LOGS : 12 - 18 OCT. 2015
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 13:25 pm
The event of the week was the combination Spaceshuttle(mainly)-Hobart(limited), but at first it was tedious to sort which station was playing recordings from the other ! This combination was on the air day long on Friday to Sunday, maybe also all night long (but disappeared at night just like a relay in W. Europe).
Many stations everyday, and even a few signals from across the pond, less than expected as the FCC roared against pirates while closing half of its offices.
* * * * * MON. 12 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6309,6 1541-1559 OZNRH %, e.weak\PLC,atmos,ut.QRM; barely heard mx, jazz ?
6070,0 1550-1556 R. D-A-R-C, strong; playing old IS/IDs (Vatican, VOA ?), then own IDs, viel glück!
6323,0 1557-1601* UNID, mx, euro-song, Just an illusion, 1601 blank. (1616 gone)
6323,0 1638-1638* R. ODYNN, shortwaveman @gmail, "back to the music", and end
6383,0 1618-1638 S. HITMIX, v.weak\atmos; mx, allo test een twee, tnx rpts, ..auf KW, 1635 ID, studio1A (1701 gone)
6284,9 1639-1713 JOHNNY TOBACCO, v.strong; C&W, 1659 hello Marco, ID, 1710 mx, 1713 end ?
6005,0 1703-1705 UNID, via R.700 %, SW and ham news from RSGB ?, then data stream
6005,0 *1705-1710 R. MI AMIGO, strong\noisy,splash; s/on, contest, JID, DJ, 1706 "Jimmy mack", etc
6305,0 1714-1727 R. NORTHERN IRELAND, IS(overmod), 1717 ID(OK), h. rock(overmod), pop (1807 rock, 1815 gone)
6209,9 1723-1726 UNID, weak\traffic6210u; pop, D song?, then deep fade. (1808 gone) [ cf MOONBREAKER ]
6070,0 1809-1853 R. D-A-R-C, good; ID+@, news for hams in G, 1841 "the sound of offshore radio on CH292", ID, etc
6280,0 1819-1916 QUADZILLA R., D songs but "Under the board walk", 1836,1854 ID, 1910 Kiss, bad audio, 1916 end ?
4026,0 1834-2102 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY,strong traffic; > strong; mx, IDs
6989,9 1844-1849 KOMINTERN %, fair\atmos; patriotic mx, 1845 govorit Voronej, tk in Ru, M/W duet
6305,0 1918-1919 UNID, clear; mx, but fades down to a trace (1924 still a trace)
3934,9 2047-2101* R. RAINBOW INT, v.weak\atmos,traffic;mx, IDs, Rainbow and State-of-unrest websites, etc
6925,0 2254-2308 UNID, trace+short peaks of v.weak mx \Brasil6925L; - - - [ cf R. PAISANO (HFU site) ]
* * * * * TUES. 13 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6310,0 1508-1523 UNID, e.weak \het6311,1 then v.noisy; mx
6385,1 1525-1545* UNID, v.weak \light mod. at times; rock, 1538 \het6380; 1545 QSY to 6390. [ cf HITMIX ]
6380,0 1538-1609* UNID, good; blank, 1540 mx, pops, 1550 JM.Jarre, 1553 worst of JM.Jarre, 1607 D song?
6390,0 1545-1554 UNID, ex-6385, Rammstein ?, 1549 whispering?, 1554 Clash, rock. (1609 gone) [ cf HITMIX ]
6309,7 1556-1606 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,het6311,gurgling; mx, 1606 a few words. (1612 gone)
6265,0 1612-1722 ABU DHABI %, strong; var. instrum mx, parts of C&W, messing, D songs, g's (known voice)
6379,8 1620-1719* R. CARRIERWAVE, e.weak; Mink Deville?, 1644 "Freedom come..", tk, g's, ID; small test...
6305,0 1653-1728 UNID, v.weak\ut.QRM; Born to be alive, 1720 Lady Marmelade. (1809 mx, end). [cf SKYWAVE ]
6005,0 1702-1705* UNID via R. 700%, in E: propagation news for hams, part of WOR about KBC for America
6005,0 *1705-1725 R. MI AMIGO, strong; sign on, jingles, mx, IDs...
6384,0 1811-1828 R. JOEY, strong\fading; synthe mx, 1812 ID, many g's, 1824 Beat it, rock (1843 blank)
6985,0 1818-1850 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,atmos,ut?; mx (must be QBC )
4026,0 1829-2109 LASER HOT HITS, good; IDs, C&W, mx, 2035 comedy, 2102 e.weak. (2127 barely a trace)
6320,0 1835-1850 UNID, pops, Hello Marylou, 1850 instrum mx
6210,0 1838-1840 UNID \traffic 6210u; mx, jazz "Take 5" modern version
6210 u 1851-1851 UNID, Chris Montez ?. - - - - - - - - - [ cf BARRAQUDA ]
3934,9 2037-2101* R. RAINBOW INT, e.weak; mx, many IDs (not all OK), 2051 Cool AM & R.Rainbow Int, sudden s/off
* * * * * WED. 14 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6307,1 1548-1636 R. GOOFY, e.weak\PLC,atmos; >weak-fair\Morse; mx, 1554,1611 IDs by man voice
6299,9 1549-1604* UNID, fair\atmos,slight het; pops, C&W in D, 1555 accn,tk: amateur ..report .. bye-bye, pops
6294,8 1551-1615 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos > v.weak\fadingatmos; mx, pops. (1635 gone)
6070,0 1610-1642 UNID, e.weak \v.strong QRM6075; pops, 1638 jingle "radio agogo"
6070,0 1725-1810 UNID, fair \splash6065,fading; pops, 1756 Dylan?
6005,0 1731-1758 R.MI AMIGO INT, good: Beatles, JID, jingles, RNI clip in D+G, "Freedom comes..", "Soldiers ..zero"
6295,5 1738-1751 UNID, v.weak\noisy; "Lonesome me", more C&W, mx, etc
6305,0 1811-1900* R. QUINTUS, weak\atmos; var. mx, 1837 ID, live from Arnhem, "Lonely boy", etc
6294,6 1811-1817 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, then lost
6984,9 1823-1827 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx, much too hard (1850 trace) (Must be QBC)
6320,0 1828-1900 UNID, good > v.weak\atmos,PLC; "Lady Marmelade" remix, mx, 1854 I'm a joker
4026,0 1852-2146 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag4023 > v.weakfading,atmos; mx, tk, IDs
6285,0 1901-1913 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, 1904 "Maria"(?), 1908 \fading, bad contact?
