-1838 UNID, good; non stop pops
3905,0 1930-2104* R. DEPRIMO A.M., e.weak+peaks; pops, IDs (no copy > almost OK only at end), 2027 "Aline"
3905,0 2152-2450 UNID, good; D mx, occ. var. mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf ALICE ]
3895,0 2154-2452 CRAZY WAVE R., fair>weak; var. rock, IDs
6320,0 2231-2244 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx, pop-rock
3932,3 2305-2450 UNID, v.weak, mx, 2414,2435 SSTV, 2442 mangled voice ..send us an e-mail.. [cf RAMMSTEIN ]
* * * * * SUN. 29 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0854-0955 SUPERCLAN R., then GOLDRAUSCH at 0900, good > fair\fading; (1000 R. DARC, 1100 in it.)
6085,0 0856-1413 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop-rock, IDs, down to weak, 1411 D.Ross"You keep me hanging on", more soul
6210,3a 0857-0957 UNID, undermodulated; pops - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6235,0 0858-1427 R. WAVES INT, good; Twist again, Chuby Checker, known voice, 0905 "Comme d'habitude", Whiter shade of pale, ID, F.Gall"Les sucettes", 0930 C&W, 0949 fair; cajun or Limousin mx?, ID, 1128 v.weak\loc.noise,PLC; C&W, tk, "A la francaise", 1252 fair; C&W, ID, western movie theme(w. gun fight!), 1423 accn, Mike Brant
6150,0 0901-0956 EUROPA 24, in G, news, wrpt, ID, Monkees, more pops. (1127 Somebody help me, 1250 pops)
6390,0 0906-1026 UNID, instrum 60s mx, tk, D song, mx, pops. - - - - - - [ cf MR CASH ]
6420,0 0909,0934 UNID, e.weak; mx
6950,0 0911-1010 UNID, v.weak; story or recording from R. Milano Int'l, with pops and duo tk in it. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
6915,0 0915-1015 UNID, v.weak\ut.on U-sideband; mx, mx, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf KEY CHANNEL R. ]
6322,05 0919,0932 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; pops - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ALTREX ]
6305,1 0920-1048 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak-weak\noisy channel; mx, rock, IDs, DJ, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ian Dury
6875,1 1016-1020 UNID, 'wahwah' W singer, a few words, jazz W singer. - - - [ cf R. EUROPE ]
6380a 1026-1255 UNID, wobbling; letkiss, mx, 1230 still wobbling around 6379, f'/down [ cf POLARIS ?? ]
6330,7 1030-1035 UNID, e.weak; some D mx, tk, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE NON ]
6319,9 1036-1729 TIME R., v.weak; 60s hits, 1336 ID, more hits (often cut), 1603 hits and IDs,1724 f'/down \bad PLC;
6289,8 1048-1059 RAINBOW % , v.weak\traffic6286u; pop-rock, tk like Rainbow, "Give peace a chance" [cf HAPPY EU]
6280,0 1053-1216* TELSTAR R., fair+strong mod; J.L.Lewis, ID, tk above, I feel love, ID+g's, etc, 1214 bye-bye
6250,0 1100-1101 R. AC-DC ?, rock, ID (not OK). (1141 gone)
7310,0 1104-1415 R. MI AMIGO, strong>good-fair; welcome, IDs, pops, tnx, 1413 Supremes, 4 min. behind 6085
6290,05 1216-1220 BOGUSMAN, mx, typical tk, QSY
6285,05 1222-1619 BOGUSMAN, tk, "I am the Bogusman", tk, alternative mx, mx, 1619 birds [ also as THEGHOUL ]
6449,5 1232-1256 UNID, v.weak\v.noisy ut.; mx, pops. - - - - - - - - - [ cf READYMIX ]
6233,0 1526-1541* R. PYTHON, banjo, 'the SW snake', ID, mx, g's, c'/d, bye-bye
6254,65 1541-1622* R. UNDERGROUND, v.weak>good; mx, tk, IDs, g's, 1555 F lessons "je voudrais un kilo de fraises"..
