Quiet bands on weekdays, crowded on Saturday-Sunday. A lot of stations remain unidentified. A few rarely heard or new stations : Z. SANTANA, CRAZY R. BERLIN, R.BACK IN TIME, WHISKY TANGO, BUBBLEGUM, THUNDERBIRD, BENELUX, ROCK'N ROLL...
.. and a fake R. Barones !
* * * * * MON. 25 APR. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 0632-0635 ENERGY FM, good; mx, ID
6205,1 1522-2240 ENERGY FM, mx, IDs
6265,1 1625-1649 UNID, e.weak; mx, 1649 lost
6260,1 1651-1655 UNID, fair; "Ring of fire" in G, accn, D song, then \stanag6261 - - - [cf SW TEST ]
6285,0 1657-1722 BLUEMAN R., v.weak\noisy, bit muffled; Moonlight Shadow, 1702 ID(=?) etc, 1712 good ID+POB, 1716 ..schnee.., 1719 c'/d in E, PRRS .. gmx.de .., mx Benny Hill style
6285,0 1722-1912 S. HITMIX, same TX, rep. to Blueman, .. .nl .. gmx.de .., bpm, mx, 1826 80s club medley, 1854 CCR, 1855 S. HITMIX, mx, 1912 usual IS.
6264,9 1833-1838 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, club mx, Man of action (+some tk). (1842 gone)
5835,0 1843-2051 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair; repeat from Feb.22nd, ID+@, // 4029 but about 1' late
4029,0 1846-1935 LASER HOT HITS, mx and tk, // 5835
6264,9 1914-1914 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk (in D?), end ?
6070,0 1920-1925 D-A-R-C R., good; in G, tech tk about radio, Arduino, SDR..., ID, mx
5846,9 1927-1936 UNID, weak-v.weak\noisy; mx, mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6289,9 2053-2117* BATAVIER R., good; rock, tnx rpt, ID, Andrew Sisters?, 2110 trio tk, "Jackson" song, end
* * * * * TUES. 26 APR. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 1624-2138 ENERGY FM, v.weak>weak \fading,noisy; pops, IDs, 1821 v.clear ID, "non-stop party", ad
5835,0 1629-2222 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; mx, IDs, // 4029 but 1' late > 2' late, 2222 Purple rain
6295,0 1632-1649 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, tk, 1640 "Venus", D or G songs
6300,0 1645-1842 UNID, fair-good \odd fade; D/G 50s songs, 1712 'low power', uuh.., occ.messing. [cf PIONEER ]
6234,9 1704-1817 UNID, e.weak\fading,noisy; mx, ID+contacts(no copy), 18.15 bye-bye [cf RONNIE? RONALISA?]
4029,0 1826-2222 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy; // 5835, mx, tk, 2050 ID
6970 u 1843-2000* IBC, good \so so audio; Treasure Island Oldies: Motown story, 1900 ID+@
6285,05 2025-2037* LITTLE FEAT R., fair \some noise; quiet mx, 2028 test, ID, g's, 2031 ID+hl+@, ment' 5800
5800,05 2039-2101* LITTLE FEAT R., weak\fading; "Billie Jean", ID, 2046 bit in F, ID, 2054 test, compare with 6285
6289,9 2102-2213 Z. SANTANA, pops, 2131 "Wig-wan bam", songs in D, 2145 g's, ID, 2150 ZZ Top, Funky town
6265,3 2135-2220 R. DESPERADO, D songs, 2149 ID, pops, Wind of change, 2219 f'/down
6226,0 2202-2218* UNID, e.weak\PLC; tk over mx, 2216 "Love on the beat"
* * * * * WED. 27 APR. 2016 * * * * *
4029,0 0615-0619 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading; mx, ID, tk. (Also 1935 //5835, 2039 )
6205,1 0619-0622 ENERGY FM, weak-fair\fading; ID, mx. (Also aft'-ev', 2103 ID)
6305,0 1310-1322 UNID, v.weak; mx, "Tina Tina", mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6229,9 1900-1905 UNID, weak \hum,traffic6227u; JM.Jarre mx, then f'/down under QRM
6239,9 1906-1911 UNID, e.weak; brass+accn mx, Walk don't run, 1910 \stanag L-side; instrum. mx (1915 gone)
6279,9 1916-1954 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy; some Dragon mx, instrum, Red red wine, 1948 gd ev' .. 4 watts.. mx
6289,9 1922-2118 fake R. BARONES, fair>good; mx, tk, fake R. Barones IDs, a good TX is not enough [cf BATA 0]
5835,0 1933-2238 LASER HOT HITS, fair; // 4029 but more than 1 min. late, mx, ID+@, etc
6300,0 2006-2023* S. HITMIX, instrum mx, tk, g's, ID, c'/d (real !), studio1A.., bye-bye
6300,0 2040-2102* BBR % , good; Wind of change, retro D song, messing with E.Europa mx, accn...
