Below in green, my logs not found (or not so well heard) on other logs on Internet. All logs and IDs are mine, the IDs found in other logs are always at the end of the lines between [square brackets] and are quite probably correct (except for very few ones). Not so evident is the other help about UNID (or even identified) stations, when a station is replaced by an other (or not...) on the same frequency between two checks. On a few occasions, some last or first check times may be wrongly shifted to the other station. Thanks for help to Doctor Tim News, Irish Paul, UKdxer, Achim, Iann, Toutatis, Caroline team, Ihor, Kc Mark, Rick and others.
Look below for those green lines, and specially on saturday for R. GIGANT and AREA 51. Still not clear: who was on 6265 on late Sunday afternoon, before probable Cosmic reappeared on 6267. Nothing clear about special programmes (and stations?) for Halloween.
* * * * * MON. 27 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6324,9 1611-1620 UNID, tk in D, D songs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf G.V. ]
6290,0 1614-1619 UNID, v.weak\PLC; blank, then mx, D mx. - - - [cf HITMIX ]
6380,0 1907-1930 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, ID in D+E, pops, IDs
6398,0 1908-1922 R. ALTREX, meuh! meuh!, mx, 1912 c'/d IDs, mx, 1917 \het from 6395; (1626 gone)
6395,0 1917-1926* R. ASCONA, goodLC; blank then mx, pops, 1923 tk, ID, testing, 1925 c'/d
6300,0 1945-2108* BLUE PANTHER, \occ. side QRM; D mx, mx parts, 1950 mooh sound, 2007 Bumble bee, 2104 tk, ID, c'/d, Mr Bluesky, 2106 c'/d ID in E+D, gd bye.
6290,1 1956-2007* ODYNN R., fair-good; mx, g's, ID,... 2005 g's.., 2006 blank.
6290,1 2016-2044* R. ODYNN, Son of a preacher man, g's, "Gloria" rock, Rain & tears, instrum mx, tk, R&R, 2037 IDs (both ways), +hl+@, Pimp up the volume, 2040 c'/d, test new TX..2042 nat. anthem
6915,0 2048-2124 PREMIER R. INT, \noisy, bad fading; mx, La Macarena, 2053 ID, mx, 2119 ID, \ut.6917,4; 2123 The day the music died.
6263,4 2056-2126 OZNRH %, trace > e.-v.weak, mx, v. quiet mx.
4026,0 2128-2137 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID+@, Man of action, mx, 2137 bell and ID from Caroline 199, mx
* * * * * TUES. 28 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6240,0 1139-1148 MAGIC (INT), v.weak\PLC, ut6239,3; mx, 1141 ID
6747,1 1635-1700a UNID, (blank at 1603), fair-good; R&R medley, pops, Bzn?, end about 1700 [cf PIONEER ]
6300,0 1709-1759 UNID, good-strong, song, D mellow songs, 1725 schlager, 1731 accn, etc. [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]
6286,0 1709-1731 RODE ADELAAR, D songs, accn, waltz. 1716 ID. (1758 gone)
6265,6 1718-1728* R. GSV, \ut.noise; "Good Ship Venus" song, many IDs, tk: Johnny Winter,Santana... 1728 break
6860,3 1800-1806 UNID, \ut.6862a, interm. het, traffic6860L; rock (Johnny Winter?, long version) [cf GSV ]
6849,1 1838-1842 UNID, fair\PLC,fading; rock, still Johnny Winter? - - - [cf GSV ]
6299,9 1842-1850 UNID, tk in D, then rock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
4026,0 2252-2256 LASER HOT HITS, fair +strong peaks \some atmos; mx, 2255 ID, tk.
* * * * * WED. 29 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 0738-0740 UNID, v.weak\noisy,PLC; "Because the night", "Tainted love". (0744 gone)
6190,0 0946-1011 HAMBURG LOKALRADIO %, in AM-USB, v.weak\PLC; R&R, tk in G
6150,0 0948-0950 EUROPA 24, e.weak +v.weak peaks \PLC; news? in G, ID, mx. (also 1325: mx)
6095,0 0950-1010 TRANSPORT R. %, v.strong \fading; mx, tk in D, phone call
6300,1 1307-1324* HITMIX %, e.weak \much PLC, mx, 1320 tk, mx "It's a rainy day".