6210,0 1622-1722 SLUWE VOS R., good; mx, IDs, Ru song, ID+@ in Ru, 1638 \QRM, 1711 alone?, IDs, 1722 f'/down
6210,0 1638-1652 R. AC-DC, a few Hz away from SLY FOX; blues by R.Stones?, 1648 beatings; 1651 ID
4029,0 1658-1740 LASER HOT HITS, weak\deep fades; mx, 1734 'Laser', hellos, Laser Int'l. (1952 nothing)
4029,0 2028-2037 LASER HOT HITS, weak\deep fades; mx, mx, 2034 tk about Martin Scott. (2045 nothing)
3425 L 1702-1706 UNID, v.>e.weak; Greek mx, lost
1395,0 2058-2116 R. SEA BREEZE A.M., 2100 ID+@, mx, 2105 accn, pops, "Shame &scandal..", QRM 250Hz away
6945u 2335-2410 UNID, fair-good>weak-fair \overmod.; C&W train alike, alt.rock, tk, barkings, "Where's my fucking QSL? - We don't QSL !" (often repeated!), Karma chameleon (twice, messing), Do you really want to hurt me, ..write to us... "Where's my fucking QSL?" again, end
6950,0 2414-2415 UNID, v.weak; mx, tk, - -.com, etc
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Very quiet bands on weekdays, very active on WE, but chaotic results across Europe.
The puzzling ones :
-3975 MELODIA(?) on Monday
-6290 w. G.Moustaki on Thursday
-6294,9 any day (DELTRAX? DELTRACKS ?)
-6325 [ R. JOEY ] on Sat., only IDed by Marco (and Unid by Rick), that's winter ?
-6320 TIME R. on Sun.: no IDs on morning (UITZENKRACHT acc. to SWCH report)
-6945 USB on Sun. night...
BTW, 'overmod' in SSB means 'distorted' as there is no carrier
* * * * * MON. 23 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6085,0 0926-1610 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good\fading, at first; pops, IDs, 1400 weak
6070,0 0930-1558 CH. 292 %, non stop rock, 1558 60's pops \QRM beating; (Also 1609 DARC %, tech. tk in G)
4029,0 1600-2116 LASER HOT HITS, weak \soon v.noisy; pops, tk, IDs, 1605 "6210 via Blackbeard", 2016 FSN,OEM
6325,1 1944-2014 UNID, e.weak; mx, 1954 Rhythm of the night(?title), then \v.hard, soon PLCnoise;
3975,0 2021-2059* MELODIA ? , digi-mode, then SSTV?, 2028 mx, 2030 IDs "... A.M." but maybe a clip in a DX progr. about stations in spanish, incl' R.Vaticana with IS, 2055 ment' R. Mi Amigo, more in sp., 2059 ID (?), IS, end
* * * * * TUES. 24 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
4029,0 1739-2246 LASER HOT HITS, w. a R. GEMINI tape at 1958-2028 at least (w. a R.Invicta clip, an ID in F)
3985,0 1841-1854 R. MI AMIGO INT, good-strong\fading; offshore nostalgia, Santana "Black magic woman"
3905,0 1848-1956* TESTING PIRATE, weak\traffic3905u; pop-rock,"Funky town"(reprise), R&B, 1954 c'/d in E+F+G
* * * * * WED. 25 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0822-0855 R. OHNE NAMEN %, old jazz
6070,0 1334-1547 CH. 292 %, non stop pops
4029,0 1550-2233 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1554 FSN, OEM, ID, 1756 story: Laser 558 and Caroline, 2145 ZZ Top
3934,9 1738-2235 R. RAINBOW, v.weak\noisy; a 2 min. loop (mx parts, ID+@, test) all along, 2235 lost
3975,0 1759-2041 IBC, v.weak\noisy >good; IS, s/on ID+@, tk in it., pops, 1905 DX tips in it., 1925 Kiss, 2030 digi \QRM
3985,0 1817-1909* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good; snow on the Costa Brava, ID, pops, offshore stories (Invicta, etc... then 1985-1987 : Laser 558, offshore Laser Hot Hits with a clip from March 9th,1987), end at 1909 (9' late !)
