LOGS : 24 -30 OCT. 2016
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 22:54 pm
- NONSTOP 90'S all the week on 6205 (last week of a free FM station from Dublin)
- LHH was also on 5800 kHz everyday
- "shaky carrier" : means that the carrier frequency is pulled aside each time the audio is peaking (maybe something bad in the DC supply)
- on Friday, Mustang relayed Arrow Classic Rock for a while
- propagation seemed to be 'hit and miss" (not many logs available, and often very different from different places)
- shift to winter time on Sunday, OK (all times in UTC below)
>> Again a small German SW station was badly jammed that week (6070 on Sat/Sun). Anyone knowing more about that ?
* * * * * MON. 24 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 1631-1701 UNID, good; pops
6205,1 1632-2125 NON STOP NINETIES, weak\PLC > good> fair\fading; mx, IDs, ads, 1858 Mustang Sally
6290,0 1633-1643 HOBART % , fair\PLC; relaying FM from Australia/Tasmania, f/out. [ cf 7MELBOURNE ]
6320,0 1706-1708 UNID, C&W track, more mx. (1713 gone)
5800,0 1715-1855 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; "Rasputin", mx, tk, before // 4029
4029,0 1715-2133 LASER HOT HITS, weak; mx, IDs, 1717 G.Drew, 2130 a chart
6005,0 1719-1724 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair\slight het6003; //3985(bad), mx, DJ, ID, jingles...
6279,9 1812-1814 UNID, polka, cut, end.
6070,0 1825-1900* LASER 558, good \fading; mx, IDs, 1857 "Satisfaction". (*1900: Radio D.A.R.C.)
1395,0 2135-2147 SEA BREEZE AM, Marrakech express, jingle, ~gospel, soul, .. 2146 ID
* * * * * TUES. 25 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 0644-1005 NON STOP NINETIES, weak\noisy,fading; pops, IDs, tk in E, said 107.1 FM
6205,1 1515-2031 NON STOP NINETIES, v.weak +occ.peak; pops, M+W duo tk, IDs
6305,1 1007-1015 UNID, fair\fading; fair\occ.fades; pops, 1012 "Last night a DJ..."
6259,9 1514-1652 UNID, \fading, ut.bursts; accn, "Waterloo", tk, D songs, C&W, pops. [ cf BATAVIER ]
6209,8 1515-1527 UNID, \QRM6205; tk, Radio - - - , bienvenue (in F), tk, tk. - - - [ cf KOMINTERN ]
6290,0 1605-1616* R. RONALISA, e.weak\noisy >v.weak; pops, brass polka, 1615 rock, ID, "Ronalisa" song, sudden off
6290,0 1617-1621* UNID, mx, many "good evening". - - - - - - - - - [ cf RONNIE AM ]
6252,9 1625-1629 UNID, fair; some Chinese mx, then Birdie song by accn, 1629 falling down
6226,5 1631-1633 UNID, e.weak; mx, lost
6210,0 1640-1645 UNID, e.weak-trace; mx, 1642 "In the year 25-25", f' to a trace (1657 gone)
5800,0 1701-1814 LASER HOT HITS, fair\het5801,9 > v.weak; pops, 1703 ID, about 30s behind // 4029
4029,0 1703-2045 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy - fair; DJ Cory, 1705 strange mx?, 2040 tk about R.Caroline
3939,95 2046-2107* R. BATAVIA, weak\het3931,deep fades; One way ticket, pops, tk in G, 2058 ID+@, 2105 long ID
* * * * * WED. 26 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 0633-2240 NONSTOP NINETIES, (not at 0830), mx, IDs in the afternoon
6289,9 1547-1658 R. TELSTAR ?, weak\occ.Morse > fair; mx, 1619 "Shame and scandal..", 1642 a R.Caroline story with clips including mx parts and jingles..., 1643 R. Telstar ID, not OK, Judy in disguise, 1646 clips, also R.London, Luxy
6318,9 1550-1728 R. GOOFY % , e.-v.weak \shaky carrier,atmos; mx, 1552 tk? then track from SE Europe?, mx
4029,0 1556-2156 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1833 ID Laser Hot Hits Int'l
6300,9V 1609-1617 LONGLIVE R., loop with music box and IDs+@gmail
6005,0 *1700-1722 R. MI AMIGO INT, s/on, "My Sharona", \het 6003,0 and carrier 6005, 1722 strong RTTY 6012, really
3985,0 1703-1721 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\noisy; //6005, mx, DJ, ID, latino mx, 1721 M.Gaye "I heard it..."