* * * * * THURS. 28 APR. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 1204-1321 ENERGY FM, v.weak\loc.noise; pops, 1321 ID
6205,1 1807-2201 ENERGY FM, mx, 2159 This is Energy music, ID, ad with phone nr, ID, mx
6300,0 1809-1830 BBR %, good\weaker stn underneath; mx, blanks, C&W
6318,9 1815-1829 UNID, e.weak\traffic6318u; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf GOOFY ]
6970 u 1822-1829 IBC, fair-good; tk about show-biz, Rod Stewart, Treasure Island show
6293,2a 2100-2110 UNID, e.weak, bit of drift?; mx, Radio - - (?). (2124 trace ?, 2127 gone)
6295,0 2110-2119 UNID, v.weak\het; mx, rock, boogie (2123 gone)
6305 L 2119-2134 UNID, good; instrum mx. (2134 end ?)
6265,35 2124-2223 UNID, I feel love, Boy named Sue, 2149 Funky town, 60s pops, 2216 ID(=?) [ cf DESPERADO ]
5835,0 2136-2215 LASER HOT HITS, // 4029 but about 1 min. late
4029,0 2137-2212 LASER HOT HITS, good; //5835, hellos to magic Int and Pandora, IDs as Laser Int'l, mx
3929,95 2140-2148 R. BATAVIA, mx, tk in D+E, Bonanza theme, 2148 real ID. (2215 s/off ?)
6965 L 2205-2206* BALTIC SEA R., last min. with rock and ID
* * * * * FRI. 29 APR. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 1000-1005 ENERGY FM, v.weak\PLC; mx, ad with phone nr, ID, mx (also 1251, 1439)
6205,1 1527-2205 ENERGY FM, weak\noisy; 1550 ID, "non stop party", mx
6290,0 1253-1258 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx
6300,0 1409-1417 UNID, trace, 1414 peaking with mx, down again. - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6265,1 1418-1435a R.NORA, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1421 tk, ID with fq., lost about 1435
6300,0 1503-1722 UNID, e.weak > fair; non stop D songs and pops. - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6320,4 1514-1534* UNID, yodl songs, then var. mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
5835,0 1542-1546 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, DJ (W voice?)
5835,0 1838-2212 LASER HOT HITS, While my guitar.., 1857 tk about test, 1902 ID.@
6323,0 1717-1826 HITMIX %, D versions of F songs, 1812 CCR, c'/d, 1826 \noisy; (1836 s/off ?)
6290,3 1722-1837 R. GOOFY SW, v.weak\PLC,splash6300; mx, 1723 bitchy ID, 1831 ID(barely OK)
6280,0 1725,1819* BBR %, good; 1725 D song; 1819 D v. of"Dominique", but s/off
6228,0 1727-1810 UNID, e.-v.weak\noisy; accn, 1730 g's, instrum mx, 1810 pop (1821 gone). [ cf MISTI ]
6299,95 1826-1831 UNID, fair; JM. Jarre mx. (1835 gone)
4029,0 1854-2031 LASER HOT HITS, rpt, mx, ID+@, ann' also 5835 (but not // today !).
