Many relays for LHH this week: R. Blackbeard (?) and Magic Int'l were competing on the 6 to 7 MHz range. Europa 24 on 6150 was about to switch from tests to 'normal' programmes. Fears from AT raids pushed many Dutch stations towards shorter programmes or QSO's. Many tips are still "UNID" after a long check with all logs found on Internet. Lots of signals, but often very weak here (not helped by PLC pulses: I try to cancel that noise, but at the expense of signal strength). Ops, please note that "muffled" or some other audio problems may be the combined consequences of disturbed propagation, QRM, distant or local QRN, and RX hardly coping with all that at once. On the good side, Black Bandit (aka Red China, aka Abu Dhabi and others) has an excellent audio (helped by strong signals, of course).
* * * * * MON. 29 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6075,0 0630-0723 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\muffled audio,PLC; mx, tk, 0722 ID+@
6075,0 2057-2249 LASER HOT HITS, fair; "Daydream", 2100 OEM,FSN,fresh FSN news, ID, France Gall, pops
6070,0 0631-0712 UNID, e.weak > trace \PLC; mx
6150,0 0634-0724 EUROPA 24, v.weak\PLC; still instrum mx and multi IDs loop
6150,0 1640-1900 EUROPA 24, fair \splash; "Miracle of love", ID in G only, 1855 On a carousel, Bend me shape me, 1859 "It's 9 o'clock in central Europe", also in D and G. 2100 killed by KBS relay in F on 6145.
6304,9 1627-1657* R. PYTHON, v.weak\fading,later traffic 6300u; pops, 1657 ID, c'/d, bye-bye.
6195,0 1629-1630 UNID, v.weak \splash; mx, DJ ?, 1630 tk by W. (maybe a stn far away)
6321,9 1846-1853 UNID, e.weak \fading,atmos; instrum mx. 1853 lost - - - - - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6850,0 1904-1919 ARCADIA R., fair\PLC,atmos; jazz, 1908 tnx rpt, 1915 ID "on MW and SW" then in G etc...
6299,9 1920-1955 R. MONIQUE, weak\fading,atmos,unclear audio; in D+E, ID, time check, 1922 Wind of change, 1928 Pirate for Peace, ID, 1942 g's, ID in E, "from the North Sea", pops
6319,8 1926-1942 R. PYTHON, fair; mx, 1935 ID in E, g's, rpt, ID, low power, mx
4025,9 1941-2122 LHH, good+peaks \fading,atmos; tk:Caroline North, 1944 R.Gemini on 6230 ID, etc... 2029 ID
6395,5 1956-2016* WMR, weak\atmos,fades,stanag6391; rock, tk, Days of Pearly Spencer, ID+@, clip from Premier R.Int, 2015 Jack Russell : "now it's R. GSV coming back"
6395,6 2016,2051 R. GSV, ID,mx, 2051 jazz. (2108 gone)
6383,0 2005-2015 LITTLE FEAT R., \v.big stanag 6378; mx, IDs, "Should I stay or should I go"
6263,4 2020-2118 OZNRH %, e.weak \drowned in atmos; mx
6291 u 2031-2126 UNID, weak\much atmos; blues. On 6289 usb around 2040-2117
6300,0 2033-2039 R ETHERFREAK, e.weak \traffic, atmos; pops, IDs. (2050 trace ?)
* * * * * TUES. 30 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6075,0 0610-0726 LASER HOT HITS, weak\PLC; mx, 0612 Martin Scott, ID, 0619 ID. (NOT // 4026)
4026,0 0613-0617 LASER HOT HITS, weak>v.weak \hush noise; mx, ID (NOT // 6075)
6150,0 0719-0912 EUROPA 24 %, \deep fading, "Fernando", pops, 0912 "As tears go by".(before 0630 : Cuba ??)
6150,0 1712-1719 EUROPA 24 %, \bit of splash from 6140; pops
6070,0 1713,1828 UNID, 1713 e. weak mx. 1824 e.weak, pops - - - [ cf CHANNEL 292 ]
6284,9 1715-1833 UNID, weak; D songs. - - - - - - - - - [ cf GROTE VERSIEDER ]
6204,9 1716,1722 UNID, hip-hop, 1722 on 6205,0 - - - [cf EINS LIVE, via ? ]
6322,0 1720-1834 R. ALTREX, weak \muffled; mx, instrum mx, ID by "meuh!" (1846 gone)
6295,0 1814-1831 UNID, week-faie \PLC,traffic6290u; mx, mx. - - - [cf PYTHON ]
6395,6 1835-1844 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC,ut. around; mx, ID, Golf Sierra Victor, ID+@,mx (1901 gone)
6395,6 2023-2050 R. GSV, back on, rock, ID+@, West coast of Scotland, ment' WMR.
