After the holiday season, very quiet weekdays (including Friday night), then fair activity on Saturday and Sunday (including from Italian archives).
Time to protest against mangled IDs, highly distorted, mixed with noisy music, or uttered with a 'mouthfull of marshmallow' as a (poor) English accent (.
Radio City relays on 9510 kHz (Saturday mornings) always heard here with quite strong signals, but poor audio, noisy background : anyone hearing that, or is it just a problem with my RX ? I would like to hear crystal-clear transmissions like those from Black Bandit / Abu Dhabi.
* * * * * MON. 05 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6209,4 0753-0801 RODE ADELAAR %, fair; D song "Rosemarie", more yodling D songs
6150,0 0827-0832 EUROPA 24, fair-good\fading,PLC; pops, 0829 ID, news in G, weather report
6070,0 0832-0914 CHANNEL 292 %, good +peaks \PLC; 60s pop-rock, Joe Cocker
6070,0 1427,1740 CHANNEL 292 %, 1427 mx, ms. 1740 \China(Kitaya) QRM; D version of "La montagne", I&T.Turner
6095,0 0915-0922 TRANSPORT R., strong; pops, tk, ID+@ in D, 0921 ID+@, long audio break
6305,0 1413-1425* UNID, good\fading; synthe, D singer, then messing(techno part), 1-2-3-4, words, end [cf RONNIE ]
6290,0 1415-1417 UNID, e.weak + 2nd UNID at times (talking). [ cf RONNIE AM + ZWARTE NON ]
6325,4 1543-1551 UNID, v.weak \PLC; mx (lower side band weaker ?) (1556 gone)
6295,0 1543-1556* R. HITMIX, mx, Bzn, 1552 ID, bye-bye, 1554 bye-bye, 1555 mx, 1556 c'/d(noname), end
6295,0 1937-2034* ENTERPRISE R., fair-strong \PLC; pops (U2 ?), 2007 ID+@, 2018 blues
6265,4 1940-2235 R. TANGO ITALIA, good; multilingual ID, songs in sp (Argentina style), 2234 song in F
4025,9 1945-2228 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY 4020, F fishers4030u, Morse; mx, 1957 Laser Int'l.
* * * * * TUES. 06 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0800-0903 CHANNEL 292 %, good>fair \fading; pops, 0900 Riot in block cell number 9
6070,0 1624-1731 CHANNEL 292 %, strong\fading; mx, tk, "Listen that funky music", 1715 QRM in Russian
6070,0 2000-2142 CHANNEL 292 %, good; mx, mx. 2138 \strong QRM R.Vatican via Madrid, sp.ID, then in Arabic
6295,0 0848-0913 ENTERPRISE R., v.weak \later PLC; mx, tk in it., 0854 g's, ID
6209,5 0855-0857* UNID, v.weak\PLC; motor sound, 60s instrum mx, few words, end. - - - [cf STUDIO 64 ]
7325,0 0904-0911* UNID, weak\fading; "Romeo & Juliet", mx parts, end without annt.
6305,1 1628-1735 R. MERLIN INT, good\PLC, pops, Earth&Fire"Maybe tomorrow", ID, 1725 H.California
6290,3 1636-1711 R. BLACK - - [SKY], v.weak\PLC, mx, bits of tk, IDs (only part copy). (1720 gone)
6385,05 1644-1645* UNID, song with drums, last minute, end.
6150,0 1712-1730 EUROPA 24 %, v.weak \QRM from 6155; pops, 1727 Black is black, \strong China carrier, IS, s/on
4026,0 1953-2148 LASER HOT HITS, good\some fading; mx, tk, IDs, 2145 Martin Scott show begins
1350,0 2151-2210 "I AM RADIO", \splash (from ?); mx, IDs by E sentence "I am radio", fq in it.
* * * * * WED. 07 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0704-0835 CHANNEL 292 %, strong > good; pops, R&B, "Waterloo sunset", etc..
6070,0 1653-1701 CHANNEL 292 %, mx, 1659 "I believe in angels", flattened by China "Govorit Kitaya" in ru.
