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LOGS : 31 oct - 06 nov. 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 23:43 pm
by Ray Lalleu

More jamming by RTTY on small german stations (7310 on Tues., 6070 on Sat. morning)

Nonstop 90's : last day on Monday 31st, relayed on 6205. Then on Sat. that TX relayed LHH all day, but was disturbed in the afternoon by a so-called R.Nordsee (playing "Man of action" quite often).

R. Mi Amigo Int had its new all day service on 6085, running in // with all relays from the former schedule (except 9560). Parallel TX's are often a few min.shifted.

Halloween : special program from R. Merlin, night relays of R. Halloween on 76m, and an American stn on 6935.

On Sun., while short skip from S. England was still heard here for a few minutes, Bogusman made a surprising apparition, barely 2 kHz aside of Focus Int.

* * * * * MON. 31 OCT. 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0958-1841 NONSTOP 90'S, fair\fading,PLC; 1000 ID, ann' also 6205, mx, tk, 1714 ID

6305,1 1001-1638 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\PLC; Pretty flamingo, g's, Hang on Sloopy, 1010 Working in a coal mine, 1045 Got to get you into my life, ID, 1245 Louie louie, Dandy, haloween sounds, 1611 ID, Halloween special, 1638 f'/out

6320,0 1047-1102 UNID, e.weak on peaks!, 1048 This is radio..., pop-rock, 1102 Sweet dreams (guessed..)

6285,0 1615-1729* UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC,bursts; D mx, 1700 tk + D version of "Pour un flirt", 1728 ID?, end [cf HITMIX ]

6265,0 1616-1625 UNID, good +strong mod level; synthe pops. (1645 gone). - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

6239,3 1646-1659* UNID, trace>weak; 1652 M.Jackson, Halloween sounds, J. Cash(?)+laughings

5800,0 1704-1731 LASER HOT HITS, weak at best; pops, // 4029

4029,0 1705-1731 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy; mx, 1708 ID, etc. (2337 still fair\noisy)

3935,6 1733-1734* UNID, tk, part of "Witch doctor", ID ?, end. - - - - - - - - - [ cf HALLOWEEN ? ]

6309,8 2259-2303 OZNRH % , v.weak\PLC; jazz, tk(no copy), crooner, then f'/out

6935,0 2310-2335 trace, barely some mod (maybe Doctor Detroit, in N.Am.)

6950,0 2314-2333* UNID, weak\fading(regular, period= a few seconds); modern jazz, SSTV, pops. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]

* * * * * TUES. 01 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6210,0 0911-0927 UNID, trace of mod, 0926 e.weak, mx, 0927 lost (end?)

6940,0 0913-1036* ENTERPRISE R., rock, Halloween sounds, 0919 ID, 0946 B-52's, 1036 ID, end

6085,0 0930-1044 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\noisy; rock,pops, 1000 Sing a song, Jailhouse rock, 1015 S.Blue"Mighty Joe

6070,0 0940-1044 CH. 292 % , fair-good; non stop pops, no ID around 1000

7310,0 0944-1041 UNID (via Kall % ), \RTTY on 7313a; pops, 1003 was tk' in G, pops again, 30 s before // 6005

6070,0 1442-1620 UNID, N.Sinatra"These boots...", old movie theme, movie soundtrack in G, etc \some QRM beating

6085,0 1443-1613 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1445 ID, 1611 rock"Got the hook"?, ID, Sound of silence

6290,0 1447-1449 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D song with accn, 1449 long blank carrier - - - [ cf RONALISA ]

6319 a 1458-1655 GOOFY % , v.weak\PLC; no ID heard, typical shaky carrier; mx, 1552 tk(no copy), > e.weak

6284,95 1506-1512 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC,2nd carrier?; D mx, tk above mx

6239,25 1513-1520 UNID, e.weak\het6239,6a; duo tk, 1518 e.weak\PLC; D mx, pop, drift to 6239,35. (1535 gone)

6210,05 1524-1524 UNID, trace-e.weak peak\noisy; with mx (1532 gone)

6282,0 1536-1547 UNID, e.weak\PLC; Final countdown, More than a feeling, etc. - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