3905,1 1707-1859 UNID, v.weak\noisy; R&B, R&R show, nonstop, 1859 \het3903;
5800,0 1730-1730 LASER HOT HITS, mx, //4029. (1834 gone)
6289,9 1838-1852 UNID, weak-v.weak \traffic6290u sp; fiddle mx, D mx, mx, D mx
6210,2 1852-1858 UNID, e.weak-trace\hard to hear; mx
3902,9 1858-1901 UNID, \het; D mx
6227,9V 2031-2056 UNID, spur ?, mixing Arabic mx and else
3929,95 2138-2155* R. BATAVIA, rpt, ID+@, ID in F, F song(Fugain? La moitiƩ d'un con?), IDs, Crunchy gr., Mexico
* * * * * THURS. 27 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 0626,0853 R. CHANNEL 292, 0627 ID, ad in G for DX-PATROL , ".. German Oldies", mx
6205,1 1537-2010 NONSTOP 90'S, (alr. 0853-0859, mx, ID), good>v.weak, mx, ads from Dublin stores
6318,7a 1540-1715 R. GOOFY, \shaky carrier; mx, 1543,1547 IDs, \occ.traffic, 1647 carrier stable when no audio
5800,0 1654-1657 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, // 4029 (a bit behind ?)
4029,0 1654-1825 LASER HOT HITS, tk about LMR(London pirate), Laser, 1816 ID+@, fair\noisy; 1822 FSN
3985,0 *1700-1706 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\sp.traffic3986u; s/on, rock, // 6005
6005,0 1702-1706 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong; rock, "from Amsterdam .. Lion Keezer, ID, pop-rock
6260,0 1708-1717 UNID, e.weak>trace; mx
* * * * * FRI. 28 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 1230-2026 NONSTOP 90'S, weak\PLC > fair; mx, ads, IDs. (2107 trace only)
5800,0 1640-1819 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise; 1641 ID, FSN, OEM, Elvis... // behind 4029, 1818 ID
4029,0 1642-2238 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noise; FSN, mx, tk, Laser, // 5800, 2140 ID+@
6265,6 1708-1725 DE PANTER, fair; 1710 allo, test, ID, D songs. (1822 gone)
3985,0 1716,1722 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair; mx, // 6005(few seconds ahead), promo shop, offshore stories
6005,0 1717-1724 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; //3985, mx, tk in D+E, Mi Amigo store, ad:World of radio, ID, ID in G, mx
6239,9 1827-1838* R. MAZDA, D schlager, 1837 ID, c'/d, tnx rpts, ID, mx, end
6267,0 1840-1953 MUSTANG R., strong; 1845 ARROW CLASSIC ROCK, 1851 ID+@, D mix, tk, 1923 Kiss hit, ID
6267,0 2003-2129 MUSTANG R., weak; mx, g's, Hendrix, "Apache", 2106"Ruby.."C&W, IDs, g's
6320,0 1933-1942 UNID, mx, mx, 1939 now off/on carrier. (1945 gone)
6260,0 *1949-1953* UNID, \QRM 6267; W singer, more mx, end
6935,0 2029-2047 UNID, "3 steps to heaven", rock, C&W, Hello Marylou, 2043 v.weak\noisy, some tk, blank, f'/out
6305,0 2050-2104 TRX % , e.weak\PLC; R&R, blues(piano, harmonica). (2107 gone)
4035,0 2110-2120* TRX % , \traffic4935u; jazz, C&W.
