LOGS : 18 - 24 JAN. 2016
Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 23:25 pm
One more winter week. Many transmissions on Saturday/Sunday not in this log, please check elsewhere. A few puzzling logs :
- maybe a Greek station on 6264 (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sun, more ?)
- 6210 UNID on Wed., look for details
- 6210 UNID(s) also on Friday,possibly "Radio OX---" from NL
- R. WAVES INT / RWI on Sat/Sun was not widely heard, but that was the same for lots of stations, each reported on very few logs
* * * * * MON. 18 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6285,0 1118-1135* R. VERONA INT, D(or G) mx, "Angelina", tk in D, 1133 ID, "way of life", c'/d, ID+@
6310,8 1324-1415 UNID, e.weak\noisy,many dropouts; mx, D mx, 1352 'piraten' song, early 60s pop, etc
6240,0 1417-1624 HITMIX ?, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1424 tk, mx, IDs(=?), 1528 medleys (incl' Lambada, Self control)
6289,9 1436-1505* R. ALTREX, e.weak; D mx, 1459 \gurgling; 1502 c'/d, ID (not quite OK), tnx.. 1504 accn, bye-bye
6380,05 1601-1621 LITTLE FEAT R., up to good; mx, 1614 tk, ID, 1615 \gurgling;
6070,0 1625-1636 R. D-A-R-C, good-v.good; tech tk in G, 1627 JID, mx, 1632 ID, ham news in G
6264,0 1638-1645 UNID, e.weak > trace; some mx heard at first, then f'/down
4026,0 1658-2400 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading > fair-good; 1703 FSN,OEM, 1905 ID, 2359 Laser Int'l
6984,9v 1909-2355 FLEX FM (via QBC %), e.weak\noisy,deep fades > weak; electro-pop,DJ, hip-hop, 1916 ID
* * * * * TUES. 19 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6320,05 1611-1612* LITTLE FEAT R., Hang on Sloopy, ID, c'/d, end.
6210,4 1613-1743 R. MERLIN, fair-good>v.weak\fading,noisy; mx, IDs, 1640 H.California.. Doors.. Madness..
6380,05 1629-1630* UNID, weak\ut.; mx, end. - - - - - - - - - [ cf FELIX ]
4026,0 1642-2306 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fades,ut.underneath; rock, IDs, Lee Richard, rpts, 1916 Gary Drew
6985,0 1922-2301 FLEX FM % (via QBC %), 1922 e.weak, hl in E, mx, tk, 2218 v.weak, electro, hip-hop
* * * * * WED. 20 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6005,0 *1300-1400* R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, tk in G: RNI, 1312 ID, 1355 ID in G, Johnny Reggae, c'/d by L.Keezer
6305,1 1401-1415 R. MERLIN %, weak-fair \ut.QRN; pop-rock, 1408 Black Betty, Sweet home Alabama
6320,0 1416-1438 R. ALTREX, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, pops, 1435 moo!, 1436 ID
6392,0 1438-1549* HITMIX %, e.>v.weak \occ. gurglings; mx, 1506 Self-control, from 1530 IDs(=?) +@gmx.de
6989,9 1451-1455 KOMINTERN %, v.weak\noisy, traffic in it.; mx, 1453 W+M in Ru (news?)