* * * * * THURS. 15 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6300,1 1209-1242 UNID, e.weak\bit of drift around,PLC,stanag6298; mx, tk(in E?), mx
6267,1 1223-1242 UNID, e.weak\PLC,clocs; mx, tk in E, trumpet and saxo, 1237 @ (no copy)
6312,5 1243-1247 UNID, e.weak\PLC,clocs,hard to hear; mx. (1258 still a trace)
6187,0 1250-1255 UNID, e.weak\PLC,clocs; much too hard (also at 1302)
6325,6 1346-1348 UNID, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf VOTN ]
6984,8 2020-2255 QBC, e.weak\loc.noise > e.weak+peaks; mx, pop-rock, 2201 ID (almost OK), etc. (Verified)
3934,9 2030-2101* R. RAINBOW, e.weak\traffic3936u,loc.noise; mx, tk, rpts, IDs, She's like a rainbow
3930,0 2031-2138 R. BATAVIA, mx, IDs, tk, Man of action, Sound of silence, hello Jari, Georgie Girl
4026,0 2050-2139 LASER HOT HITS, fir; mx, "Laser", duo-trio tk
6285,0 2053-2147 POWERLINER, rock, ID as P.R. Radio, Gainsbourg-Birkin, Doors, Piaf, S&Cher,Pop-corn, f/down
6770,0 2357-2410 UNID, trace-e.weak\loc.noise,atmos; mx, tk with US accent. [cf OLD TIME R. (on HFU site) ]
* * * * * FRI. 16 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6304,2 0922-1024 HOBART via SPACESHUTTLE (or the reverse), patchwork of pirate SW clips, mostly from Spaceshuttle (audio OK) and R. HOBART/HRI (muffled audio). 0930 reading a pirate log from August. 0946 Popcorn (reprise, with lyrics), 1002 "Chirpy chirpy.."
6304,2 1035-1425 SPACESHUTTLE, good\PLC; many IDs (clear or muffled), mx, 1250 Paranoid, I love R&R
6304,3 1539-1945 SPACESHUTTLE, good>strong>f/down; mx, IDs, 1710 HRI (ID+@), 1725 Sunny. (2020-2146 trace)
6320,0 1340-1405 UNID, e.weak\PLC's; California dreaming, 1355 testing, g's, R&R, 1405 lost. [cf DESPERADO ]
6070,0 1410-1539 UNID, e.weak\PLC's; mx, later \splash; (Also 1728 weak\QRM 6065; pop )
6070,0 1836-1956 UNID, \squeezed > e.weak; rock, 1949 Beatles"All you need is love", etc [ cf CHANNEL 292 ]
6207,1 1540-1620 R. GOOFY ?, v.weak\het,PLC; mx, bitchy IDs by W, ID by M almost OK
6205,3 1540-1620 UNID, v.weak\het,PLC; mx, mx.
6205,4 1655-1727 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1727 undermodulated mx \traffic6207u;
6383,0 1551-1616 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D mx, 1554 tk, mx. - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6392,9 1552,1611 UNID, weak-fair\PLC; 1552 mx, Bowie?. 1611 mx, 1614 Boys boys boys. [ cf PIONEER ]
6284 V 1556-1725 UNID, fast drifting and back, e.weak\PLC,OTH; mx, IDs in E(no copy) [cf V.O. UKR CRIMEA]
6984,7 1608-1609* UNID, free jazz, end
6240,0 1656-1726 R. GOOFY, e.weak; ID (by M: OK), mx
6265,2 1658-1707 UNID, "allo" over loop of 'tatapoum', some C&W in D
6388,9 1713 "Day tripper" > 6381,9 1714 "8 days a week" > 6389,8 > 6394,9 1717 "Girl","Help" > 6382,9 1721 mx
6384,9 1838-1844 R. PIONEER AM, J.M. Jarre mx, ID+@, jingle, c'/d (noname), JM Jarre parts (incl' his worst)
4026,0 1857-2149 LASER HOT HITS, strong\some noise; mx, IDs, duo-trio tk, bank holiday, 2149 f'/down
6290,3 1911-1946 R. LOWLAND, QSL Award, mx, Rock your baby, 1929 ID over "Free electric band", etc
6383,0 1913-1926 UNID, e.weak > trace; some mx heard at first.
6320,0 1936-2011 UNID, weak>trace; D/G schlager, accn-brass mx, soft rock, f'/down under loc.noise [cf DESPERADO ]
3934,8 2030-2045 CAROLINE RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, IDs with both names (one with only "Rainbow")
6932,0 2050-2141 UNID, e.weak\noisy; R&R, Whole lotta.., Elvis?, Shake rattle.., Good golly.., 50s pops, The great pretender, Smokey..cafe, pops, Love me tender, That will be the day, La bamba, C'est si bon, f'/down>trace
6925 u 2102-2142 \blipping ut.QRM; ..this is Radio ..., tk, tk, tk, 2117 duo tk, studio noise?, 2142 end ?
* * * * * SAT. 17 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
4026,0 0642-0645 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading; mx, duo-trio tk, Laser Int'l. (Also 1448 v.weak\noisy,ut.QRM; mx)
4026,0 2207-2210 LASER HOT HITS, Laser Int'l, announcing 105.2 FM maybe 1476 too
6304,2 0646-0830 R. SPACESHUTTLE, strong; 60s hits, IDs+contacts, 0736 rock in Finnish?
6304,2 1030-1615 R. SPACESHUTTLE, good; mx, IDs, contacts, 1202 "the V. of Finland", 1324 Message to you Rudy
6070,0 0653-0735 CHANNEL 292 %, weak\fading,beatings; mx, 0655 ment' D-A-R-C+@, 0732 "Delilah"
6070,0 1046-1447 CHANNEL 292 %, trace +e.weak peaks \PLC; mx at best times
6005,0 0657-0803 R. MI AMIGO, \QRM6000 at first; later good; mx, IDs+@, 0725 kletzmer blues !