4029,0 1621-2043 LASER HOT HITS, 1621 'Laser' above mx, 1959 good-strong; Ball of confusion, tk, mx, IDS

3930,0 1625-1642 UNID, f' in & out; 1634 tk with a www site, but \het on 3931,0. (Again trace and het at 2037)

6290,0 1647-1651 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, 1650 "Baby come back", lost

6984,65 1950-2048 QBC, good peaks\deep fades,monkey chatter(U-side),noisy ut.(L-side); mx, 2016 SSTV(double length), mx, 2030 SSTV, 2032 ID, 2046 SSTV, mx, now weak\noisy; 2048 sudden deep fade

3935,7 2004-2004 UNID, just a few seconds and trace again; - - - [ cf R. HALLOWEEN ]

* * * * * WED. 02 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6070,0 0918-0920 R. OHNE NAMEN % , old jazz tracks

6085,0 0920-0938 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, Peter VanDam teaser, 0938 ID, "No milk today"

6320,0 1351-1458* HITMIX R., v.weak\PLC + peaks; pops, 1405 ID no copy, 1430 longer peaks, 1455 strong ID

6209,8 1407-1459 UNID, trace with some mod, 1459 peak with mx, down again (1507 gone)

6320,0 1509-1515* UNID, v.weak\PLC; Born to be wild, more mx, end

6085,0 1517-1551 R. MI AMIGO INT %, good-strong\fading; Supertramp, non-stop pops. (Also 1703 mx, sudden s/off)

5800,05 1645-1708* LITTLE FEAT AM, pop, 1648 ID, tk, g's to Merlin, etc

4029,0 1646-2220 LASER HOT HITS, pops, tk, ment' M.Scott, 1730 ID, 2007 fair\much noise; 2014 good\Morse,RTTY

6070,0 1700-1702 CH. 292 %, pops \QRM in Ru, probably from China;

6259,9 1704-1757* UNID, good-strong; Jefferson Airplane, 1709 some Um-da-he(~Wounded knee), La bamba, 1715 pop, rock, 1721 Born on the ghetto, 1731 Down in the boon docks, Israelites, H.Rising sun, \stanag bursts; Good golly miss molly, "Sheila", Walking on sunshine, quick f/down to v.weak; Rock around the clock, Keep on running, QSY
6286,9 1758-1809 UNID, ex-6259,9 same record, pops, f'/down again, I'm a believer, Puppet on a string (1822 gone)

3985,0 1811-1818 R. MI AMIGO INT, good-strong\fading; pops, ID, tk: relay thru Armenia, ad:World of radio, IDs, mx

6209,8 1819-1825 UNID (from Russia?), weak\bad spitting PLC; mx, instrum mx, song in Ru?

6984,7 2021-2225 QBC, v.weak\occ. hets; mx, SSTV, 2030 IDs, 2203 fair-good peaks, mx, short IDs, 2224 comments

6384,9 2036-2127 UNID, v.weak\bad PLC; mx, D mx, 2051 tk, el.organ mx, tk, 2116 D song

6315,8 2059-2135 OZNRH %, \short fades; smooth jazz, IDs(no copy, by M+W), 2114 ..Hamburg.. (after 2200: trace)

* * * * * THURS. 03 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6085,0 1035-1105 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, IDs, 1101 Call me, promo stickers, mx

6085,0 1301-1406 R. MI AMIGO INT, I can break away, IDs, about 1min ahead of //6005, 1316 CCR, 1400 not //, etc

6070,0 1320-1401 GERMAN OLDIES, mx, tk in G, IDs, 1320 Funky town, 1336 about Alexei Leonov, "Same old song"

6209,8 1413-1458 UNID, trace > e.weak; fading up very slowly, 1430 faint mx heard, still f'up. [ cf KOMINTERN ]

5800,0 1837-1839 LASER HOT HITS, ID (+ Int'l ) by Mike Andrews, tk, mx

4029,0 1839-1841 LASER HOT HITS, pop, ID+@, pop, etc, seemed 2 or 3 min. behind 5800
4029,0 2252-2315 LASER HOT HITS, good-strong; mx, 2313 ID, mx

3935,6 1841-1850a UNID, mx, lost around 1850

3925,6 1900-1900 UNID, mx, sounds like QSY from 3935,6

* * * * * FRI. 04 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6385,1 1037-1045 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx, tk, end ?