6286,1 1457-1502* R. TRANSATLANTIC BROADCAST, weak\noisy; mx, lot of IDs+@gmx.net
6293,5 1502-1513* BLACK PANTHER, weak\noisy, ut6296; D songs, 1503 ID in E
6385,05 1557-1557* UNID, fair; mx, sudden s/off
6264,0 1601-1720 UNID, trace>e.weak; some mx, 1608 \QRM 6265, 1639 Greek mx. (Also 1910-1935)
6265,0 1608-1616 UNID, sudden s/on?, \QRM to 6264; D(?) instrum mx, Mink De Ville ?, singer +kids bunch (1618 gone)
4026,0 1621-2430 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good\fading; mx, IDs, tk
6285,0 1645-1722 J. TOBACCO %, strong; C&W in D, translated songs parts, "Tri martolod" in D (part), etc
6265,0 1701-1706 ANTHONY R., e.weak \het6264; mx, 1703 ID, Poland, mx, 1706 ID, end
3985,0 1840-1900* R. MI AMIGO, repeat; Don McLean "The day the music died", tk in G, JIDs, mx
6210,0 1905-2046 UNID, v. weak\noisy; pops, When a man loves a woman, Tom Jones?, 1916 King of the road, 1922 Israelites, Hello little girl, 1934 Daydream, 2024 Michelle, 2046 My friend Jack. (still a trace at 2135)
6985,0 FLEX FM % (via QBC %), e.weak \ut.QRM; electro - hip-hop (non stop)
6280,0 2209-2218 UNID, e.weak; oriental mx, arabic mx. (2226 gone)
6305,0 2219-2223 UNID, trace - e.weak; mx.
* * * * * THURS. 21 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6305,1 1016-1022 R. MERLIN, v.weak \low mod.; Motorhead, ID, ZZ Top"Sharp dressed man", ID...
6320,1 1336-1349 R. ALTREX, e.weak; pops, D mx, IDs by moo's, "free music radio from the NL, on SW". (1356 gone)
6989,9 1358-1406 R. KOMINTERN %, comedy ?, nostalgia song (in Ru ?), tk over mx
6320,0 1453-1503 R. ALTREX, weak-v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, pops, moo's
3904,9 1847-1847 UNID, D instrum mx, tape recorder problem ? - - - - - - [ cf ALICE ]
4026,0 1925-2231 LASER HOT HITS, good peaks \deep fades; mx, tk, 2007 LHH Int'l
6264,0 1944-1958 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; Greek mx
* * * * * FRI. 22 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6305,1 1638-1644* R. MERLIN INT, weak-fair; rock, ID, "Tonight"ID, bye-bye. (then carrier, still on at 1911)
4026,0 1647-2200 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fades; mx, tk, IDs, 2131 Motown
6390,8 1706-1717 UNID, "Fernando", then undermod mx - - - - - - [ cf NACHTRIJDER ]
6390,0 1741-1747* Z. BLACK(STONE ?), mx, tk in D, IDs, ment' Z. Lowland
6390,0 1747-1754* R. NACHT(EDEL ?), mx parts, tk in D, ment' Z.Lowland, tech rpt, ID, g's to Blackstone
6390.8 1754-1801* UNID, \het6390,1; instrum mx, 1758 g's to Blackstone, Marco, ID(=?) N of NL, more g's, fq in E,ID(=?)
6390 a 1802-1810 UNID, \hum; mx, 1804 g's to Nightrijder, Lowlander, tech rpt, mx, 1810 \hum; maybe mx on the other?
6285,0 1812-1824 UNID, good\fading; "Vaya con Dios", mx parts, 1815 Summertime blues(part), Dragon...