6005,0 1047 R. MI AMIGO, weak\PLC; mx, tk, JID. (1215 R. 700 %, v.weak\loc.noise; "San Francisco", G song)
6325,3 0738-0819 UNID, e.weak; bitchy IDs, mx from S.E. Europe. - - - - - -[ cf GOOFY ]
7265,0 0744-0748 HLR %, tk in G about 20th century in Paris, "Mademoiselle de Paris"
9560,0 0804-0815 R. MI AMIGO, good+peaks; //6005, rock, tk, mx, 0815 booming in
9560,0 1053-1057 R. MI AMIGO, strong; in G+E, JID, soon evening tests on 3985, ID+@, etc
6400,6 0819-0824 UNID, e.weak\traffic3985u,stanag6407; mx, hard to hear - - - [ cf GSV ]
6284,9 1044-1044 UNID, D song - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6289,9 1229-1301* R. NMD, e.weak; mx, tk in D, g's, ID, 1235 I can break away, 1257 c'/d IDs, bye-bye, Man of action
6325,2 1243-1425 R. ALTREX, e.weak\loc.noise,PLC; mx, allo.., \deep fades; 1420 ID by moo's (1453 gone)
6380,0 1303-1306* UNID, e.weak; mx, " - - Radio from the NL ". - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6290,0 1308-1314* UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, brass mx, polka, g's, ID (no copy). [ cf POWERLINER ]
6265,0 1315-1444 R. WAVES INT, v.weak\PLCs >weak-fair on 6264,8, mx, ID, C&W, Independent Music Network
6266,8 1603-1627 R. WAVES INT %, \het,traffic6267,5u; mx, mx, some C&W
6290,0 1426-1502 SKYWAVE R., e.>v.weak; mx, 1434 tk, ID, mx, 1438 rpt, ID
6285,0 1439-1501* UNID, e.weak\stanag under; mx, IDs (no copy). - - - - - -[ cf ETHERFREAK ]
6390,0 1502-1508* BAKEN 16, good\noisy; rock, shy IDs, tk in D+E, g's, 1508 JID (Cucaracha tune), end
6802,8 1510-1626 UNID, weak\ut.QRM, noise,etc; mix of pops and D mx. - - -[ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6423,1 1518-1530 STUDIO 52, 1518 D song with true steam train, QSL-Award, pop-rock, 1528 IDs
6390,0 1530-1535 BAKEN 16, strong, mx, JID, tech. rpt for Mike R.
6390,0 1535-1540 MIKE R., strong\fading; mx, ID+@, tk in D+E for Baken 16
6325,0 1541-1556 UNID, v.weak \noisy; R&R, C&W-rock, rock, synthe mx (1615 gone). [ cf MISTI ]
6285,0 1547-1617 BOGUSMAN, strong; tk about Epic record, mx, tk; tabloids, ID, etc
6290,6 1547-1627 UNID, carrier only ? or badly undermod signal ! [ cf NIGHTRIDER ]
6265,4 1601-1606 UNID, \RWI% QRM; songs in spanish. - - - - - - [ cf TANGO ITALIA ]
6240,0 1606-1620 UNID, e.weak\noisy,traffic6238u,stanag6236; mx, mx, 1620 bitchy ID (no copy) [ cf GOOFY ]
6210 u 1613-1621 UNID, good; mx patchwork, jazz. - - - - - - - - -[ cf BARRAQUDA ]
6390,1 1622-1622 UNID, fair; beer selling mx
6875,1 1623-1325 UNID, \het then RTTY; jazz guitar. - - - - - - - - -[ cf EUROPE ]
6985,0 2128-2427 QBC, v.weak\deep fades,ut.bursts; mx, rock, short and longer IDs, 2143 Q- - Broadcasting Corp.
6925 u 2144-2205 UNID, e.weak\noisy; 2146 - - - Service, mx patchwork. [ cf CLASSIC PIRATE R. RELAY Sce, HFU ]
6925 u 2231-2245 UNID, \noisy, ut.; 2231 - - -dot-com, 2244 tk in E. [ cf CLASSIC PIRATE R. RELAY Sce, on HFU ]
6770,0 2153-2357 UNID, long trace, then mx at 2355
6265,4 2205-2228 R. TANGO ITALIA %, song in sp., S.American mx, latino mx
3900,0 2210-2227 R. STATION ALICE / TOMMY FM, mx, IDs, (TommyFM@live.), hl, 2217 Queen of hearts
3904,9 2210-2228 UNID, v.weak, v.-e.weak\QRM3900; pop-rock, IDs(no copy), Fox on the run, g's Jari [cf MAVERICK ]
6945 u 2319-2430 WOLVERINE R., good>fair; R&R, early 60s pops, rock, 2346 ID, 2351 jazz, 2402 the B-52's, 2409 Stray Cats, 2424 ID, SSTV, 2428 SSTV, then end?
* * * * * SUN. 18 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6304,3 0649-1032 R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, 0655 ID, 0720 contest+ID over "Una paloma blanca", Upside down, 0741 v.far rpts, ID (on 9600 ?), rock, 0826 reading a log, 1004 "Chirpy..", 1032 Belfast on 6304,2 (strong) (Also 1219)
6255,1 0650-1035 R. WAVES INT, weak, 0652 known voice in F, F songs, C&W, 0932 Guy Marchand, OEM (Also 1220)
6205,4 0651-0724 UNID, v.>e.weak, mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6195,0 0725-0751* MIKE R., good\fading; mx, 'test', IDS, 0729 Man of action, 0748 Crunchy granola, c'/d, bye
6070,0 0732-0740 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., \carrier QRM; mx, IDs, ment' CH292 and others, 0739 CH292 ID
6005,0 0740-0837 R. MI AMIGO, ID, 0834 fair-good\fading; Wind of change, jingle, 0837 // 9560
6262,0 0744-0753 UNID, "Telstar" tune, tk(muffled), R. (Sunset???) from E. part of NL, D song. [ cf ZOMERZON ]
7300,0 0755-0802 UNID, tnx Sunny Piraat, mx, mx. - - - - - - [ cf U BOAT ]
7265,0 0756-0800* EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB; tnx to many, IDs, c'/d, ID+@, bye-bye
6875,1 0802-0918 R. EUROPE, weak-v.weak +some peaks; mx, tk (in it.?), J.Bond theme, 0806 ID, disco, etc
6400,7 0807-0847 UNID, struggling with ut. and QRM \traffic, PLC too; mx. (idea : GSV )
6400,2 *0808-0813 UNID, \traffic6395, QRM6400,7; D song, 0813 QSY ?