6300,0 1904-1940* UNID, weak-v.weak\mushy carrier or QRM?; 'tchacs' mx - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]
6739,9 1922-2100 UNID, D songs. (rock stable on 6739,94 ! ) - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6285,0 1941-1956 BBR %, good; D mx, cut an old D song, then blank, accn, allo (seems 'hoesten'), rock, coucou
6265,35 1957-2020 R. DESPERADO, weak\PLC; Eve of destruction, Dylan, Paint it black, 2017 ID (also 2204-2209)
6320,0 2003-2026 ANTHONY R., e.weak\much noise, hard; mx, 2022 JID, 2026 ID
3939,9 2032-2047 UNID, e.weak\noise,atmos; mx, Dragonslayer, 2047 lost
3903,0 2048-2052* UNID, e.weak\noise, atmos; mx, blank, end
6305,0 2101-2159 TRX %, good; C&W, R&R, early 60s pops, blues. (2209 gone)
6290,3 2112-2142* CRAZY R. BERLIN, e.weak\OTH bursts,splash,v.hard; mx, tk, part copies give the full ID
6284,95 2116-2155 RADIO 42, multi-ID (Polnareff background), IDs+@, tasteless beer selling mx (2208 gone)
6300,5 2153-2207 Z. SALLANDSE BOER, strong mod \QRMfrom 6305; mx, 2157 De Farmer, ID
* * * * * SAT. 30 APR. 2016 * * * * *
6205,1 0654-0822 UNID, fair \hum-QRM from stronger carrier; mx. [ cf ENERGY -vs- KING SW ]
6325,3 0656-0702 UNID, fair\noisy; mx, 0700 " - - SW, - - ". - - - - - - - - -[ cf GOOFY ]
6190,0 0756,0820 HLR, in AM-USB; ID, retro "Hamburger !" song, ID, mx, ... , 0820 M+W duo tk
6005,0 0758-0901 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\2nd carrier QRM; 0800 welcome, pops, tk in G, old news (also 1150 //9560)
9510,0 0801-0859 R. CITY via IRRS, good\fading; 60s pops, R&R, IDs, G.Fame"Getaway", 0859 IRRS ID+POB
9560,0 0814-1156 R. MI AMIGO INT, 0814 trace, 0856-0926 strong blank carrier, 1149-1156 fair-good, // 6005
6070,0 0816-0854 UNID, fair>weak\noisy; pops, tk in G, --@--.de - - - - - - [ cf R. BACK IN TIME ]
6070,0 0901-0959 R. WAVES INT, IDs(+POB) in F or E, also as RWI, pops, F songs, 0930 "A la francaise"
6070,0 1000-1148 S.M. RADIO, weak\loc.noise?; Ron O'Quinn show, ads for KBC Import, 1147 ID+@. (aft': more pops)
6304,8 1158-1203 R. MERLIN, weak\noisy; ID, Simon &Garf., ID, Roy Orbison"Pretty woman"
6262,0 1205-1210 UNID, weak\noisy; reggae, reggae, reaggae. - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6875,1 1607-1700 R. EUROPE, weak\noisy,fades; mx, pops, 1631 ID not OK, 1632 good ID
6865,0 1615-1625* UNID, good; Roxanne, unknown track, Fortunes"Caroline". 1625 blank and s/off
6850,0 1621-1655 R. BANDIDO, e.weak\much noise; mx, ID, pops
6324,95 1701-1707 UNID, weak\noisy,a few atmos; instr mx, folk mx, pop...