6210,0 1820-1827 UNID, v.weak; instrum medley/patchwork, 1821 Radio OX- - -, the NL, rpt from Italy, mx
6210,0 2110-2126* UNID, e.weak-weak\fading; pops, 2122 Driver's seat, end without annt
6210,0 2137-2146 UNID, trace-e.weak\noisy; instrum mx heard at 2139-2142
* * * * * SAT. 23 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6210,4 0833-0908 R. MERLIN, 0833 blank ( ), 0857 mx, 0903 ID, One way ticket, Japanese boys
6285,0 0834-0908 R. VERONA, \hum; polka, 0848 ID
6005,0 0850-0900 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop, rock, DJ, ID
6005,0 1105,1148 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\fading; tk in G, ID, pop, pop medley, //9560
9560,0 1106,1147 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1106 good, // 6005. 1147 strong, pop, //6005
6205,2 0857,0903 UNID, 0857 trace; mx?, 0903 e.weak, mx. - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6300,0 0858-0908 UNID, e.weak\traffic, then stanag; mx, 0907 Bowie. - - - - - - [ cf PAARDENKRACHT ]
6309,8 0859-0907 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx, soon barely heard. (1140 short trace). [ cf OZNRH ]
9510,0 *0904-0907 R. CITY, late start(usual s/on mx), W singer (in ?), approx 60's pops
6324,95 1107-1115* TOP R., fair-good; pop-rock, disco, 1114 distorted IDs, info @top-am(.nl)
6300,1 1116-1149 PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak(undermod.) > weak-v.weak; 1134 Mr Bluesky, 1138 ID, Paint it black
6285,0 1120-1150 UNID, pop, rock, 1121 tk in D - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6265,7 1125-1133 UNID, e.weak\PLC,stanag; mx, Radio - - ?, mx, a few words, mx [ cf R. DOCTOR-TIM ]
6265,7 1315-1320* UNID, v.weak; rock-pops, \dropouts, blanks, tech. problem, end
6394,9w 1142-1313 UNID, v.weak, bit of drift around; alternative rock
6395,0v 1332-1600 UNID, e.weak\fades > weak, drift up to 6395,1; synthe mx, non stop
6254,8 1321-1323 UNID, e.weak; mx, then lost
6205,0 1325-1325 UNID, mx, lost
6305,0 1508-1530 UNID, fair-good; "Vietnam", "Black night", rock - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6251,1 1511-1521 UNID, e.weak \het6250; mx, 1516 tk(in E?), \het going v.bad ! - - -[ cf NETBEAT ]
6219,9 1522-1551 R. WAVES INT, fair; "Les bals populaires", 1524 ID, "Les yeux revolver", 1540 occ.het, 1550 C&W
6280,2 1531-1703 R. MERLIN INT, weak\PLC; pops, 1535 tk, ID, etc. (rock stable on 6280,24)
6259,7 1536-1556* UNID, fair\fading; Baker street, rock, dropouts, 1552 Radar love, rock, messing, sudden off [cf UNID]
6380,0 1546-1548 UNID, v.weak\fading; mx, quiet M singer in E (1558 gone)
4026,0 1610,1711 LHH %, 1610 fair; tk, mx. 1711 "Baker street"
5810,0 1613-1623* UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, IDs not OK, "..on SW" ..much appreciated .. kcs .. goodbye .. email .. 1620 ID noted as "Standard R." (??), 1623 as "P- - Radio"(??), tnx for email, end. - - - [ cf PANDA R. ]
6205,0 1625-1625* UNID, Les Poppys "Rien n'a changé", sudden off.
6222,3 1626-1635 RWI ?, v.weak\fading, stanag6226; mx, tk, "One way to heaven", pop-rock, tk in F, mx
6304,9 1637-1645 UNID, weak-v.weak\noisy; Motorhead, "Jean genie", rock. (1651 gone) - - - [ cf DELTA ]
6323,9 1645-1709* UNID, rock stable, e.weak; pops, carnaval (from Cuba?), song in sp. - - - [ cf PIRAÑA ]
6290,0 1654-1708 J. TOBACCO, good\dropouts; pops, joking as Alexander R., 1659 scored C&W record
6285,0 1704-1707 UNID, e.weak\QRM,noise; mx, tk, IDing?, f'/out
6305,0 2140-2140 UNID, trace of mx, quickly lost. - - - - - - - - - [ cf TRX ]
4026,0 2152-2205 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak; mx, tk, IDs
* * * * * SUN. 24 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6205,2 0856-0958 UNID, e.weak \noisy, hard to hear; mx, then trace of mx. - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6210,0w 0858-1434 R.WAVES INT, up 6210,1 and down, fair; F songs, 0900 ID and tk in F, 0922 accn, 0959 ID+BP in E, 1025 C&W, tk, IDs, \occ.ut, odd fade; 1419-1423 \het6210,6;
6305,1 0904-1412 R. MERLIN, v.weak\more or less; rock, sitar, 0934 ID+@+hl, rock, 1057 My green tambourine, 1331 CCR"Bad moon rising", \2nd carrier?; 1411 "Caroline", ID.
