LOGS : 22 - 28 AUG. 2016
Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 23:01 pm
Bands not crowdy, but it was still good summertime for Blackbeard, OZNRH, Batavia, Digital and SRG.
On Sunday, a new(?) station HIJGBEER (?) was reported. Maybe I had it also on 6240 at 2050, but it could well have been a parallel frequency for Blackbeard. On 6210, it is hard to check when Blackbeard ran own programme or LHH relays.
* * * * * MON. 22 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 1528-1531 R. D.A.R.C., fair; pops, tk in G, ID, ham news in G
6070,0 1717-1728 LASER 558, pops, tk in E, ID, mx
6070,0 1820-1820 UNID, Clash
6070,0 1930-1930 R. D.A.R.C., ID in G - - - - - - {later : 2012 UNID, digital mode }
6210,0 1532-2100 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading,loc.noise, 2nd carrier?,PLC; pops, tk, 1617 ID, 1931 'Laser'
6280,1 1823-2135 R. MERLIN INT, weak-fair\PLC; 1826 Bangles, 1908 Queen, 1947 ID, 2135 Chinese QRM
6950,0 1833-1841 MIKE R., weak-fair; Julien Clerc?, pop-rock, IDs
6385,0 1843,1951 UNID, 1843-1850 \PLC; pops. 1951-1959 D songs. (2014 gone). - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6320,0 1851-1858 BBR %, good\fading; D songs, then pop
6306,6 1858-2029 SRG % , (1620 only trace), e.weak\muffled,OTH; mx, tk, ..nobody.., mx (2040 killed by OTH)
6315,8 1959-2125 OZNRH ?, v.>e.weak; jazz, IDs (no copy)
6265,0 2019-2024* UNID, ad mx, soul, sudden s/off
6289,9 2041-2059* RADIO 42, D mx, 2055 ID+@, ad mx, ID, end
6255,5 2045-2134 UNID, D songs (2056 some jazz). - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6265,1 2126-2135 UNID, e. weak\PLC; mx, " - - - Radio", mx, then v.hard to hear
6290,5 2136-2137 UNID, quite faint mx heard
4015,0 2138-2141 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair; mx, tk, ID, pop.
* * * * * TUES. 23 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6285,0 1344-1443 UNID, e.weak\occ.fades; mx, cartoon mx, polka, test ?, mx in a loop ? (1451 gone)
6070,0 1433-1510 CHANNEL 292, Major Tom, pops, 1506 ID. (Also 1719-1723 mx, ID)
6210,0 1512-1531 R. BLACKBEARD MW, e.>v.weak\noisy, 1516 off/on; techno, bpm, IDs
6210,0 1706-2105 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1726 ID, 1855 G.Drew on LHH, mx
6005,0 1714-1719 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair > good peaks; pops, DJ, tnx rpt, ID, ment' R.Caroline
6240,0 1817-1817 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; bb mx
6306,6 1820-1926 SRG, (alr. trace at 1408), e.weak\noisy; mx, bb, 1850 anthem, ID?, movie theme, sounds, Big Ben, tk, 'all europe radio', ..nobody.., etc (no ID copied today, but repeat on Wed. on same fqy)
6879,4V 1826-1840 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx from Romania~, drifting, on 6878,0 at 1838
6876,4V 2017-2055 UNID, e.weak\occ.fades; still mx from Romania~, 2021 tk above, drift to 6870,8, end ?
6295,0 1910-1913* UNID, (blank at 1858), v.weak\fading; mx
4015,0 1927-2156 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\fading; pops, DJ, IDs, 2004 tk:politics, 2154 ment' 98 FM
3929,95 2143-2157* R. BATAVIA, ID, pops, "Ma Baker"
* * * * * WED. 24 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 0731-0800 R. CHANNEL 292 %, fair-good; old jazz with singer in G, instrum jazz.
