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LOGS : 07 - 13 NOV. 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 23:19 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Quiet weekdays, but more activity on 76m : I include many details.

Puzzling: at 1101-1102*on Sun., a British? stn with c'/d partly in F ??

Also the reggae stn on 6300 (tentative ID from Irish Paul, not seen anywhere else)

* * * * * MON. 07 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6070,0 0824-0911 CHANNEL 292, weak>good; G old jazz, 0857 ID in G+E, 0911 ..winter conditions.. (1000,1318 pops)

6085,0 0826-0845 R. MI AMIGO, fair\occ.deep fade; pops, F.Gall 2.0, blues-rock, Yellow submarine, ID (Also 1318)

6085,0 1618-1703* R. MI AMIGO, promo Ron O'Quinn, Kid Creole, ID+@, Turn turn turn, ID, 1700 c'/d, 3 min mx, off

6070,0 1619-1622 Radio DARC % , in G, news for hams. (1702-1759 UNID, mx, \QRM in Ru, China %; )

4029,0 1716-2222 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy > good; mx, tk, IDs, 1805 tk about Laser558 epoch

3985,0 *1800-1805 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-clear; 1759 ann. in G, 1800 welcome, Same old song, 1804 ID, mx

6286,0v 2025-2032* UNID, drift to 6286,1; retro singer (in D?), mx, 2030 tk, ID?? (seems in D), mx, end

* * * * * TUES. 08 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6085,0 0803,1632 R. MI AMIGO, v.weak > weak; several times

6070,0 1557-1817 GERMAN OLDIES, jammed by het/RTTY on 6068,8a; mx, 1600 ID. At 1817 preacher in US-E \+QRM

6380,2 1634-1636* UNID, e.weak; pops from early 60's, end

4029,0 1639-2356 LASER HOT HITS, hard\RTTY u-side > fair > v.weak\noise; mx, DJ Cory, ID, mx, 2233 techno

6285,0 1755-1812* UNID, bits of mx, much tk in D and about human rights, 1811 retro D song, end

3985,0 *1800-1900* R. MI AMIGO, good\fading; s/on, mx, Hey Jude, radio history in GB, etc 1855 jammed : RTTY 3982

6309,8 2235-2300a OZNRH % , fair\loc.noise; jazz, mx, end around 2300.

* * * * * WED. 09 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6380,1 1722-1740a UNID, e.weak\ut., PLC; mx, mx, mx, f'/out around 1740

3985,0 1806-1810 R. MI AMIGO INT, All night long, ID, promo, 6120 special in October, Spirit in the sky

3910,5 2014-2117* many IDs no copy, \het3912 Korea; "If I had a dime" in D?, ..Amsterdam.., Mickey Mouse polka, var. mx, D mx, ..Amsterdam.., R. Dubbel, Duvel?, movie mx, Happy birthday(instrum), etc... 2110 "Auf wiedersehen" song, R. Bibe? Amsterdam .. amateur .. R. Dibay? ment' Veronica, 2116 'This free radio stn closing down'. [ cf BLUEBOY ]

4029,0 2026-2154 LASER HOT HITS, good\fading; mx, tk, ID, hip-hop...

* * * * * THURS. 10 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6305,1 1532-1532* UNID, last words, end. - - - - - - [ cf MERLIN ]

6295,0 1533-1538 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; rock, mx, lost

6285,0 1541-1612 HITMIX, e.weak\PLC; mx, typical DJ, R&R medley, 1610 ID, tk, bye-bye. (1622 gone)

6380,0 1552-1605 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; yodl, D mx, mx, bit of updrift. (1615 gone)

6325,15 1557-1621* OLD TIMER, weak\noisy; 60's pops, Downtown, 1607 ID (or OLDTIME), 60s pop-rock

6235,0 1600-1602* DEL ta/tracks?, \ut.noise; Karma chameleon, ID, c'/d, accn, Radio - -, c'/d, bye-bye

4029,0 1633-2025 LASER HOT HITS, repeat from a Sunday, pops, hip-hop, FSN, M.Andrews, OEM, ID, ZZ Top, etc

6085,0 1650-1703* R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, Born to be wild, 1657 ID+@, annts, c'/d, next times, 3 min. mx, off

3905,0 2026-2111 R. Z. ALICE, good\fading; test-een-twee, allo... 2027 accn, D mx, 2037 IDs, allo, polka, messing, etc

3940,6 2046-2155 (UNID) R.-SW, Man of action, IDs no copy, D mx, Rosamunde (in medley), SSTV, c/o DrTim, "I heard it thru the grapevine", rec' of Mebo2 mayday, 2132 Popcorn, D mx, 2149 phone call in G, etc. [ cf BLUEMAN ] (again Nov.15th with clear ID)