6085,0 1046-1056 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair\PLC; mx, ID+@, pop

6070,0 1047-1055 GERMAN OLDIES, fair; mx, tl in G, ID

6085,0 1437-1659 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\splash; pops, 1659 "6 o'clock", ID, next progr. on 75m

6070,0 1437-1658 UNID, mx, tk in G, up to strong (but at 1658 carrier QRM from China)

6209,8 1441-1501 UNID, e.weak\PLC,noise; mx. (1508 gone) - - - - - - [ cf KOMINTERN ]

6286,8 1447-1733 FOCUS INT, good; ID, 60s pops, list of the DJs, ID+@, etc, 1640 DJ Richard Graham, 1703 e.weak

6265,1 1517-1531 UNID, e.weak\stanag; 1518 '- - Radio', D mx, 1526 Rosamunde/linda, 1530 tk, hl 06... (1537 killed)

6259,9 1531-1535 UNID, fair-good \overmodulated; instrum mx, D song; (1553 gone)

6385,1 1539-1543 UNID, Crunchy granola, cut, blank, 1542 Man of action, end

6270,3 1553-1553 UNID, v.weak\PLC,ut.6275; D song

6265,1 1626-1639 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D song, Rosalinda, 1637 tk above accn, 1638 ..this is... (1656 gone)

4029,0 1651-2140 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy; ID, said 4029 and 6230, 1740 v.strong traffic4030u, 1933 fair

5800,0 1735-1739 LASER HOT HITS, (1648-1700 blank), weak\noisy, mx, FSN, psiou, mx (not //)

6205,1 1935-2145 COAST FM, good > e.weak\much noise; pops, IDs, DJ

* * * * * SAT. 05 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0814-0907 LASER HOT HITS, good peak> weak\PLC; mx, 0829 ID, 0846 hum, v.low hum (1134 M.Andrews)

6286,8 0815-0914 FOCUS, good-strong; rock, "My baby does the hanky-panky..." by W, 0833 ID, 0853 hets, 0914 weak

6005,0 0820-0917 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; mx, ID, 37s behind // 6085, 0821 ID

6085,0 0820-0917 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; mx, ID, 37s ahead of // 6005, 0822 ID

6070,0 0823-0850 R. WAVES INT, \jammed by RTTY; mx, tk, Show must go on, 0850 ID in G
6070,0 0902-0919 UNID, 6070 now clear; in E about R.Caroline-R.London, then clip of R.227, etc, later mx

4029,0 0830,0847 LHH %, fair; mx, seems not //

6070,0 1126-1131 SM Radio INT, "Lola", ID+@, jingle: Ron O'Quinn, "Monday monday",

6215,0 1137-1152 UNID, e.weak\PLC; 60s pops, Leader of the pack

6286,8 1146-1617 FOCUS, good; mx, mx, 1617 ID, "Stuck in the middle..", still good. (1630 trace only)

6305,1 1147-1150 R.MERLIN INT, Tubular bells, ID, tk, mx

6210,0 *1400-1408 UNID, good; electro mx, 1407 tk in D, hellos, mx. (1509 gone) - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

6220,0 1403-1406* SLUWE VOS R., weak-fair; Sunshine reggae, 1406 ID+@, noname c'/d, I'll be back

6205,1 1403-1622 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair; 1445 Man of action, \hum6205,2; 1619 ID, 1624 ID. (see at 1653)

6239,65 1409-1415 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx

6260,0 1415-1515* R. TELSTAR INT, good-strong; pops(movie?), 1500 Doors, techno, OK, 1510 IDs, g's, bye-bye

6305,1 1419-1630 R.MERLIN INT, fair-good\PLC,some atmos; ID, mx, mx, 1616 same level, 1630 e.weak