6380,2 0813-0853 UNID, v.weak\PLC; blank, 0820 "Mockingbird Hill",QSL Award, pops, reggae, bit of tk. [cf LOWLAND ]
6210,0 0827-0828* R. AC-DC, ID+@, in E, end
6095,0 0829-1238 KBC, v.v.strong, ad for KBC, later Rosko
6070,0 0830-0859* SUPERCLAN R., G.McCrae"Rock your baby", ID, "Last night a DJ.., etc, 0859 ID,end
6070,0 *0900-0902 R. D-A-R-C, strong (really stronger at once), 100 kW, ID, news for hams in G
6070,0 1023-1027 UNID, trumpet, tk in E, ID+@(right in a fade), trad. jazz
9560,0 0837-0841 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong; // 6005, mx, 0840 ID, tk in E, ID in D, etc
9485,0 0838-0840 E.M.R., good-clear; repeat, ID (via MVBR and others), contacts, mx
6280,0 0854-1010 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; songs in G?, in D?, 0936 ID (=?), 1005 Get it on, pop [cf QUADZILLA ]
6243,5 0857-0858 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx
6325,2 0918-1004 R. ALTREX, e.weak\PLC; mx, 0925 Always sth to remind me, Meuh! Meuh!, Bus stop, etc
6294,9 0954-1000* UNID, mx, 0959 "Lust for life", sudden s/off - - - - - - [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6285,0 1001-1034 RADIO 42, weak\fading; song, 1002 ID+@, mx..
6204,9 1011-1022* UNID, beatbox+synthe mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6321,5 1027-1036 UNID, e.weak\fading; accn, brass mx, tk (in D?), mx.
6294,8 1032-1034 UNID, e.weak; tk (in D ?), mx, Telstar tune, Radio MMM(?) @hotmail .com
6385,1 1036,1214 UNID, 1036 accn. 1214 tk, end at 1215* - - - - - - [ cf BAKEN16, WITTE REUS ]
6325,6 1217-1219 BAKEN 16 %, mx, tk in D, not a proud ID, mx
6230,0 1220,1647 LASER HOT HITS, 1220 b.b. medley, ID. 1647 mx, tk, ID. (Also 1658)
6200,0 1222-1222 UNID, v.weak; mx
7310,0 1224-1236 R. MI AMIGO, 1224 Bowie?, 1232 Wind of change, JID
6325,3 1630,1702 UNID, 1630 ..SW music radio station, v.weakPLC. 1702 mx. - - - [ cf GOOFY ]
6304,2 1631-1938 R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, mx, many IDs (clear or muffled), some tk in Finnish ?
6304,2 2029-2139 R. HOBART, 2029 HRI Radio @gmail, reading a log or a schedule?, > good-fair > f'/down
6285,0 1638-1647 HITMIX, weak\PLC; mx, 1645 hitmix48 @gmx .de, accn, tk
6210,0 1649-1658 UNID, instrum mx (whispering " - - machine" over that), in a loop ? [ cf BARRAQUDA ? ]
6383,0 1703-1722 R. CARRIERWAVE, \PLC; 1703 ID(=?), mx, 1710 ID (OK), mx, tnx SunnyPiraat, ID,mx
6390,0 1714-1723 UNID, v.weak\Morse; 1714 ID(=?), "Silver machine", rock (Scorpions-like) [ cf WALDMEISTER ]
6420,1 1723-2025 R. JOEY, mx, 2006 ID, c'/d, g's, instrum (JM.Jarre?). (2050 gone)
6985,1 1725-2147 QBC %, e.weak\noisy,atmos > trace ; mx, short IDs?(=?)
6005,0 1730-1733 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, ID, JID, pop
6005,0 1826-1900 UNID, D mx, pop, tk in D (not like R. Mi Amigo). (Then 1900-1947 : blank)
6318,8 1832-2001* UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, 1838 tk: Belarus, Russia..., mx,mx, etc, sudden s/off. [cf CAR. INT]
6290,0 1846-1919* UNID, v.>e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, mx, 1919 ID+@ ?, end. - - - [ cf SKYWAVE ]
6850,1 1854-1856 UNID, mx. (1927 gone). - - - - - - - - - [ cf BANDIDO ]
6070,0 1903-1908 E.M.R. via CHANNEL 292, ID, back to the 1960s, "The girl can't help it", ID, mx...
6070,0 2002-2005 UNID, v.weak; quiet instrum mx
6260,0 1920-1926 R. POWERLINER INT, weak\ut.,fading; mx, short test, ID, g's, audio pb this afternoon
6210 u 1926-2158 UNID, 80-90s mx, 2033 Music was my first love, 2110 last night.., 2130 v.strong [ cf BARRAQUDA]
4026,0 1949-2047 LASER HOT HITS, fair > strong; mx, trio chatting, 2047 ID
6318,9 2026-2029 R. GOOFY ?, weak; mx from SE. Europe, 2008 ID(not OK), mx from Balkans
6230,0 2033-2110 R. BLACK(BEARD ?), 2036 ID+@(part copy), 2042 Lady Marmelade, 2104 whispering, f/down
3934,9 2043-2047 R. RAINBOW, e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, 2044 Rainbow-Caroline, 2045,2047 Rainbow ID+@
6287,0 2111-2151 JOHNNY TOBACCO, strong > e.weak; var. mx (no messing), Vodka.., Marylou, 2149 ID
6770,0 2315-2315 UNID, e.weak\ut. onL-side; tk (could be carrier + traffic)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
The event of the week was the combination Spaceshuttle(mainly)-Hobart(limited), but at first it was tedious to sort which station was playing recordings from the other ! This combination was on the air day long on Friday to Sunday, maybe also all night long (but disappeared at night just like a relay in W. Europe).