3920,1 2056-2110 UNID, e.weak; Sweets for my sweet, 60s pops, She's not there, 2100 on 3920,0 etc, 2110 f'/down
3920,0 2138-2138 UNID, e.weak peak; mx, lost again
3920,0 2156-2355 UNID, e.weak; mx, 2218 Z. Gluck??, pops, 2236 ID+@(=?), Suzi Quatro, IDs(=?) \QRM3915; etc, 2257 Help me Rhonda, 2302 Open up your heart, You keep me hanging on, 2310 Fire brigade, Hello Suzie, Twist and shout, Got to get you into my life, Friday on my mind, You really got me, 2331 "5-4-3-2-1", Don't let me be misunderstood, Mustang sally, R.Stones, (no IDs), 2355 lost

3925,0 2156-2234 UNID, trace, a few peaks with some mx heard.

3873,0 2403-2403 UNID, tk in E, quickly lost

* * * * * FRI. 11 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6150,0 0730-0823 EUROPA 24, pops, IDs, news in G

6085,0 0823-1027 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good\fading; Doors, ID, Standing at the cross-road, IDs, etc

6305,1 0842-0921* MERLIN % , Sweet home Alabama, 0859 Final countdown, 0920 Rocking all over the world
6230,7 0922-1028 MERLIN % , ex-6305, same record, Wild thing, 0942 crooners, f'/down

6307,1 1333-1550 GOOFY, e.weak\v.noisy at first; mx, tk, 1337-1343 on 6308,25a and back, 1526 allo, ID

6285,0 1400-1550 HITMIX ? , e.weak; mx, D songs, typ. tk, 1530 D 'coucou', tk, 'Hitmix', instrum Paloma blanca

6385,1 1432-1441* UNID, e.weak; "Man of action" part, anorak mx, allo-test-1-2-3-4(in D), Red River rock, end

6385,1 1453-1545 UNID, mx, funky, tk, ment' Odynn, rock, Radio - - , etc (1605 gone)

6320,1 1506-1644* ODYNN, Baby please don't go, All day and all of the night +(allo, ID), 1510 Friday on my mind, 1518 ID, g's, 1520 Louie louie +g's, 1545 "Fire", 1547 ID, etc, 1643 Up up the volume, smooth s/off

6210,0 1551-1602 UNID, pops, D mx. (1626 gone, to 6235 ?)

6235,0 1620-1826 UNID, D songs, 1633 "Pour un flirt" in D, 1746 "Gina", "Paradiso"?, polkas, waltzes, 1804 "Apache"

4029,0 1627-2134 LASER HOT HITS, IDs, DJ, mx, 1630 OEM, 1928 W DJ(Cory?), 2121 from a 4015 epoch

6085,0 1647-1700 R. MI AMIGO INT, Matthew & Son, pops, 1659 c'/d, next 1h later on 3985, and tomorrow

6070,0 1655-1919 CHANNEL 292 v.strong, battle with R. KITAYA (China in Ru)

6246,2 1755-1803 UNID, v.weak\PLC; pops, 1801 "Roxane". (1810 gone)

3920,0 2259-2315 UNID, weak-v.weak\few atmos,QRM6315; R.Stones, Box Tops, 2308 Knock on wood(60s)

* * * * * SAT. 12 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

4029,0 0706-0840 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\fading; mx, rpt on 4015, 0740 mx, tk, Eurythmics

6150,0 0714-0854 EUROPA 24, Waterloo sunset, 0715 ID, Meldungen, ID, mx, 0738 Whiter shade of pale

6005,0 0722-0913 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\fading; pos, DJ, ID, 0855 1 min. behind //6085
6085,0 0855-0913 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, "all day music station", 1 min ahead of //6005

6190,0 0735-0923 HLR %, in AM-BLU; 0735 DX news (G.Hauser's WOR % ), 0853 instr. mx, 0923 tk in G

6260,25 0844-0847 BLACK PANTHER, D song, "allo test", IDs as DE PANTER (0922 gone)

6235,0 0848-0852 UNID, v.-e.weak; D mx, f'/out.