* * * * * SAT. 29 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
4029,0 0711,0752 LHH % , weak-v.weak; mx
6205,1 0729-1023 NONSTOP 90'S, variable; "Scatman", 0732 ID, etc, local ads
6005,0 0733-0855 R. MI AMIGO INT, tk in D above mx, 0751 ID, Yes hit, 0823 ID
6005,0 0904-0958 R. MI AMIGO INT, good, // 9560, 0928 jingle"Britain Radio", Beatles "Magical mystery tour"
6005,0 1019-1025 R. MI AMIGO INT % , 1019 announcing 120kW on 6120 this afternoon
9560,0 0904-1019 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong \0927 deep fade or break?, //6005
6070,0 0738-0800* GOLDRAUSCH, \strong RTTY QRM; Dancing in the street, tk in G, B.Marley, 0758 ID+@
6070,0 *0800-0855 R. WAVES INT, R. WAVES INT, A la francaise, J'habite en France, Jerome c'est moi, ID, etc
6070,0 0909,0958 UNID, \strong RTTY QRM; mx, 0958 tk about RNI, "Down on the corner"
6070,0 1007-1024 UNID, still jammed by strong RTTY
9510,0 0816-0846 R. CITY, good+strong peaks \noise on U-sideband; 0816 ID, mx, 0845 L.Am. mx.
9510,0 0905-0926* UNID, mx, 0926 sudden s/off
6150,0 0852-1718 EUROPA 24, pops, 1245 v. weak\PLC; ID, news in G, Rivers of Babylon
6305,1 1010-1023 RMI % , weak\fading; mx, mx
6005,0 1217-1234 R. MI AMIGO INT %, \PLC, 3 min behind 9560, some Tamla mx, 1234 Do wah diddy
9560,0 1217-1230 R. MI AMIGO INT %, mx, // 6005 (Tamla alike mx), (1230 SW Service then Slovakia in F)
6205,1 1225-2105 NONSTOP 90'S, v.weak; mx, 1248 \QRM, later \PLC; 1445 ID, 1635 rock
6205 a 1248-1252 UNID, \hum with 6205,1; mx
6305,1 1222-1713 R. MERLIN INT, mx, many IDs
6070,0 1227-1244 UNID, weak\still jammed by RTTY, mx, tk in G
6220,0 1252-1348 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; pops, bit of tk, Wooly Bully, Friday.., Shaking all over, No milk.. [cf ROZ ]
6400,8 1312-1402 UNID, v.weak\PLC; Game of love, ..spell on you, 1351 Cat Stevens, bit downdrift [cf VICTORIA ]
6230,0 1336-1338* UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops, cut, end
6252,95 1340-1415 UNID, e.weak-trace\PLC; accn, accn, accn... (1426 gone)
6285,0 1407-1447 TELSTAR R., fair>good; D song, 1413 ID, electro, 1426 ID,Man of action, Ca plane pour moi, D mx
6209,8 1417-1425 UNID, trace\PLC, some mx at 1418 - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf KOMINTERN % ]
6070,0 1436-1443 UNID, still jammed by RTTY, mx, tk in G
6295,3 1549-1612 UNID, v.weak\PLC,v.hard; mx, tk, SSTV, Lili Marlen, ID(=?), Mungo J., mx. - - -[ cf R. DR-TIM ]
6423,1 1558-1716 UNID, weak-fair\PLC; D song, D mx, mx, mx. - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6290,0 1614-1619 UNID, e.weak; "Loco-motion", mx, D song. (1629 gone)
6285,0 1614-1630 BBR % , good-strong; schlager, cut, retro instrum, E.Piaf"Je ne regrette rien", blank, C&W (1649 gone)
6240,0 1631-1636 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; C&W, tk, D song? - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6240,0 1650-1712 UNID, v.weak\PLC; tk, pops. - - - - - - - - - [ cf STERREKIJKER ]
5800,0 1636-1841 LASER HOT HITS, weak\bad PLC; mx, tk, IDs, // 4029, 1643 Queen of hearts, 1722 FSN,OEM
4029,0 1639-2304 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\noisy; D.Simpson, 20s behind //5800, pop, rock, IDs
6070,0 1654-1701 LASER 558, at last 6070 not jammed, pops, 1659 ID, 'All Europe radio, all day long', mx
6300,1 1826-1840 UNID, e.weak\PLC,occ. deepfade; D song, D mx.