6070,0 1444-1545 UNID, weak-fair; "Le métèque"(transl. in ?), My little runaway, It's raining men (also 1717 pop)
6070,0 1859-1900* BSR / BROAD SPECTRUM R., mx, ID, end
6385,0 1447-1551 HITMIX % , v.-e.weak\noisy; mx tracks without any blank between, tk at times(typical)
6296,7 1711-1721 UNID, fair-good; synthe mx, filler mx (1814 gone)
6240,0 1713-1713 R. CASANOVA, good; ID+@, g's to Marco. (1716 gone)
6285,0 1816-1903 HITMIX, v.weak; typ. tk, R&R hits, also "Hippy shake", "Sat.night at the movies", 1842 c'/d IDs
6306,6 1828-2118 SRG / SKYLINE R. GERMANY, v.weak\atmos,ut.6305; short and extended IDs, var. mx, ment' LHH, using same kind of jingles but changed to 'SRG', repeat from Tuesday, 2115 Star Wars. (2128 gone)
6305,3 2041-2115 UNID, e.weak \het QRM with SRG, noisy low side; 2043 some mx, otherwise as QRM
6260,0 1847-1912 UNID, "Orange blossom special"(or alike?), non-stop C&W
6316,5 1914-2020 R. GOOFY, v.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, bad IDs, 1930 good ID, > e.weak (bit undermod?) (2030 gone)
6264,0 1939-2021 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos,traffic6262U; mx heard at best times.
3929,95 2003-2019* R. BATAVIA, weak\atmos,noisy; "Poupée de cire", ID, mx, IDs, 'follow us on ..90'
5890,2 2022-2153 R. BATAVIA, weaker than on 76mb, mx, IDs, 2132 song in F, 2145 Sonny&Cher"Little man"
6309,8 2031-2132 OZNRH % , e.weak\PLC; jazz, quiet mx, latino mx, 2131 IDs no copy. (2141 gone)
4015,0 2102-2157 LASER HOT HITS, ID ads for OEM,FSN, Gary Drew show, 2154 "Another boring B-side"
* * * * * THURS. 25 AUG. 2016 * * * * *weak signals
6070,0 1417-1420 UNID, fair\fading; pop, blank, heart beatings?, various sounds. (Also 1547 v.weak; mx)
6294,95 1422-1433 UNID, trace - e.weak; 1429 pealing with mx, 1433 lost
6280,0 1525-1531* UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops
6285,0 1627-1638 UNID, trace - e.weak; 1629 mx on a peak
6306,6 1827-2031 SRG % , (alr. trace at 1510), v.weak\OTH all along; mx, tk, 1915 ..all europe.. nobody..
6234,9 1833-1956 UNID, fair\atmos; D/G songs, 1841 S.Francisco, Wake up Little Susie, Rhythm of the rain, It's my party, P.Anka, Yaketi yak, River Kwai, Dock of the bay, 1922 \PLC; more 60s pops, etc. (2000 gone) [cf DIGITAL ]
6245,0 1946-1951* BBR % , good; some C&W tracks, 1950 cut, blank, end
3929,95 2003-2040 R. BATAVIA, fair\noisy; Pirea's children, ID, Dreadlock holiday, long ID+web, etc.
6070,0 2021-2031 BROAD SPECTRUM R., mx, 2030 ID, magazine
* * * * * FRI. 26 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 1452-1612 UNID, 'Radio - - ' (badly distorted!), 6070.. kurzwelle, On the road again, I started a joke, etc
6239,9 1459-1636 UNID, e.weak > v.weak > killed by PLC; mx, tk (no copy). (Same Unid?, 2116-2119 fair\PLC; mx)
6235,4 1620-1626 UNID, same 60's show as Thurs. (on 6234,9). (1634 gone). [ so must be DIGITAL ]
6385,0 1629-1638 HITMIX % , v.weak \PLC; D? pop, mx, 1637 typical tk - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6316,5 2112-2114 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx
6285,1 2114-2114 UNID, weak\atmos; pops
4015,0 2119-2119 LHH % , weak-fair; mx - - - (was blank sooner and later)
6919,95 2120-2122 UNID, weak; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf KEY CHANNEL ]
* * * * * SAT. 27 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6239,9 0724-0930 UNID, e.weak\much noise; barely heard tk and mx. - - - [ cf ENTERHAKEN ]
6180,0 0728-0741 UNID, v.weak\fading; pops, tk, latino~. (0815 trace) { could be Brasil }
6070,0 0732-0957 R. CHANNEL 292, mx, 0746 We love the pirates stns, 0906 ID@ (in G+E)
6005,0 0732-0908 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, 0800 Welcome ID, 0906 Dylan "I want you". (0956 tk \bad PLC;)
6190,0 0735-0815 UNID (in AM-USB ), mx, 0738 mx from Cuba
9510,0 0801-0900* R. CITY % (via IRRS), good\fading; pops, 0848 latino mx, pop-rock, 0900 IRRS s/off
6295,1 0807-0931 UNID, e.weak\noise; barely heard mx
6234,4 0909-1000 UNID, v.weak\noisy; guitar, C&W, pop, D songs, 0938 tk ..Rotterdam.., mx [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6210,0 1645,1655 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BARRACUDA ]
6265,1 1646,1656 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf JODEL PIRAAT ]
6385,2 1648-1959 UNID, weak\PLC,atmos; tk in E (+D?), 'piraten' song, D song about cats, meaaaoow! [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6919,95 1650-1723 KEY CHANNEL % , weak \atmos; pops, IDs no copy, euro/latino mx, Baccara, Paty Labelle
6919,95 2035-2203 KEY CHANNEL, fair \atmos; Linda Ronstadt "It's so easy", mx, mx, 2200 f'/down; ID, cartoon mx
4015,0 1653,2112 LASER HOT HITS, mx, DJ, ID (both times)
6309,8 2049-2204* OZNRH % , e.weak\noisy,atmos,traffic; mx, jazz, 2100 ID+@(no copy), mx
6210,0 2051-2111 R. BLACKBEARD MW, weak\atmos; techno mx
6940 L 2154-2158 (mix of stations) \atmos
* * * * * SUN. 28 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6239,85 0642,0658 RWI % , e.weak\deep fades; mx. (0744 gone?)