6309,8 0907-0937 UNID, trace-e.weak; some mx heard at times. - - - - - - [ cf OZNRH ]
6380,0 0916-0919 UNID, speeding bpm, 0918 speed trapped at 170 bpm - - - - - -[ cf WEGPIRAAT ]
6262,0 0924-1052 UNID, v.weak\noisy; beatboxed it.medley(Volare,O sole mio), 0927 Come on everybody, 0929 Blueberry Hill, mx, pops. (1115 gone). - - - - - - [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6289,9 0930-0934 UNID, weak\fading; pop, "Popcorn". - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6318,0 0938-1052 R. ALTREX, e.weak\noise, loc.noise; mx, ID only by moo's at 0939, 1009: tk(no copy)
6005,0 0942-1100* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good>weak \fading,het6006; pops, //9560, 0948 ID
9560,0 0942-1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, good-strong; Paul Newman's Radioshack, tk about FM from NL heard in GB, g's
7310,0 *1100-1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good; Welcome, web store, // 9560
6070,0 0950-0952 SUPERCLAN R., weak\PLC; Whiter shade of pale, ID, tchacs mx
6095,0 0952-1110 KBC, strong, phone call in E, C&W, Trucker Radio, C&W, 1104 "L.A. Connection", Polnareff
7310,0 *1000-1047 R. GLORIA INT, ID, "Gloria" rock, tk, mx, Ten CC, rock, pops
6245,0 1020-1025 UNID, v.weak\PLC; rock, Romeo & Juliet. (1053 gone) - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]
6070,0 1027-1054 R. D-A-R-C, ham news, ham tech tk in G, 1054 quizz: what's this mod type?, ID+@
6325,6v 1049-1129 UNID, v.weak, steady drift to 6325,4; pops, 1118 "Video killed..", 1120 tk, ..NL, c'/d [ cf VOTN ]
6284,95 1116-1129 TOP R., pop, D song, 1129 IDed from e-mail addr., Charles Aznavour"For me formidable"
6285,0 1314-1318* R. TELSTAR, fair; D song, instrum mx, ID, end
6245,0 1320-1324 R. AC-DC, e.weak; rock, 1322 ID, ID+@, end
6324,7 1332-1353 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, Bowie. - - - - - - [ cf DELTA ]
6394,7 1354-1403 UNID, v.>e.weak; mx, instrum mx
6285,0 1413-1524 R. PYTHON, fair\fading; pops, tk, 1516 ID, \beating w. 2nd carrier; tk, maybe c'/d
6262,6 1434-1510 UNID, e.weak \shimmy,PLC; mx, tk, "Let's dance" R&R, 1459 ID+@+web (no copy, "Spartan" ??), mx, 1504 and 1507 same problem with IDs. (1515 gone). - - - - - - [ cf PANDORA ]
6384,9 1528-1530 PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak; tk, ID. (Then QSO smell on 6384-6385 till 1534 at least)
6394,9v 1535-1736 UNID, e.weak; slow drift to 6395,0; techno, hip-hop, etc - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]
6325,5 1544-1553 R. GOOFY, e.weak\loc. noise; mx, IDs by W (no copy), ID by M is OK
6305,0 1739-1829 PAARDENKRACHT, weak; pops, "Chirpy chirpy..", rock, 1803 in D, ID, Wind of change, \now some fading,stanag,bit of updrift; Wooly Bully, Andy, more rock tracks, later pops, D? song.
6264,0 1742-1946 UNID, trace > v.weak; mx, oriental (Greek?) mx
6210,0 1745-1834 ARROW CLASSIC ROCK, fair-good; mx, row of ads in D, 1750 ID, mx, 1830 on/off, boogie, ID?
6985,0 1813-1822 UNID, e.weak\traffic6982L, v.hard; mx, tk in E over the mx. (Also 2247-2412 ) - [ cf QBC ]
3930,0 1950-2047 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, 60s mx, 1959 ID, 2024 Turn turn turn, pops, IDs
4026,0 1957-2315 LASER HOT HITS, long a trace, 2243 good at last, mx, ID, facebook, mx
6285,0 2254-2254 UNID, e.e.weak; mx, lost
6279,0 2259-2309 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx, tk, guitar
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
One more winter week. Many transmissions on Saturday/Sunday not in this log, please check elsewhere. A few puzzling logs :
- maybe a Greek station on 6264 (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sun, more ?)