6395,7 1312-1316* R. GSV %, e.weak\PLC; Santana, 1315 Black magic woman, 1316 break
6300,0 1325-1330 UNID, mx, e.weak \under PLC and noise, > tiny trace
6747,1 1620-1904* UNID, parts of D mx, blanks, 1738 Mathilde, Angelina, Mama mia(D songs), good peaks, sudden off
6395,1 1700-1717* UNID, mx, 1707 It's now or never, 1716 Peggy Sue, 1717 off (to 6300 ?) [cf RODE ADELAAR]
6300,0 1718-1914 RODE ADELAAR, blank then Peggy Sue, Bye bye love, Speedy Gonzalez, 1725 Ray Charles "Alleluya I love her so", 1732 ID, Tequila, yodl, more D mx, 1852 ID, yodl
6295,0 1724-1752 UNID, blank, then D (or G) songs, schlager... - - - - - - - - -[ cf TWENTANA ]
6286,0 1838-1923* R. EXPERIENCE, in D, "test", some techno mx and IDs(in D), 1923 sudden s/off
6290,0 1840-1857 UNID, D songs, tk in D, g's, ID??, g's to stns, D mx. - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
4026,0 1908-2059 LASER HOT HITS, strong; mx, tk .. 4-oh-2-6 ..1926 Laser.., 2049 Dragonslayer. (also 2237)
6307 L 2239-2338 UNID, weak>v.weak\PLC,some atmos; blues, bit of tk, "Soul man", 2336 W voice: unknown language only "SMS" catched (many times), mx again (2340 gone). - - - - - - [ cf OVER 60° ? ]
* * * * * THURS. 30 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 1049-1055 UNID, v.weak\PLC,fading; mx, tk, Riders on the storm - - - [ cf MERLIN ]
6300,0 1609-1623* UNID; e.weak \bumpy start, mx, 1616 shifted voice song, 1619 - -@gmail; QSY ? [cf HITMIX ]
6303,0 1623-1652* HITMIX % (ex 6300?), I can break away, If I had a hammer, Winchester cathedral, ..test-een- twee .. studio 1A, gd ev', 60s mx, 1651 bye-bye, 1652 "-- the airwaves", end.
6290,0 1627-1702* UNID, v.strong, wideband; arabic mx, 1700 tk, several voices, no copy, end. [cf B.BANDIT ?]
6280,0 1638-1650* RNW, v.weak; D accn, 1647 ID+@, Crunchy granola, Tommy, ID+@, end.
6325,1 1645-1646* UNID, rock, sudden s/off at 1646'30"
6240,0 1654-1656 LHH %, blank, sudden audio on, "..facebokk, drop us aline", mx, sudden s/off at 1656'10"
6305,0 1702-1704* blank
6270,0 1706-1710 UNID, e.weak\ut.QRN 6275; .. in Germany .. whiskys ..email..; killed by 6275 QRN [cf BUMBEL.]
6290,1 1805-1957* ODYNN R., fair\PLC > e.weak; All along the watchtower, pops, 1808 g's, ID, etc, rockabilly, 1816 Lust for love, etc.. 1943 Nina Hagen ?, 1950 ID+hl+@, Pump up.., c'/d IDs, bye-bye, nat.anthem, off at 1956'50"
6302,1 1813-1948 RODE ADELAAR, accn, 1823 tk, accn. 1931 \traffic6300u, het6305 then 6300,PLC; "If you can't give me love", pops, 1942 muffled voice, Elvis, 1945 Tequila, ID barely heard, f'/down, instrum
6265,9 1820-1823 UNID, \undermod.; mx, maybe tk??, mx, mx.
6070,0 2002-2005 UNID, v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, pop, fading under noise
4025,9 2007-2014 LASER HOT HITS,mx, tk: mild weather, ID+Internet, Dave Norris, "I can't stand the rain", etc
6300,0 2250-2255 UNID, trace-e.weak \PLC,atmos; barely heard mx, maybe "Laser" ? [cf B. BANDIT ? ]
* * * ** * FRI. 31 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6070,0 0512-0518 UNID, v.weak\noisy,splash QRM. mx, mx.