6241,9 0743-0746 UNID, v.weak\noisy,splash; mx, W tk (in G ?), pop mx - - -(0804 gone)
6241,8 0841-0852 R. WAVES INT, f'/in &out; ID+POB, 0852 Gilbert Bécaud"L'important c'est la rose"
6241,75 1024,1315 UNID, 1024 e.weak; mx. 1315 swamped by ut.noise; mx under that. (1404 gone)
6210,0 0645-0854 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx. (Also at 1023) - - - [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6210,0 1316-1514 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1404 'Laser'
4015,0 0650-0814 LASER HOT HITS, weak>e.weak; 0650 modern jazz, 0806 long tk, ID (shy),
4015,0 2131-2134 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; pop, news, ID, ad for OEM, mx
6005,0 0652-0814 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair \QRM from E speaking stn; mx, 'Mi Amigo', mx, 0751 Baby come back
6265,25 0656-0658 UNID, D.Summer "Hot stuff"
6230,0 0747-0854 R. CASANOVA, (0743 blank), CCR, ID, D mx, pop, 0820 ID \traffic6227u; etc
6260,0v 0746-0852 R. COCHIGUAZ %, v.>e.weak, drift to 6259,9; "Jeux interdits", Andean mx, 0828 Sound of silence
6070,0 0814-0849 GOLDRAUSCH (via CH.292), pops, Abba "Gimme gimme gimme", 0831 ID+@, etc
6290,0 0824-0851 UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; pops, rock
6005,0 1026-1028 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; mx, *not* // to 7310, annt in G : "Radio - - ?", mx
7310,0 1027-1035 R. MI AMIGO INT, good\fading; pops, IDs
6070,0 1028-1033 RADIO DC (said 'Ditchi'), ID in it., it. pops and tk about the 70's, it. versions of int'l hits
6919,95 1036-1046 UNID, e.weak\noisy; 1038 Dylan"Hurricane", 1041 ID "- - R.", pops
6919,95 1352-1420 UNID, e.weak; "Nabucco", mx, mx. (1508 gone)
6295v 1325-1341 UNID, v.weak\PLC; Chirpy cheap cheap, blank, tk in E, 'allo', W tk
6335,0 1341-1513 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; pops1510 "Tell me why", 1513 '..from the West coast.." [ cf LOWLAND ]
6210,0 2042-2223 UNID, alternative mx, 2052 switch to USB, later back to AM, still alt. mx [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6240,0 2050-2055 UNID, sounds like 6210, 2053 could even be // (or same 'music' machine) (2120 gone) [cf HIJGBEER ]
6262,0 2055-2119* UNID, D mx, tk in D - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf AKENZO ]
6285,05 2100-2001 BOGUSMAN, fair-good, tk in E. (2117 gone)
6301,95 2102-2222 R. GERONIMO, good \noise on L-side; rock show, 2200 ID
6315,8 2105-2202 UNID, weak\noisy > e.weak\atmos; mx, mx
3905,0 2128-2130 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx. (2134 gone)
6285,0 2155-2222 BBR % , bits and parts of old C&W, 2222 D song
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Bands not crowdy, but it was still good summertime for Blackbeard, OZNRH, Batavia, Digital and SRG.
