That week is ready before I get Dr Tim News for week 2015-06. Checked with quick logs from Achim (maybe a part only), Franja, Lowland, UKdxer, Cz Caroline, UK Terry, Irish Paul, ULX2, and for Friday-Sunday also from Toutatis, Iann, Rick, and maybe a few other ones (also checked with the "HF Underground" site for American pirates). Thanks to all for your help (probable IDs between [square brackets], and less visible: when to cut my own loggings).
R. Hobart (via relays) stills includes full IDs from European SW pirates. Some relays via R. Channel 292 or via R. Sieben Hundert may be lacking, although easy to hear. Look for details about NMF (?, maybe a relay via Over 60° R.) and the Unid on 6400,7 (Sunday) that may be a Quasar relay. Also a few American pirates, only very late on Friday to Sunday nights.
* * * * * MON. 02 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6285,0 0746-0854* HOBART R. INT (via ?), weak\PLC,fading; Pirate Stations Special, with IDs from LHH, Barracuda, Premier and US stns (KIPM rec'). 0852 c'/d with Hobart ID, RNI clip.
6150,0 0750-0855 EUROPA 24, fair\fading,PLC; pops, 0832 ID, aktuelle kurze Nachrichten, wetter, Pretty flamingo
6070,0 0751-1001 CHANNEL 292 %, fair-good\fading,QRM from Canada?,gurgling ut.noise at times; pops, 60s pops, DJ in G, "Euro morning DJ". (Also 1400: good, 1600-1615: strong, but at 1728 only China in ru.)
6095,0 *0900-0957 TRANSPORT R., v.strong; ID, news in D, JID, snow on roads in NL, Tell me why, etc
6240,0 1404-1415 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise, PLC; barely heard mx
6290,0 1527-1613 HITMIX %, v.weak\PLC; mx, Cathy's clown, tk, D mx, 1548 ...studio 1A.., tk in E, D songs, polka
6307,0 1729-1748 CAROLINE/RAINBOW INT, v.weak\PLC; IDs alone, then both at a time, "Ode to joy" in a loop
6207,0 2000-2012 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak\PLC; ID+@, maybe also Rainbow ID but very muffled, mx.
4026,0 2013-2244 LASER HOT HITS, strong \some RTTY on 4020; rock, tk, ID, J. Hendrix"Burning ..."
3930,0 2413-2430 UNID, e. weak; some mx in a mess of ut. noise and ham traffic
* * * * * TUES. 03 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 1030-1040 CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak\PLC, noise moving around 6070; The day the music died, Imagine
6070,0 1355-1516 CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak > good\fading,PLC; I&T.Turner medley from a stn rec', tk in E
6289,9 1358-1410* UNID, e.weak; pops, " .. shortwave.. pirate.. free music station"
6290,0 1517-1610 HITMIX %, e.weak; mainly D mx, typ. tk, also W voice, "Lonesome me" in D. Then \big PLC;
6290,0 1705-1732 Z. HITMIX, v.weak\PLC,moving ut.; D songs, 1723 laugh, Fastest milkman, 1725 ID, bye, G song
6205,0 1526-1536* UNID, v.weak; "Israelites", T.Lopez ?, g's, No milk today, g's, end 1536'50". [ cf MISTI ]
6299,9 1709-1747 UNID, v.weak\stanag6298; euro/D/G songs, 1734 polka"Hoep la", 1746 accn-yodl. [cf NORTON ]
6005,0 1717-1717 R. MONGOLIA, in E, mailbag. (via Kall)
4026,0 1916-2305 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading, much fading; mx, tk, IDs. 2302 \traffic 4022,7u
* * * * * WED. 04 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
7265,0 0735,1527 HLR %, 0735: World of Radio, 1527: tk (radio business) in AM-USB, QRM: mx in AM-mode
6300,1 1534-1658 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\loc.noise, stanag6298; pops, IDs, 1602 blues, ad DrTimNews (1707 gone)
6290,0 1538-1620* HITMIX %, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, accn, 1620 "now c'/d" and real s/off for once.