- 6210 UNID on Wed., look for details
- 6210 UNID(s) also on Friday,possibly "Radio OX---" from NL
- R. WAVES INT / RWI on Sat/Sun was not widely heard, but that was the same for lots of stations, each reported on very few logs
* * * * * MON. 18 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6285,0 1118-1135* R. VERONA INT, D(or G) mx, "Angelina", tk in D, 1133 ID, "way of life", c'/d, ID+@
6310,8 1324-1415 UNID, e.weak\noisy,many dropouts; mx, D mx, 1352 'piraten' song, early 60s pop, etc
6240,0 1417-1624 HITMIX ?, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1424 tk, mx, IDs(=?), 1528 medleys (incl' Lambada, Self control)
6289,9 1436-1505* R. ALTREX, e.weak; D mx, 1459 \gurgling; 1502 c'/d, ID (not quite OK), tnx.. 1504 accn, bye-bye
6380,05 1601-1621 LITTLE FEAT R., up to good; mx, 1614 tk, ID, 1615 \gurgling;
6070,0 1625-1636 R. D-A-R-C, good-v.good; tech tk in G, 1627 JID, mx, 1632 ID, ham news in G
6264,0 1638-1645 UNID, e.weak > trace; some mx heard at first, then f'/down
4026,0 1658-2400 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading > fair-good; 1703 FSN,OEM, 1905 ID, 2359 Laser Int'l
6984,9v 1909-2355 FLEX FM (via QBC %), e.weak\noisy,deep fades > weak; electro-pop,DJ, hip-hop, 1916 ID
* * * * * TUES. 19 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6320,05 1611-1612* LITTLE FEAT R., Hang on Sloopy, ID, c'/d, end.
6210,4 1613-1743 R. MERLIN, fair-good>v.weak\fading,noisy; mx, IDs, 1640 H.California.. Doors.. Madness..
6380,05 1629-1630* UNID, weak\ut.; mx, end. - - - - - - - - - [ cf FELIX ]
4026,0 1642-2306 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fades,ut.underneath; rock, IDs, Lee Richard, rpts, 1916 Gary Drew
6985,0 1922-2301 FLEX FM % (via QBC %), 1922 e.weak, hl in E, mx, tk, 2218 v.weak, electro, hip-hop
* * * * * WED. 20 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6005,0 *1300-1400* R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, tk in G: RNI, 1312 ID, 1355 ID in G, Johnny Reggae, c'/d by L.Keezer
6305,1 1401-1415 R. MERLIN %, weak-fair \ut.QRN; pop-rock, 1408 Black Betty, Sweet home Alabama
6320,0 1416-1438 R. ALTREX, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, pops, 1435 moo!, 1436 ID
6392,0 1438-1549* HITMIX %, e.>v.weak \occ. gurglings; mx, 1506 Self-control, from 1530 IDs(=?) +@gmx.de
6989,9 1451-1455 KOMINTERN %, v.weak\noisy, traffic in it.; mx, 1453 W+M in Ru (news?)
6286,1 1457-1502* R. TRANSATLANTIC BROADCAST, weak\noisy; mx, lot of IDs+@gmx.net
6293,5 1502-1513* BLACK PANTHER, weak\noisy, ut6296; D songs, 1503 ID in E
6385,05 1557-1557* UNID, fair; mx, sudden s/off
6264,0 1601-1720 UNID, trace>e.weak; some mx, 1608 \QRM 6265, 1639 Greek mx. (Also 1910-1935)
6265,0 1608-1616 UNID, sudden s/on?, \QRM to 6264; D(?) instrum mx, Mink De Ville ?, singer +kids bunch (1618 gone)
4026,0 1621-2430 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good\fading; mx, IDs, tk
6285,0 1645-1722 J. TOBACCO %, strong; C&W in D, translated songs parts, "Tri martolod" in D (part), etc
6265,0 1701-1706 ANTHONY R., e.weak \het6264; mx, 1703 ID, Poland, mx, 1706 ID, end
3985,0 1840-1900* R. MI AMIGO, repeat; Don McLean "The day the music died", tk in G, JIDs, mx
6210,0 1905-2046 UNID, v. weak\noisy; pops, When a man loves a woman, Tom Jones?, 1916 King of the road, 1922 Israelites, Hello little girl, 1934 Daydream, 2024 Michelle, 2046 My friend Jack. (still a trace at 2135)
6985,0 FLEX FM % (via QBC %), e.weak \ut.QRM; electro - hip-hop (non stop)
6280,0 2209-2218 UNID, e.weak; oriental mx, arabic mx. (2226 gone)
6305,0 2219-2223 UNID, trace - e.weak; mx.