On Sunday, a new(?) station HIJGBEER (?) was reported. Maybe I had it also on 6240 at 2050, but it could well have been a parallel frequency for Blackbeard. On 6210, it is hard to check when Blackbeard ran own programme or LHH relays.
* * * * * MON. 22 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 1528-1531 R. D.A.R.C., fair; pops, tk in G, ID, ham news in G
6070,0 1717-1728 LASER 558, pops, tk in E, ID, mx
6070,0 1820-1820 UNID, Clash
6070,0 1930-1930 R. D.A.R.C., ID in G - - - - - - {later : 2012 UNID, digital mode }
6210,0 1532-2100 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading,loc.noise, 2nd carrier?,PLC; pops, tk, 1617 ID, 1931 'Laser'
6280,1 1823-2135 R. MERLIN INT, weak-fair\PLC; 1826 Bangles, 1908 Queen, 1947 ID, 2135 Chinese QRM
6950,0 1833-1841 MIKE R., weak-fair; Julien Clerc?, pop-rock, IDs
6385,0 1843,1951 UNID, 1843-1850 \PLC; pops. 1951-1959 D songs. (2014 gone). - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6320,0 1851-1858 BBR %, good\fading; D songs, then pop
6306,6 1858-2029 SRG % , (1620 only trace), e.weak\muffled,OTH; mx, tk, ..nobody.., mx (2040 killed by OTH)
6315,8 1959-2125 OZNRH ?, v.>e.weak; jazz, IDs (no copy)
6265,0 2019-2024* UNID, ad mx, soul, sudden s/off
6289,9 2041-2059* RADIO 42, D mx, 2055 ID+@, ad mx, ID, end
6255,5 2045-2134 UNID, D songs (2056 some jazz). - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6265,1 2126-2135 UNID, e. weak\PLC; mx, " - - - Radio", mx, then v.hard to hear
6290,5 2136-2137 UNID, quite faint mx heard
4015,0 2138-2141 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair; mx, tk, ID, pop.
* * * * * TUES. 23 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6285,0 1344-1443 UNID, e.weak\occ.fades; mx, cartoon mx, polka, test ?, mx in a loop ? (1451 gone)
6070,0 1433-1510 CHANNEL 292, Major Tom, pops, 1506 ID. (Also 1719-1723 mx, ID)
6210,0 1512-1531 R. BLACKBEARD MW, e.>v.weak\noisy, 1516 off/on; techno, bpm, IDs
6210,0 1706-2105 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1726 ID, 1855 G.Drew on LHH, mx
6005,0 1714-1719 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair > good peaks; pops, DJ, tnx rpt, ID, ment' R.Caroline
6240,0 1817-1817 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; bb mx
6306,6 1820-1926 SRG, (alr. trace at 1408), e.weak\noisy; mx, bb, 1850 anthem, ID?, movie theme, sounds, Big Ben, tk, 'all europe radio', ..nobody.., etc (no ID copied today, but repeat on Wed. on same fqy)
6879,4V 1826-1840 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx from Romania~, drifting, on 6878,0 at 1838
6876,4V 2017-2055 UNID, e.weak\occ.fades; still mx from Romania~, 2021 tk above, drift to 6870,8, end ?
6295,0 1910-1913* UNID, (blank at 1858), v.weak\fading; mx
4015,0 1927-2156 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\fading; pops, DJ, IDs, 2004 tk:politics, 2154 ment' 98 FM
3929,95 2143-2157* R. BATAVIA, ID, pops, "Ma Baker"
* * * * * WED. 24 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 0731-0800 R. CHANNEL 292 %, fair-good; old jazz with singer in G, instrum jazz.