3925,0 2143-2239 UNID, trace, e.weak at 2157-2212 with mx and tk (no copy)
* * * * * THURS. 26 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6085 a 0758-0953 R. MI AMIGO INT, cold start on 6085,15a, mx, pips 10" before 0900, welcome ID, cold reader problem (back and back again at "welcome", still the same at 0806. 0850 good, all OK now, on 6085,0 ID, M.Gaye, etc
6294,9 0854-0910* UNID, weak\PLC,occ.ut.,mushy or double carrier?; pops, sudden s/off. [ cf DELTRACKS ? ]
6294,9 0955-1013 UNID, v.weak\fading,noisy,PLC; pops. (still a trace at 1025)
6209,8 1353-1452 KOMINTERN % , trace>e.weak \het6210,9,some RTTY; 1431 mx, tk, Ru song, mx.
6290,0 1412-1503 UNID, v.weak; D mx, pops, tk ..amateur.. Radio - - -, 1443 You can't hurry love, Man of action, "Le métèque" (in F), Massachusetts. - - - - - - - - - [ cf TESTPIRAAT ]
4029,0 2331-2357 LASER HOT HITS, fair; mx, tk, IDs+@
* * * * * FRI. 27 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6294,9 0824-0948 UNID, v.weak\noisy,fading; J.Lewie"..kitchen..", pops, 0842 D. Roussos? (0954 gone) [cf DELTRACKS ]
6305,1 1143-1736 R. MERLIN INT, weak; IDs, pop-rock, DJ, 1441 ad DrTimNews, 1546 MungoJ., .. Hendrix, 1714 f'/down
6070,0 *1400-1409 R. OHNE NAMEN via CH.292, s/on ID, old jazz. (1559-1604 UNID, pop-rock)
6209,75 1410,1428 just a trace today here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf KOMINTERN ]
6294,9 1412-1416* UNID, v.weak; mx, sudden s/off. (Later, trace+some mod at 1504-1626)
6205,95 1447-1511 UNID, e.weak; D mx, tk, accn-brass (medley?), tk. [ cf F.R. BUMPERSTOCK ]
6321,2 1627-1639 UNID, yodl, ID by M+W(no copy)+@yahoo.com all above yodl, yodl... [ cf JODELPIRAAT ]
4029,0 1640-1732 LHH %, weak; R. GEMINI tape (1642 ID, S.Quatro"48 crash, 1647 tk:RNI, Ch.Berry, 1731 stickers)
6299,9 1657-1720 UNID, trace>weak \hum6300,0 +side QRM 6305; some C&W, singer in G (twice), \deep fades;
4029,0 2126-2303 LHH %, v.weak > trace; mx
3905,05 2222-2242* UNID, e.weak; D song"Papa trink beer..", 2234 latino mx; 2240 gipsy mx
* * * * * SAT. 28 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0800-0900* R. WAVES INT, fair\noisy channel; A la francaise, IDs+B.P., song in F, later C&W
6070,0 0900-1102 CH.292 %, mx, mx, 0938 The day the music died
6305,1 0804-1417 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs, 0844 Heart of glass, 0928 Abba, 1024 Ya ya twist, etc
6085,0 0840-1613 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good>weak; 0900 Wounded knee, 1013 Ron O'Quinn, 1606 The midnight hour
6150,0 0843-1047 EUROPA 24, pos, 0906,0937 IDs. (Also 1314 pop)
6210,3a 0907-0935 UNID, fair\light mod > e.weak\undermod. mx, occ. jingle - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6265,0 0914-0933 R. CASANOVA INT, Kiss hit, S.Blue"Venus", g's, S.Francisco, ID+@, g's.. 0932 c'/d
6294,9 1030-1042 UNID, v.weak\PLC; pop, Hendrix"Hey Joe". (1041-1239 trace) - - - [ cf DELTRACKS ]
6190,0 1044-1047 HLR %, in AM-USB; movie theme, duo tk in G, mx
7310,0 1103-1303 R. MI AMIGO INT, good, 3 min behind 6085; 1113 You keep me hanging on, 1257 Camouflage
6915,05 1115-1254 UNID, v.weak \ut. on u-side; it. pops, tk (no copy), 1254 lost - - - [ cf KEY CHANNEL R. ]
6070,0 1300-1315 IBC, IS, ID in it.+G, tk in it., ID+@, 1315 DX news in it.
