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LOGS : 28 NOV. - 04 DEC. 2016

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 21:47 pm
by Ray Lalleu

The puzzling tips on that week :

-on Sat. at 1625, was it R.Python or R. Lupa ?
-on 3905 at 2142 (Sat.), Steppenwolf R. (fancy ID a la Black Bandit?), or Wilskracht??
-on 6320,3 (Sun.) not sure about what happened after 1546 (see Rick's log)
-about 16utc (Sun.), tentative BBR was trying to escape RTTY QRM around 6335 kHz
-maybe GSV on Sat. on 6380 kHz

>> hello Pandora, you were logged here on Sun., (also as Unid? by Rick)

* * * * * MON. 28 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6320,0 1552-1553* UNID, good; pop, blank, end. (To 6287 ?)

6287,0 1554-1650 BBR % , blank, mx, then at 1555 suddenly good-strong, 1600 ID as DXZN, known voice, etc

6085,0 1651-1703* R. MI AMIGO INT % , 1651 weak; pop, 1701 pop, R&R, end

4029,0 1652-2228 LASER HOT HITS, good; mx, DJs, IDs, 1905 traffic4030u, 2000 Year of the cat

1395,0 1710-1756 UNID, e.weak; Donovan, Only one woman, Kinks, tk in D, 1753 Lil' red rooster
1395,0 2228-2255 SEA BREEZE AM, rock, pops, 2246 ID, P.Floyd"Money", Rhythm of the rain, Relax :-(

3985,0 1800-1803 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; "SW Services, 19 Uhr", pips 44" late, ID, welcome, R&B

6210,5 2211-2224 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx at best times

+ around 2200, traces on 6309,8 (OZNRH %), and 6320,0 (BBR %)

* * * * * TUES. 29 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6085,0 1613,1655 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, ID, Be bop a lula, 1655 trace \under splashes.

6070,0 1618-1659 UNID, good; pops, 1626 Baby you're no good, The letter, 1635 \QRM; 1657 Kashmir, 1659 China QRM

4029,0 1642-1653 LASER HOT HITS, Rasputin, ID, Dragon..., tk, ID, etc
4029,0 1817-2333 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > strong \bit ut.QRM; repeat from a Sunday aft', Laser Int'l, Anorak hour

3945,7 1820-1824 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, You are listening to ..., - - Radio. (1850 gone)

3985,0 1855-1855 R. MI AMIGO INT % , good, pops. (1901 now R. Slovakai)

1395,0 1903-1915* UNID, pops, 1909 some words, 1913 I got you babe, 1914'55" sudden s/off (later: TWR, offset)

6309,8 2242-2302 RADIO OZ[NRH %], good\PLC; instrum mx, jazz, 2300 ID (in Danish %, "NRH" not copied)

3945,7 2245-2259 UNID, v.weak-weak \noisy; mx, ..two thousand forteen.. , mx, SSTV, mx, \fading; dropouts

6210,5 2303-2425 UNID, e.weak\noisy,deep fades; mx heard at best times

6324,9 2319-2357 UNID, v.weak \PLC, Morse u-side; mx, Living doll, 2347 some words, mx. [ cf BLACKLAKE ]

6285,0 2339-2420 BBR, good\PLC; C&W, 2354 ID as J.TOBACCO, "Summertime blues", 2412 v.weak, D mx, R&R

* * * * * WED. 30 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6240,5 1218-1300 UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, - - -radio@hotmail, Xmas tunes?, 1252 SSTV, 1255 Bzn (1302 gone)

6070,0 1305,1722 CHANNEL 292 %, non-stop pops, 1320 ad for DARC, 1722 Strawberry fields, \QRM China%, Tommy

6319 a 1330-1335 R. GOOFY %, ID only from usual shaky carrier, mx

1593,0 1530,1557 UNID, 1530 in car : tk in E (VOA Koweit?), 1557 back home, nothing clear, 1600 Rumania ?
1593,0 1613-1619 UNID, pops, tk (Rumanian??), Red Hot Chili Peppers??, tk by W

1395,0 1603-1619 UNID, pops, DJ, parts of D/G waltzes, jingle, 1619 \hum-beatings

4029,0 1624-1706 LASER HOT HITS, DJ list, mx, ID+@
4029,0 1850-2241 LASER HOT HITS, good-strong > weak; pops

6290,0 1630-1646* BBR, strong; Besame mucho, ID as ABU DHABI, If I only could, etc, ID as R. BZN, Camouflage, ...