4026,0 0520-0530 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk by Dave Norris, ID+@, mx
6205,0 1259-1317 trace\PLC,noise, audio just under noise level (later blank only: 1657,1712,1953,2012)
6319,9 1650-1703 UNID, \ut.QRM on L-side; polka, tk (ID? no copy), accn, D song, QSY to 6324,9 [cf GV ]
6324,9 1703-1751 UNID, mx, tk in D, accn, Halloween mood?, 1728 song(it. way), g's, soul, D songs [cf GV, raided ~18 ]
6305,1 1653-1831 R. MERLIN INT, first under EC-like on 6305L, 1706 clear mx and IDs, 1802 killed, 1810 clear ID
6305,0 1802-1808 UNID (not MERLIN), strong, D mx (killing Merlin) (1810 gone)
6305,1 1914-2329 R. MERLIN INT, fair; jig, ID, C&W, rockabilly. 2000 weak, mx, ID, Witch doctor, f'/down > e.weak-trace
6285,1 1655-1727* R. PYTHON, var. mx parts, 1722 F song"Complètement fou", 1726 c'/d ID, bye-bye
6265,4 1711-2324 R. TANGO ITALIA, \gurgling ut. at times; Argentina mx, tango, 2324 ID
4025,9 1735-2239 LHH %, fair \fading, mushy>noisy; mx, 2018 Nairobi (annt), 2037 LWR story, 2239 &Garfunkel
6294,5v 1741-1748 UNID, a few words, then blank ?, drifting to 6294,1
6324,9 1851-1902 ? UNID, tk in D, sounded like c'/d and end. (>>not sure about time, bad notes on my pad<<)
6322 u 1919-2026 R. PYTHON, strong, USB; 'piraten' comedy, Batman-Joker mood, 1954 ID, 2020 g's,ID, 2026 \Morse;
6295,3v 1930-1948* UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC, in AM-USB?, drift to 6294,6; mx, 1936 Blondie"Denis", IDs+@ no copy, electronic belfry bells, - - ShortWave@gmail.com
6290,0 1948-1949 UNID, violin, lost.
6285,1 1950-2005 RODE ADELAAR, strong; Shadows ?, song in E, D instrum, ID, live ID+@, brass mx. (2009 gone)
6325,0 1954-1955 UNID, v.weak\6322u QRM; mx, movie or circus mx. (1959 gone??)
6300,0 2001-2002* UNID, theme from movie?, s/off at 2002'35"
6300,15 2156-2223 UNID, e.weak \trace at times; 2156 some rap, later mx (barely heard). (also 2234: blank, s/off)
6288,8 2220-2220* UNID, tk and s/off.
6925,0 2224-2336 MUSTANG R., v.strong; mx, hello Marco, 2227 g's, ID, "Angie", etc, 2312 ID, mx
6950,0 2226-2327 ENTERPRISE R., good-strong\some RTTY L-side; mx, SSTV, rock, rocket noise, IDs, "the music from the space"
* * * * * SAT. 01 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0751-1043 R. MERLIN INT, weak-v.weak\PLC; 0759 fair-good peak, ID+hl+@, pops, also 1314-1349, 3h loop?
6305,1 1624-2007* MERLIN %, fair>weak \1715 splash from 6300,7, 1954 QRM 6306,4; pop-rock, no ID heard
6205,15 0753-0847 UNID, \hum from 6205,0; mx, 0757 jingle, 0833 tk, hip-hop, (0924 gone, carrier on) [cf KING SW]
6280,4 0828-0831 R. WAVES INT, fair\stanag6275; mx, tk: Peter Hill, ..WCS, C&W. 0831 QSY to 6282,7
6282,7 0831-0846 R. WAVES INT, good\some fading, You can leave your hat on, ID, birthday, Pretty woman (0922 gone)
6070,0 0849,1019 UNID, mx, 0849 v.weak\PLC, 1019 e.weak\PLC; [cf CH.292 - ROCK LIVE ]
7265,0 0857-0857 HLR %, in AM-USB, good; piano jazz. (0909 gone)
7310,0 0850-0856 R. 700, strong; mx, W singer in G, 0855 ID, dasWetter, Nachrichten (*not*// 6005)
7310,0 0909-0915 R.700, strong, mx, now // 6005(fair), also later till 1320 (1310 ID)
7300,0 0851-0919* U-BOAT 66, v.weak \QRM7310; 0852 ".. Europa .. in Italy", pops, 0919 ..gmail, sonar sound, end.
6095,0 *0900-1319 MIGHTY KBC, strong\fading; "time to warm up the tubes",Rosko, 1045 ads, 1318 Billy Fury, K-PO
6242,0 0923-0930 UNID, trace-e.weak, mx "Hey Jude"(guessed), 0929 ..bc' on SW.., mx [cf COLUMBIA ]
6241,6 1008-1013 UNID, trace \PLC; (1043 gone). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [cf HALLOWEEN ?? ]
6150,0 1017-1045 EUROPA 24, weak\fading,PLC; mx, 1018 ID, Nachrichten, 1045 mx. Also 1318 v.weak\PLC; mx
6240,0 1625-1720 HITMIX, v.weak; D mx, 1637 g's, ID, 6-2-4-zero .. 50 watts, more D mx (or alike)
6746,9 1630-1634 UNID, an other Casanova song, instrum mx, "De laste dance". (1647 gone) [ cf PIONEER ]
6850,0 1648-1813 UNID, good\fading; some studio problems, mx, 1656 Kinks"Waterloo sunset", etc [cf TIDAL WAVE]
6300,7 1714-1824* UNID, \drifting het at first(Joey); 60s pops, Well respected man, Georgie girl, Ventures. [cf PAARD.]