6150,0 0748-0800 EUROPA 24, mx, 0758 ID in G, "It's 9 o'clock in central Europe", news in G
6209,5 0835-0844 UNID, weak-fair; D singer, accordion. - - - - - - [ cf STUDIO 64 ]
6209,5 1616-1642 STUDIO 64, YMCA, We will rock you, 1626 ID+@ (in E), mx. (1652 gone)
6290,3 1617-1710 R. CAROLINE (-RAINBOW), \strong PLC; mx, JID, 1629 ID+@, more mx and IDs
4026,0 1843-1858 LASER HOT HITS, good\fading, sounds muffled,it.traffic4020u; mx, ID.
4026,0 2139-2313 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, 2311 ID+@, fq 4025 and 6950, over "Days of Pearly Spencer"
* * * * * THURS. 08 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0828-1020 CHANNEL 292 %, good\fading > weak\PLC; In the ghetto, Born in the USA, pops
6070,0 1400-1447 CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1445 Leonard Cohen ?
6305,0 1401-1426 UNID, weak-v.weak\PLC; D mx, tk in D, said "BLAUWE PANTER", D mx, 60s instrum. (1431 gone)
6295,0 1404-1455 HITMIX %, e.weak\PLC, loc.noise; mx and tk, sounds like Hitmix, no ID caught.
6209,5 1411-1450* STUDIO 64, weak-fair \PLC; folk, rock, Nena"99..", IDs+@ in E, 1447 Blues Brothers
4026,0 2258-2315 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, 2305 FSN, OEM, ID, tk : MW tx, etc.
* * * ** * FRI. 09 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6150,0 0733-0913 EUROPA 24, Troggs "Wild thing", ID, Ebony & Ivory, etc. (also 1243-1447)
6070,0 0735, 1255 CHANNEL 292 %, 0735 good-strong > soon weak; mx. 1255 v.weak; Pink Floyd"Money"
6209,5 0849-0853* UNID, rockabilly, then synthe mx (80s?), sudden s/off. - - -[ cf STUDIO 64 ]
6305,1 1145-1251 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak\big PLC; pops, tk no copy, 1248 ID (1253 gone)
6390,0 1449-1513 R. ALTREX, v.weak\PLC; var. mx, tk, 1512 ID
6305,0 1641-1642 UNID, polka. - - - (1644 gone) - - - - - - [ cf MUSTANG ? or qso-er ?]
6290,0 1642-1655* HITMIX, v.weak\fading; var.mx, 1652 c'/d, fq, bye-bye (known voice), 1655 noname c'/d.
6290,0 *1655-1728* ODYNN R., fair\fading; rpt for Hitmix-Gunter, then mx, tk, IDs+contacts in D+E, pops, 1727 anthem
4025,9 1734-2333 LASER HOT HITS, good > weak\fading; mx, IDs, later tk, old fq's, 2332 FSN, OEM, ID, deep fade
* * * * * SAT. 10 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6875,0 0741-0758 UNID, fair+peaks; mx, comedy in E, it., sp., brasilian about the Natal-Berlin line, then R.Palmer(?) medley (0804 gone). [ cf R. DELTA-it. via R.EUROPE heard by several after 0900, cf repeat on Sunday ]
6205,0 0750-0835 UNID, weak>v.weak\fading, later OTH bursts; quiet mx. - - - [ cf KING SW ]
7265,0 0829-0851 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, in AM-USB, fair-good; tk: Hamburg, Flaubert, Maupassant, Sidi Bou-Said
6070,0 0836-0847 R. MI AMIGO, fair \QRM(Canada?); tk, ID, Itsy.. Bikini, tk in G with delayed echo
6070,0 1138-1422 CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak \big PLC; mx, tk in E, 1330 tk in G, 1420 v.weak\PLC; "Fever"
9510,0 0910-0921 R. CITY, powerful ! \sounds muffled and noisy; mx, Elvis? 0915 ID, 60s pops, jingles
6095,0 0923,1113 KBC, v.strong; rock, Rosko. 1113 My green tambourine, ID, pop.
6290,0 1116-1122* UNID, e.weak; trumpet, tk (in D?), bye-bye. - - - - - - [ cf RONNIE AM ]
6425,1 1125-1135* UNID, e.weak \big PLC, side RTTY; mx, bits of mx, end.