3975,0 1654-2026 IBC, 1654 IS, 1658 ID, relays-kHz in it., pops about rain, IDs in it. or E., 2001 Studio DX, f'/down

6984,9 2246-2253 QBC, mx, short ID

1395,0 2259-2433 R. SEA BREEZE AM, IDs, tk in D, R&R, 2431 "Lust for life"

* * * * * THURS. 01 DEC. 2016 * * * * *

6070,0 0730-1325 UNID, old jazz

6085,0 1024-1435 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, IDs

6210 V 1327-1453 UNID, trace, some mx heard on peaks

6205,0 1442-1455 UNID, e.weak; pop-rock, D mx, carnaval?

6984,9 2324-2353 QBC, weak-v.weak; mx, short ID

4029,0 2340-2346 LASER HOT HITS, mx, DJ, IDs

* * * * * FRI. 02 DEC. 2016 * * * * *

6334,9 1522-1813 R. BLACKLAKE, v.weak; Ravel's Bolero(reprise), 1536 ID, tnx UKdxer, ID+@, oldies, Mustafa

4029,0 1556-2342 LASER HOT HITS, euro-mx, IDs, 2139 hl, etc

1395,0 1609-1625 UNID, e.weak\noisy,2nd carrier; mx, 1615 some words

6304,9 1628-1807* R. NORTON, accn, non-stop D mx, 1800 tk in D, 1802 IDs, goodbye, g's, etc...

6287,0 1737-1819 BBR, weak; Get it on, blank, rock, D mx, 1814 ID, for Pacific/Australia, D mx

6320,0 1758-2158 UNID, trace, better at 2033-2047 v.weak\noisy,traffic u-side; pops, tk (in D?)

3985,0 1821-1828 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\noisy; pops, IDs

3975,0 1823-2015 UNID, e.weak\50% time under noise; quiet mx, IDs no copy, often SSTV, lost

3905,0 1934-2137 MUSTANG R., strong; Do wah diddy, pops, Shadows, IDs in D+E, No milk today (2148 gone)

6385,1 2057-2114 UNID, e.weak\noisy,traffic L-side; Rivers of Babylon, 2110 Andrew sisters, lost

6984,9 2201-2321 UNID, e.weak \often trace; mx

4035,0 2222-2238* R. TRX, mx, "Walk right in" background for all savings of IDs, Born to be wild, Gloria

3900,15 2240-2241 UNID, mx, mx

6422,95 2305-2335 STUDIO 52, e.weak\v.noisy; pops, 2312 ID, tk, mx

4056,0 2329-2341 UNID, e.weak; mx, and tk above

1395,0 2346-2355 UNID, fair\beatings; Kinks?, jingle, pops, Baby come back - - - - - - [ cf SEA BREEZE ]

* * * * * SAT. 03 DEC. 2016 * * * * *

1395,0 0745-0932 UNID, weak\beatings > e.weak; pops

6085,0 0752-0928 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair\PLC; 0755 "Layla", 0820 ID, web, schedule, not //, 0851 JID

6070,0 0822,0851 UNID, 0822 Xmas mx, 0851 pop
6070,0 0902-0928 HOBART R., weak\PLC; tk in E about N.Zealand, 0925 DX news, jazz, IDs+@, c'/d, mx
6070,0 0933-0935 LASER 558, mx, ID, DJ, mx

6210,35 0823-0924 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy, occ.PLC; mx, mx, quiet mx, mx, mx - - - [ cf KING SW ]

6380,5 0828-0921 UNID, R. GSV %, e.weak\ut. on U-side, occ.PLC; mx, 3 times "Georgie girl", ID not OK

9510,0 0906-0916 R. CITY, fair; C&W, pops, known DJ voice, 0911 JID, year 1973, 0915 "3 steps to heaven"

6070,0 1143-1149 UNID, Donovan "Sunshine superman", Sinatra "Something stupid"

6305,1 1144-1146 R. MERLIN, mx, canned ID, ska

6085,0 1150-1531 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\PLC; pops, 1404 //7310, 1528 ID+web in F, tk in D

7310,0 1151-1407 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; //6085, DJ ann' Link Wray"Batman", 50s R&B, 1404 still //, mx, ID

7265,0 1156-1156 HLR %, v.weak \ut.QRM; mx

6334,9 1410-1800 R. BLACKLAKE, v.-e.weak\loc.noise,PLC; pops, 1421 live ID, ID+@, 1519 D songs, 1542 ID+@, 1612 D song, 1642 ID+@, 1712 polka, 1757 "Soldiers ... zero"

