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LOGS : 24 - 30 AUG. 2015

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 22:05 pm
by Ray Lalleu

That was a week with Italian station(s) on 6210/6210USB, seldom identified, maybe several names for only one station, with a new name heard as "SHORTWAVE RADIO ZERO ZERO". About several names, JOHNNY TOBACCO (aka ABU DHABI, aka BLACK BANDIT) seemed to use new fancy IDs (not on this report).
Still lots of Unids. I heard R.MIRABELLE several times without knowing it, maybe more Unid tips were from Mirabelle...

* * * * * MON. 24 AUG. 2015 * * * * *broken dipole, more loc. noise

6240,0 1637-1720 UNID, \PLC,atmos,strong traffic; D mx, g's, "Just an illusion" in a medley, 1656 "- - Radio", 1704 \var.ut.QRM-QRN; 1709 Sugar sugar, 60s pops, Yesterday man, Israelites. [ cf HITMIX ]

6070,0 1808-1839 R. D-A-R-C, \splash6065; tk in G, IDs, 1838 tk: SSB-Elektronik sets

6324,5 1815-1845 ZWARTE PANTER, fair\PLC,atmos; D mx, tk & IDs (dull voice), 1824\stanag,RTTY; 1834 Black P.

6290,3 1944-2145 R. RAINBOW, v.weak\atmos!; mx, tk in E, 1950 ID, etc, hard to hear, even f' down to e.weak

6281,2 1952-1957 UNID, v.weak\atmos!,deep fades; 1954 Bowie ??, 1957 break

4025,0 2005-2133 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak-fair>strong \fading; mx, tk, ID

6384,0 2012-2013* UNID, strong; Dragon gizmo, blank and end

6875,1 2015-2115 UNID, \noisy,atmos,odd fade; mx, long tk in it., mx, 2114 " - - Radio". [ cf EUROPE ]

6240,0 2055-2100 JOHNNY TOBACCO, strong; D songs, 2058 ID
6240,0 2117-2144 UNID, sounds different; phone tk, then mx just like ABU DHABI usually plays [cf J.TOBACCO ]

6210 u 2101-2147 UNID, mx patchwork(no blanks at all), US singers

* * * * * TUES. 25 AUG. 2015 * * * * * broken dipole, more loc. noise

6285,0 1705-1720 UNID \bad PLC; mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

6241,9 1712-1715 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; barely heard mx
6242,9 1721-1725 UNID, v.weak\PLC; "Suzy Q" - - - - - - [ cf DIGITAL ]

6005,0 1716-1719 R. MI AMIGO INT \carrier beating; pop (ELO acc. to DJ in E), ID

6267,9 1720-1725 RADIO 42, "Radar love", IDs

6325,1 1821-1832* UNID \traffic6325u; D/G song, pop in E, bagpipe?, sudden s/off - - - [ cf STUDIO 69 ]

6388,0 1833-1853 NMD, 1835 spelling ID, Witch queen of N.Orleans, The wall, S.Davis Group, Lou Reed

6875,1 1843-2100 R. EUROPE, ID, mx, 2000 tk in it., 2058 ann' Stevie Wonder

6305,1 1901-1927 R. PYTHON, \hum(QRM or ut.?); mx, g's, IDs, rock, etc
6305 a 2004,2014 UNID, 2004-2006 D instrum, D song on 6304,9. 2014 D song on 6305,0
6304,9 2031-2108 RADIO 42, 2031 Radio - - -, pop, 2049 multi-ID, Man of action, 2108 pop

6400,0 1908-2014 STRAIGHTLINE R. AUSTRIA, e.weak\hard > v.weak; mx, distorted IDs, 2012 "- - AUSTRIA", iS

6262,0 1928-2015 ABU DHABI %, strong; mx, typ. voice and manners, D mx, retro mx

6284,8 1933-1944 UNID, Born to be wild, Listen music, strong peaks, More than a feeling - - - [ cf UNID ]

6750,7 1951-2140 R. GSV, v.weak\atmos; ID parts-"Georgie girl" ..west coast of Scotland, Man of action, 1959 ID, then mx, blues-rock, jazz, pops, jingles, We love the pirate stns, "..this is the new R.Caroline"