6295,0 1708-1721 UNID, pops, 1713 Whiter shade of pale, In the desert, QSY to 6290
6290,0 1715-1726 UNID, One step beyond, La vie en rose, 1721 R.Stones \QRM by "In the desert", etc [cf RONALISA ]
6280,0 1727-2306 F.R. VICTORIA, fair>good; pops, DJ, 2010 \splash6290, Baccara, 2159 ID+@, 2303 e.weak; R&R
6240,0 1731,1857 UNID, 1731 e.weak\loc.noise,atmos; pop. 1857 v.weak\het6242; mx (1859 gone) [cf various ]
6294,9 1819,1848 UNID, D songs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6307,0 1822-1843 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, IDs no copy, 1842 pirate..dot tk - - -[ cf R. CAROLINE INT ]
6300,0 1844-1846 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy,splash; barely heard instrum pop, lost [ cf WHISKY TANGO ]
6267,0 1852-1857 UNID, good+peaks; songs in G (one in panish style) - - - - - -[ cf BBR ]
6242,0 1859-1904 R. WAVES INT, jazz violin, multi-ID, tk about event in july, mx
6240,0 1943-2024 R. WAVES INT, \Russian QRM6240u; Whiter shade of pale, ID, F.Gall"Les sucettes", 2042 E.Mitchell
6226,0 1905-2150 UNID, pops, many IDs (none clear), 1926 g's Marco, 1934 Black velvet [ cf BUBBLEGUM ]
6213,2 1927-1930 UNID, v.quiet mx. [ cf MERLIN ]
6210,25 1931-2148 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak; pops, 2029 ann' Thin Lizzy, 2034 ID,Bowie, 2148 Jane B-Serge G, \QRM6205
6300,0 1951-2022 TRX %, good,fading,light mod; C&W, 2006 "Ruby don't take your love to town" \slight het 6297,8
6320,0 1959-2147 UNID, good; pops, 2038 tnx rpts, 2041 Play that funky music, Knock on wood, 2144Booker T [cf JOEY ]
6290,0 2009-2015* UNID, wide bandwidth, accn, 2013 Satisfaction - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]
6261,9 2023-2111 UNID, (1949 carrier), polka, guitar, D song - - - - - - [ cf MAZDA ]
6307,9 2013-2044* UNID, mx, end - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf UNID ]
6294,9 2045-2052 UNID, e.weak; mx
6290,0 2053-2136 UNID, pops, 2129 gd ev' this is Radio - -, mx, 2133 Tequila, Love is blue (2200 gone)
6267,9 2058-2106 WITTE REUS, good; parts of pops, IDs (also as the White Giant).
6296,1 2115-2120 UNID, e.weak; mx, 2 words. (21.26 trace on 6295,9)
6300,3 2121-2205 R. NIGHT RIDER, \splash6310; Nights in white satin, Bonnie &Clyde, 2138 ID, 2202 rock,g's on 6300,4
6309,9 2121-2227* UNID, good, wideband; sirtaki, Mannish boy, 2210 "Green berets"in G, R&B, Israelites [cf BATAVIER]
6205,1 2147,2239 ENERGY FM % , typical mx choice. (At 2300 : duo or trio tk, about what ?)
6238,6 2151-2237 UNID, good-strong \some downdrift; pop, pop-rock - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID 'test' ]
6325,3 2212-2303 R. CAROLINE INT, weak-v.weak; mx, 2213 usual JID, 2221 mx from SE Europe
6375,0 2215-2215 UNID, D song, accn. (2220 gone)
6970 L 2216-2218 BALTIC SEA R., mx, ID
6295,0 2228-2234 UNID, v.weak\PLC; "Sultans of swing", more Dire Straits. (2239 gone).
5835,0 2240-2257 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; not //, pops, tk, 2243 ID, 2257 f'/down
4026,0 2240-2300 LASER HOT HITS, pops, 2251 ID, not //, 2258 Groovy kind of love
4015,0 2247-2258 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 2248 ID, ann' Segio Mendes, mx
* * * * * SUN. 01 MAY 2016 * * * * *
6205,0 0723-0857 UNID, \QRM6205,1 carriers about same level, this one undermodulated ? (0950 gone) [cf KING SW ]
6205,1 0723-1114 ENERGY FM, in stereo with 6205,0, mx, tk in E. 0950 v.weak, clear \PLC; mx, 0954 ID
6235,0 0733-0858 R. WAVES INT, weak\noisy,cold start; Comme d'habitude, Midnight hour, 0740 IDs, 0819 v.weak\PLC