6320,1 1422-1430 UNID, weak-v.weak\PLCocc.F fishers6320u; b.b.-synthe mx - - - - - - [ cf JOEY ]

6285,0 1432-1433 UNID, pop, Kraftwerk"Radioactivity" (1457 gone)

6270,3 1434-1442 UNID, D songs. (1456 gone) - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6205,1 1442-2321 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\PLC; mx, ID as Laser Int'l, DJ schedule, mx, tk, 1744 e.weak\much PLC

4029,0 1444-1739 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, radio stories(var.names), 1730 Laser Int'l

6307,1 1458-1538 R. GOOFY, e.weak\bad PLC, ID only from usual TX problem. (1547, 1702 trace)

6319,95 1504-1519 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, This is R. - - - from the NL, f'down and down [ cf MR CASH ]

6070,0 1532-1535 LASER 558, mx, 1534 ID

6320,05 1539-1757 R. JOEY, v.weak\PLC,occ.F fishers; b.b. mx, later var. pops, 1752 tk+ID (no vocoder)

6284,6 1547-1602* R. UNDERGROUND INT, 1537 blank, 1547 mx, g's, short testID, g's, 1559 QRM, 1601 blank

6389,95 1606-1610* UNID, weak\fading,PLC; J.Cocker"Unchain my heart", blank, mx, end

6325,15 1613-1624 UNID, e.weak\often under splash; pops, C&W~, "Fernando", crooner (1643 gone)

6304,95 1625-1625 UNID, weak\noisy + short peaks; pops (1640 gone) - - - - - -[ cf PYTHON - or LUPA ?? ]

6070,0 1713-1716 UNID, \QRM R.Kitaya; mx, "The room is on fire" (title?)

1395,0 1801-1821 SEA BREEZE AM + UNID, v.weak\2 stns; 1801 Sea Breeze ID, mx, 1807 pips, tk, 1809 Radio - -

6070,0 1934-1948 SM R. INT, "I love you so", Ron O'Quinn show, "So happy together", Beatles, 1945 multi-ID

6320,1 1950-2006 UNID, good; song in D, mx, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf JOEY ]

6450,05 2007-2047 UNID, weak>v.weak \bad PLC; pops, bon stop, 2030 some D mx, mx... (2058 gone)

6984,9 2059-2350 QBC R., mx, 2101 IDs, mx, 2104 short ID, mx, etc

3905,15 2142-2302 STEPPENWOLF R. (BBR ?) , fair-good; pops, 60s, 2159 Doors, Paranoid, 2225 from my friends, Unchain my heart, Baker street, 2239 ID(=?), gd ev' Europe, ID, pops, 2255 Major Tom, 2302 Brown sugar

3925,6 2147-2158 UNID, mx, tk in G? ID+@?, Greek mx, Pirea's children, M+W tk, IDs? yahoo?, mx [ cf R. LESBOS ]
3930,95 2206-2213 UNID, ex3925,6 ?, M+W tk, Greek mx"Wonderful"?, Greek mx (2248 gone) [ cf R. LESBOS ]

3894,95 2202-2330 TECH. MAN, good-strong; Queen of hearts, pops, 2220 R&B, 2245 Shalala(?), 2254 You can leave your hat on, Unchain my heart, etc, 2329 ID, g's, mx

4029,0 2256-2328 LHH, mx, g's to all the DJ's of LHH, mx

6285,0 2311-2415 BBR, ID as TRIPLE L R. by J.TOBACCO, g's, ID, Living next door to Alice, polka, R&R, etc f'/down

6266,95 2316-2408 UNID, e.weak\PLC; CCR"Bad moon, tk, Funky town, tk, etc, 2358 Satisfaction, tk... [cf B.HUNTER ]

* * * * * SUN. 04 DEC. 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0834-1102 UNID, v.>e.weak\fading,bad PLC; mx, tk. - - - - - - - - - [ cf LHH ]

6252,05 0837-0837 UNID, e.weak\fading,bad PLC; mx. (0916 gone) - - - - - - [ cf THUNDERBIRD ]

6260,0 0839-1103 R. WAVES INT, v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, known op voice, Xmas mx, C&W, 1041 e.weak-trace 6259,8

6305,1 0844-1104 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\loc.noise,PLC,deep fade; rock, 0847 H.California, 1045 \het, 1048 ID, mx

7310,0 0849-1054 SW SERVICES, weak>good; Do wah diddy, pops, news in G, 0930 weak, ID, etc, 1039 //6005

7300,05 0851-0908 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, This is ..., pops, 0905 Come together, offshore story ? [ cf U-BOAT ]

6950,0 0910-0948 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk in it., g's to Franco, it. pop, mx. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]

6085,0 0921-1100 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-v.weak\noisy; pops, tk often barely heard, in D, 1100 ID, welcome

6070,0 0922-1000* GOLDRAUSCH, weak\fading,noisy; mx, tk in G?, "Brown sugar", 0959 c'/d ID and mx
6070,0 *1000-1039 RADIO D.A.R.C., weak\noisy; s/on in G+E, 1037 tk in G
6070,0 1100-1100 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy; tk (in it. ?)