* * * * * THURS. 21 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6305,1 1016-1022 R. MERLIN, v.weak \low mod.; Motorhead, ID, ZZ Top"Sharp dressed man", ID...
6320,1 1336-1349 R. ALTREX, e.weak; pops, D mx, IDs by moo's, "free music radio from the NL, on SW". (1356 gone)
6989,9 1358-1406 R. KOMINTERN %, comedy ?, nostalgia song (in Ru ?), tk over mx
6320,0 1453-1503 R. ALTREX, weak-v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, pops, moo's
3904,9 1847-1847 UNID, D instrum mx, tape recorder problem ? - - - - - - [ cf ALICE ]
4026,0 1925-2231 LASER HOT HITS, good peaks \deep fades; mx, tk, 2007 LHH Int'l
6264,0 1944-1958 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; Greek mx
* * * * * FRI. 22 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6305,1 1638-1644* R. MERLIN INT, weak-fair; rock, ID, "Tonight"ID, bye-bye. (then carrier, still on at 1911)
4026,0 1647-2200 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fades; mx, tk, IDs, 2131 Motown
6390,8 1706-1717 UNID, "Fernando", then undermod mx - - - - - - [ cf NACHTRIJDER ]
6390,0 1741-1747* Z. BLACK(STONE ?), mx, tk in D, IDs, ment' Z. Lowland
6390,0 1747-1754* R. NACHT(EDEL ?), mx parts, tk in D, ment' Z.Lowland, tech rpt, ID, g's to Blackstone
6390.8 1754-1801* UNID, \het6390,1; instrum mx, 1758 g's to Blackstone, Marco, ID(=?) N of NL, more g's, fq in E,ID(=?)
6390 a 1802-1810 UNID, \hum; mx, 1804 g's to Nightrijder, Lowlander, tech rpt, mx, 1810 \hum; maybe mx on the other?
6285,0 1812-1824 UNID, good\fading; "Vaya con Dios", mx parts, 1815 Summertime blues(part), Dragon...
6210,0 1820-1827 UNID, v.weak; instrum medley/patchwork, 1821 Radio OX- - -, the NL, rpt from Italy, mx
6210,0 2110-2126* UNID, e.weak-weak\fading; pops, 2122 Driver's seat, end without annt
6210,0 2137-2146 UNID, trace-e.weak\noisy; instrum mx heard at 2139-2142
* * * * * SAT. 23 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6210,4 0833-0908 R. MERLIN, 0833 blank ( ), 0857 mx, 0903 ID, One way ticket, Japanese boys
6285,0 0834-0908 R. VERONA, \hum; polka, 0848 ID
6005,0 0850-0900 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop, rock, DJ, ID
6005,0 1105,1148 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\fading; tk in G, ID, pop, pop medley, //9560
9560,0 1106,1147 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1106 good, // 6005. 1147 strong, pop, //6005
6205,2 0857,0903 UNID, 0857 trace; mx?, 0903 e.weak, mx. - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6300,0 0858-0908 UNID, e.weak\traffic, then stanag; mx, 0907 Bowie. - - - - - - [ cf PAARDENKRACHT ]
6309,8 0859-0907 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx, soon barely heard. (1140 short trace). [ cf OZNRH ]
9510,0 *0904-0907 R. CITY, late start(usual s/on mx), W singer (in ?), approx 60's pops