6305,9 1423-1614 TOWER (?) R., weak\fading > good; tk, g's over mx (pops, D songs), mangled IDs
6325,0 1428-1437 UNID, e.weak\PLC,occ.traffic; Shadows ?, \ > trace; - - - [ cf WALDMEISTER ]
6285,2 1444-1447 UNID, "Kili watch", tk in D: g's? ment' Telstar, more mx. (1508 gone) [ cf ELDORADO ]
7310,0 1453-1458 R 700, Chuby Checker"Twist again", ID in G, "service", weather, news in G: Charlie Hebdo
4026,0 1504, 2018 LHH %, 1504 e.weak\noisy; 2018-2155 weak\noisy +good peaks, mx, 2152 tk: SW cond. \hum
6325,0 1507-1603* NMD R., v.weak; mx, 1523 slogan, ID, Tom Dooley, 1537 Boy named Sue, 1602 ID+@, c'/d
6266,8 1510-1614 UNID, trace > e.weak\PLC; mx, tk (no copy!). - - - [ cf SKYLINE R. G. ]
6245,0 1512-1519 UNID, e.weak >\big PLC; mx, then v.hard to hear, lost.
6290,0 1527-1551 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, mx... - - - - - - - - -[ cf TOP ]
6255,5 1543-1609 R. TANGO ITALIA %, e. weak, ID no copy, 1609 song in sp.
6207,4 1535-1613 DELTA R., trace>e.weak \big PLC; tk, mx, 1610 "Delta Radio station", mx
6265,5 2002-2226 R. TANGO ITALIA, fair-good\PLC; tango, IDs in 3 languages.
6230,0 2008-2015 UNID, v.weak\PLC; tk in E, sounds almost like a "number station"
* * * * * SUN. 11 JAN. 2015 * * * * *
6306,0 0800-1020 UNID, v.weak\ut.QRM around > e.weak; pop, mx, mx... - - - [ cf SPITFIRE ]
6205,1 0802-0907 UNID, fair\fading > v.weak\PLC; quiet pop mx. 0857 "- shortwave". [ cf KING SW ]
6190,0 0804-0900* R. GLORIA, weak +fair peaks; tk in E+G: Pye records(known voice), mx
6400,0 0826-0837 UNID, good\fading; 60s pops, 0829 mangled ID (Old Time?), 0836 short low mod. [ cf SUNDOWN]
6297 a 0839-0844* UNID, fair \fading down; pops.
6070,0 0847-1032 R. CHANNEL 292, fair-good\PLC; pops, 0851 ID, 1032 rock.
6190,0 *0900-0908 MV BALTIC R., weak\QRM6195 Japan for Brasil; Man of action, IDs in G+E, We will rock you
6150,0 0908-0913 EUROPA 24, weak\PLC,QRM underneath; I shot the sheriff, ID in G, news. (1032 mx)
6095,0 0913-0914 KBC, strong, no fading; ad for Blaupunkt 4 bands (in D), mx. (1032 mx)
6875,0 0916-1040 UNID, v.weak\PLC, F fishers6879u; tk in it. ID in E(no copy), 0923 Radio - - Int'l, POB, then same comedy as yesterday about the Natal-Berlin line, 0979 medley \F fishers. [ cf R. DELTA (it.) via R. EUROPE ]
6950,0 0930-1040 UNID, e.weak \F fishers6943u; pop-rock. 1007 This is - - SW, ..hotmail. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
6940,0 0934-1040 PREMIER R. INT, e.weak\loc.noise,F fishers6943u; mx, 0942 web, ID
6295 a 1022-1022 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf PYTHON ]
6285,2a 1023-1025 BOGUSMAN %, fair; typical tk in E, singing to himself, mx
6255,0 1025,1758 R. MERLIN INT, 1025 : v.weak; pops, "R.M.I." canned ID. 1758 : ID+contacts, rock (1824 gone)
6200,0 1028-1031 LASER HOT HITS %, pops, tk in E.
6190,0 1031-1031 EMR %, in AM-USB, weak\PLC; mx (EMR was planned)
6380,0 1033-1038 UNID, e.weak\PLC; "I got you babe" and pop, mixed with g's, gd m', and ID?. [cf MONTFERLAND ]
5830 L 1801-1808 UNID, weak\PLC, mx, mx. (1813-1816 carrier) - - - - - - [ cf CONDOR / MINI ]
4026,0 1811-1930 LASER HOT HITS, good\fading +peaks; rock, DJ Dave Simpson. 2226,2343: weak; mx
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 05 - 11 JAN. 2015
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
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