LOGS : 01 - 07 SEP. 2014
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 22:20 pm
Look for OZNRH testing on 6263,4 with very weak signals (much work to do). Almost all other loggings not already published on Internet are for very short transmissions, except : maybe Pluto(?) on Thursday evening, Unid on Saturday at 1228-1246*, and some signals under strong QRM. Note a lot of SSB signals, and UNID blues stations (not allways the same ones!). One shots : R. Starlight, R. Egerland. Quite a good week when remembered 3 months later.
* * * * * MON. 01 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6285,0 1557-1655 R. TELSTAR INT, weak\PLC; pop,polka, D songs, tk in D, ID? in the middle of g's to D stns
6920,0 1615-1628* MUSTANG R., weak-fair \messing; tchacs, synthe, 1625 allo een twee Pony.. ID, 1628 blank
6952,0 2107-2109* UNID, singer in D (quiet), s/off at 2109'45" [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
4026,0 2115-2120 LASER HOT HITS, fair\RTTY4020; ID, tk, Wake me up before you go go, Dragonslayer, tk
* * * * * TUES. 02 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0735-0739 EUROPA 24, weak\PLC; mx, triple ID
6285,0 1341-1355 R. ODYNN, e.>v.weak \PLC; Mx, D song, 1353 ID, tk, mx
6290,1 1630-1646* UNID, v.weak \noisy,hum; Yellow sun of E. , KISS, stn underneath?, noname c'/d [cf SILVERBACK]
6306,5 1837-1839* R. ROB 007, \F fishers 6307,5u; mx, ID+@ (zero zero seven), repeated
6306,5 *1840-1840* UNID, voice rpt for Rob
6397,0 1842-2017 R. GSV, \occ.stanag burst; mx, tk, IDs. 1844 Walk like an Egyptian
6299,9 1852-1909* UNID, fair\PLC; Bad case of loving you, tk, 1900 Satisfaction (with on/off audio). [cf ROZ ]
6290,0 1909-1948 R. MONTFERLAND, rockabilly, guitars, movies, 1938 ID, g's
6305,9 1941-1947* UNID, (1909 alr. blank), singer in E, sudden s/off. [cf KLEINE Z. ]
6205,0 1948-2053* WITTE REUS, v.weak, alt IDs at first (Malaka??), JM.Jarre, Eagles, Yes, from 2014 IDs, mx
6263,4 1958-2145 trace, no audio heard, maybe OZNRH testing
6850,0 2005-2040 ARCADIA R., jazz, 2031 ID, ..on MW & SW ..dedicated to jazz and..
6950,0 2018-2018 UNID, mx. [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6305 L 2054-2109 UNID, in LSB, weak-v.weak\PLC,atmos; blues, mx, 2109 some tk in E, then end ?
4025,9 2114-2150 LASER HOT HITS, good \noisy; mx, ID, tk: 1991, gale in July, mx
3929,9 2115-2153 R. BATAVIA, e.weak \traffic 3927u, hard to hear; mx, "Poupée de cire", "Open up...", 2130 ID+web
* * * * * WED. 03 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 1718-2116 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak>fair \F fishers 6307,5u; mx, 1742 ID, mx, 2006 ID+hl+@, 2036 multi ID
6300,0 1718-1737* UNID, nonstop mx, \hum all along (from a mushy carrier still there after 1737)
6292,0 1730-1734* UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1734 noname c'/d, end [cf HITMIX ]
6290,0 1738-1810 R. PYTHON, mx, mx, 1800 ID, 1801 ID+@, mx (1823 gone)
6380,0 1744-2021 R. JAMAICA, v.weak\loc.noise;mx, 1803-1808 mx, IDs+hl (+ various @ ?), later mx \stanag bursts
6849,1 1811-1821 R. GSV, e.weak, mx, ID, rock.
4026,0 1827,2002 LASER HOT HITS, (not there at 1824), 1827: weak\hissy noise; mx, tk, Laser, 2002: mx
6802,7 1920-1943 UNID, reggae \strong RTTY 6802,0; 1922 clear, mx, 1928 Rose garden [cf PINK PANTHER ]
6853,1 1929-1929* UNID, last seconds of mx.