6285,2 1715-1715* UNID, mx
6267,7 1716-1753 UNID, fair\fading,noisy; mx
6295,4 1722-2034 R. JOEY, mx after carrier drift, fair\PLC; More than a feeling ?, 1754 audio dropouts, ID, 1946 Walking on sunshine, 2020 muffled, 2034 QRM from 6295,15 (2041 gone)
6384,9 1757-1845 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, 1835 lalalala song, a few words, mx - - -[ cf RONNIE AM ]
6925,0 1804-1814 MUSTANG R., v.strong\stn underneath, "1-2-polizei", g's, test, ID, bye-bye, 1807 techno, 1814 blank
6325 u 1815-1840 UNID, fair>good\distorted; mx, pops. - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6283,1 1827-1953 R. WAVES INT, fair\PLC,drifting; Halloween queen, ID, C&W, 1948 on 6282,8 Julien Clerc, etc
6242,0 1829-1844 UNID, v.>e.weak\ut(klaxon-like),PLC; pops, b.b. - - - [ cf COLUMBIA ]
6325,0 1958-2005* UNID, e.weak \PLC,hickup,het6328,ut.splash; mx, 2002 Radio -- ?, 2005 end
6306,4a 2006-2018 R. GIGANT, (het with Merlin:1954-2007), bit of drift +-0,1 strong, clear at 2007; My green tambourine, On the road again, 60s pops, Tom Jones"Open up your eyes"(cut, messing), 2013 tk, ID, 2016 Beach Boys, QSY
6302,4 2030-2044 R. GIGANT, Hi hi Hazel, 2031 ID over "Here comes my baby", 2033 QSY, 2036 back, 2042 "Gloria" rock
6290,0 2021-2047* UNID, \squeezed(ut. and Joey); mx parts (techno, pop, C&W) 2047 sudden s/off. Again 2052-2054*
6300,0 2034-2112 R. NORTON, fair-good\PLC; brass mx, 2037 ID, gd ev', 2108 instrum on 6299,8, tk, ID, g's, f'/down
6295,15 2034-2201 REFLECTIONS EUROPE %, fair-good \QRM w. Joey at first; long religious tk. 2113 on 6295,0
6282,1 2048-2201 ENTERPRISE R., (2029 carrier), mx, ID, g's, 2113 mx on 6281,9; ID+@, rock, 2133 ID+@
6306,4a 2056-2201 UNID, fair\PLC, bit of downdrift; mx, mx. - - - - - - - - -[cf JOEY ]
6263,4 2116-2201 OZNRH %, e.weak \PLC; quiet mx
6379,9 2120-2157* UNID, e.-v.weak \PLC; pops, 2156 c'/d (ID? killed by noise). - - - [ cf RNW ]
4025,9 2139-2202 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag4022a; mx, ID, tk
3915,0 2139-2318 UNID, good-strong\fading,noisy,QRM3912; pops, Marianne Faithfull, 2149 On the border, 2202 Voyage voyage, 2318 D song. - - - - - -[cf ALICE ]
6264,7 2319-2332 AREA 51, v.weak \bad fading; mx, 2330 ID (@ no copy), long blank.
6241,1 2324-2339 UNID, fair\PLC,ut.noise; mx, 2334 tk, 2337 ..email .. Eisenach, Germany, barking. [cf HALLOWEEN]
* * * * * SUN. 02 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6005,0 0703-0948 R. MI AMIGO (of Spain), fair>weak; pops and tk in G (no ID), 0946 in E: IDs+facebook+@, mx
6282,3 0713-0831 R. WAVES INT, fair+peaks\fading > v.weak\PLC; repeat from Sat., mx, IDs. (0857 s/off?)
6205,1 0725-0753 UNID, v.>e.weak\PLC; mx(often barely heard) (0827 one) [ cf KING SW ]
6199,9 0726-0826 R. ORANG UTAN, weak > e.weak\PLC; pop, "Satisfaction", 0736 ID+@, mx (0859 gone)
6150,0 0823-0949 EUROPA 24, good mod, weak >v.weak\fading,PLC; pops, 0949 ID in G
7300,0 0833-0907 R. ARCADIA, v.weak\noisy,bit atmos, later QRM7310; jazz, 0838 multi ID (over mx, difficult), mx
6395,7 0849-1006 WEEKEND MUSIC R., v.weak\bad fading,ut.noise; mx, ID, tk about 26th Oct, mx...