6070,0 0857-0900* UNID via CHANNEL 292, weak-fair\loc.noise; pop-C&W, 0859 tk, mx, cut
6070,0 *0900-0913 UNID via CHANNEL 292, jazz, attention-achtung.. ment'CH292, Radio - - -, classic jazz, 0908 tk about bad conditions today, see the Ch292 site, 0910 jazz "Le grand lion"

9510,0 0914-0921 R. CITY, good\fading; Spirit in the sky, pop-C&W, tk (usual DJ voice), mx

6305,1 1145-1152 R. MERLIN INT, weak\fading,noisy; mx, DJ, 1148 ID+hl+@, mx, ID,mx

6005,0 1155-1157 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-v.weak; soul mx, 50 sec. behind //6085
6085,0 1156-1157 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, soul mx, ID, 50" ahead of //6005

6070,0 1158-1201 R. CHANNEL 292, then at 1200 ID as GOLDRAUSCH (in G), "Love potion #9"

6070,0 1416-1419 R. NORDSEE INT, Man of action, ID, mx

6085,0 1419-1421 R. MI AMIGO INT, 50-60's pops, ID, DJ ann' the Equals

6210,3 1422-1427 UNID, e.weak\traffic6210USB; pops

6305,1 1430-1440 R. MERLIN INT, Hendrix "All along the watchtower", DJ, ID, rock

6385,0 1441-1543 UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops, 1535 R&R, Whole lotta shaking going on, 1543 Hippy shake [cf HITMIX]

6402,7 1501-1542 UNID, e.weak\noisy,QRM6400Korea; 1501 mx, 1511,1542 : killed by QRM6400Korea

6423,95 1513-1519* UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; "Lust fot love", other track, end

15070u 1522-1530 MARCONI % , v.weak>weak \het15070,1, bad PLC; Man of action, Star wars, SW news in E
15070u 1635-1637 MARCONI % , bit of mx under lots of noise (tentative ID : from schedule)

6325,1 1544-1709 UNID, fair; non stop instrum. mx - - - - - - [ cf JOEY ]

6305,1 1556,1652 R. MERLIN INT % , 1556 tk, 1652 mx (1706 gone)

6240,0 1558-1613 UNID, e.weak\PLC, harder and harder; mx, 1613 \traffic

6220,0 1614-1719 UNID, v.weak\Morse QRM; mx, distorted IDs(no copy, R. Arthur??). - - -[ cf S.R. AUSTRIA ]

6385,0 1642-1644* UNID, tnx rpt +mx, c'/d Radio (Zero?), @hotmail. - - - - - -[ cf R. ZEEWOLF ]

6285,3 1653-1705* UNID, fair+peaks \fading; D waltz, D song, 1703 ID? over pop track, end. [cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6316,9 1706,1709 UNID, 1706 mx, 1709 blank (1717 gone).

3904,95 2013-2109 UNID, fair-good; pops, 2041 ..Radio Ronalisa.. "Ronalisa" song, D songs, 2100 Jerome c'est moi
3904,95 2125-2202 R. ALICE, D songs, pops, 2137 IDs; will c/d before 11(cond. not good), 2202 Yellow sun :-(

3967,75 2045-2110 UNID, e.weak; 2045 mx, then v.hard to hear

4029,0 2117-2400 LASER HOT HITS, (2054 nothing), 2117 f'/in, up to good\het,deep fades, strong peaks; mx, tk, IDs

6959,7 2231-2245 UNID, \fax; pops, 2242 "Help"(reprise?), 2245 "Imagine". (2254 gone). [ cf STOVE FARMER ]

6939,95 2234-2237 R. ORION 2000, fair\fading; Mungo J."Summertime", ID, "S.Francisco"

6309,8 2247-2252 UNID, e.weak\ut.bursts; mx (2306 gone) - - - - - - - - - [ cf OZNRH % ]

6285,0 2249-2351 Z. AKENZO, rock, N.Sinatra"These boots...", synthe, Tina Tina, rock, Hendrix"Hey Joe", 2328 tnx rpt, ID, tnx UKR, etc, OK rpt, rock, gospel-like, pop...

3929,75 2256-2402 STOVE FARMER, good-strong; D songs, 2303 gd ev', g's, ID, D/G songs, "If I could" in D, Ein prosit

6291,0 2343-2354 BBR % , polka and blanks, 2351 "Marylou", accn

* * * * * SUN. 13 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

4020 U 0350-0411* WOLVERINE R., pop, jazz, 0359 ID, mx, 0409 "Wolverine Radio radio radio...", SSTV, end

6215,0 0816-0907 UNID, v.weak; mx, 0905 tk, ID?? "..kHz..", rock. - - - [ cf UFERLOS ]

6284,95 0819-0845 UNID, v.weak\fading; mx, some R&B, 0845 D mx - - - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
6284,95 0916-0918 UNID, v.weak; mx, f'/down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SRA ]

6305,1 0846-0922 R. MERLIN, v.weak\fading > weak; mx, 0920 ID, hello, Yes hit

6325,0 0846-0850 UNID, e.weak-trace; some mx heard, but at 0847 het on 6325,2 and then lost

