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LOGS : 11 - 17 JAN. 2016

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 23:02 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Still quiet weekdays and crowded weekend with lots of UNIDs (several UNIDs in this log on Sunday around 10-11 UTC remain UNID or quite % -tentative- after checking with the best logs).

All frequencies (at home) best rounded to the nearest 1/10th of kHz, except when I can't say on which side, then I round to the nearest 0,05 kHz. Readings here are still better (with a well known 0,02 bias) except when the carrier is much too weak with noise around - also with most SSB signals. Remarks :
- readings at 0,01 are helpful to check if still the same station is heard (but still a few ones are drifting or wandering a bit, and also more and more are right on the spot, then this is hardly a hint about a change)
- even when spot on, many carriers have a bit of wobbling, so they sound "mushy", even the professional legal carriers often sound like that, and with just a bit more of wobbling, I can check with the NBFM mode and sometimes hear better (when there is no strong signal on a nearby frequency) - is this from "energy efficient" modulation schemes ?

* * * * * MON. 11 JAN. 2016 * * * * *

6900 L 0115-0120 BALTIC SEA R., fair>weak; pops, Rock this town, 0119 ID

4026,0 0741-0745 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading; mx, ID, DJ, Tina Charles. (Also at 1021, e.weak)

6299,8 1548-1613* HITMIX ?, \ut.QRM, beatings; ID not quite OK, Girl's coconut, pops, 1611 noname c'/d, QSL Award

6325,05 1617-1644 LITTLE FEAT R., \het 6325,9; mx, IDs, Davis Bowie special, Jean genie, Ziggy, etc

6297,0 1622-1720 UNID, e.weak\deep fades,noise,traffic6292u; D mx, 1712 jazz "Le grand lion" [ cf MEXICO ]

4026,0 1727-2203 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\het 4028,2. mx, tk, IDs, 2156 story(Santa R. ??), 2201 OEM, FSN

6984,95 2122-2237 FLEX FM % via QBC %, techno drums, hip-hop, DJ shout

* * * * * TUES. 12 JAN. 2016 * * * * *

6210,4 1108-1112* R. MERLIN INT %, mx, tk about propagation, 1-2-1-2, end

6290,0 1612-1628 UNID, \loc.noise, traffic6292u; mx, duo tk in G, IDs (no copy), 1626 W in E. [ cf ENTERHAKEN ]

6305,1 1628-1720 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \loc.noise; mx, IDs, reggae, ska, Madness twice. (1729 gone)

4026,0 1723,2230 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1723 ID. (1930 no trace). 2230 e.weak, tk, mx, f'/out again.

6230 U 1940-1940 some weather report or alike, in E

* * * * * WED. 13 JAN. 2016 * * * * *

4026,0 1550-1737 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak-fair; mx, IDs. (1900 trace, 2155 no trace ?)
4026,0 2356-2400 LASER HOT HITS, weak-v.weak; rock, Metallica ann'd, ID.

6210,0 1557-1559* UNID, good \messing with mod.level; "Camouflage", end. - - - [ cf SLUWE VOS ]

6320,8 1603-1620 UNID, e.weak(undermod); mx, D mx, Elvis, "Tiger by the tail", Dragon... [ cf BATAVIER ]

6210,0 1739-1804 UNID, v.weak; instrum mx, pops, 1800 a few words, then f'/out

6264,0 1749,2200 trace, 1749 with mod. (usually : trace from Greece ?)

6984,95 1845-1854 FLEX FM % via QBC %, e.weak; bits of techno and hip-hop. (1920: trace only)

3985,0 1854-1900* R. MI AMIGO, weak-fair \beatings; My sweet lord, tk, ID, Ode to joy, end

* * * * * THURS. 14 JAN. 2016 * * * * *

6320,8 1015-1020 UNID, e.weak; brass mx (barely heard). - - - - - - ( could be BATAVIER )

6284,8 1306-1334 R. MONIQUE INT, e.weak; special Bowie, 1330 ID, test, Bowie, JID... (1402 gone)

6005,0 1312-1400* R. MI AMIGO INT, "Free electric band", IDs, pops, tk in D, 1358 c'/d, contacts

6324,9 1342-1434 UNID, e.weak; mx barely heard: CCR? Green berets?, > swamped into noise

6989,9 1445-1449 KOMINTERN %, trace > e.weak; song in Ru ?