4025,0 2017-2155 LASER HOT HITS, good\noisy; mx, tk, ID, also blanks

3899,8 2018-2028 R. BATAVIA, weak\v.weak\atmos; Moonlight shadow, tk in D, Bonanza theme, g's, later ID+@

6210,0 2037-2127* SW R. ZERO ZERO, e.weak; mx, surprising ID but that's it

6382,0 2050-2052 UNID, mx, then long blank (2102 gone)

6660 L 2053-2055 UNID, mx from SE Europe? or gipsy mx ?

3929,9 2103-2155 R. BATAVIA, mx, g's, IDs, 2131 rpt from France, then song in F, 2155 Hocus pocus

6282,0 2156-2157* UNID, D song-waltz, sudden s/off

* * * * * WED. 26 AUG. 2015 * * * * * (repaired dipole)

4025,0 0534,0558 LHH %, blank carrier (still blank at 1900, at 2039)

6285,0 1630-1717 UNID, e.>v.weak\PLC,some atmos; D songs, tk, 1657 tk \swamped, pops - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

6325,0 1645-1653 UNID, \PLC,some atmos; traces of mx. (Also 1705-1725 trace, undermod?, 1726 gone)

6238,6 1710-1721 UNID, good+strong peaks\PLC,atmos; D instrum, polka. (1727 gone)

6005,0 1722-1729 R. MI AMIGO INT, good-strong, A.Franklin "Respect", ID+@, pops, 1729 tk in G, ID

6245,0 1831-1851* R. AC-DC, f'up \atmos; rock, 1837 tk over mx, 1848 IDs, tnx rpt

6290,5 1852-2038 R. CAROLINE INT, weak>e.weak \PLC,atmos, ut.; mx and tk, 1858 JID, 1947 mx from SE Europe?

6385,1 1905-1932* R. AKENZO ?, v.weak\much atmos; Man of action, mx, 1926 ID not quite OK, L'Americano, tnx Claudio in E, 1929 c'/d, 1932 This is (no copy) on 6-3-8-5 point 1, tnx for listening.

6244,8 1934-1946 UNID, good; D songs, instrum mx, Mickey Mouse polka, D song. (1953 gone)

6237,0 1935-1954 JOHNNY TOBACCO, v.strong; messing at first with D-like songs, a D version of "Sous le .. de Paris", then tk, 1944 ID, more retro and D songs, QSY
6240,0 1954-1956 JOHNNY TOBACCO, mx, tk in D, ment' Misti
6242,0 2006-2015 JOHNNY TOBACCO %, v.strong; D waltz, then D song (Charles Trenet style), tk, accn, songs

6265,0 1949-2057 RADIO 42, strong\hum from another stn at first; mx, Paint it black, D mx, 2012 Beach Boys "Let me go home", "I want to break free", 2028 tnx Italy, ID in D, Mickey Mouse polka, 2056 ID

6284,8v 1957-2002 UNID, mx and tk, 1959 QSY to 6286,0 : mx, 2002 QSY again (but lost)
6286 ? 2011,2022 UNID, 2011 mx, s/off. 2022-2026 weak-fair\atmos; mx. (fqy not wrttten down again, not quite sure)

6710 L 2017-2021 strange mx in LSB

3930,0 2040-2112 R. RAINBOW, v.weak\atmos,sounds muffled; mx, tk, 2106 ID, messing, 2011 ID "from int'l waters"

6240,0 2057-2221 P4P, v.weak\ut.squeezed,atmos; mx, tk like Car.-Rainbow, 2120 ID as P4P, mx

4025,0 2100-2138 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs, but blank (or undermod?) at 2112

6286 L 2114-2138 R. SIN FRONTERAS, tk in sp., latino mx, 2119 ID+yahoo, etc.

* * * * * THURS. 27 AUG. 2015 * * * * *

6310,0 1611-1653 UNID, weak-v.weak\PLC; Manau "Le monde de Dana", Let's all chant(part), Mungo J."In the summertime", "Emmène moi danser..", Marie Myriam? (Eurovision), 1631 Chagrin d'amour, "A la pêche aux moules", "Sugar baby love", "Ça plane pour moi". (1706: blank and s/off). - - - [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6400,0 1640-1811 Korea ?, e.weak\F fishers 6400u, later swamped. quiet mx

6243,0 1654-1721 UNID, e.weak; mostly Shadows or alike, also Benny Hill theme. - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

6285,1 1714-1715* UNID, fair\PLC; mx, end.