6294,8 1847-1856* UNID, mx, mx, end without annt.
6320,0 2024-2106 LITTLE FEAT R., \het6316,bit atmos; mx, tk, 2042: in F about Charlotte Gainsbourg, then Abba 2059 in E, c'/d, g's, ID, a song in F+E, 2102 c'/d, ID+@, Crunchy Granola, motorbike JID, end
6300,0 2025-2048 UNID, fair\fading,bit atmos; mx, tk, tiki, 2045 Julien Clerc"Les gens d'ici". [cf BLAUWE PANTER]
6263,4 2031-2135 OZNRH %, e.weak \some atmos; mx barely heard.
6200,0 2033-2301 MAGIC INT, fair +strong peaks, occ.QRM; pops, many IDs (*NOT* Magic AM), also IDing as CLASSIC HITS R., 2226 "Sufraget city"
6295,0 2054-2121 UNID, weak\atmos,etc; 60s pops: Season of the witch, Stop in the name of love, Just like a woman, Respect, She's not there. 2120 fading down, then lost.
6241,0 2110-2137 HITMIX R., weak \atmos, occ.ut, PLC; pops, D songs, tk. 2126 gd ev', ID, R&R
* * * * * WED. 01 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6200,0 0617-0855 MAGIC INT, fair, then \fading, F fishers 6200u; ID, "classic hits radio on SW", mx
6150,0 0624,0656 EUROPA 24, v.weak; 0624 "High emotion". 0656 ID, mx.
6150,0 1416-1629 EUROPA 24, trace\PLC > fair\QRM from 6145; 1626 ID in G+E+D, Troggs, Beach Boys
6190,0 0850-0855 HLR %, in AM-USB, weak\PLC; R&R, "Carolyn"
6300,0 1604-1614* UNID, D/G song, D mx, D waltz, end
6290,0 1605-1653 RODE ADELAAR, fair; polka, D songs, some C&W. 1617, 1624 IDs.
6284,9 1606-1617* UNID, mx. - - - - - - - - -[ cf PYTHON ]
6070,0 1632-1637 UNID, e.weak-trace \PLC; some mx barely heard
6305,5 1646-1656 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks.
6325,2 1932-2030 CAROLINE INT %, v.-e.weak \PLC; mx parts, "Service international"(in F), more tk no copy, QSY
6290,0 1935-1957 UNID, v.weak\PLC; speeding at 140 bpm for 10 min !, more bpm-techno.(1959 gone). [cf HITMIX ]
6217,8 1950-2000 UNID, e.weak\sp. traffic6215u; Moonlight shadow, more mx, > \deep fading.
6200,0 1954-2040 MAGIC (INT ?), "This is Magic, all Europe radio on SW", pops, 2031 ..classic (hits?)... Also 2314
6943,4 2006-2128 OLD TIME R., e.weak+odd peaks; ID+@, What a night, Dylan, mx,mx, >\noisy, 2128 on 6943,2
6952,9 2016-2128 R. GSV, weak-fair\noisy; mx, IDs+@, g's, R.Stones tracks, then Doors
6318,9 2033-2035* CAROLINE INT %, ex-6325,2. mx, tk in E, sudden off in middle of speech at 2034'52".
6264,0 2036-2115 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos,deep fades. mx
6320,0 2041-2129 trace with audio trace at times
4026,0 2045-2057 LASER HOT HITS, fai +peaks \noisy; mx, 2056 tk, Laser Int.
6290,3 2100-2130 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, tk, IDs not quite OK, 2118 "commercial break", ID
6290,3 2308-2317 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, 2312 ID+@ as R. CAROLINE INT, hip-hop, 2317 JID
* * * * * THURS. 02 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6200,0 0644-0648 MAGIC (INT ?), fair \fading; pops, 0647 "This is Magic", "Loco-motion"
6150,0 0648,0925 EUROPA 24 %, v.weak, Beach Boys "Good vibrations", mx, 0925-0931 e.weak\PLC,ut.?; mx
6070,0 UNID, e.weak\var.disturb.; 0650, 0928, 1853-1900 (1855 ID=?), 1945 retro song, maybe hl in E
6299,9 1514-1524 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk (in D?), 1520 some C&W (in D?) - - - [cf G.V. ]
6319,9 1816-1817* UNID, \atmos; instrum mx, end. - - - - - - - - - - - - [cf TELSTAR INT ]
6200,0 1818-1906 MAGIC (INT ?), fair +peaks \splash from6195; pops, 1919,1906 IDs. (1945 same? 2020 other?)