3930,0 2211-2300a R. BATAVIA, weak; mx, IDs, "Alleluia", folk ~, One way ticket, etc, end 2300 approx

4038,6 2219-2246 UNID, eweak-trace; some mx and tk at best times. (Also on Sat, 2043-2130)

4026 : no signal

* * * * * FRI. 15 JAN. 2016 * * * * *

6305,1 0921-1042 R. MERLIN, v.weak\stanag QRN, mx, IDs, 1005 "Hush", Black magic woman, Heart of gold...

6401,8 1439-1450 UNID, e.weak, hard to hear; mx, tk, D mx. (1459 gone). - - - [ cf BATAVIER ]

6989,9 1450-1457 R. KOMINTERN %, v.weak \noisy; mx, singer in Ru with accn

6325,0 1504-1507 UNID, good; D songs. (1522 gone). - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf VERONA ]

6300,0 1509-1543 R. PYTHON, good-strong\fading,wobbling, tech. problems; Year of the cat, tk in D+E, 1527 ID, White Stripes, Artic Monkeys

6290,95 1529-1531 UNID, e.weak; mx. (1543 gone). - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6264,95 1544-1602 RADIO 42, v.weak\fading; mx, long blank,mx, 1557 ID in D, mx

6307,1 1551-1616 R. GOOFY SW, (trace since 1437), e.>v.weak\noisy; mx, 1607 bitch of an ID but OK, 1616 lost

4026,0 1618-2310 LASER HOT HITS, weak\occ.noisy ut; 1640 ID by M.Andrews, mx, IDs, 1943 OEM (F&E editions)

3985,0 *1800-1828 R. MI AMIGO, weak-fair\some noise; welcome ID, webstore, tk: Ziggy Stardust, etc

6984,95 1914-2305 FLEX FM, via QBC %, e.weak\deep fades; electro-pop, hip-hop. 2241 ID, tk: Bowie

* * * * * SAT. 16 JAN. 2016 * * * * *

6205,25 0904-0942 UNID, e.weak\light mod.; mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]

6005,0 0913-0923 R. MI AMIGO, rock, tk in G, // 9560. (Also 1201, v.weak\fading).

9560,0 0914-0942 R. MI AMIGO, good\fading,noisy; 0920 "Rewind" progr. (Also 1200: welcome,ID webstore))

9510,0 0917-0951 R. CITY, only good; known DJ voice, 60s pops, boogie

6295,0 1204-1356 R. VERONA, v.weak\fading; D songs. 1356 ID as R.Verona, without Joey voice coding.

6240,0 1208-1212 UNID, e.weak\noisy ut.QRM; - - - - - - [ cf PANDA ]

6390,0 1339-1400 UNID, v.weak\noisy; beer selling mx, crooner

6205,0 1345-1438 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, mx. - - - - - - [ cf HEFNER ]

6264,95 1347-1409 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk in D - - - - - -[ cf TOP ]
6264,95 1419-1421 RADIO 42, 1419 ID in F+D (Polnareff background), 1420 ID+@, mx. (1437 gone)

6285,4 1351-1419 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx (incl' Antilles? and NL). - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6295,0 1409-1436 UNID, v.weak\noisy; D instrum track, Elvis"Don't be cruel", etc - - - | cf VERONA )

6320,0 1430-1435 R. TELSTAR INT, tk in D, ID, "Israelites", "I shot the sheriff", g's

6984,8 1850-2115 FLEX FM % (via QBC %), trace +e.weak peaks\v.noisy; mx, tk, 2015 "Flex FM" ??

4026,0 1857-2129 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak>trace +peaks; tk: BBC News Chronicles, IDs, MW c/d in Germany..

6306,0 1925-2005 UNID, weak\noisy; Sound of silence, accn medley, pops > e.weak; - - - [ cf TOWER ]

6295,05 2001-2001 UNID, e.weak\noisy, ut.; mx, quickly lost

3904,9 2021-2213 R. STN ALICE, good; R&R medley, pops, C&W, 2029 ID, g's, Mungo J. tune in G., etc.

6070,0 2048-2126 HRI RADIO, e.weak\noisy; mx, tk, IDs ruined by noise, 2101 David Bowie, 2116 ID copied at last, Star Wars and robots fancies, then f'/down

* * * * * SUN. 17 JAN. 2016 * * * * *

4026,0 0103-0114 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading; "Love like a man", ID, mx. (Also 0750, weak\fading)

6985,0 0107-0111 FLEX FM % (via QBC %), weak-fair > e.weak; electro-pop.