6242,6 1813-1817 UNID, trace; - - - - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

6262,2 1819-1823 UNID, e.weak\ut.QRM; tk, then trace (still a trace at 1833).

6305,8 1826-1924 R. ALTREX, v.weak\atmos; mx, often IDing by "Mooh !", 1836 "Da da da"

4025,0 1841-2101 LASER HOT HITS, fair-weak; mx, tk, IDs

3940,0 1849-1852* UNID, v.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, tk in E, ID ?, " ... reception report...", 1852 instrum, end.

6324,6 1853-1944 UNID, good\noisy; Ring of fire(reprise), C&W, "Chariot" beatboxed :-(, Beach Boys, Broadway, 1935 g's, Venus in blue-jeans, The twist, If you be my girl. (1950 gone)

6240,0 1903-2021 R. CAROLINE INT, \tamos; 1904 JID, pops

6850,1 1946-2053* UNID, mx, g's, 2018 "Bonsoir les amis de la Belgique". - - - [ cf BANDIDO ]

6244,9 2028-2058 ABU DHABI %, v.strong, J &theHurricanes(4 tracks), harmonica"Le grand lion", D mx (2103 gone)

6975 L 2047-2055 UNID, songs in it., on/off messing

6975 L 2105-2113 BALTIC SEA R., "The twist"(without bass tones), ID, Rock this town, muti-ID, Johnny B.Goode, ID

* * * * * FRI. 28 AUG. 2015 * * * * *

6399,9 1501-1724 UNID, weak peaks\F fishers 6400u, later PLC; pops, D/G songs, 1714 Walk like an Egyptian

6990,0 1626-1703 R. KOMINTERN %, e.>v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, tk in Russian, Russian patriotic songs

6285,0 1630-1657 RODE ADELAAR, D song, ID, also RED EAGLE from the south of the NL, tiki mx, synthe (1704 gone)

6240,8 1705-1714 UNID, \het 6240,0; Popcorn, D instrum mx, 1712 Man of action, brass mx (1725 gone)

6005,0 1709-1729 R. MI AMIGO, in E, ann' 6005-49m SW, jingle, JID, disco

6240,0 1725-1729 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx1728 " - - Radio" (in E), tk

4025,0 1834-2051 LASER HOT HITS, fair\loc.noise, strong RTTY4020; pops, tk: R.Luxembourg, 1902 ID, etc

6325,0 1920-1933 UNID, e.weak\tamos,PLC,bad fading; movie theme?, Telstar, Popcorn, River Kwai... (1943 gone)

6399,5 1934-2048 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak\atmos,much noise,often swamped; 1934 JID, 2033 JID

6399,8 1944-2028 UNID, hum6399,5; D v. of "Then I kissed her" and "J'irai revoir ma Normandie"? [cf PIONEER ]

- - - Horrendous conditions around 20 UTC - - -

6300,0 2003-2011 UNID, weak\noise,ut.6298; pop-rock. - - - - - - [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6255,0 2012-2024 R. ABU DHABI, v.weak (yes, v.weak!), 2013 ID, ID in F, g's, mx, 2023 now strong, C&W (2037 gone)

6205,2 2018-2036 UNID, \traffic>much noise; 2018 boogie, later no detail !

6305,0 2035-2047 UNID, e. weak\noise,atmos > 2037 strong peak(psychedelic mx) > e.weak. - - -[ cf PYTHON ]

6444,3 2055-2055 UNID, e.weak\too much atmos;

6399,8 2247-2256 UNID, fair+peaks \fades; D songs

6385,0 2251-2321 UNID, \fading; mx, folk, 2259 jingle, R.Stones"Get off my cloud", deep fade (tk in D ?)

6257,0 2253-2318 UNID, \PLC,fading; latino song, mx and blanks, 2317 Shadows

* * * * * SAT. 29 AUG. 2015 * * * * *

6262,0 0705-0709 UNID, mx, pop. (0745 gone)

6205,2 0706-0807 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx, mx, 0805 60s pop, but f'/down. (0828 still a trace)

6005,0 0747-1059 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak\PLC > fair+peaks\fading; mx, tk 0749 ID in G. 0802 //9560

7265,0 0754-0754 HLR %, in AM-USB; jazz

9560,0 *0800-1058 R. MI AMIGO, good \odd fades; 0800 Welcome ID, shop, prize, "Rewind" show, 1055 schedule in G

9510,0 0832-0837 R. CITY, v.v.strong; pop song, known voice, ID, crooner...