6245,0 1540-1543 R. CASANOVA, v.weak\loc.noise; D songs, 1542 g's, known voice. (1609 gone)
6240,0 1609-1613 UNID, e.weak \sticky loc.noise; (1634 gone)
6321,4 1621-1649 UNID, (1558: blank), e.weak\loc.noise; tk, mx, 1649 SSTV. (1655 gone). [cf TRANSATLANTIC ]
6287,0 1632-1654* UNID, e.weak\loc.noise +short peaks; Bzn ?, pop, instrum, polka. - - -[ cf MISTI ]
6304,9 1644-1721 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise > fair+peaks\fading; tk, polka, waltz, D songs... - - -[ cf NORTON ]
6934,9 1716-1721 UNID, sirtaki techno !, reggae, bits of tk., QSY 6940 ? - - - [cf EXPERIENCE ]
6940,0 1725-1727 UNID, strong; speed trapped at 180 bpm !, "more"mx. - - - [cf EXPERIENCE ]
4025,9 2048-2110 LASER HOT HITS, \big fading, big RTTY4020; jazz, tk (+W on side), ID+@, g's, tk: Britain R. Int'l, 2103 "family show on Laset Int'l" (with family background), mx.
* * * * * THURS. 05 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0745-1030 CHANNEL 292, strong>weak \bit QRM; mx, 0817 ID, 1023 ID \noise now on 6062. 1404 good\fading
6095,0 1024-1029 TRANSPORT R., strong; pop, JID, rock in D, D song
6290,0 1406-1424 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, mx, 1419 If I only could, 1423 tk, mx
6282,1 1600-1602 UNID, bit of mx, barely heard under stronger carrier on 6280,1
6290,0 1724-1743* Z. VERONA, good\fading, some atmos; D song, ID, g's to Z.Dakota, D versions of pops, 1742 c'/d
6385,1 1731-1740* LITTLE FEAT R., fair\fading,some atmos; IDs, g's, Crunchy granola
6290,0 1846-1854 UNID, fair+peaks; D instrum mx, 1851 off/on, same stn ?, D instrum mx. (1901 gone)
4026,0 1902-2250 LASER HOT HITS, strong\fading,noisy; pops, IDs
6320,0 2059-2203* PREMIER R. INT, weak-v.weak +peaks; HOBART R. INT (incl' R.Australia's schedule), till 2117, then pops_oldies and Premier IDs, 2117 "Katabush", 2124 Baker street, 2201 Man of action, c'/d
6290,0 2207-2217a Z. VERONA INT, fair+peak\noisy; g's,ID, rpts, mx, low power, 2213 Verona ID, Z.Dakota gmail !
6290,0 2217-2240 UNID (not Verona), e.weak+peaks; 2221 gd ev', ID "R. - - Int'l, D songs, rpts, 2224 "- - R. Int'l", mx..
* * * ** * FRI. 06 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6300,2 1025,1030 trace with mod. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZEEWOLF ? ]
6304,9 1402-1423* UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx
6294,9 1402-1430 TELSTAR R., v.weak\PLC; guitar, D song, 1410 ID, Bzn ?, D songs
6284,8 1411-1807 FOCUS INT, good; mx, A/R about offshore/Caroline, soul, pops, Irish? mx, 1643, 1716 IDs,
6284,8 1850-2020 FOCUS INT %, good > trace; duo tk, mx, Baby come back, 1935 f'/down, mx, comedy?, > trace
6254,0 1418-1811 R. MARABU, fair>strong>good; unknown mx, regular IDs
6254,0 1851-1938 R. MARABU, fair > v.weak\ut.noise; mx, IDs in G. (1956 trace only)
6320,0 1601-1728* HITMIX, e.>v.weak\PLC; 1604 "Self control", pops, 1638 yodl, D songs, later tk, 1726 c'/d, IDs
6324,9 *1602-1603 UNID, v.weak\PLC; *1602 carrier, 1603 D song. (1608 gone)
6304,9 1610-1757 UNID, v.weak-fair \PLC; D song, Little shoemaker, 1623 ..from the middle of NL, etc. [ cf NORTON ]
6299,9 1612-1642 UNID, \squeezed, v. hard to hear; D mx, 1642 H. California. [ cf 307 RADIO ]
6289,9 1624-1739 R. VERONA, weak; mx, ID+@, D mx, 1730 TV theme, polkas
6207,0 1635-1655 UNID, D or G waltz, D song with cat's meows, 1654 booze waltz
6265,1 1644-1734 ODYNN R., weak\fading,PLC..; allos, rock, 1650 ID, rock, J.Joplin, 1721 "Fire", Hocus pocus, Lola
6802,8 1656-1753 UNID, weak\fading,noisy; b.b. medley in G ( ), D/G songs. 1903,1927 v.weak. [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6950,0 1741-1751 R. BLACKBEARD, weak\fading, some atmos; mx, IDs OK at last, tnx, +hl+@
6319,85 1754-1756 UNID, junior singer (in G ?), same one again. (1807 gone)
6300,0 1757-1806 UNID, e.weak\squeezed: ut,stn6305; tk, mx, W singer in E, mx
6267,0 1808,1851 UNID, good\fading; 1808-1810 pops. 1851: strong; Wake up Little Susie. (1900 gone) [cf B.BANDIT]
6242,0 1811-1924 R. COLUMBIA, v.weak\PLC; 1811 ID, pops, 1919 same ID but not OK alone, mx.