3906,0 2023-2150 UNID, good peak>v.weak; Jean-Michel Jarre, pop-rock, 2032 Sonny & Cher"Little man", 2039 nonstop D mx, 2103 pops, 2134accn-waltz, "Popcorn", mx, mx
3930,0 2028-2139 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\noisy; pops, 2036 Rawhide, 2044 F? song, 2049 ID, "Summertime" by choir, etc
6939,95 2108-2114 R. ORION 2000, pop"Together", ID in G, Yesterday man, ID by W, rockabilly, ID, Israelites
6070,0 2121-2123 UNID, pops, DJ in it.
3946,0 2140,2151 maybe mx here
* * * * * SUN. 30 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
4029,0 0645-0949 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; rock, time pips, 0646 FSN, JID, mx, tk, 0733 full ID
6205,1 0737-1154 NONSTOP 90'S, ID, mx, 1040 undermod FM mx, going v.weak
6150,0 0753-1041 EUROPA 24 %, v.weak\PLC > weak; pops, 0827 "Matthew & Sons". (Also 1713: 60s pop)
6379,95 0755-0848 UNID, trace>v.weak\badPLC at times; rock, pop, 0846 Born to be alive (0906 gone)
6070,0 *0800-0859* ATLANTIC 2000, good; usual s/on, repeat from last Sunday, 0850 jammed by RTTY on 6070
6070,0 *0900-0958* GOLDRAUSCH, jammed by RTTY, s/on in G, mx, 0953 still jammed, 0957 c'/d ID+@
6070,0 *1000,1042 Radio D.A.R.C., 1000 s/on (not stronger than Goldrausch), 1042 strong-clear, ham tech tk in G
6005,0 0807-1051 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; mx, DJ, IDs, mailbox, 0943 Tom Jones, 1004 \ut.noise,PLC; 1044 song in F
6085,0 0828-1153 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good > weak-fair; tk about Veronica, g's, about 50-60s behind 6005, mx, IDs, 1002 Animals"It's my life", 1042 song in F, 1143 J.Cash, 1146 ID+web-store, 1150 ID, Yes hit
7310,0 1148-1152 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, ID, time-shifted?, 1151 R.Seagull story
6374,9 0906-0932 UNID, v.weak; D songs
6305,1 0933-1058 R. MERLIN INT, e.>v.>e.weak; Halloween sounds, ID+@, 0936 B-52's, 1033 Santana, ID
6240,0 0937-1008 QUADZILLA R., e.>v.>e.weak; D instrum mx, ID, g's, pop, 1008 Sail away
6875,1 1014-1026 R. EUROPE, weak>v.weak \PLC; pops, 1025 IDs.
6265,6 1034-1100 DE PANTER, weak\PLC,noise; D song, song in D+E, ID above song, 1059 D mx 0,05 lower
6205,1 1600-2305 NONSTOP 90'S, v.weak; 1600 ID \PLC; mx, mx, 2052 ad, 2123 e.weak fade, up again, 2126 ID, etc
6240,0 1602-1603 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, mx. (1613 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6325,05 1617-1741 UNID, 15min+ from same W singer?, later instrum-techno-drum box transe mx [cf JOEY ]
6880,1 1644-1656* UNID, v.weak\noisy; 1646 N.Sinatra"These boots..", 1656 e.weak; tk, tk+IS, IS alone, end
5800,0 1717-1817 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\noisy,bad fading; mx (not // ), ID, mx, etc
4029,0 1717-2308 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; mx, 1818 Laser Int'l, 2135 long fade
3920,0 1752-1808 UNID, trace; some mx barely heard. (1820 gone)
3904,9 1916-2054 UNID, v.>e.weak\noisy; Born to be alive, Tyrol-like mx, mx; 1946 Soldiers.. zero, etc [ cf ALICE ]
6323,05 1927-2025 UNID, e.-v.weak\deep fades; mx, 1936 Whole lotta love, rock, Sweet home Alabama,Barracuda
6400,6 1930-1935 some faint mx then trace only
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
- NONSTOP 90'S all the week on 6205 (last week of a free FM station from Dublin)
- LHH was also on 5800 kHz everyday
- "shaky carrier" : means that the carrier frequency is pulled aside each time the audio is peaking (maybe something bad in the DC supply)
- on Friday, Mustang relayed Arrow Classic Rock for a while
- propagation seemed to be 'hit and miss" (not many logs available, and often very different from different places)
- shift to winter time on Sunday, OK (all times in UTC below)
>> Again a small German SW station was badly jammed that week (6070 on Sat/Sun). Anyone knowing more about that ?