6070,0 1444-1545 UNID, weak-fair; "Le métèque"(transl. in ?), My little runaway, It's raining men (also 1717 pop)
6070,0 1859-1900* BSR / BROAD SPECTRUM R., mx, ID, end
6385,0 1447-1551 HITMIX % , v.-e.weak\noisy; mx tracks without any blank between, tk at times(typical)
6296,7 1711-1721 UNID, fair-good; synthe mx, filler mx (1814 gone)
6240,0 1713-1713 R. CASANOVA, good; ID+@, g's to Marco. (1716 gone)
6285,0 1816-1903 HITMIX, v.weak; typ. tk, R&R hits, also "Hippy shake", "Sat.night at the movies", 1842 c'/d IDs
6306,6 1828-2118 SRG / SKYLINE R. GERMANY, v.weak\atmos,ut.6305; short and extended IDs, var. mx, ment' LHH, using same kind of jingles but changed to 'SRG', repeat from Tuesday, 2115 Star Wars. (2128 gone)
6305,3 2041-2115 UNID, e.weak \het QRM with SRG, noisy low side; 2043 some mx, otherwise as QRM
6260,0 1847-1912 UNID, "Orange blossom special"(or alike?), non-stop C&W
6316,5 1914-2020 R. GOOFY, v.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, bad IDs, 1930 good ID, > e.weak (bit undermod?) (2030 gone)
6264,0 1939-2021 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos,traffic6262U; mx heard at best times.
3929,95 2003-2019* R. BATAVIA, weak\atmos,noisy; "Poupée de cire", ID, mx, IDs, 'follow us on ..90'
5890,2 2022-2153 R. BATAVIA, weaker than on 76mb, mx, IDs, 2132 song in F, 2145 Sonny&Cher"Little man"
6309,8 2031-2132 OZNRH % , e.weak\PLC; jazz, quiet mx, latino mx, 2131 IDs no copy. (2141 gone)
4015,0 2102-2157 LASER HOT HITS, ID ads for OEM,FSN, Gary Drew show, 2154 "Another boring B-side"
* * * * * THURS. 25 AUG. 2016 * * * * *weak signals
6070,0 1417-1420 UNID, fair\fading; pop, blank, heart beatings?, various sounds. (Also 1547 v.weak; mx)
6294,95 1422-1433 UNID, trace - e.weak; 1429 pealing with mx, 1433 lost
6280,0 1525-1531* UNID, e.weak\PLC; pops
6285,0 1627-1638 UNID, trace - e.weak; 1629 mx on a peak
6306,6 1827-2031 SRG % , (alr. trace at 1510), v.weak\OTH all along; mx, tk, 1915 ..all europe.. nobody..
6234,9 1833-1956 UNID, fair\atmos; D/G songs, 1841 S.Francisco, Wake up Little Susie, Rhythm of the rain, It's my party, P.Anka, Yaketi yak, River Kwai, Dock of the bay, 1922 \PLC; more 60s pops, etc. (2000 gone) [cf DIGITAL ]
6245,0 1946-1951* BBR % , good; some C&W tracks, 1950 cut, blank, end
3929,95 2003-2040 R. BATAVIA, fair\noisy; Pirea's children, ID, Dreadlock holiday, long ID+web, etc.
6070,0 2021-2031 BROAD SPECTRUM R., mx, 2030 ID, magazine
* * * * * FRI. 26 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6070,0 1452-1612 UNID, 'Radio - - ' (badly distorted!), 6070.. kurzwelle, On the road again, I started a joke, etc
6239,9 1459-1636 UNID, e.weak > v.weak > killed by PLC; mx, tk (no copy). (Same Unid?, 2116-2119 fair\PLC; mx)
6235,4 1620-1626 UNID, same 60's show as Thurs. (on 6234,9). (1634 gone). [ so must be DIGITAL ]
6385,0 1629-1638 HITMIX % , v.weak \PLC; D? pop, mx, 1637 typical tk - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6316,5 2112-2114 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx
6285,1 2114-2114 UNID, weak\atmos; pops
4015,0 2119-2119 LHH % , weak-fair; mx - - - (was blank sooner and later)
6919,95 2120-2122 UNID, weak; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf KEY CHANNEL ]
* * * * * SAT. 27 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6239,9 0724-0930 UNID, e.weak\much noise; barely heard tk and mx. - - - [ cf ENTERHAKEN ]
6180,0 0728-0741 UNID, v.weak\fading; pops, tk, latino~. (0815 trace) { could be Brasil }
6070,0 0732-0957 R. CHANNEL 292, mx, 0746 We love the pirates stns, 0906 ID@ (in G+E)
6005,0 0732-0908 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, 0800 Welcome ID, 0906 Dylan "I want you". (0956 tk \bad PLC;)
6190,0 0735-0815 UNID (in AM-USB ), mx, 0738 mx from Cuba
9510,0 0801-0900* R. CITY % (via IRRS), good\fading; pops, 0848 latino mx, pop-rock, 0900 IRRS s/off
6295,1 0807-0931 UNID, e.weak\noise; barely heard mx
6234,4 0909-1000 UNID, v.weak\noisy; guitar, C&W, pop, D songs, 0938 tk ..Rotterdam.., mx [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6210,0 1645,1655 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BARRACUDA ]
6265,1 1646,1656 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf JODEL PIRAAT ]
6385,2 1648-1959 UNID, weak\PLC,atmos; tk in E (+D?), 'piraten' song, D song about cats, meaaaoow! [ cf STUDIO 52 ]
6919,95 1650-1723 KEY CHANNEL % , weak \atmos; pops, IDs no copy, euro/latino mx, Baccara, Paty Labelle
6919,95 2035-2203 KEY CHANNEL, fair \atmos; Linda Ronstadt "It's so easy", mx, mx, 2200 f'/down; ID, cartoon mx
4015,0 1653,2112 LASER HOT HITS, mx, DJ, ID (both times)
6309,8 2049-2204* OZNRH % , e.weak\noisy,atmos,traffic; mx, jazz, 2100 ID+@(no copy), mx
6210,0 2051-2111 R. BLACKBEARD MW, weak\atmos; techno mx
6940 L 2154-2158 (mix of stations) \atmos
* * * * * SUN. 28 AUG. 2016 * * * * *
6239,85 0642,0658 RWI % , e.weak\deep fades; mx. (0744 gone?)