6200,0 2038-2353 MAGIC (INT ?), mx, 2101,2350 IDs
6395,6 1820-2101 R. GSV, weak\PLC,atmos; live progr., mx, tk,g's,IDs(+@, 1927 blues, 2044 R.Stones
6424,9 1825-1942 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, occ.tk, D songs, 1912 "Venus", "Jolene",.. Congratulations, Mull of Kintyre, Bye bye love, 1940 tk over pop(no copy) - - - - - - - -[cf ZWARTE NON ]
6300,0 1942-2037 BLACK BANDIT, strong, accn, C&W, known voice: ID as RED CHINA R., mx, g's, C&W, v.good mod.
4026,0 1948-2037 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy,atmos; mx, 2022 "Layla", 2026 FSN,OEM, ID, etc.
6320,0 2000-2001 UNID, weak-fair\PLC,atmos; mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6323,1 2013-2103* LITTLE FEAT R., (was on 6322,1 at 2012), ID, "just changed", "I heard it thru the grapevine", 2017 canned ID+@, Witch queen of N.Orleans, 2042 rpt from France, ID+@,.. Siver machine, Bette Davis eyes, 2055 c'/d
6305,0 2050-2055* UNID, week-fair, tk in E (+D ?), Beach Boys, 2051 instrum, end without annt.
6305,0 2103-2111* UNID, tk in G, weather rpt, tk:Deep Purple, ID as FBR EINS (?), 2105 "die ARD informa...", news in G, mx part, tk in G, sudden off.
* * * ** * FRI. 03 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6200,0 0646-0652 MAGIC (INT ?), fair\PLC; mx, IDs (same voice as former SW GOLD), "The great pretender"
6305,1 1332-2142 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\noisy,PLC > fair; mx, IDs, 1350 Tiger feet, 1630 Hang on Sloopy, 1847 multi-ID, 2128 B.Dylan"Hurricane", 2142 f'/down \PLC
6250 V 1419-1453 [ZWARTE] PANTER, e.weak \drifty (6250,1 up to 6251,1 then down), D mx, IDs(part copy), allo test
6250 a 1720-1726 UNID, mx, maybe on 6250 USB approx, noisy mod., never clarified [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ? ]
6265,0 1433-1446 UNID, trace +e.weak peak \PLC, with mx. - - - - - -[ cf ANODE ]
6241,2 1541-1601 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC; mx, 1601 \ut.QRN !, then lost - - - - - - [cf R. DR TIM or COCHIGUAZ ? ]
6150,0 1552-1559 EUROPA 24, v.weak+peaks \PLC,QRM6145; mx, 1557 IDs, "Voyage voyage"
6940,0 1605-1620 PREMIER R. INT, e.weak \traffic6932u; mx, tk (no copy for a moment) 1618 ID
6295,0 1624-1709 UNID, e.weak\PLC,Merlin splash; D songs, accn, Bzn or Abba?, 1704 tk, (1714 gone) [cf HITMIX ]
6324,9 1640-1718 UNID, weak-v.weak \PLC; songs in G ?, 1644 "amateur.." - - -( cf KILOHERTZ ]
6245,0 1656-1658 R. CASANOVA, mx, tk, ID+@, D song.
6200,0 1659-2156 MAGIC (INT ?), mx, 1701 ID, "Owner of a lonely heart", automatic mx player, same operating as SW GOLD, 2053 reader problem [ missed any LHH-like detail around 2000 - found LHH after 2300 ]
6290,0 1709-1711 UNID, accn, 1711 QRM from 6285 (1713 gone). - - - - - - [ cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6285,0 *1711-1714 UNID, mx. - - - - - -(1719 gone)
6240,0 1726-1920 CWR, 80s club mx, 1837 Because the night, IDs, tk in G, hello to Magic AM.