* * * * * MON. 24 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 1631-1701 UNID, good; pops
6205,1 1632-2125 NON STOP NINETIES, weak\PLC > good> fair\fading; mx, IDs, ads, 1858 Mustang Sally
6290,0 1633-1643 HOBART % , fair\PLC; relaying FM from Australia/Tasmania, f/out. [ cf 7MELBOURNE ]
6320,0 1706-1708 UNID, C&W track, more mx. (1713 gone)
5800,0 1715-1855 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; "Rasputin", mx, tk, before // 4029
4029,0 1715-2133 LASER HOT HITS, weak; mx, IDs, 1717 G.Drew, 2130 a chart
6005,0 1719-1724 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair\slight het6003; //3985(bad), mx, DJ, ID, jingles...
6279,9 1812-1814 UNID, polka, cut, end.
6070,0 1825-1900* LASER 558, good \fading; mx, IDs, 1857 "Satisfaction". (*1900: Radio D.A.R.C.)
1395,0 2135-2147 SEA BREEZE AM, Marrakech express, jingle, ~gospel, soul, .. 2146 ID
* * * * * TUES. 25 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 0644-1005 NON STOP NINETIES, weak\noisy,fading; pops, IDs, tk in E, said 107.1 FM
6205,1 1515-2031 NON STOP NINETIES, v.weak +occ.peak; pops, M+W duo tk, IDs
6305,1 1007-1015 UNID, fair\fading; fair\occ.fades; pops, 1012 "Last night a DJ..."
6259,9 1514-1652 UNID, \fading, ut.bursts; accn, "Waterloo", tk, D songs, C&W, pops. [ cf BATAVIER ]
6209,8 1515-1527 UNID, \QRM6205; tk, Radio - - - , bienvenue (in F), tk, tk. - - - [ cf KOMINTERN ]
6290,0 1605-1616* R. RONALISA, e.weak\noisy >v.weak; pops, brass polka, 1615 rock, ID, "Ronalisa" song, sudden off
6290,0 1617-1621* UNID, mx, many "good evening". - - - - - - - - - [ cf RONNIE AM ]
6252,9 1625-1629 UNID, fair; some Chinese mx, then Birdie song by accn, 1629 falling down
6226,5 1631-1633 UNID, e.weak; mx, lost
6210,0 1640-1645 UNID, e.weak-trace; mx, 1642 "In the year 25-25", f' to a trace (1657 gone)
5800,0 1701-1814 LASER HOT HITS, fair\het5801,9 > v.weak; pops, 1703 ID, about 30s behind // 4029
4029,0 1703-2045 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy - fair; DJ Cory, 1705 strange mx?, 2040 tk about R.Caroline
3939,95 2046-2107* R. BATAVIA, weak\het3931,deep fades; One way ticket, pops, tk in G, 2058 ID+@, 2105 long ID
* * * * * WED. 26 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 0633-2240 NONSTOP NINETIES, (not at 0830), mx, IDs in the afternoon
6289,9 1547-1658 R. TELSTAR ?, weak\occ.Morse > fair; mx, 1619 "Shame and scandal..", 1642 a R.Caroline story with clips including mx parts and jingles..., 1643 R. Telstar ID, not OK, Judy in disguise, 1646 clips, also R.London, Luxy
6318,9 1550-1728 R. GOOFY % , e.-v.weak \shaky carrier,atmos; mx, 1552 tk? then track from SE Europe?, mx
4029,0 1556-2156 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1833 ID Laser Hot Hits Int'l
6300,9V 1609-1617 LONGLIVE R., loop with music box and IDs+@gmail
6005,0 *1700-1722 R. MI AMIGO INT, s/on, "My Sharona", \het 6003,0 and carrier 6005, 1722 strong RTTY 6012, really
3985,0 1703-1721 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\noisy; //6005, mx, DJ, ID, latino mx, 1721 M.Gaye "I heard it..."