6070,0 1429-1445 GERMAN OLDIES, mx, DJ in G+E, ID, mx, 1444 ID

6085,0 1430-1430 R. MI AMIGO INT, on 6085 only, ID

6220,0 1447-1454 R. PYTHON, mx, 1449 ID, tk, mx. (1506 blank, s/off)

6230,0 1454-1500* R. CASANOVA, mx, tk, known voice, 1458 ID, c'/d

6325,0 1516-1616 UNID, v.weak\PLC > e.weak; mx, 1525 siren, bpm, etc.., 1616 Friday on my mind

6384,9 1527-1542 BLAUWE PANTER + UNID, almost no hum; both with mx, 1535 "Israelites" vs D schlager, 1538 D song stronger, 1541 ID, also as BLUE PANTHER, 1542 going to c/d

6950,0 1544-1711 UNID, v.weak\noisy; jazz, 1549 ID(=?), hotmail, classic mx, 1603 Radetski march, 1611 in it. ID(=?), 1632 jazz, 1642 classic mx, 1708 pop, 1710 ID+@(=?), now e.weak and f'/out. [ cf VOYAGER ]

4029,0 1644-2220 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak > good; 1644 ID+@, 2047 ID

6205,1 1653-1707 LHH + UNID, hum; 6205,15 : Man of action, tk in D or G, studio.., Man of action, 1702 cheerio, bye-bye, 1703 accn, 1704 LHH only \another hum now !, 1707 mw \and PLC. - - - [ cf R. NORDSEE ]

6267,0 2030-2035 UNID, e.weak\PLC,noise; mx, lost - - - - - - - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]

3905,05 2050-2219 R. STN ALICE, pops and D songs, IDs, 'short skip nada', 2100 Paranoid, 2128 Sweet Caroline

3920,0 2101-2320 UNID, 2137 at last sorted out of noise, mx, My baby love, 60s R&B, 2205 Downtown, 2217 Doris Day?, 2256 Dock of the bay, Sunny afternoon, 2315 See Emily play, Summer in the city.

* * * * * SUN. 06 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6005,0 0801-1001 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, tk in E, pops, 0900 1min behind //6085, 1001 "Jean genie"
6085,0 0857-1102 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop, 0900 ID, welcome, mx. (On 6085 at 0800 was Bulgaria s'/on)

6070,0 0802-0806 SUPERCLAN R., Id, mx, ID, mx
6070,0 0902-0959* GOLDRAUSCH, Love potion #9, tk in G, ID, ann' Hot Chocolate, etc

6205,1 0807-0959 LHH % , fair-good \some TX problem?; pops, IDs only as 'Laser', 'on Internet and SW'

6240,0 0810-0917 UNID, e.weak\noisy; pops, tk at times (in G?), then \PLC; to 6242 ? - - - [ cf SR AUSTRIA ]
6242,0 0940-1024 UNID, e.weak\deep fades, noisy; mx, 0949 Yes hit (guessed), R.Stones, etc [ cf SR AUSTRIA ]

6257,0 0815-0816* UNID, weak-fair, mx, QSY to 6260,0 - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLACK ARROW ]
6260,0 *0816-0832 UNID, Sweet dreams, pops, g's to Casanova, bye-bye, mx parts (0835 gone) . [ cf BLACK ARROW ]

6286,8 0817-1135 FOCUS INT, pop, rock, tk in E, 0918 ID, 1044 promo RNLI

6230,0 0834-0905 R. CASANOVA, Casanovas song, ID, g's, rockabilly, canned ID, pop in G, We love the pirate stns

6260,0 0844-0939 R. WAVES INT, R&R medley, 0845 ID, Twist again, 0852 "Comme d'habitude", 0908 Tobacco road
6261,7 1024-1136 R. WAVES INT, accn tracks, ID in F, C&W, etc. (see below at 1342)

6252,1 0907-0940 THUNDERBIRD R., v.weak\stanag bursts; mx, IDs, 0914 church organ, Born on the bayou, etc

6267,0 0937-0938 UNID, fair+peaks; bastringue, D song.