6205,15w 0751-0937 UNID, v.weak\low mod > e.weak \drift up&down; mx, ID??, C&W, 0935 Motorhead [cf KING SW ]

6005,0 0753-0920 R. MI AMIGO, fair-good; Supremes, tk by Bruno, pops, disco, 0824 ID, 0908 // 9560, 0920 ID, webstore
9560,0 0909,1124 R. MI AMIGO, good\fading; 0909 // 6005. 1124 // 7310.
7310,0 1124-1128 R. MI AMIGO, good; // 9560, mx, tk, JID

7265,0 0839-0846 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB, weak +peaks; Merry Xmas, ID, mailbag, mx, etc

6070,0 0900-0908 SUPERCLAN R., fair\fading; mx, tk: Bowie, ID, Freddie the fish, 10000watts, Suzy Q

9485,0 0910-0923 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB, weak-fair > fair-good; ID with Tom Taylor, // 6045 shifted
6045,0 0911-0927 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., fair \noisy fades; mx, schedule, ID+website, mx, 0923 ID+@, Knock on wood

6201,35 0928-0933 UNID, e.weak\fading; R&B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LIKEDEELER ]

6225,0 0938-0943 R. CASANOVA, v.weak; "We love the pirate stns", rock medley, g's, ID, D~ song
6225,0 1018-1056 UNID, e.weak\ stanag QRN >trace; 1018 rpt, ID \stanag; 1055 mx \stanag; [cf QUADZILLA]

6239,9v 0943-1134 R. WAVES INT, slowed "J'irai revoir ma Normandie", tk in F, accn, 0950 ID+Rueil address, > v.weak;

6265,0 0951-1021 RADIO 42, weak-v.weak\noisy,traffic; mx, IDs in E and D, 1021 Man of action

6294,95 0957-1039 TOP R. ?, v.weak\PLC; D songs, D v. of "N'avoue jamais", ID+@ (not quite OK)

6305,1 0959-1131 R. MERLIN INT, weak-v.weak\noisy; rock, 1031 ID, mx, 1114 \fishers6307,5U

6324,9 1005-1006* UNID, fair\fading +peaks; guitar, end at 1006'47" s/off

6395,6w 1007-1129 UNID, \bit of wandering, dropouts; instrum mx - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]

6285,0 1022-1111* UNID, pops, Bowie, 1109 Summer in the city, pop - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]

6245,0 1058-1107* UNID, polka, "I love R&R", \stanag burst; rock, messing with mod level, end [ cf UNID ]

6260,0 1104-1108 UNID, rock // 6245 but weaker, then D song-yodl with good peaks - - - - [ cf UNID ]

6802,8 1120-1123 UNID, weak-v.weak\fading. b.b. schlager. (Also 1428). - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6802,8 1740-1747 UNID, good-strong > weak > e.weak; mx. - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

6325,0 1130-1131 R. PYTHON, good; ID, mx.

6264,0 1132-1136 UNID, mx, D or G "Coucou" from scored record

6265,0 1317-1319 UNID, beer selling mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RADIO 42 ]

6305,0 1320-1415 R. TELSTAR INT, C&W, g's,ID, "Jackson", 1336 ID \het 6308; 1407 Doors, 1413 Shadows, ID

6325,2 1323-1323 UNID, trace. - - - - - - - - - [ cf KR1 - RAINBOW ]

6325,0 1325-1336 UNID, e.weak; Stranglers "No more heroes", tk, mx

6308 W 1336-1338 UNID, jammer ?

6296,2 1341-1403 UNID, e.weak+peaks; tk in sp., G/D songs, 1359 - - -Int'l, ID+@ by W, mx [cf WILDWEST FM ]

6289,9 1352-1404* UNID, swamped into noise, then J.M.Jarre mx and tk (in D?), end. - - -[ cf RONNIE AM ]

6280,0 1358-1406 UNID, brass mx, 1405 tk over mx, allo... (1415 gone) - - - - - - [ cf AKENZO ]

6317,55 1408-1427 UNID, Scarborough fair, popd, rock. - - - [ cf ROCK R. NETWORK ]

6095,0 1417-1419 KBC %, good +peaks; "Delilah", DJ "rewind", "Cathy's clown".

6989,9 1420-1423 UNID, e.weak; band+choir, mx. (Also 1738-1754, trace-e.weak; tk).

6395,0 1735-1736 LASER HOT HITS (via UNID ?), mx, ID, end ?

4026,0 1751-2155 LASER HOT HITS, good; duo tk, ID, mx, 2023 trace; 2154 v.weak\fading; mx, ID.

6984,95 2012-2201 FLEX FM % (via QBC % ), e.>v.weak; rap, hip-hop

3930,0 2016-2215 R. BATAVIA, weak\noisy>good\fading; TomJones, D song, 2020 ID,mx, IDs.., 2211 Shadows, pop-rock

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