3905,1 1707-1859 UNID, v.weak\noisy; R&B, R&R show, nonstop, 1859 \het3903;
5800,0 1730-1730 LASER HOT HITS, mx, //4029. (1834 gone)
6289,9 1838-1852 UNID, weak-v.weak \traffic6290u sp; fiddle mx, D mx, mx, D mx
6210,2 1852-1858 UNID, e.weak-trace\hard to hear; mx
3902,9 1858-1901 UNID, \het; D mx
6227,9V 2031-2056 UNID, spur ?, mixing Arabic mx and else
3929,95 2138-2155* R. BATAVIA, rpt, ID+@, ID in F, F song(Fugain? La moitiƩ d'un con?), IDs, Crunchy gr., Mexico
* * * * * THURS. 27 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 0626,0853 R. CHANNEL 292, 0627 ID, ad in G for DX-PATROL , ".. German Oldies", mx
6205,1 1537-2010 NONSTOP 90'S, (alr. 0853-0859, mx, ID), good>v.weak, mx, ads from Dublin stores
6318,7a 1540-1715 R. GOOFY, \shaky carrier; mx, 1543,1547 IDs, \occ.traffic, 1647 carrier stable when no audio
5800,0 1654-1657 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, // 4029 (a bit behind ?)
4029,0 1654-1825 LASER HOT HITS, tk about LMR(London pirate), Laser, 1816 ID+@, fair\noisy; 1822 FSN
3985,0 *1700-1706 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\sp.traffic3986u; s/on, rock, // 6005
6005,0 1702-1706 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong; rock, "from Amsterdam .. Lion Keezer, ID, pop-rock
6260,0 1708-1717 UNID, e.weak>trace; mx
* * * * * FRI. 28 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 1230-2026 NONSTOP 90'S, weak\PLC > fair; mx, ads, IDs. (2107 trace only)
5800,0 1640-1819 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise; 1641 ID, FSN, OEM, Elvis... // behind 4029, 1818 ID
4029,0 1642-2238 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noise; FSN, mx, tk, Laser, // 5800, 2140 ID+@
6265,6 1708-1725 DE PANTER, fair; 1710 allo, test, ID, D songs. (1822 gone)
3985,0 1716,1722 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair; mx, // 6005(few seconds ahead), promo shop, offshore stories
6005,0 1717-1724 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; //3985, mx, tk in D+E, Mi Amigo store, ad:World of radio, ID, ID in G, mx
6239,9 1827-1838* R. MAZDA, D schlager, 1837 ID, c'/d, tnx rpts, ID, mx, end
6267,0 1840-1953 MUSTANG R., strong; 1845 ARROW CLASSIC ROCK, 1851 ID+@, D mix, tk, 1923 Kiss hit, ID
6267,0 2003-2129 MUSTANG R., weak; mx, g's, Hendrix, "Apache", 2106"Ruby.."C&W, IDs, g's
6320,0 1933-1942 UNID, mx, mx, 1939 now off/on carrier. (1945 gone)
6260,0 *1949-1953* UNID, \QRM 6267; W singer, more mx, end
6935,0 2029-2047 UNID, "3 steps to heaven", rock, C&W, Hello Marylou, 2043 v.weak\noisy, some tk, blank, f'/out
6305,0 2050-2104 TRX % , e.weak\PLC; R&R, blues(piano, harmonica). (2107 gone)
4035,0 2110-2120* TRX % , \traffic4935u; jazz, C&W.