6265,0 1825-1906* UNID, e.weak; J.Cash, jazz"Le grand lion", ..1848 Whiter shade of pale, This is R. - -, ..low power.., waltz, 1857 gd ev', - - Int'l, 1901 clarinet, gd ev', waltz - - - - - -[ cf ANODE ]
6323,0 1841-2037 MUSTANG R., strong > v.strong \occ.muffled; 1844 Waterloo sunset, 1910 ID+@, rock
6300,0 1914-2003 UNID, v.weak\PLC; accn, D instrum, 1952 Red River rock, on 6300,1 then polka
6220,0 1920-1947 UNID, v.weak; accn,tchacs-boom, JM.Jarre"Oxygene", 1927 off-on-off-on, 1929 tk(no copy), War of the worlds, 1940 c'/d, gd ev', rodger from Holland, bye-bye, g's 1943 \big PLC; g's, ..low power.. [cf W. REUS ]
6287,0 2003-2003 UNID, mx, then W singer (oriental style). - - - - - -[ cf RED CHINA ]
6385,0 2005-2012 PREMIER R. INT, e.weak\PLC,ut.splash; mx, 2007 ID, jingle, 2011 ID, tk, mx
6744,0 2014-2019 UNID, in AM-SUP (or USB + weak carrier), M+W voices, magazine in E, about what ?
4026,0 2046-2140 LASER HOT HITS, fair \noisy > good; mx, tk, ID
6940 a 2020-2121 UNID, working on mod. with mx, blanks. 2119 mod OK at last, 2121 blank.
6290,0 2037-2051* UNID, strong, W singer in E, tiki, M singer and sudden s/off
6263,5 2044-2143 OZNRH %, e.weak\PLC,hard to hear; some mx at best times.
6320,0 2059-2104 R. LUXEMBURG, e.weak, mx, tk about hits from 1969, ID+JID, 2104 hard to hear (2111 gone)
6240,0 2105-2110 UNID, \QRM6239,7; pop-rock, "Saturday night fever", "Daydream"
6239,7 2105-2155 UNID, \QRM6240; 2144 accn, 2145 R&R Little Richard, 2150 CCR, allo test een twee
6239,7 2325-2332 UNID, e.-v.weak, instrum mx. - - - [ see ULX2 log around 6240, but for Sat. evening ]
6295,0 2111-2116* UNID, mx, 2115 blank, then off.
6955 L 2157-2204* BALTIC SEA R., mx, 2158 ID, 'piraten' song, 2204 sudden off
6200,0 2332-2341 LASER HOT HITS, strong; ID+@, tk, mx, 2340 LHH Int., mx
* * * * * SAT. 04 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0648-0814 R. MERLIN INT %, rock. (also 1035 some Irish-like mx)
6305,1 1407-1438 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\PLC; rock, 1410 ID, mx (also 1708 v.-e.weak \PLC,atmos;)
6305,1 2052-2135 R. MERLIN INT %, e.weak; rock, mx, 2135 \splash (from ?)
6200,0 0649-0816 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 0744 ID+@ (also 1035, f'/down)
6200,0 1407-1707 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; mx, 1447 ID.
6200,0 2112-2115 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk about Anglia TV, JID, mx (also 2326 mx)
6095,0 0800-0817 KBC, strong; KBC ad, "Coast-to-coast Country" by E.Rosko (no entrance). (Also 1034, 1424)
6257,8 1412-1438 UNID, e.weak \strong ut.QRM,PLC; mx, tk (in E?), 1433 ID in E (RSI ?).
6205,2 1416-1428 UNID, e.weak peaks\PLC, "... dot com", 1422 again - - - [cf KING SW ]
6373,0 1438-1438 UNID, reggae
6940,0 1439-1446 LASER HOT HITS, pops, tk, 1440 ment' Premier, 1444 "on 6-2-9-5", 1445 ID, mx
6295,0 1709-1728 UNID, good-strong, D songs and alike - - - [ cf TOWER ]
6295,0 2053-2200 R. TOWER, strong, mx, 2102 v.gd ev', ID, "nearly 130km from Amsterdam", 2137 D mx
6265,4 1709-1724 R. TANGO ITALIA, anthem-IS-ID, then tango and alike. 2054-2324 multi-ID, tangos etc...