6241,9 0743-0746 UNID, v.weak\noisy,splash; mx, W tk (in G ?), pop mx - - -(0804 gone)
6241,8 0841-0852 R. WAVES INT, f'/in &out; ID+POB, 0852 Gilbert Bécaud"L'important c'est la rose"
6241,75 1024,1315 UNID, 1024 e.weak; mx. 1315 swamped by ut.noise; mx under that. (1404 gone)
6210,0 0645-0854 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx. (Also at 1023) - - - [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6210,0 1316-1514 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1404 'Laser'
4015,0 0650-0814 LASER HOT HITS, weak>e.weak; 0650 modern jazz, 0806 long tk, ID (shy),
4015,0 2131-2134 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; pop, news, ID, ad for OEM, mx
6005,0 0652-0814 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair \QRM from E speaking stn; mx, 'Mi Amigo', mx, 0751 Baby come back
6265,25 0656-0658 UNID, D.Summer "Hot stuff"
6230,0 0747-0854 R. CASANOVA, (0743 blank), CCR, ID, D mx, pop, 0820 ID \traffic6227u; etc
6260,0v 0746-0852 R. COCHIGUAZ %, v.>e.weak, drift to 6259,9; "Jeux interdits", Andean mx, 0828 Sound of silence
6070,0 0814-0849 GOLDRAUSCH (via CH.292), pops, Abba "Gimme gimme gimme", 0831 ID+@, etc
6290,0 0824-0851 UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; pops, rock
6005,0 1026-1028 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; mx, *not* // to 7310, annt in G : "Radio - - ?", mx
7310,0 1027-1035 R. MI AMIGO INT, good\fading; pops, IDs
6070,0 1028-1033 RADIO DC (said 'Ditchi'), ID in it., it. pops and tk about the 70's, it. versions of int'l hits
6919,95 1036-1046 UNID, e.weak\noisy; 1038 Dylan"Hurricane", 1041 ID "- - R.", pops
6919,95 1352-1420 UNID, e.weak; "Nabucco", mx, mx. (1508 gone)
6295v 1325-1341 UNID, v.weak\PLC; Chirpy cheap cheap, blank, tk in E, 'allo', W tk
6335,0 1341-1513 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; pops1510 "Tell me why", 1513 '..from the West coast.." [ cf LOWLAND ]
6210,0 2042-2223 UNID, alternative mx, 2052 switch to USB, later back to AM, still alt. mx [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6240,0 2050-2055 UNID, sounds like 6210, 2053 could even be // (or same 'music' machine) (2120 gone) [cf HIJGBEER ]
6262,0 2055-2119* UNID, D mx, tk in D - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf AKENZO ]
6285,05 2100-2001 BOGUSMAN, fair-good, tk in E. (2117 gone)
6301,95 2102-2222 R. GERONIMO, good \noise on L-side; rock show, 2200 ID
6315,8 2105-2202 UNID, weak\noisy > e.weak\atmos; mx, mx
3905,0 2128-2130 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx. (2134 gone)
6285,0 2155-2222 BBR % , bits and parts of old C&W, 2222 D song
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.