4025,9 1930-2219 LASER HOT HITS, strong\noisy,usual 4020ut.; mx, tk(Xmas), IDs
6290,0 *1946-1952* Z.VERONA / R. VERONA INT, good; polka, waltz, ID, accn, end
3918,0 2110-2250 NMF (??), v.weak\noisy,het3915; AM at first?, 2113 in LSB, blues, bluesy mx, bit of tk, 2153 MNF ?, 2203 NMFPO ?, "On the road again", sounds like a programme from USA, 2228 "You're listening to NMF(?) Blues", 2233 Peter Gunn, later f/down, het was piercing. - - - [ cf OVER 60° ]
6950,8 2356-2432 WMID, e.weak\all noises at once; mx, IDs not OK, best one at 2408 as "WMIT"(?), checked on HFU
* * * * * SAT. 07 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6284,9 0735-0929 FOCUS %, strong, oldies, tk: R.London, BBC stories. 1138 mx, 1242 "Pirate Radio 2" from BBC
6284,9 1600-1955 FOCUS INT, fair-good > srong; ID+@+hl, then mx, mx, 1954 ID+@. (2133: e.weak\swamped)
6254,1 0740-0929 R. MARABU, strong \odd fades, undemodulated; mx, G pops, 0851 ID
6254,1 1555-1956 R. MARABU, mx, alt. rock, IDs in G, also web site. (2134 trace under noise)
6205,05 0741-0915 UNID, weak > e.weak\fading, sounds muffled; non stop pops - - - [cf KING SW ]
6875,1 0834-0928 UNID, v.weak\PLC,noisy; tk in it., funky, ID in E (no copy), it. comedy, mx, etc
7265,0 0842-0845 HLR %, in AM-USB; tk in G, gipsy jazz
6325,1 0845-0928 UNID, v.weak\PLC +peak; D mx. - - - - - - [ cf FLAMINGO ]
6095,0 0903-0930 KBC, v.strong\fading; Rosko's "Coast-to-coast-Country". (1137 : pop)
9510,0 0918-0924 R. CITY, powerful \noisy, how that?; "Lovely Rita", Here come the sun, tk (known voice), jr singer
6324,8 1141-1155 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,fading; pops, tk in E, ".. in W.Europe.. Int'l..".
6320,1 1556-1705 BOGUSMAN, weak-fair\loc.noise; mx, tk, sort of an ID, typical tk.
6240,0 1604-1615 UNID, v.weak\snow clouds noise today; pop(1634 gone)
6305,0 1621-1944* CRAZY WAVE R., v.weak\fading,noisy; "non stop", mx, IDs, fancy sounds, 1745 tk in it., 1750 in G
7620,1 1640-1644 R. WAVES INT, weak\noisy; mx, ID, F song, tk, end
6374,0 1700-1703* UNID, C&W, QSY at 1700'53"; on 6384, QSY at 1701'41". 1702 back on 6374, \het6377,9 and end?
6209,8 1709-1723 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, ID no copy, 1717 accn \het 6212, 1719 \bad splash from Iran 6205 [cf LAGUNA ]
4026,0 1731-2218 LASER HOT HITS, strong\fair fades; jazz, tk, mx, 2211 "Laser"
6244,9 1753-1818 UNID, e.weak \v.hard to hear; pops, 1807 Born to be wild, This is ... from Germany. [cf LAGUNA ]
6240,0 1754-1957 UNID, v.weak; pop-rock, 1805-1815 \stanag L-side, mx, mx, 1938 Peter Gunn (2240 trace) [cf UNID]
3914 u 2004-2046 UNID, v.weak\noisy; some rock mx, around 2030 on 3916u, e.weak\noisy.
3939,9 2039-2041 UNID, e.weak\traffic 3939u(in sp.?); mx, 2041 lost. - - - - - - [cf CWR ]
3905,0 2047-2130 CRAZY WAVE R., v.-e.weak\v.noisy, atmos; Sound of silence, mx, tk no copy, 2104 ..studio 5.., ID=?, 2106,2110 IDs no copy, 2119 ID, mx, 2130 ID.