6284,8a 1305-1359 R. RAINBOW, tk ..democratic.., ID+.tk, ..happy european union.., g's, 1311 pop-rock, AC-DC
6325,1 1330-1352* UNID, Spirit in the sky, Mungo J."..summertime", Stuck in the middle.., J.Hendrix, etc, sudden s/off
6240 a 1400-1419 UNID, e.weak+peaks \bit of wandering; pops - - - - - -[ cf ALTREX ]
6234,8a 1520-1529 R. WAVES INT, fair\loc.noise; Irish mx, ID, cajun mx, ID+BP, etc (1601 gone)
6379,9 1531-1546 UNID, \het 6380,95 then splash; mx, "Dragon..", g's to Akenzo, Baken16 (1603 gone) [cf POLARIS ]
6380,95 1531-1536* UNID, \het 6379,9; mx, end
6330,7V 1547-1555 UNID, e.weak\QSY on 6330,0 at times; mx, tk, 1551 web, tk, accn, tk (in D?), song [cf BLACKSTONE]
6325,05 1554-1600* UNID, fair, f'/up; Get it on, Venus(part), Mungo J."In the summertime"(part), end [ cf JOEY ]
6389,95 1602-1602* UNID, polka
6070,0 1613-1648 UNID, \tk QRM; mx, DJ in G. (Also 1704 pop, \QRM in Ru)
6295 u 1650-1653 UNID, mx, SSTV, blank. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf OLEG ]
6325,05 1654-1700* UNID, mx, mx, 1700 blank (1701'38" s/off) - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf JOEY ]
4029,0 1706-2417 LASER HOT HITS, fair; mx, tk, IDS, 1832 ZZ Top, 2110 tk: hackers
3899,7 1715-1730* POLARIS R., good\some noise; pops, 1728 ID, bye-bye, ID+@
3985,0 1809-1838 UNID, good; non stop pops
3905,0 1930-2104* R. DEPRIMO A.M., e.weak+peaks; pops, IDs (no copy > almost OK only at end), 2027 "Aline"
3905,0 2152-2450 UNID, good; D mx, occ. var. mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf ALICE ]
3895,0 2154-2452 CRAZY WAVE R., fair>weak; var. rock, IDs
6320,0 2231-2244 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx, pop-rock
3932,3 2305-2450 UNID, v.weak, mx, 2414,2435 SSTV, 2442 mangled voice ..send us an e-mail.. [cf RAMMSTEIN ]
* * * * * SUN. 29 JAN. 2017 * * * * *
6070,0 0854-0955 SUPERCLAN R., then GOLDRAUSCH at 0900, good > fair\fading; (1000 R. DARC, 1100 in it.)
