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Two UNIDs on 4th of October 2014

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 23:07 pm
by ulx2

Two unidentified stations were received here on 4th of October past year:

The first one was on 6289,8 kHz at about 2100 UTC with program in Dutch language (tent.). 2122 UTC - was Blondie - Heart of Glass. And it's content was very similar to a format of Dutch FM stations, so may be a relay of some Dutch FM-pirate? Here is the short audio clip:

The second one was observed on 6240 kHz at 2223 UTC (c/d at 2234 UTC). According to messages in Iann's chat, Radio Anode was on this frequency at this time. But the station, I heard, was NOT Radio Anode. It seems, Radio Anode was on 6239.8 kHz and it's signal was much weaker here and made heterodyne beats then (which you can hear on recording). So two stations, which were near 6240 kHz, are: Radio Anode (6239.8 kHz ± 200 Hz) and some UNID (6240.0 kHz ± 200 Hz).

Here is audio recording with ID of this UNID, but I can't recognize it:

And fragment of music:

Any help with these IDs is appreciated.

Re: Two UNIDs on 4th of October 2014

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 23:16 pm
by ulx2
Hmmm... after 548 listenings of the second UNID... May be Radio Goofy???

Re: Two UNIDs on 4th of October 2014

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:51 am
by Caroline
Correct...and 1000 points to you (Haha!), dear Alexandr!! :D

It really had been RADIO GOOFY and I shall send you
best wishes from Goofy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :veryhi :veryhi :veryhi


Re: Two UNIDs on 4th of October 2014

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 07:37 am
by ulx2
Dear Paul,

Thank you very much for the help with identification. The First time I heard Radio Goofy with identification, therefore I was not sure about it.

Best wishes to you and to Goofy - radio dog!