6295,0 0742-1012* MIKE R., weak\PLC; ID+@, ID, songs in G, tk, pops, D mx, 1010 fair-good; cajun, ID, end
6304,8 0744-1013 R. MERLIN, fair-good>weak, \PLC; blues, ID+@, Paul Hammond, rock, etc
6396,0 0757-0800 GOOD SHIP VENUS / R. GSV, v.weak\PLC; tk, mx, ID
6005,0 0801-0901 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair; "Can't go home", DJ Lion Keezer, pops, souvenir shop, etc, 0901 // 9560
9560,0 0804-1007 R. MI AMIGO INT, 0804 trace, 0808 e.weak //6005, 0901 fair\noisy //6005, 1007 ID, mx
6070,0 0810-0859 GOLDRAUSCH %, weak>v.weak \PLC; tk in F, mx
6070,0 *0900-0959* R. D-A-R-C, good; 0859 stronger carrier, 0900 s/on in G+E, 100 kW. 0959 c'/d in Morse
6070,0 *0959-1005 BCL NEWS R. %, mx, tk in it., then deep fade
6280,0 0820-0932 UNID, e.weak\PLC; Blue monday, carnival mx, S&Garf., D songs, tk in D [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6320,1 0837-0850 UNID, v.weak\PLC; tk,mx, "Summer in the city"(alt), fancies, ..free radio ..Deutschland [cf T'BIRD]
6320,1 0850-0913 R. BENELUX, v.weak\PLC; mx, "BNL", "Mighty Quinn", 0908 ID, tk, Highway to hell
6259,95 0936-0948 UNID, e.weak; D mx
6005,0 1005-1008 UNID, tk in G about Trini Lopez(song in sp.), etc, "My love is a tango"
6264,9 1014-1021* RSI - SCOTLAND R., good; Polnareff"La poupée qui fait non", c'/d, rock, end.
6265,1 1024-1047 UNID, e.weak\full PLC in ears!, v.hard to hear; mx. (0944 already a trace, before RSI),.
6235,0 1039-1103 R. CASANOVA, v.weak \hum-QRM stn underneath; D mx, tk, ID, g's
6235 a 1103-1112 R. WAVES INT %, e.weak, again wandering a bit; IDs (no copy), mx, C&W, tk (RWI-like)
6330,0 1622-1626 R. ORION 2000, weak-v.weak\noisy,occ.traffic; song in D, ID in G, Mademoiselle Ninette.(Also 1729)
6300,0 1626-1633 UNID, v.weak>weak\QRM6295 relig.; pops - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6262,0 1634-1718 HITMIX %, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk(sounds like), Benny Hill mx, email, pops..
6234,9 1643-1858 R. PANDORA SW, v.weak\v.noisy; mx, many IDs+@ (mostly OK), 1653 tk about Gemini
6212,0 1704-2041 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\noisy; "Fever"(beatboxed), ID, ann' 6212 and 4026, mx, tk, IDs
6205,1 1711-1712 ENERGY FM %, pops
6280,4 1718-1719* UNID, mx, then trumpet (Il silenzio), end
6285,0 1720-1728* UNID, mx, mx, end - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6320,4 1820-1824 UNID, D mood, accn - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6306,0 1825-1939 R. JOEY, fair-good\fading; pops, real drums, fake Odynn ID, 1832 ID, 1928 wobbling, tk, D songs
6255,0 1835-1852* UNID, e.weak\noisy; Santana, rock, Smoke on the water, 1846 Radio - - -, N. of NL, c'/d [ cf R. 102 ]
4026,0 1902-2040 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 2038 Laser Int'l. (not //)
5835,0 1903-2039 LASER HOT HITS, "Substitute", ID, rock, 2038 ID, said on MW
6320,5 1913-1927* UNID, Be bop a lula, All shook up, Wake up Lil'Suzy, Blue suede shoes
6285,0 1939-1954 BBR %, folk song, tk(known voice), Heart of gold, D song. (2022 gone)
6230,05 1955-2023 XTC SW, mx, IDs, g's to many stns, 2023 straight ID
6320,05 2020-2104* LITTLE FEAT R., mx, IDs, g's, 60s pops, Let's go, Son of a preacher man, Rhythm of the rain
6260,0 2107-2132* UNID, v.weak\PLC; rock, IDs (R. Wot...? on SW). - - - [ cf R. ROCK 'N ROLL ]
6265,35 2134-2230 R. DESPERADO, ID, said c'd at 12 o'clock, Blue bayou, Hello Josephine, Maybe tomorrow, etc
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 25 APR. - 01 MAY 2016
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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