* * * * * SAT. 29 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
4029,0 0711,0752 LHH % , weak-v.weak; mx
6205,1 0729-1023 NONSTOP 90'S, variable; "Scatman", 0732 ID, etc, local ads
6005,0 0733-0855 R. MI AMIGO INT, tk in D above mx, 0751 ID, Yes hit, 0823 ID
6005,0 0904-0958 R. MI AMIGO INT, good, // 9560, 0928 jingle"Britain Radio", Beatles "Magical mystery tour"
6005,0 1019-1025 R. MI AMIGO INT % , 1019 announcing 120kW on 6120 this afternoon
9560,0 0904-1019 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong \0927 deep fade or break?, //6005
6070,0 0738-0800* GOLDRAUSCH, \strong RTTY QRM; Dancing in the street, tk in G, B.Marley, 0758 ID+@
6070,0 *0800-0855 R. WAVES INT, R. WAVES INT, A la francaise, J'habite en France, Jerome c'est moi, ID, etc
6070,0 0909,0958 UNID, \strong RTTY QRM; mx, 0958 tk about RNI, "Down on the corner"
6070,0 1007-1024 UNID, still jammed by strong RTTY
9510,0 0816-0846 R. CITY, good+strong peaks \noise on U-sideband; 0816 ID, mx, 0845 L.Am. mx.
9510,0 0905-0926* UNID, mx, 0926 sudden s/off
6150,0 0852-1718 EUROPA 24, pops, 1245 v. weak\PLC; ID, news in G, Rivers of Babylon
6305,1 1010-1023 RMI % , weak\fading; mx, mx
6005,0 1217-1234 R. MI AMIGO INT %, \PLC, 3 min behind 9560, some Tamla mx, 1234 Do wah diddy
9560,0 1217-1230 R. MI AMIGO INT %, mx, // 6005 (Tamla alike mx), (1230 SW Service then Slovakia in F)
6205,1 1225-2105 NONSTOP 90'S, v.weak; mx, 1248 \QRM, later \PLC; 1445 ID, 1635 rock
6205 a 1248-1252 UNID, \hum with 6205,1; mx
6305,1 1222-1713 R. MERLIN INT, mx, many IDs
6070,0 1227-1244 UNID, weak\still jammed by RTTY, mx, tk in G
6220,0 1252-1348 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; pops, bit of tk, Wooly Bully, Friday.., Shaking all over, No milk.. [cf ROZ ]
6400,8 1312-1402 UNID, v.weak\PLC; Game of love, ..spell on you, 1351 Cat Stevens, bit downdrift [cf VICTORIA ]
6230,0 1336-1338* UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops, cut, end
6252,95 1340-1415 UNID, e.weak-trace\PLC; accn, accn, accn... (1426 gone)
6285,0 1407-1447 TELSTAR R., fair>good; D song, 1413 ID, electro, 1426 ID,Man of action, Ca plane pour moi, D mx
6209,8 1417-1425 UNID, trace\PLC, some mx at 1418 - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf KOMINTERN % ]
6070,0 1436-1443 UNID, still jammed by RTTY, mx, tk in G
6295,3 1549-1612 UNID, v.weak\PLC,v.hard; mx, tk, SSTV, Lili Marlen, ID(=?), Mungo J., mx. - - -[ cf R. DR-TIM ]
6423,1 1558-1716 UNID, weak-fair\PLC; D song, D mx, mx, mx. - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6290,0 1614-1619 UNID, e.weak; "Loco-motion", mx, D song. (1629 gone)
6285,0 1614-1630 BBR % , good-strong; schlager, cut, retro instrum, E.Piaf"Je ne regrette rien", blank, C&W (1649 gone)
6240,0 1631-1636 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; C&W, tk, D song? - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6240,0 1650-1712 UNID, v.weak\PLC; tk, pops. - - - - - - - - - [ cf STERREKIJKER ]
5800,0 1636-1841 LASER HOT HITS, weak\bad PLC; mx, tk, IDs, // 4029, 1643 Queen of hearts, 1722 FSN,OEM
4029,0 1639-2304 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\noisy; D.Simpson, 20s behind //5800, pop, rock, IDs
6070,0 1654-1701 LASER 558, at last 6070 not jammed, pops, 1659 ID, 'All Europe radio, all day long', mx
6300,1 1826-1840 UNID, e.weak\PLC,occ. deepfade; D song, D mx.