6085,0 0856-1413 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop-rock, IDs, down to weak, 1411 D.Ross"You keep me hanging on", more soul
6210,3a 0857-0957 UNID, undermodulated; pops - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6235,0 0858-1427 R. WAVES INT, good; Twist again, Chuby Checker, known voice, 0905 "Comme d'habitude", Whiter shade of pale, ID, F.Gall"Les sucettes", 0930 C&W, 0949 fair; cajun or Limousin mx?, ID, 1128 v.weak\loc.noise,PLC; C&W, tk, "A la francaise", 1252 fair; C&W, ID, western movie theme(w. gun fight!), 1423 accn, Mike Brant
6150,0 0901-0956 EUROPA 24, in G, news, wrpt, ID, Monkees, more pops. (1127 Somebody help me, 1250 pops)
6390,0 0906-1026 UNID, instrum 60s mx, tk, D song, mx, pops. - - - - - - [ cf MR CASH ]
6420,0 0909,0934 UNID, e.weak; mx
6950,0 0911-1010 UNID, v.weak; story or recording from R. Milano Int'l, with pops and duo tk in it. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
6915,0 0915-1015 UNID, v.weak\ut.on U-sideband; mx, mx, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf KEY CHANNEL R. ]
6322,05 0919,0932 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; pops - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ALTREX ]
6305,1 0920-1048 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak-weak\noisy channel; mx, rock, IDs, DJ, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ian Dury
6875,1 1016-1020 UNID, 'wahwah' W singer, a few words, jazz W singer. - - - [ cf R. EUROPE ]
6380a 1026-1255 UNID, wobbling; letkiss, mx, 1230 still wobbling around 6379, f'/down [ cf POLARIS ?? ]
6330,7 1030-1035 UNID, e.weak; some D mx, tk, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE NON ]
6319,9 1036-1729 TIME R., v.weak; 60s hits, 1336 ID, more hits (often cut), 1603 hits and IDs,1724 f'/down \bad PLC;
6289,8 1048-1059 RAINBOW % , v.weak\traffic6286u; pop-rock, tk like Rainbow, "Give peace a chance" [cf HAPPY EU]
6280,0 1053-1216* TELSTAR R., fair+strong mod; J.L.Lewis, ID, tk above, I feel love, ID+g's, etc, 1214 bye-bye
6250,0 1100-1101 R. AC-DC ?, rock, ID (not OK). (1141 gone)
7310,0 1104-1415 R. MI AMIGO, strong>good-fair; welcome, IDs, pops, tnx, 1413 Supremes, 4 min. behind 6085
6290,05 1216-1220 BOGUSMAN, mx, typical tk, QSY
6285,05 1222-1619 BOGUSMAN, tk, "I am the Bogusman", tk, alternative mx, mx, 1619 birds [ also as THEGHOUL ]
6449,5 1232-1256 UNID, v.weak\v.noisy ut.; mx, pops. - - - - - - - - - [ cf READYMIX ]
6233,0 1526-1541* R. PYTHON, banjo, 'the SW snake', ID, mx, g's, c'/d, bye-bye
6254,65 1541-1622* R. UNDERGROUND, v.weak>good; mx, tk, IDs, g's, 1555 F lessons "je voudrais un kilo de fraises"..
6210,0 1622-1722 SLUWE VOS R., good; mx, IDs, Ru song, ID+@ in Ru, 1638 \QRM, 1711 alone?, IDs, 1722 f'/down
6210,0 1638-1652 R. AC-DC, a few Hz away from SLY FOX; blues by R.Stones?, 1648 beatings; 1651 ID
4029,0 1658-1740 LASER HOT HITS, weak\deep fades; mx, 1734 'Laser', hellos, Laser Int'l. (1952 nothing)
4029,0 2028-2037 LASER HOT HITS, weak\deep fades; mx, mx, 2034 tk about Martin Scott. (2045 nothing)
3425 L 1702-1706 UNID, v.>e.weak; Greek mx, lost
1395,0 2058-2116 R. SEA BREEZE A.M., 2100 ID+@, mx, 2105 accn, pops, "Shame &scandal..", QRM 250Hz away
6945u 2335-2410 UNID, fair-good>weak-fair \overmod.; C&W train alike, alt.rock, tk, barkings, "Where's my fucking QSL? - We don't QSL !" (often repeated!), Karma chameleon (twice, messing), Do you really want to hurt me, ..write to us... "Where's my fucking QSL?" again, end
6950,0 2414-2415 UNID, v.weak; mx, tk, - -.com, etc
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.