6324,95 1107-1115* TOP R., fair-good; pop-rock, disco, 1114 distorted IDs, info @top-am(.nl)
6300,1 1116-1149 PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak(undermod.) > weak-v.weak; 1134 Mr Bluesky, 1138 ID, Paint it black
6285,0 1120-1150 UNID, pop, rock, 1121 tk in D - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6265,7 1125-1133 UNID, e.weak\PLC,stanag; mx, Radio - - ?, mx, a few words, mx [ cf R. DOCTOR-TIM ]
6265,7 1315-1320* UNID, v.weak; rock-pops, \dropouts, blanks, tech. problem, end
6394,9w 1142-1313 UNID, v.weak, bit of drift around; alternative rock
6395,0v 1332-1600 UNID, e.weak\fades > weak, drift up to 6395,1; synthe mx, non stop
6254,8 1321-1323 UNID, e.weak; mx, then lost
6205,0 1325-1325 UNID, mx, lost
6305,0 1508-1530 UNID, fair-good; "Vietnam", "Black night", rock - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6251,1 1511-1521 UNID, e.weak \het6250; mx, 1516 tk(in E?), \het going v.bad ! - - -[ cf NETBEAT ]
6219,9 1522-1551 R. WAVES INT, fair; "Les bals populaires", 1524 ID, "Les yeux revolver", 1540 occ.het, 1550 C&W
6280,2 1531-1703 R. MERLIN INT, weak\PLC; pops, 1535 tk, ID, etc. (rock stable on 6280,24)
6259,7 1536-1556* UNID, fair\fading; Baker street, rock, dropouts, 1552 Radar love, rock, messing, sudden off [cf UNID]
6380,0 1546-1548 UNID, v.weak\fading; mx, quiet M singer in E (1558 gone)
4026,0 1610,1711 LHH %, 1610 fair; tk, mx. 1711 "Baker street"
5810,0 1613-1623* UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, IDs not OK, "..on SW" ..much appreciated .. kcs .. goodbye .. email .. 1620 ID noted as "Standard R." (??), 1623 as "P- - Radio"(??), tnx for email, end. - - - [ cf PANDA R. ]
6205,0 1625-1625* UNID, Les Poppys "Rien n'a changé", sudden off.
6222,3 1626-1635 RWI ?, v.weak\fading, stanag6226; mx, tk, "One way to heaven", pop-rock, tk in F, mx
6304,9 1637-1645 UNID, weak-v.weak\noisy; Motorhead, "Jean genie", rock. (1651 gone) - - - [ cf DELTA ]
6323,9 1645-1709* UNID, rock stable, e.weak; pops, carnaval (from Cuba?), song in sp. - - - [ cf PIRAÑA ]
6290,0 1654-1708 J. TOBACCO, good\dropouts; pops, joking as Alexander R., 1659 scored C&W record
6285,0 1704-1707 UNID, e.weak\QRM,noise; mx, tk, IDing?, f'/out
6305,0 2140-2140 UNID, trace of mx, quickly lost. - - - - - - - - - [ cf TRX ]
4026,0 2152-2205 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak; mx, tk, IDs
* * * * * SUN. 24 JAN. 2016 * * * * *
6205,2 0856-0958 UNID, e.weak \noisy, hard to hear; mx, then trace of mx. - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6210,0w 0858-1434 R.WAVES INT, up 6210,1 and down, fair; F songs, 0900 ID and tk in F, 0922 accn, 0959 ID+BP in E, 1025 C&W, tk, IDs, \occ.ut, odd fade; 1419-1423 \het6210,6;
6305,1 0904-1412 R. MERLIN, v.weak\more or less; rock, sitar, 0934 ID+@+hl, rock, 1057 My green tambourine, 1331 CCR"Bad moon rising", \2nd carrier?; 1411 "Caroline", ID.