3906,0 2023-2150 UNID, good peak>v.weak; Jean-Michel Jarre, pop-rock, 2032 Sonny & Cher"Little man", 2039 nonstop D mx, 2103 pops, 2134accn-waltz, "Popcorn", mx, mx
3930,0 2028-2139 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\noisy; pops, 2036 Rawhide, 2044 F? song, 2049 ID, "Summertime" by choir, etc
6939,95 2108-2114 R. ORION 2000, pop"Together", ID in G, Yesterday man, ID by W, rockabilly, ID, Israelites
6070,0 2121-2123 UNID, pops, DJ in it.
3946,0 2140,2151 maybe mx here
* * * * * SUN. 30 OCT. 2016 * * * * *
4029,0 0645-0949 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; rock, time pips, 0646 FSN, JID, mx, tk, 0733 full ID
6205,1 0737-1154 NONSTOP 90'S, ID, mx, 1040 undermod FM mx, going v.weak
6150,0 0753-1041 EUROPA 24 %, v.weak\PLC > weak; pops, 0827 "Matthew & Sons". (Also 1713: 60s pop)
6379,95 0755-0848 UNID, trace>v.weak\badPLC at times; rock, pop, 0846 Born to be alive (0906 gone)
6070,0 *0800-0859* ATLANTIC 2000, good; usual s/on, repeat from last Sunday, 0850 jammed by RTTY on 6070
6070,0 *0900-0958* GOLDRAUSCH, jammed by RTTY, s/on in G, mx, 0953 still jammed, 0957 c'/d ID+@
6070,0 *1000,1042 Radio D.A.R.C., 1000 s/on (not stronger than Goldrausch), 1042 strong-clear, ham tech tk in G
6005,0 0807-1051 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; mx, DJ, IDs, mailbox, 0943 Tom Jones, 1004 \ut.noise,PLC; 1044 song in F
6085,0 0828-1153 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good > weak-fair; tk about Veronica, g's, about 50-60s behind 6005, mx, IDs, 1002 Animals"It's my life", 1042 song in F, 1143 J.Cash, 1146 ID+web-store, 1150 ID, Yes hit
7310,0 1148-1152 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, ID, time-shifted?, 1151 R.Seagull story
6374,9 0906-0932 UNID, v.weak; D songs
6305,1 0933-1058 R. MERLIN INT, e.>v.>e.weak; Halloween sounds, ID+@, 0936 B-52's, 1033 Santana, ID
6240,0 0937-1008 QUADZILLA R., e.>v.>e.weak; D instrum mx, ID, g's, pop, 1008 Sail away
6875,1 1014-1026 R. EUROPE, weak>v.weak \PLC; pops, 1025 IDs.
6265,6 1034-1100 DE PANTER, weak\PLC,noise; D song, song in D+E, ID above song, 1059 D mx 0,05 lower
6205,1 1600-2305 NONSTOP 90'S, v.weak; 1600 ID \PLC; mx, mx, 2052 ad, 2123 e.weak fade, up again, 2126 ID, etc
6240,0 1602-1603 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, mx. (1613 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6325,05 1617-1741 UNID, 15min+ from same W singer?, later instrum-techno-drum box transe mx [cf JOEY ]
6880,1 1644-1656* UNID, v.weak\noisy; 1646 N.Sinatra"These boots..", 1656 e.weak; tk, tk+IS, IS alone, end
5800,0 1717-1817 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\noisy,bad fading; mx (not // ), ID, mx, etc
4029,0 1717-2308 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; mx, 1818 Laser Int'l, 2135 long fade
3920,0 1752-1808 UNID, trace; some mx barely heard. (1820 gone)
3904,9 1916-2054 UNID, v.>e.weak\noisy; Born to be alive, Tyrol-like mx, mx; 1946 Soldiers.. zero, etc [ cf ALICE ]
6323,05 1927-2025 UNID, e.-v.weak\deep fades; mx, 1936 Whole lotta love, rock, Sweet home Alabama,Barracuda
6400,6 1930-1935 some faint mx then trace only
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.