6929,95 0943-0949 R. ORION 2000, e.weak\noisy; mx, Haha said the clown, 0946 ID in E, tk in G, Judy in disguise

6285,05 1042-1103 BOGUSMAN, v.>e.weak\noisy; tk in E, "Bogusman is here", mx, tk

6305,9 1046-1051 UNID, e.weak\noisy,QRM Merlin 6305,1; accn, D mx

6380,05 1426-1439* BAKEN 16, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, shy ID, mx, 1438 JIDs (Cucaracha tune), end

6320,3 1440-1453 R. UNDERGROUND, pop, Yes hit +allo,allo.., merry Xmas, 1-2, g's1452 ID
6320,35 1551-1553* UNID, JM.Jarre, blank, end

6305,1 1445-1550 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak>fair-good; IDs, tk, I put a spell on you, pops, 1550 multi-ID

6285,05 1454,1546 BOGUSMAN, pop, tk about his father, 1458 ID, mx, 1546 tk

6205,1 1455-1637 LHH % , e.weak > weak; mx, M+W tk, 1634 seems LHH, said "36 after 4"

6070,0 1459-1532 UNID, good-strong\QRM 6075; mx, 1500 welcome, Radio - - , mx, mx, mx

6085,0 1532-1532 R. MI AMIGO INT, wak\splash; tk, IDs, promo bumper stickers

6240,0 1537-1538 UNID, weak\PLC; "Satisfaction", "Yellow sun.." poor song :-(

6266,1 1539-1545 R. PANDORA, 1st ID no copy, deep fades-good peaks, J. Cash?, 1544 ID OK at last, down again

6330,0 1553-1556* BBR % , tk (in D?), mx, again, end (QSY ?)
6340,0 1556-1559* BBR % , good\PLC, retro song, D song, C&W, then \RTTY; and QSY
6337,0 1559-1606* BBR % , ex-6340 same record, open mike, blank, \het 6335, 1602*, 1604 back, mx, QSY
6340,0 1606-1608 BBR % , mx, 1607'54" \RTTY again on 6342; QSY
6337,0 1609-1616 BBR %, instrum mx, el. guitar, deep fade, 1615 good; retro song (1630 gone)

6390,0 1603-1603 BAKEN ? , e.weak\PLC; tk, mx (1616 gone)

6450,05 1617-1630 UNID, weak\PLC; D song, 1627 Mink DeVille, etc

6330,0 1631-1634 BLACKSTONE, weak\PLC; some C&W, 1632 tk in D, IDs, tk over song

4029,0 1638-2317 LASER HOT HITS, 1638 fair-good; mx (not //). 1954 mx, 2028 rpt, ID, etc...

3902,35 1638-1643 UNID, good; "Grocer Jack", a few words in Ru, "I got the power" [ cf KACHEL BOER ]

3935,1 1639-1639 UNID, weak; mx (tchacs) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNDERGROUND ]

3901,9 1950-2103 UNID, punk rock, 1921 now D/G songs (from vinyl records), 2054 pops again

3930,6 2031-2139 R. SOUTH SEA MELODY, v.weak; D instrum mx, tk in E, tiki mx, many IDs, \traffic3930u

6984,9 2117-2321 UNID, trace, 2319 now e.weak\v.noisy; with mx

1593,0 2149-2400 UNID, \beatings; You and me, 80s club mx, pops, then v.hard to hear

1395,0 2211-2354 SEA BREEZE AM, \beatings; "You and me" too, pops, jingles, 2251 Green fields, 2258 news, ID \QRM: mx beneath; Hendrix"..watchtower", "Sunny", 2312 psious! (as everywhere on SW)

5800,0 2230-2318 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak; typical format, 2243 ID, old fq's, mx

6285,0 2323-2342 BBR, retro mx, C&W, techno, Shadows, 2334 IDs as J.TOBACCO, gd m', messing

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