Many stations everyday, and even a few signals from across the pond, less than expected as the FCC roared against pirates while closing half of its offices.
* * * * * MON. 12 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6309,6 1541-1559 OZNRH %, e.weak\PLC,atmos,ut.QRM; barely heard mx, jazz ?
6070,0 1550-1556 R. D-A-R-C, strong; playing old IS/IDs (Vatican, VOA ?), then own IDs, viel glück!
6323,0 1557-1601* UNID, mx, euro-song, Just an illusion, 1601 blank. (1616 gone)
6323,0 1638-1638* R. ODYNN, shortwaveman @gmail, "back to the music", and end
6383,0 1618-1638 S. HITMIX, v.weak\atmos; mx, allo test een twee, tnx rpts, ..auf KW, 1635 ID, studio1A (1701 gone)
6284,9 1639-1713 JOHNNY TOBACCO, v.strong; C&W, 1659 hello Marco, ID, 1710 mx, 1713 end ?
6005,0 1703-1705 UNID, via R.700 %, SW and ham news from RSGB ?, then data stream
6005,0 *1705-1710 R. MI AMIGO, strong\noisy,splash; s/on, contest, JID, DJ, 1706 "Jimmy mack", etc
6305,0 1714-1727 R. NORTHERN IRELAND, IS(overmod), 1717 ID(OK), h. rock(overmod), pop (1807 rock, 1815 gone)
6209,9 1723-1726 UNID, weak\traffic6210u; pop, D song?, then deep fade. (1808 gone) [ cf MOONBREAKER ]
6070,0 1809-1853 R. D-A-R-C, good; ID+@, news for hams in G, 1841 "the sound of offshore radio on CH292", ID, etc
6280,0 1819-1916 QUADZILLA R., D songs but "Under the board walk", 1836,1854 ID, 1910 Kiss, bad audio, 1916 end ?
4026,0 1834-2102 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY,strong traffic; > strong; mx, IDs
6989,9 1844-1849 KOMINTERN %, fair\atmos; patriotic mx, 1845 govorit Voronej, tk in Ru, M/W duet
6305,0 1918-1919 UNID, clear; mx, but fades down to a trace (1924 still a trace)
3934,9 2047-2101* R. RAINBOW INT, v.weak\atmos,traffic;mx, IDs, Rainbow and State-of-unrest websites, etc
6925,0 2254-2308 UNID, trace+short peaks of v.weak mx \Brasil6925L; - - - [ cf R. PAISANO (HFU site) ]
* * * * * TUES. 13 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6310,0 1508-1523 UNID, e.weak \het6311,1 then v.noisy; mx
6385,1 1525-1545* UNID, v.weak \light mod. at times; rock, 1538 \het6380; 1545 QSY to 6390. [ cf HITMIX ]
6380,0 1538-1609* UNID, good; blank, 1540 mx, pops, 1550 JM.Jarre, 1553 worst of JM.Jarre, 1607 D song?
6390,0 1545-1554 UNID, ex-6385, Rammstein ?, 1549 whispering?, 1554 Clash, rock. (1609 gone) [ cf HITMIX ]
6309,7 1556-1606 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,het6311,gurgling; mx, 1606 a few words. (1612 gone)
6265,0 1612-1722 ABU DHABI %, strong; var. instrum mx, parts of C&W, messing, D songs, g's (known voice)
6379,8 1620-1719* R. CARRIERWAVE, e.weak; Mink Deville?, 1644 "Freedom come..", tk, g's, ID; small test...
6305,0 1653-1728 UNID, v.weak\ut.QRM; Born to be alive, 1720 Lady Marmelade. (1809 mx, end). [cf SKYWAVE ]
6005,0 1702-1705* UNID via R. 700%, in E: propagation news for hams, part of WOR about KBC for America
6005,0 *1705-1725 R. MI AMIGO, strong; sign on, jingles, mx, IDs...
6384,0 1811-1828 R. JOEY, strong\fading; synthe mx, 1812 ID, many g's, 1824 Beat it, rock (1843 blank)
6985,0 1818-1850 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,atmos,ut?; mx (must be QBC )
4026,0 1829-2109 LASER HOT HITS, good; IDs, C&W, mx, 2035 comedy, 2102 e.weak. (2127 barely a trace)
6320,0 1835-1850 UNID, pops, Hello Marylou, 1850 instrum mx
6210,0 1838-1840 UNID \traffic 6210u; mx, jazz "Take 5" modern version
6210 u 1851-1851 UNID, Chris Montez ?. - - - - - - - - - [ cf BARRAQUDA ]
3934,9 2037-2101* R. RAINBOW INT, e.weak; mx, many IDs (not all OK), 2051 Cool AM & R.Rainbow Int, sudden s/off
* * * * * WED. 14 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6307,1 1548-1636 R. GOOFY, e.weak\PLC,atmos; >weak-fair\Morse; mx, 1554,1611 IDs by man voice
6299,9 1549-1604* UNID, fair\atmos,slight het; pops, C&W in D, 1555 accn,tk: amateur ..report .. bye-bye, pops
6294,8 1551-1615 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos > v.weak\fadingatmos; mx, pops. (1635 gone)
6070,0 1610-1642 UNID, e.weak \v.strong QRM6075; pops, 1638 jingle "radio agogo"
6070,0 1725-1810 UNID, fair \splash6065,fading; pops, 1756 Dylan?
6005,0 1731-1758 R.MI AMIGO INT, good: Beatles, JID, jingles, RNI clip in D+G, "Freedom comes..", "Soldiers ..zero"
6295,5 1738-1751 UNID, v.weak\noisy; "Lonesome me", more C&W, mx, etc
6305,0 1811-1900* R. QUINTUS, weak\atmos; var. mx, 1837 ID, live from Arnhem, "Lonely boy", etc
6294,6 1811-1817 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, then lost
6984,9 1823-1827 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx, much too hard (1850 trace) (Must be QBC)
6320,0 1828-1900 UNID, good > v.weak\atmos,PLC; "Lady Marmelade" remix, mx, 1854 I'm a joker
4026,0 1852-2146 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag4023 > v.weakfading,atmos; mx, tk, IDs
6285,0 1901-1913 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, 1904 "Maria"(?), 1908 \fading, bad contact?