6256,4 1100-1107 UNID, weak\het6255; mx, "Popcorn", accn, QSY (to 6244,9 ? )

6255,0 1100-1116 UNID, e.weak\PLC,het6256,4 till 1107; mx, mx. (1235: trace)

6244,9 1108-1115 UNID, v.weak\PLC; accn, accn, waltz

6322,4 2000-2026 UNID \atmos,stanag6318,PLC; blues, 2003 ID (over mx, no copy), mx, tk, mx, rock. [ cf PANDORA ]

6304,9 2006-2229 UNID, v.weak; mx, blues, mx, 2117 CCR"Born on the bayou" \occ.traffic6300u in it. then \undermod; 2227 "Loco-motion", 2229 "On a carousel". (2404 still a trace). - - - - - - [ cf DOMOSTAD ]

6264,9 2009-2141 UNID, fair-good\ut.QRM > v.weak; Yellow River, Light my fire, 2137 Turn turn turn [cf DESPERADO ?]

6209,8 2015-2022 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong; typical DJ sound, offshore stories and jingles

6449,8 2026-2110 R. TIDALWAVE, strong; mx, mx, 2109 g's to Ireland, ID+@, c'/d

6924,7 2034-2108 STATION QRP, fair\noisy,atmos; mx, C&W, 2100 Jack Jones, ID+@, C&W

6949,9L 2057-2108 BALTIC SEA R., fair\atmos,drops; mx, La Bamba, ID+@, Hippy shake, 2106 ID, Paranoid

6362,0 2110-2150 ANTHONY R., e.weak; pops, IDs+@

6290,0 2123-2153 UNID, weak\PLC,atmos,ut; Radar love, mx, tk, 2152 ID not OK (Mairback?). [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6280,7 2124-2128 CUPID R., v.strong; mx, ID, hellos, tk in D, ID...

6255,0 2130-2405 ABU DHABI %, strong-v.strong; C&W, other mx styles, tk(known voice), 2402 60's pops

6205 L 2142-2224 UNID, in it., ann' Men at work, Culture Club, Cyndi Lauper, 2154 Bette Davis eyes

4025,0 2153,2226 LHH %, mx

* * * * * SUN. 30 AUG. 2015 * * * * *

6910,0 0700-0704 UNID, rock~, celtic rock ? (0812 gone) - - - - - -[ cf MIRABELLE ]

6307,0 0705-0707 UNID, e.weak\PLC; tk, jingle. - - - (0740 gone) - - - - - - - - - [ cf CAROLINE INT ]

6279,9 0740-0744 R. WAVES INT (0708 trace 6280,0), e.weak\PLC >fair\strong PLC; mx, "Independant Music Network"
6282,6 0752-0821 R. WAVES INT, fair-good\PLC; "Independant Music Network", 0754 "A la française", F pops, 0809 tk in F, ID, Marie-Paule Belle "La Parisienne", 0821 Michel Sardou. (0858 gone)

6205,2 0708-0708 UNID, trace (0750 gone). - - - [ cf KING SW ]

6005,0 0709-0947 R. MI AMIGO INT, good > weak; pops, 70s mx, tk in D+E, IDs+@, 0832 now // 9560

6290,0 0740-0820 UNID, v.weak\PLC; old F records, 0740 78rpm, 0744 Charles Trenet"Y a de la joie", Aznavour?, "La belle de Cadix", Edith Piaf, Bécaud?, 0820 Brassens "Le pornographe du phonographe". [ cf MIRABELLE ]

6250,0 0746-0825 UNID, v.weak\bad PLC; Suzy Q, rock tracks, 0822 boogie. - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6239,9 0748-1024* UNID, Shadows, D songs, 0859 At the hop(reprise), 0930 60s pops, 1021 Ring my bell [cf UNID ]

6305,0 0751-0857 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx (+tk over ?), 0852 "I'm bad", Dire Straits ?, accn. [ cf CAR.-RAINBOW]

9560,0 0800-1016 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong>good; s/on, jingles, "public holiday in the UK", // 6005, 0835 quizz of the month, Peter frampton "Show me the way", 1016 "You sexy thing"

6324,9 0814-0819 UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC,ut.; mx, accn, euro W singer - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ? ]
6324,7 0846-0852 UNID, e.weak\Fading,OLC,atmos; song from 40s-50s?, 0850 "Ratata", \hum, then odd fade
6324,8 0908-0935 UNID, weak-v.weak\PLC,hum; song in D, bagpipe-singer in G?, 0917 Radio 42?; locatie Den Helder

6095,0 0830-1248 KBC, v.v.strong\some fades to good only; Trucker Radio show, later Rosko from L.A.