6949,9 2137-2236 ENTERPRISE R., strong; rock, 2145 ID+@, "Hey Joe", 2150 it. FR day, 2152 Led Zepp\so-so mod;
6319,85 2153-2208 CRAZY WAVE R., fair-good\bit PLC; rock, IDs, ZZ Top, ..back on 48.., rock with saxo or brass
6289,95 2204-2243 ABU DHABI %, strong,v.good mod; C&W, "Hurricane", mx parts, 2223 known voice, booming, then some D instrum, 2236 now v.weak > e.weak at 2243
6321,9 2344-2346 UNID, e.weak\Morse,some atmos; accn, tk (maybe Abu Dhabi again ?)
6264,9 2346-2349 UNID, e.weak\noisy,some atmos; mx, and tk (no copy) - - - [ cf CUPID ]
6925,6 2350-2351* UNID, e.weak\atmos; tk and end. [ was WAZU in N.America, just c'/d, 12W carrier (see HFU) ]
6925,0 *2351-2354 UNID, e.weak; mx. [ cf R. CLANDESTINE relayer, ment'd on HFU ]
* * * * * SUN. 08 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6205,0 0739-0853 UNID, v.weak; "- - Radio" ??, mx, 0740 OTH burst on 6200a, mx - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6254,1 0742-1127 R. MARABU, strong at first \undermod at times; mx, tk in G, 0852,1017 IDs
6254,1 1345-1945 R. MARABU, up to good-strong; 1355 ID, pops, alternative rock.
6284,9 0743-1126 FOCUS INT, strong; clips from Capital R., R.London, RNI, 1124 rpts, hl
6284,9 1345-1945 FOCUS INT, up to strong; mx, 1652 ID+@+SMS hl, 1746 ID
6305,1 0745-1123 R. MERLIN INT, fair-good\ut.underneath; pops, oldies, IDs
6305,1 1344-1945 R. MERLIN INT, up to strong; pops, IDs
6190,0 0820-0856 R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, fair-good; mx, tk, ID, 0855 ad: FreeRadio.de, ID+@
6070,0 0821-0952 R. CHANNEL 292, fair\fading,weakQRM; pop oldies, 0935 Who"Hall of the mountain", ID
6070,0 1036-1036 UNID, mx. - - - - - - [ cf BLUESTAR ]
6070,0 1547-1556 UNID, pop-rock
6940,0 0831-0841 UNID, weak; 0831 blank, 0837 mx, mx. - - - - - - [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
6875,1 0832-0842 R. EUROPE, fair\fading,PLC; tk in it. (above tango~), 0835 ID, mx
6875,1 1410-1454 UNID, e.weak > weak; mx. - - - - - - [ cf EUROPE ]
7619,9 0845-1004 R. WAVES INT, good\fading; mx, 0920 "RWI, on the highways od freedom", 1004 Polnareff"Radio"
7620,0 1420-1422 R. WAVES INT, mx, jingle "1983", Polnareff"Radio"
7310,0 *0900-1000* ATLANTIC 2000 INT, fair`\fading; seagulls, multi-IDs, ID in F, mx, 0905 Hot stuff, 0909 quizz result, Raphael, etc, 0953 McCartney, D.Roussos, 0959 c'/d
6190,0 0926-0930 MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB, pop-rock, ID in G, Man of action, ID in E, mx.
6150,0 0930,1035 EUROPA 24, 0930 news in G, ment' Bild Zeitung, weather rpt, ID. 1035 mx, ID in E(for once!), mx
6095,0 0932,1548 KBC, v.strong; 0932 Trucker Radio, C&W. 1548 Mony Mony, tk, soul, g's, ID, Ron O'Quinn, 1600*
6325,0 1005-1009 R. MONTFERLAND, weak-fair; I got you babe, ID+@, mx
6299,9 1010,1037 UNID, e.weak\squeezed; 1010 barely heard mx. 1037 \same conditions; mx, tk
6295,0 1010-1016 UNID, v.weak; mx, mx. (also at 1038). - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6246,0 1018-1022 UNID, e.weak\PLC,splash; mx. (1040 : trace). - - - [ cf COLUMBIA ]
6240,0 1022-1040 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk (D or G?), song (in D?), "Save the last dance" ? [cf QUADZILLA ]
6220,0 1026-1041 R. SATURNUS, v.weak\on-off stanag; mx, ID+@, multi-ID
6209,5 1029-1115 LIKEDEELER, e.weak\fading,bad mike?; rock, tk in G, mx, 1041 ID, All right now
6190,0 1034-1034 UNID, "Born in the USA" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf EMR ]
6330,0 1116-1119 ABU DHABI %, good; accn D waltz, tk(known voice, ment' Skyline), accn
6320,0 1117-1139 TELSTAR R., fair; pops, tk, 1137 ID, tnx Hitmix, "Suzy Q"...