* * * * * THURS. 15 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6300,1 1209-1242 UNID, e.weak\bit of drift around,PLC,stanag6298; mx, tk(in E?), mx
6267,1 1223-1242 UNID, e.weak\PLC,clocs; mx, tk in E, trumpet and saxo, 1237 @ (no copy)
6312,5 1243-1247 UNID, e.weak\PLC,clocs,hard to hear; mx. (1258 still a trace)
6187,0 1250-1255 UNID, e.weak\PLC,clocs; much too hard (also at 1302)
6325,6 1346-1348 UNID, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf VOTN ]
6984,8 2020-2255 QBC, e.weak\loc.noise > e.weak+peaks; mx, pop-rock, 2201 ID (almost OK), etc. (Verified)
3934,9 2030-2101* R. RAINBOW, e.weak\traffic3936u,loc.noise; mx, tk, rpts, IDs, She's like a rainbow
3930,0 2031-2138 R. BATAVIA, mx, IDs, tk, Man of action, Sound of silence, hello Jari, Georgie Girl
4026,0 2050-2139 LASER HOT HITS, fir; mx, "Laser", duo-trio tk
6285,0 2053-2147 POWERLINER, rock, ID as P.R. Radio, Gainsbourg-Birkin, Doors, Piaf, S&Cher,Pop-corn, f/down
6770,0 2357-2410 UNID, trace-e.weak\loc.noise,atmos; mx, tk with US accent. [cf OLD TIME R. (on HFU site) ]
* * * * * FRI. 16 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6304,2 0922-1024 HOBART via SPACESHUTTLE (or the reverse), patchwork of pirate SW clips, mostly from Spaceshuttle (audio OK) and R. HOBART/HRI (muffled audio). 0930 reading a pirate log from August. 0946 Popcorn (reprise, with lyrics), 1002 "Chirpy chirpy.."
6304,2 1035-1425 SPACESHUTTLE, good\PLC; many IDs (clear or muffled), mx, 1250 Paranoid, I love R&R
6304,3 1539-1945 SPACESHUTTLE, good>strong>f/down; mx, IDs, 1710 HRI (ID+@), 1725 Sunny. (2020-2146 trace)
6320,0 1340-1405 UNID, e.weak\PLC's; California dreaming, 1355 testing, g's, R&R, 1405 lost. [cf DESPERADO ]
6070,0 1410-1539 UNID, e.weak\PLC's; mx, later \splash; (Also 1728 weak\QRM 6065; pop )
6070,0 1836-1956 UNID, \squeezed > e.weak; rock, 1949 Beatles"All you need is love", etc [ cf CHANNEL 292 ]
6207,1 1540-1620 R. GOOFY ?, v.weak\het,PLC; mx, bitchy IDs by W, ID by M almost OK
6205,3 1540-1620 UNID, v.weak\het,PLC; mx, mx.
6205,4 1655-1727 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1727 undermodulated mx \traffic6207u;
6383,0 1551-1616 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D mx, 1554 tk, mx. - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6392,9 1552,1611 UNID, weak-fair\PLC; 1552 mx, Bowie?. 1611 mx, 1614 Boys boys boys. [ cf PIONEER ]
6284 V 1556-1725 UNID, fast drifting and back, e.weak\PLC,OTH; mx, IDs in E(no copy) [cf V.O. UKR CRIMEA]
6984,7 1608-1609* UNID, free jazz, end
6240,0 1656-1726 R. GOOFY, e.weak; ID (by M: OK), mx
6265,2 1658-1707 UNID, "allo" over loop of 'tatapoum', some C&W in D
6388,9 1713 "Day tripper" > 6381,9 1714 "8 days a week" > 6389,8 > 6394,9 1717 "Girl","Help" > 6382,9 1721 mx
6384,9 1838-1844 R. PIONEER AM, J.M. Jarre mx, ID+@, jingle, c'/d (noname), JM Jarre parts (incl' his worst)
4026,0 1857-2149 LASER HOT HITS, strong\some noise; mx, IDs, duo-trio tk, bank holiday, 2149 f'/down
6290,3 1911-1946 R. LOWLAND, QSL Award, mx, Rock your baby, 1929 ID over "Free electric band", etc
6383,0 1913-1926 UNID, e.weak > trace; some mx heard at first.
6320,0 1936-2011 UNID, weak>trace; D/G schlager, accn-brass mx, soft rock, f'/down under loc.noise [cf DESPERADO ]
3934,8 2030-2045 CAROLINE RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, IDs with both names (one with only "Rainbow")
6932,0 2050-2141 UNID, e.weak\noisy; R&R, Whole lotta.., Elvis?, Shake rattle.., Good golly.., 50s pops, The great pretender, Smokey..cafe, pops, Love me tender, That will be the day, La bamba, C'est si bon, f'/down>trace
6925 u 2102-2142 \blipping ut.QRM; ..this is Radio ..., tk, tk, tk, 2117 duo tk, studio noise?, 2142 end ?
* * * * * SAT. 17 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
4026,0 0642-0645 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading; mx, duo-trio tk, Laser Int'l. (Also 1448 v.weak\noisy,ut.QRM; mx)
4026,0 2207-2210 LASER HOT HITS, Laser Int'l, announcing 105.2 FM maybe 1476 too
6304,2 0646-0830 R. SPACESHUTTLE, strong; 60s hits, IDs+contacts, 0736 rock in Finnish?
6304,2 1030-1615 R. SPACESHUTTLE, good; mx, IDs, contacts, 1202 "the V. of Finland", 1324 Message to you Rudy
6070,0 0653-0735 CHANNEL 292 %, weak\fading,beatings; mx, 0655 ment' D-A-R-C+@, 0732 "Delilah"
6070,0 1046-1447 CHANNEL 292 %, trace +e.weak peaks \PLC; mx at best times
6005,0 0657-0803 R. MI AMIGO, \QRM6000 at first; later good; mx, IDs+@, 0725 kletzmer blues !