7310,0 0840-0845 UNID, magazine in D,each topic 2 min long, 0844 about Transworld R.

6294,9 0855-0921 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut. on U-side; pops.

6070,0 *0900-0946 R. D-A-R-C, good; IDs in G+E, JID in G, 100 kWrock, then ham news in G. 0946 fair; mx, ID

6282,4 0921-1043 R. WAVES INT, e.weak\PLC; mx, 0942 Independant Music network, ID, Terrible Twins, ID in F, etc

6250,0 0923-1020 R. CASANOVA INT, \bad PLC; French cancan, It's a heartache, 0928 tk, ID, 0944 ID+@

7310,0 1016,1250 R. MI AMIGO, //9560, fair; year 1975, Hot Chocolate, ID+ web store. 1250 pop

6249,6 1026-1028 R. CASANOVA %, e.weak\PLC, "Who'll stop the rain", tk (in a deep fade), "Proud Mary" (1044 gone)

6290,0 1030-1044 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 1031 " - - SW", 1032 D? song, all under PLC bursts

6321,5 1236-1242 UNID, e.weak\PLC,het; mx, tk, lost

6280,3 1243-1253 R. WAVES INT ?, v.weak\PLC,loc.noise; mx, 1245 ID not OK, nothing typical

6323,1 1903-2019 R. UNDERGROUND, \atmos,some ut.QRM; boogie, 1-2 gd ev', mx, 1910 ID, g's, hl, mx

6307,0 1908-1909* UNID, v.weak\much atmos; mx, sudden s/off.

6285,1 1912-2038 BOGUSMAN ?, strong>good\atmos; much tk in E, mx, typical but only a slight 'ID' not quite OK

6265,5 1916-2145 R. TANGO ITALIA % \sounds muffled, strong atmos; latino mx, less typical than usually

6210,0 1918-2127 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong peaks; typical Golden Boy show, mx and offshore stories

6199,5 1935-1943 UNID v.weak \strong atmos; mx, "Fugee cacao"(is it that?), mx. (2025 gone) [ cf WNKR ]

6245,0 1944-1947 R. MIRABELLE, \much atmos,ut. on U-side; mx, ID
6243,0 1958-2024 R. MIRABELLE %, \atmos, PLC; sounds like the same stn after QSY, but no ID heard

6390,0 1948-1951 R. JOEY %, v.strong; mx, typical voice, but IDing as "Radio Man" ??, instrum mx. (2015 gone)

6305,1 1951-1955 R. PYTHON, strong; mx, ID in G, mx. (2018 blank, s/off).

6255,9 1957-2023 UNID, weak\much atmos, bad PLC; accn, accn, tk in E?, 2012 ID(=?). [ cf POLKA R.MELBOURNE]

6265,0 2021-2021 UNID, \het and QRM with TANGO ITALIA%; 60s pops. (later on 6260 ?) [cf DESPERADO ]

3905,1 2027-2035 UNID, good\atmos; D mx, rock. - - - - - - - - - [ cf ALICE ]

4025,0 2029-2151 LASER HOT HITS good\lots of atmos; Daddy cool, mx, tk, IDs

6260,0 2039-2153* UNID, tk (and ID?) over "Bachelor boy", SandieShaw, 60s pops, Sweets for my sweet(slowed down), 2117 Beach Boys, Green grass of home, Beatles tracks, 2145 tnx Sweden, 2152 bye-bye. [cf DESPERADO ]

6305,0 2120-2120 UNID, e/weak\atmos; accn - - - - - - - - - [ cf DOMOSTAD ]

6205 L 2130-2201 UNID, enless medley (mostly disco, occ. 'house mx') [ SW ZERO ZERO ? , BARRACUDA ?]

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