6309,8 0907-0937 UNID, trace-e.weak; some mx heard at times. - - - - - - [ cf OZNRH ]
6380,0 0916-0919 UNID, speeding bpm, 0918 speed trapped at 170 bpm - - - - - -[ cf WEGPIRAAT ]
6262,0 0924-1052 UNID, v.weak\noisy; beatboxed it.medley(Volare,O sole mio), 0927 Come on everybody, 0929 Blueberry Hill, mx, pops. (1115 gone). - - - - - - [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6289,9 0930-0934 UNID, weak\fading; pop, "Popcorn". - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6318,0 0938-1052 R. ALTREX, e.weak\noise, loc.noise; mx, ID only by moo's at 0939, 1009: tk(no copy)
6005,0 0942-1100* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good>weak \fading,het6006; pops, //9560, 0948 ID
9560,0 0942-1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, good-strong; Paul Newman's Radioshack, tk about FM from NL heard in GB, g's
7310,0 *1100-1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good; Welcome, web store, // 9560
6070,0 0950-0952 SUPERCLAN R., weak\PLC; Whiter shade of pale, ID, tchacs mx
6095,0 0952-1110 KBC, strong, phone call in E, C&W, Trucker Radio, C&W, 1104 "L.A. Connection", Polnareff
7310,0 *1000-1047 R. GLORIA INT, ID, "Gloria" rock, tk, mx, Ten CC, rock, pops
6245,0 1020-1025 UNID, v.weak\PLC; rock, Romeo & Juliet. (1053 gone) - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]
6070,0 1027-1054 R. D-A-R-C, ham news, ham tech tk in G, 1054 quizz: what's this mod type?, ID+@
6325,6v 1049-1129 UNID, v.weak, steady drift to 6325,4; pops, 1118 "Video killed..", 1120 tk, ..NL, c'/d [ cf VOTN ]
6284,95 1116-1129 TOP R., pop, D song, 1129 IDed from e-mail addr., Charles Aznavour"For me formidable"
6285,0 1314-1318* R. TELSTAR, fair; D song, instrum mx, ID, end
6245,0 1320-1324 R. AC-DC, e.weak; rock, 1322 ID, ID+@, end
6324,7 1332-1353 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, Bowie. - - - - - - [ cf DELTA ]
6394,7 1354-1403 UNID, v.>e.weak; mx, instrum mx
6285,0 1413-1524 R. PYTHON, fair\fading; pops, tk, 1516 ID, \beating w. 2nd carrier; tk, maybe c'/d
6262,6 1434-1510 UNID, e.weak \shimmy,PLC; mx, tk, "Let's dance" R&R, 1459 ID+@+web (no copy, "Spartan" ??), mx, 1504 and 1507 same problem with IDs. (1515 gone). - - - - - - [ cf PANDORA ]
6384,9 1528-1530 PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak; tk, ID. (Then QSO smell on 6384-6385 till 1534 at least)
6394,9v 1535-1736 UNID, e.weak; slow drift to 6395,0; techno, hip-hop, etc - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]
6325,5 1544-1553 R. GOOFY, e.weak\loc. noise; mx, IDs by W (no copy), ID by M is OK
6305,0 1739-1829 PAARDENKRACHT, weak; pops, "Chirpy chirpy..", rock, 1803 in D, ID, Wind of change, \now some fading,stanag,bit of updrift; Wooly Bully, Andy, more rock tracks, later pops, D? song.
6264,0 1742-1946 UNID, trace > v.weak; mx, oriental (Greek?) mx
6210,0 1745-1834 ARROW CLASSIC ROCK, fair-good; mx, row of ads in D, 1750 ID, mx, 1830 on/off, boogie, ID?
6985,0 1813-1822 UNID, e.weak\traffic6982L, v.hard; mx, tk in E over the mx. (Also 2247-2412 ) - [ cf QBC ]
3930,0 1950-2047 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, 60s mx, 1959 ID, 2024 Turn turn turn, pops, IDs
4026,0 1957-2315 LASER HOT HITS, long a trace, 2243 good at last, mx, ID, facebook, mx
6285,0 2254-2254 UNID, e.e.weak; mx, lost
6279,0 2259-2309 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx, tk, guitar
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.