6005,0 1047 R. MI AMIGO, weak\PLC; mx, tk, JID. (1215 R. 700 %, v.weak\loc.noise; "San Francisco", G song)
6325,3 0738-0819 UNID, e.weak; bitchy IDs, mx from S.E. Europe. - - - - - -[ cf GOOFY ]
7265,0 0744-0748 HLR %, tk in G about 20th century in Paris, "Mademoiselle de Paris"
9560,0 0804-0815 R. MI AMIGO, good+peaks; //6005, rock, tk, mx, 0815 booming in
9560,0 1053-1057 R. MI AMIGO, strong; in G+E, JID, soon evening tests on 3985, ID+@, etc
6400,6 0819-0824 UNID, e.weak\traffic3985u,stanag6407; mx, hard to hear - - - [ cf GSV ]
6284,9 1044-1044 UNID, D song - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6289,9 1229-1301* R. NMD, e.weak; mx, tk in D, g's, ID, 1235 I can break away, 1257 c'/d IDs, bye-bye, Man of action
6325,2 1243-1425 R. ALTREX, e.weak\loc.noise,PLC; mx, allo.., \deep fades; 1420 ID by moo's (1453 gone)
6380,0 1303-1306* UNID, e.weak; mx, " - - Radio from the NL ". - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6290,0 1308-1314* UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, brass mx, polka, g's, ID (no copy). [ cf POWERLINER ]
6265,0 1315-1444 R. WAVES INT, v.weak\PLCs >weak-fair on 6264,8, mx, ID, C&W, Independent Music Network
6266,8 1603-1627 R. WAVES INT %, \het,traffic6267,5u; mx, mx, some C&W
6290,0 1426-1502 SKYWAVE R., e.>v.weak; mx, 1434 tk, ID, mx, 1438 rpt, ID
6285,0 1439-1501* UNID, e.weak\stanag under; mx, IDs (no copy). - - - - - -[ cf ETHERFREAK ]
6390,0 1502-1508* BAKEN 16, good\noisy; rock, shy IDs, tk in D+E, g's, 1508 JID (Cucaracha tune), end
6802,8 1510-1626 UNID, weak\ut.QRM, noise,etc; mix of pops and D mx. - - -[ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6423,1 1518-1530 STUDIO 52, 1518 D song with true steam train, QSL-Award, pop-rock, 1528 IDs
6390,0 1530-1535 BAKEN 16, strong, mx, JID, tech. rpt for Mike R.
6390,0 1535-1540 MIKE R., strong\fading; mx, ID+@, tk in D+E for Baken 16
6325,0 1541-1556 UNID, v.weak \noisy; R&R, C&W-rock, rock, synthe mx (1615 gone). [ cf MISTI ]
6285,0 1547-1617 BOGUSMAN, strong; tk about Epic record, mx, tk; tabloids, ID, etc
6290,6 1547-1627 UNID, carrier only ? or badly undermod signal ! [ cf NIGHTRIDER ]
6265,4 1601-1606 UNID, \RWI% QRM; songs in spanish. - - - - - - [ cf TANGO ITALIA ]
6240,0 1606-1620 UNID, e.weak\noisy,traffic6238u,stanag6236; mx, mx, 1620 bitchy ID (no copy) [ cf GOOFY ]
6210 u 1613-1621 UNID, good; mx patchwork, jazz. - - - - - - - - -[ cf BARRAQUDA ]
6390,1 1622-1622 UNID, fair; beer selling mx
6875,1 1623-1325 UNID, \het then RTTY; jazz guitar. - - - - - - - - -[ cf EUROPE ]
6985,0 2128-2427 QBC, v.weak\deep fades,ut.bursts; mx, rock, short and longer IDs, 2143 Q- - Broadcasting Corp.
6925 u 2144-2205 UNID, e.weak\noisy; 2146 - - - Service, mx patchwork. [ cf CLASSIC PIRATE R. RELAY Sce, HFU ]
6925 u 2231-2245 UNID, \noisy, ut.; 2231 - - -dot-com, 2244 tk in E. [ cf CLASSIC PIRATE R. RELAY Sce, on HFU ]
6770,0 2153-2357 UNID, long trace, then mx at 2355
6265,4 2205-2228 R. TANGO ITALIA %, song in sp., S.American mx, latino mx
3900,0 2210-2227 R. STATION ALICE / TOMMY FM, mx, IDs, (TommyFM@live.), hl, 2217 Queen of hearts
3904,9 2210-2228 UNID, v.weak, v.-e.weak\QRM3900; pop-rock, IDs(no copy), Fox on the run, g's Jari [cf MAVERICK ]
6945 u 2319-2430 WOLVERINE R., good>fair; R&R, early 60s pops, rock, 2346 ID, 2351 jazz, 2402 the B-52's, 2409 Stray Cats, 2424 ID, SSTV, 2428 SSTV, then end?
* * * * * SUN. 18 OCT. 2015 * * * * *
6304,3 0649-1032 R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, 0655 ID, 0720 contest+ID over "Una paloma blanca", Upside down, 0741 v.far rpts, ID (on 9600 ?), rock, 0826 reading a log, 1004 "Chirpy..", 1032 Belfast on 6304,2 (strong) (Also 1219)
6255,1 0650-1035 R. WAVES INT, weak, 0652 known voice in F, F songs, C&W, 0932 Guy Marchand, OEM (Also 1220)
6205,4 0651-0724 UNID, v.>e.weak, mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6195,0 0725-0751* MIKE R., good\fading; mx, 'test', IDS, 0729 Man of action, 0748 Crunchy granola, c'/d, bye
6070,0 0732-0740 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., \carrier QRM; mx, IDs, ment' CH292 and others, 0739 CH292 ID
6005,0 0740-0837 R. MI AMIGO, ID, 0834 fair-good\fading; Wind of change, jingle, 0837 // 9560
6262,0 0744-0753 UNID, "Telstar" tune, tk(muffled), R. (Sunset???) from E. part of NL, D song. [ cf ZOMERZON ]
7300,0 0755-0802 UNID, tnx Sunny Piraat, mx, mx. - - - - - - [ cf U BOAT ]
7265,0 0756-0800* EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB; tnx to many, IDs, c'/d, ID+@, bye-bye
6875,1 0802-0918 R. EUROPE, weak-v.weak +some peaks; mx, tk (in it.?), J.Bond theme, 0806 ID, disco, etc
6400,7 0807-0847 UNID, struggling with ut. and QRM \traffic, PLC too; mx. (idea : GSV )
6400,2 *0808-0813 UNID, \traffic6395, QRM6400,7; D song, 0813 QSY ?