6245,0 1127-1134* R. CASANOVA, weak\beating; IDs, mx, 1131 c'/d, "Mademoiselle Ninette" in G, etc
6324,9 1331-1355 R. BATAVIA, \noisy,ut.,PLC; rock, ID+web, tk in E, Wind of change, 1353 ID, Blue monday
6240,0 1346-1352 R. EXPERIENCE, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1351 ID(center of Holland), mx
6240,0 1543-1544 UNID, v.weak\noisy ut.; pops - - - - - - [ cf EXP ]
6400,7 1356-1636 UNID, v.weak; tk, Sad café, Sunshine superman, 1455 \het6401,5; rock, tk (UK way), 1525 ann' JM.Jarre, 1612 ".. album .. 24h a day..", Who"My generation", 1620 ID \3rd stn QRM ?; 1625 blues, 1636 J.Joplin. ID almost heard at 1534 and 1632: not "Laser" but alike. - - - - - - [ cf QUASAR ]
7310,0 1432-1443 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\fading; pop, ID+Internet (.es ), S.Blue"Venus", JID
6850,0 1446-1451 UNID, e.weak\PLC; " - - Radio Int'l", bit of mx, tk ;;this is a free.., lost. [ cf ARCADIA ]
6401,5 1457-1637 R. JOEY %, \het6400,7; el.guitars, pop, 1516 Elvis?, 1526 part of California dreaming (1707 gone)
6401,5 1717-1807 R. JOEY, no more het \traffic6400u in it. ; mx, 1719 testing-1-2 by adult voice, "now kenzo"(??), 1722 voice of Joey, g's, mx, 1728 clear full ID, pops, etc
6390,0 1536-1608* QSO, tk over mx, 1608 BAKEN 16 JID, end. (then carriers) [cf W.REUS, ZEEWOLF, MT FERLAND]
6380,0 1537-1704 R. MONTFERLAND, strong > v.weak; synthe, pops, 1605 ID, tk in D+E, 1704 Funky Town
6325,0 1540-1605 HITMIX %, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, D or G song, 1600 Abba"Gimme..", tk, mx
6950,0 1638-1640* UNID, pop, tk, sudden s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LHH ]
6319 v 1643-1805 UNID, \drifty at first!, fading,atmos; pops, jingle, tk, ..free radio stn.., 1745 trace\QRM LHH, 1803 v.weak\PLC; mx, .. Int'l Service.., mx. - - - [ cf CAROLINE-RAINBOW ]
6205,0 1654-1659 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; mx, ID, 5 o'clock in the UK, mx
6389,0 1705-1707* ABU DHABI %, strong; "Marylou", 1706 blank \traffic (ru ?), s/off
6826 u 1710-1714* UNID, Greek mx
6375,0 1729-1748* JOHNNY TOBACCO, strong; N.Orleans mx ?, waltz, C&W, messing, Comment ça va, 1748 ID (voice of ABU DHABI, ex BLACK BANDIT], end
6325,0 1740-1803 LASER HOT HITS, strong\noisy,fading; mx, Laser Int'l, G.Drew, mx
4026,0 1754-2339 LASER HOT HITS, strong\fading,noisy,a few atmos; mx, tk, 2148 Riders on the storm, \traffic4020u it.; tk, mx, R.London jingle, , 2339 FSN ad, ID
6910,0 1923-1944 PREMIER R. INT, weak\fading,PLC,noise; pops, tk, 1929 ID, Joe Cocker, H.Rising Sun, ID
3905,0 2140-2215 SKYLINE R. (HENK), strong\fading; ID, g's above D.Straits"Sultans..", CCR"Bad moon..", "Have you ever seen the rain", g's, 2215 Highway to hell.
6254,1 2341-2347 UNID, e.weak\traffic; mx - - - - - - ( could be MARABU )
6284,8 2343-2346 UNID, e.weak\atmos; mx - - - - - - ( could be FOCUS ]
6260 a 2347-2347 strange signal
6940 u 2351-2355 UNID, e.weak; tk, mx, This is ... Send your reception reports ..., lost. [ HARD TACK R., cf LHU ]
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 02 - 08 FEB. 2015
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