7265,0 *0900-0907 MV BALTIC R., Man of action, IDs+web in G+E, Man of action again, some tk, mx.
7700,0 0909-1015 FRS HOLLAND, strong>fair\PLC anyway; //9300, mx, ID in E+D, mailbox, Joe Jackson,etc
9300,5 0911-1015 FRS HOLLAND, good\blip-blip ut.; P.Verbrigen g' G.C. in Nantes. //7700, 1015 DX news in G
6295,1 0924-1113 UNID, v.weak\PLC, Wooly Bully, Satisfaction, Mr Tambourineman, later trace, to 6294,9
6267,0 0930-1145 COSMIC R., weak \PLC,fading,ut.QRM; mx, IDs, tk, Radar love, later e.weak\het6265, mx, rock
6285,0 0937-1145 BOGUSMAN/GHOUL %, good>weak +peaks\fading; pops, typical long chatting
6095,0 0942-0949 KBC-TRUCKER R., strong, ads for truckers, Blaupunkt with SW, K-PO, C&W
6220,4 0951-1147 UNID, e.weak\mushy carrier,ut.noise, PLC, later deep fading; quiet pops
6390,0 0959-1003 R. ALTREX, e.weak\PLC,gurgling ut. L-side; mx, ID no copy, moo sounds
9485,0 1017-1018 MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB \some het from 9490; rock, ID in E+G, tk in G.
6321,4 1019-1142 WIZARD R., v.>e.weak \PLC; pop, ID in E, tk: Magic 6205 relaying LHH, ID, live Sunday morning
6250,0 1055-1109 R. CASANOVA, v.weak\PLC; D mx, ID, mx, 1109 It's a heartache
6260,0 1104-1145 R. WAVES INT, v.weak\rrowing PLC; pops, tk in E(F accent), C&W, You can leave your hat on
6290,0 1143-1143 UNID, v.weak\splash; mx, some D-alike song
6306,4 1608-1750 R. JOEY, fair\PLC; rock, 1609 ID, later pops, 1718 Nights in white satin, f'/down, Walk on the wild side
6288,1 1612-1752 UNID, weak-fair\PLC > v.weak; non stop D(or G) songs, occ. instrum mx, waltz [cf RODE ADELAAR]
6265,0 1614-1633 UNID, v.weak\PLC,splash6255; Beach Boys ?, 60s pops, tk in fluent E, D.Reinhardt, Radio - -.
6255,1 1619-1758 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, good; typ. Golden Boys, offshore and 60s stories+mx. Also 1938,1945 strong
6280,2 1633-1756 R. MERLIN INT, weak\stanag6275; pops, IDs, DJ Nellie, 1734 Ghostbusters (also 1937,1945)
6324,9 1637-1807 R. TELSTAR (INT), fair-good\fading, guitars, allo test een-twe, g's, ID,R&R, later D mix of mx
6385,2 1643-1647* BAKEN 16, v.weak; folk song, JID, s/off at 1646'50"
6939,9 1648-1712 ENTERPRISE R., weak\noisy >fair+peaks; pops, 1702 ID+@hotmail (1745 gone)
6950,0 1651-1745 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\fading; mx, tk, Laser Int'l on 6-9-5-zero, 1700 ID+@
6930,0 1657-1659 UNID, v.weak; pops, 1659 lost
6875,1 1703-1711 UNID, e.weak \ut.6877a, growing noise; mx, tk in it. ?, ID ?, 1711 end? [ cf EUROPE ]
6267,0 1723-1758 UNID, weak>e.weak; pops, tk in E, 1756 mis-60s mx, Caroline story [ cf COSMIC ]
6235,2 1728-1730* UNID, \splash from stanag 6230; pop, cut, end. - - - - - - [cf TECH MAN ?, PYTHON ? ]
6385,0 1736-1809 BOGUSMAN, fair>good, clear, good mod; mx, tk about singers, so-called IDs, 1807 "A camel is a horse that was designed by a comitee"
6235,2 1759-1806 UNID, good+strong peaks; uninspired pops - - - [cf TECH MAN ]
6235,2 1940-1946 UNID, v.strong, D songs - - - - - - [cf TECH MAN ]
6290,0 1942-1947 UNID, fair; D like mx, singer in E.
6263,5 2120-2145 OZNRH %, trace > e.weak peaks\hard to cancel PLC; very quiet music.
4026,0 2132-2149 LASER HOT HITS, good\ut. around; mx, tk, Laser Int, ann' 5205 and 4026.
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 27 OCT. - 02 NOV. 2014
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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