6380,2 0813-0853 UNID, v.weak\PLC; blank, 0820 "Mockingbird Hill",QSL Award, pops, reggae, bit of tk. [cf LOWLAND ]
6210,0 0827-0828* R. AC-DC, ID+@, in E, end
6095,0 0829-1238 KBC, v.v.strong, ad for KBC, later Rosko
6070,0 0830-0859* SUPERCLAN R., G.McCrae"Rock your baby", ID, "Last night a DJ.., etc, 0859 ID,end
6070,0 *0900-0902 R. D-A-R-C, strong (really stronger at once), 100 kW, ID, news for hams in G
6070,0 1023-1027 UNID, trumpet, tk in E, ID+@(right in a fade), trad. jazz
9560,0 0837-0841 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong; // 6005, mx, 0840 ID, tk in E, ID in D, etc
9485,0 0838-0840 E.M.R., good-clear; repeat, ID (via MVBR and others), contacts, mx
6280,0 0854-1010 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC; songs in G?, in D?, 0936 ID (=?), 1005 Get it on, pop [cf QUADZILLA ]
6243,5 0857-0858 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx
6325,2 0918-1004 R. ALTREX, e.weak\PLC; mx, 0925 Always sth to remind me, Meuh! Meuh!, Bus stop, etc
6294,9 0954-1000* UNID, mx, 0959 "Lust for life", sudden s/off - - - - - - [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6285,0 1001-1034 RADIO 42, weak\fading; song, 1002 ID+@, mx..
6204,9 1011-1022* UNID, beatbox+synthe mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SCOTLAND ]
6321,5 1027-1036 UNID, e.weak\fading; accn, brass mx, tk (in D?), mx.
6294,8 1032-1034 UNID, e.weak; tk (in D ?), mx, Telstar tune, Radio MMM(?) @hotmail .com
6385,1 1036,1214 UNID, 1036 accn. 1214 tk, end at 1215* - - - - - - [ cf BAKEN16, WITTE REUS ]
6325,6 1217-1219 BAKEN 16 %, mx, tk in D, not a proud ID, mx
6230,0 1220,1647 LASER HOT HITS, 1220 b.b. medley, ID. 1647 mx, tk, ID. (Also 1658)
6200,0 1222-1222 UNID, v.weak; mx
7310,0 1224-1236 R. MI AMIGO, 1224 Bowie?, 1232 Wind of change, JID
6325,3 1630,1702 UNID, 1630 ..SW music radio station, v.weakPLC. 1702 mx. - - - [ cf GOOFY ]
6304,2 1631-1938 R. SPACESHUTTLE INT, mx, many IDs (clear or muffled), some tk in Finnish ?
6304,2 2029-2139 R. HOBART, 2029 HRI Radio @gmail, reading a log or a schedule?, > good-fair > f'/down
6285,0 1638-1647 HITMIX, weak\PLC; mx, 1645 hitmix48 @gmx .de, accn, tk
6210,0 1649-1658 UNID, instrum mx (whispering " - - machine" over that), in a loop ? [ cf BARRAQUDA ? ]
6383,0 1703-1722 R. CARRIERWAVE, \PLC; 1703 ID(=?), mx, 1710 ID (OK), mx, tnx SunnyPiraat, ID,mx
6390,0 1714-1723 UNID, v.weak\Morse; 1714 ID(=?), "Silver machine", rock (Scorpions-like) [ cf WALDMEISTER ]
6420,1 1723-2025 R. JOEY, mx, 2006 ID, c'/d, g's, instrum (JM.Jarre?). (2050 gone)
6985,1 1725-2147 QBC %, e.weak\noisy,atmos > trace ; mx, short IDs?(=?)
6005,0 1730-1733 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, ID, JID, pop
6005,0 1826-1900 UNID, D mx, pop, tk in D (not like R. Mi Amigo). (Then 1900-1947 : blank)
6318,8 1832-2001* UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, 1838 tk: Belarus, Russia..., mx,mx, etc, sudden s/off. [cf CAR. INT]
6290,0 1846-1919* UNID, v.>e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, mx, 1919 ID+@ ?, end. - - - [ cf SKYWAVE ]
6850,1 1854-1856 UNID, mx. (1927 gone). - - - - - - - - - [ cf BANDIDO ]
6070,0 1903-1908 E.M.R. via CHANNEL 292, ID, back to the 1960s, "The girl can't help it", ID, mx...
6070,0 2002-2005 UNID, v.weak; quiet instrum mx
6260,0 1920-1926 R. POWERLINER INT, weak\ut.,fading; mx, short test, ID, g's, audio pb this afternoon
6210 u 1926-2158 UNID, 80-90s mx, 2033 Music was my first love, 2110 last night.., 2130 v.strong [ cf BARRAQUDA]
4026,0 1949-2047 LASER HOT HITS, fair > strong; mx, trio chatting, 2047 ID
6318,9 2026-2029 R. GOOFY ?, weak; mx from SE. Europe, 2008 ID(not OK), mx from Balkans
6230,0 2033-2110 R. BLACK(BEARD ?), 2036 ID+@(part copy), 2042 Lady Marmelade, 2104 whispering, f/down
3934,9 2043-2047 R. RAINBOW, e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, 2044 Rainbow-Caroline, 2045,2047 Rainbow ID+@
6287,0 2111-2151 JOHNNY TOBACCO, strong > e.weak; var. mx (no messing), Vodka.., Marylou, 2149 ID
6770,0 2315-2315 UNID, e.weak\ut. onL-side; tk (could be carrier + traffic)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.