6240,0 1713-1724 UNID, weak-v.weak; pops. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. ANODE ]
6210,1 1714-1722 TECHNISCHE MAN, strong\hum; beat box, tiki, ID in D
6210,1 2056-2147 TECHNICAL MAN, strong; ID+@+hl, polka, pop
6280,05 1728-1730 R. WAVES INT, mx, tk(Summer Meeting), ID+POB, R&R (2051 maybe a trace under China)
6255,0 2054-2054 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, weak-fair; known sound & voice, tk: offshore Radio 390
6320,0 2058-2322 BLACK BANDIT, strong; C&W, song in G +singing op, Blueberry hill, ID as R. RED CHINA, etc
6289,7 2104-2203 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\splash6295; Shadows, ID, c'/d, tk(Jimmy R. ?), mx
6239,9 2107-2146 R. PLUTO SW, e.weak \QRM 6239,6; 2140 ID. Hard to untangle, maybe still on at 2204
6239,6 2107-2325 R. ANODE, e.weak \QRM 6239,9; Hard to untangle, ID at 2319, "reggae time", IDs, 2325 accn
4026,0 2117-2200 LASER HOT HITS, strong; mx, DJ, Laser Int 4-oh-2-5, mx, 2151 ID+@, 2159 R.Gemini nostalgy
3940,0 2118-2159 UNID, e.weak\gurgling ut., v.hard to hear; non stop pop, 2158 tk (no copy) [cf CRAZY WAVE R.]
3905,1 2125-2158 R. ALICE, weak\noisy; "Magic" pop song, Highway to hell, 2157 ID+@, instrum
* * * * * SUN. 05 OCT. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0700-0931 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak\atmos; mx, 0702 ID+@
6289,7 0703-0859 UNID, weak-fair\atmos > v.weak\ut.; mx, 0713 Sweet dreams, 0718 FGTH . [ cf ORANG UTAN]
6279,9 0704-0723 RWI, \atmos,ut.splash6275; C&W, reader problem, ID, Terrible Twins, 0714 in US-E
6279,8 0900-1336 RWI %, v.weak\ut.splash6275; C&W, 1100 tk\now often a trace only (1430 ?trace)
6200,0 0707-0903 LASER HOT HITS, not //, IDs, mx, 0903 ann' 4-oh-2-6 and 14-76. (1010 gone)
4026,0 0710-0711 LASER HOT HITS, not //, mx, tk, Laser Int
6324,9 0716-0722 UNID, fair \atmos,PLC; D or G songs - - - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]
6246,0v 0839-0900 R. UNDERGROUND, fair\PLC, tk, ID+@, JID, Kate Bush,.. 0900 on 6246,4 (0920 gone)
6240,0 0845-0901 UNID, e.weak\RX birdie, QRM6246, F fishers6238,5u; mx. (0920 gone) [cf CAROLINE INT ]
6205,0 0849-0911 UNID, v.weak \squeezed, mushy carrier; mx, quiet pop. - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6319,9 0850-0946 UNID, e.weak\PLC; Those were the days, 0944 E. Moricone mx. [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6299,8 0857-0931 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D songs, accn. - - - - - - - - - [cf NORTON ]
6295,0 0858-0925* R. QUINTUS, weak\PLC; D song, 0922 ment' Paardenkracht, 0923 ID, bye-bye
6220,0 0912-0920 UNID, fair\fading,PLC; over mx: This is Alf(?) the fokker(?), g's, Plastic Bertrand. [cf SCOTLAND ]
6295,0 0927,1005 UNID, e.weak\PLC; 0929 D song. 1005 I&T.Turner"Proud Mary". [cf MONTFERLAND ]
6395,6 0932-1057 R. GSV, v.>e.weak\PLC; tk, IDs, mx.
9485,0 0939-0944 MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB, strong\carrier9490; in G, offshore/DX? news +web sites, IDs, pop-rock
6307,0 0946-1058 UNID, R&R, 60s mx, tk in D over mx, 0950 Under the moon of love, 1002 My baby does the hanky-panky, 1031 \het6305,4 "Working in a coal mine", 1058 Baby you're no good. - - - [cf TELSTAR ]
6205,0 1008-1429 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1102 ID, more mx, IDs+@
7330,0 1034-1055 R. JOYSTICK, strong, mix tk and mx, Charlie Prince show
6295,1 1225-1233 UNID, under PLC, then huge PLC.
9485,0 1244-1323 UNID, in AM-USB, strong\gurgling ut.9485, splash-het9490; long tk in G, mx.