6219,9 0957-1004* R. MAZDA, 0957 "- - R. INT", D mx, accn, OK Paardenkracht, ID, end

6210,4 0958-0958 UNID, "Caroline" song. (1002 gone)

6230,7 1005-1139 R. MERLIN, v.weak > weak\PLC; S.Davis Gr., I&T.Turner, Pretty flamingo, IDs, pops (see 1337)

6280,0 1030-1042 UNID, \QRM6285; D songs. - - - - - - - - - [ cf QUADZILLA ]

6305,0 1045-1050 UNID, e.weak\much noise; barely heard something

6320,0 1051-1131 UNID, e.weak\much noise; barely heard something

6385,0 1054-1122 UNID, e.weak; mx

6070,0 1100-1102 UNID, ID in it.(=?), "Radio di-tchi news", "Studio DX" in it.

6304,8 1127-1135 R. RAINBOW INT, v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx parts, "She's a rainbow", 1132 IDs, studio 2, etc.

6253,3 1137-1138 UNID, v.weak\ut.; mx, some D pop. - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6220,3 1141-1141 UNID, pop-rock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PAARDENKRACHT ]

6205,1 1333-1336 LHH % , \hum, 2nd carrier?, no other audio.

6230,7 1337-1655 R. MERLIN INT, weak\PLC; ID, pops, 1655 f'/down (1716 trace)

6240,0 1340-1341* UNID, said R.Goofy, but seemed D stn. - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6261,55 1342-1349 RWI ?, v.weak\PLC, QRM U-side; C&W, 1348 tk in F (not RWI op voice).

6267,0 1350,1510 UNID, D song, D song, 1510 D song, D song. - - - [ cf AKENZO ]

6286,8 1352-1646 FOCUS INT, good\bad fading; rock, 1400 ID, 1511 Sweet home Alabama, R&R, 1646 \het 6285

6305,1 1401-1415 ODYNN R., rock, ID, D song, pop, g's, ID, Knock on wood, No milk today

6320,0 1416-1418 UNID, \bad PLC and ut.; some mx, then lost - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. 102 ]

6390,1 1423-1433* UNID, v.weak\bad PLC; anorak mx and tk, 1426-1431 \hum6389,95; tk, mx, J&Hurricanes
6389,95 1426-1431 \hum with 6390,1; 1428 which one talking ?

7310,0 1436-1500* R. MI AMIGO INT, \strong QRM in Arabic; Beatles, jingles, 1 min behind // 6085, 1440 ID
6085,0 1439-1703* R. MI AMIGO INT, // 7310, Dave Clark 5, ID, 1700 c'/d, but TX remains on for 3 min with mx

6070,0 1448-1713 GERMAN OLDIES, tango, tk in G, ID, story of the Thatcher years, mx, 1704 \now QRM; 1705 ID

6205,1 1507-1715 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; mx, tk, 'Laser', 1714 ID (with

6327,05 1520-1534 UNID, fair-weak\fading; mx, a few words, then non-stop mx - - - [ cf JOEY ]

6385,1 1535-1535 UNID, e.weak; tk, allo..., anorak mx. (1605 gone)

6384,95 1610-1622* UNID, e.weak; mx, D mx, D song "Senhorina", D version"If I had a dime", etc, s/off

6330,0 1624-1635* UNID, yodl, anorak mx, C&W, "Charlie Brown", D singer in E, cut, end

6320,05 1636-1645* UNID, weak-fair\PLC; pop, transe, pop, end

6285,05 1646-1654 BOGUSMAN, \QRM 6284,8 Focus; tk : Eurovision, "City in the sky" by Sugar (alt. mx), etc

6262,0 1716-1726 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; mx, mx

6265,0 1736-1803 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, mx, 1803 ID??, mx. (1815 gone)

4029,0 1729-2152 LASER HOT HITS, fair\deep fades > good; mx, advice for 6210, 1816 ID+@, 1943 G.Drew, FSN,OEM

5800,0 1734-1736 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, "S.Francisco" - - - - - - - - -[ cf LHH ]

6285,0 1750-1815 UNID, e.weak\PLC +peaks; mx, D song ?, 1810 ..on 6-2-8-5..pirate..NL.., J.Cash song in D ?

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