6325,2 0848-0923 UNID, weak; For your love, C&W, Satisfaction, 0922 Poupée de cire, Bus stop [ cf OLD TIMER ]

6385,0 0855-0902 UNID, e.weak\bad fading; b.b. mx, instrum, f'/up (0924 gone)

6245,0 0908-0912 R. CASANOVA, D mx, g's (known voice), then \RTTY; 0911 Wodka Anushka tune, other lyrics

6259,8 0912-0916 R. WAVES INT, weak\fading; C&W, 0914 ID, C&W. (see at 1010)

6875,1 0926-0947 R. EUROPE, v.weak\traffic6877u in sp.; pop, 0929 tk, R.London jingle, 0930*, 0935 mx, 0946 ID+@

6850,1 0948-0955 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf BANDIDO ]

6385,0 0956-0958* R. LOWLAND, mx, part of "Pop corn" with lyrics, tk in D, ID, qso?, bye-bye

6385,0 1000-1002 UNID, mx, '1-2-3'..., mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf Z. ZERO ? qso ]

6291,0 1003-1007 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, mx

6261,85 1010-1135 R. WAVES INT, v.weak\PLC, drift to 6261,7; C&W, IDs, 1135 F song "Wight is Wight" (see 1439)

6220,2 1014-1111 UNID, weak\noisy,PLC; mx, tk, mx from "Star wars "promo ?, etc. - - -[ cf MERLIN ]

6283,0 1017-1043 UNID, e.weak \ut.noise; mx

6292,0 1018-1026 UNID, e.weak; rock, mx

6305,85 1019-1026 UNID, v.weak; mx, D instrum mx, instrum Y.Montand's song

6290,0 1043-1043 UNID, e.weak; mx barely heard (1056 gone)

6300,0 1045-1047 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, lost

6305,75 1048-1050 UNID, e.weak \almost swamped; mx (1056 gone)

6320,0 1050-1055* UNID, mx, 1051 Edith Piaf "Milord", sudden s/off

6267,1 1057-1134 UNID, e.>v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, mx, 1133 tk in D. - - - - - -[ cf ODYNN ]

6237,95 1101-1102* UNID, mx, tk above: 'My name is..', trying in F too? with "Grande-Bretagne" ??

6235,0 1102-1107 UNID, tk, mx, 1106 tk ..Eurovision.., 1107 islands mx. - - - [ cf ARTEM ]

6205,1 1110-1110 LHH, weak; mx, 'Laser', reggae

6085,0 1114-1128 R. MI AMIGO INT, rock-blues, tk, ID

7310,0 1115-1130 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; behind // 6085; 1126 last song of L.Cohen, 1128 ID, stickers, big draw...

6261,6 1439-1443 R. WAVES INT, mx, IDs, instrum mx, tk

7310,0 1450-1455 R. MI AMIGO INT, \QRM beneath; "It's all over now", DJ in E, mx, // 6085

6085,0 1452-1703* R. MI AMIGO INT, 1452 \v.noisy; // 7310. 1657 pop, 1700 ID, c'/d, "Get off my cloud"

6901 u 1457-1506 UNID, USB hard to clarify; mx parts, 1459 "Marylou", more parts, end ?

6385,0 1509-1515 BAKEN 16, tk, mx, JID, ID, ment' W.Reus, rpt, rpt for Lowland, etc

6325,0 1516-1625 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mangled voice; mx, D-like songs, pop, tk, IDs(=?), [ cf S.R AUSTRIA ]

6300,1 1529-1646 UNID, \QRM6295; reggae, reggae, 1631 "Israelites", reggae... [ cf DOUBLE J REGGAE % ]

6285,05 1542-1546 BOGUSMAN, good\so-so audio(QRM?); tk, ID, about used car dealers, mx..

6260,0 1547-1550 UNID, D instrum mx, instrum mx. (1606 gone)

6205,1 1552-1710 LHH % , weak-v.weak; mx, tk, not // other fq's, 1706 duo tk about R. Jackie

6285,05 1606,1648 UNID, mx. (1704 gone). - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf GHOUL ]

4029,0 1649-1712 LASER HOT HITS, ID+@, tk about BBC R1 with jingles, //5800

5800,0 1654-1712 LASER HOT HITS, comments about Radio One jingles, // 4029, mx

3905,1 2228-2232 UNID, good-strong; rock, then f'/down

3940,6 2235-2252* R. JODELPIRAAT, yodl, (spelling JODELPIRAAT), only yodl, 2252 tk, end

3910 L 2245-2247 UNID, instrum mx (also a few words, but maybe from traffic)

4029,0 2333-2333 LHH %, e.weak; tk ( after very long deep fade )

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