6305,1 1252-1353 UNID, e.weak \deep fades,big PLC; pops - - - [cf PAARDENKRACHT ]
6210,0 1258-1306 UNID, e.weak\big PLC; rock. - - - - - - - - - [cf AC-DC ]
6291,2v 1310-1336 UNID, rock, African~ mx, 1331 - - ShortWave@gmail, mx - - - [cf XTC ]
6324,3 1350-1409 XTC ?, e.weak\PLC,ut.QRMmx, tk in E, same googlemail, XTC (not quite OK)
6095,0 1339-1350 MIGHTY KBC, fair-good >strong \fading; 60s pops, "R&R Rewind" show, Suki-Yaki
6260,1 1409-1412 BAKEN 16, e.weak\PLC,ut. on side,odd fade; tk, IDs, rock (1428 gone)
6250,0 1412-1428 UNID, e.weak\PLC,etc; W singers, 1426 f'/out, lost.
6240,0 1420-1429 UNID, (1338,1401 trace), e.weak\PLC,F fishers6234,5u; mx.
6390 a 1431-1435 QSO ?, 6390,0 at 1434 - 6391,5 at 1433 - 6390,1 at 1433-1435 (Baken 16 ??)
6385,0 1635-1642 PAARDENKRACHT, tk, mx, H.Rising Sun(alt)+ID, Haha said the clown+tk
6385,0 1720-1720 UNID, \PLC,ut.splash; mx . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PLUTO ? ]
6385,1 1821-1852 UNID, e.weak\PLC > v.hard to hear; mx . - - - - - -[ cf PANDA ]
6307,4 1642-1644* UNID, Fortunes"Caroline", end. - - - - - - [cf TITANIC ]
6290,0 1645-1714 RODE ADELAAR, fair, D songs,waltzes, 1656 Plaisir d'amour, ID, D songs
6280,0 1648-1659 UNID, e.weak\PLC, rock, techno
6235,4 1700-2105 R. TANGO ITALIA %, e.weak\PLC, 1700 Nabucco, Argentina~ mx, 1838 tango, 2105 techno tango !
6205,0 1702-2115 LASER HOT HITS, not //, "Mrs Jones", ID+hl+@, mx 1846 ID, 2041 ID+hl, 2113 Tower R. clip
4026,0 1933-2112 LASER HOT HITS, not //, weak-fair\noisy; 1937 ID, ann' 6-9-5-zero, 2108 FSN, Caroline/MiAmigo..
6268,0 1708-1718 ODYNN R., instrum, Radar love, D song, 1716 allo, ID, H.RisinSun. (also 1832 mx)
6307,0 1711-1719 R. RAINBOW, v.weak\PLC; ID, mx, tk
6307,0 1823-1850 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, v.weak\PLC,noisy ut.; mx, 1849 ID, Rainbow web site
6395,7 1720-1855 WMR, weak>air \ut.,PLC; ment' Focus, IDs, mx, 1852 blues
6395,7 1916-2103 R. GSV, \ut.QRM; mx, 1926 ID+@, tk, 1954 Tutti Fruti, 2004 Love desire, etc
6300,0 1824-1826 R. NOR...., gigouillette, ID not OK, then strong stanag QRN, QSY? [ cf NORTH POLE ? ]
6302,0 1826-1828* R. NOR...., ex 6300?, QSY 6302,5, 1828 polka, s/off
6302,0 1830-1831 UNID, tk, mx, lost under Stanag noise - - - - - - [ cf GIGANT ? ]
6255,0 1832-1930 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, fair +peaks \splash around; repeat with Radio 390 clip, comments, typ.
6450,6 1855-1913* R. RAINBOW %, e.weak \F traffic6447,2; mx, D songs, 1911 Stones"Rainbow", end
6940,0 1904-2001 PREMIER R. INT, weak > fair \fading; said Barry Manilov, IDs, stormy, 1959 Man of action, c'/d
6419,7 1916-1916 trace (no audio here, polkas later in DrTim News)
6287,0 1948-2015 BLACK BANDIT, strong-good audio; typ. mx and messing - - - [ cf ABU DHABI ]
6263,5 2039,2105 OZNRH %, e.>v.weak, v. quiet mx
6070,0 2044-2053 R. CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak\noisy; No stop : pop, R&R, folk song.
6295,0 2219-2230 BLACK BANDIT, strong-good audio \odd fades; mx, known voice, rpt from Portugal
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 29 SEP. - 05 OCT. 2014
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France