6952,8 1931-2135 R. GSV, rock, blues, 1941 v.muffled tk, ID by W, 2010 blues, 2018 ID
6239,8 1948-2036 UNID, v.weak\ut.bursts; Ferré Grignard"Ring ring I have to sing", 2000 La Bamba [cf G.STER ]
6295,0 2022-2032 R. ETHERFREAK, weak+peaks; mx, 2026 clear ID+@ by W, Israelites, 2030 ID by M, c'/d
6263,25 2111-2115 trace or blank carrier (not the exact spot of OZNRH)
6925,0 2118-2137 UNID, fair \atmos, Morse, traffic(Brasil?); R&R, Elvis, early 60s pops, 2135 Lucille [cf TRX ? ]
* * * * * THURS. 04 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0712-0713* UNID, mx.
6305,1 1630-1635 R. MERLIN INT, \traffic6300u,noisy ut.6307a; mx, IDs, "Jean genie"
6290,7 1718-1719 UNID, e.weak\bad fading, mx, quickly lost
6284,0 1720-1727 UNID, v.-e.weak \PLC; mx, pop [cf HITMIX ]
6952,8 1844-1953 R. GSV, weak +peaks \some atmos, ut; piano jazz, 1851 IDs, blues, later rock, 1953 ID
6945 L 1853-1901 UNID, mx (not clear) 1859: 40" off between tracks
3905,1 1902-2013 UNID, e.-v.weak\loc.noise,atmos; blues, 50s R&R, 1908 "Stupid cupid"
4026,0 1906-2142 LASER HOT HITS, fair\loc.noise,RTTY4020a; mx, 2002 Laser Int, 2142 Caroline story
6290,1 1912-1924 UNID, fair\noisy, soso mod; Yellow sun.. , 1920-1924 \het6290,3; accn, song in sp. [cf SILVERBACK ]
6380,0 1913-2019 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\atmos, dropouts; jazz, tchacs, Mungo J;, 1929 ID, "That's the way I like it", 2015 Get it on, IDs, apologizes for dropouts, She'd rather be with me. (still mx at 2151, fair-good).
6321,9 1936-2014 NMD R., good peaks; "I got you babe", more 60s pops, tk above, g's, ID+@, 2013 c'/d
6289,8 1940-2001* UNID, e/weak \atmos; mx, D? song, mx, 1957 tnx, bye-bye, new antenna [cf RONALISA ]
6207,0 2020-2046 UNID, v.weak\atmos,PLC; ".. all Europe radio on SW", mx, tk (far from mike) [cf BNA ]
6295,1 2028-2148 UNID, weak\noisy,atmos; mx mix, Whiter shade..., 2122 What is love, ..Love shack, g's [cf VAT 69]
6318,8 2118-2149 R. PLUTO ?, weak-v.weak\atmos,PLC; mx, IDs no copy except at 2124 almost OK
6305,1 2119-2149 R. UNDERGROUND, good; mx, Asian song, bugles, 2148 ID, yodl
3929,8 2135-2151 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\noisy,atmos; Bzn, California dreaming, Downtown, 2150 ID+@ (.tk?)
* * * ** * FRI. 05 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6284,7 1302-1711 FOCUS INT, v.weak>weak \PLC; mx, pop, rock, IDs, website, @
6284,7 1819-2205 FOCUS INT, good; "Taxman", 1923 Supremes, Plastic Bertrand, 2052 "London calling"
6240,0 1627-1641 UNID, e.weak\PLC, slight het on 6239,5; mx, mx. (1711 gone). [ cf HITMIX ]
6300 a 1638-1654 UNID, bad TX, self jamming. mx under noise, hard rock, Beatles "Get back" [ cf POWER AM ]
6291,9 1650-1654* Z. ODYNN, accn then barrel organ, g's, ID in D, end at 1653'50".
6424,8 1655-1714 UNID, e.weak\bit PLC; mx and tk, much too weak. [cf STARLIGHT ]
6747,1 1702-1834* PIONEER R., v.weak\PLC; mx, Beatles"A day in the life", 1829 Hurricanes, 1833 ID, 1834 blank
6324,85 1707-1716 UNID, weak-v.weak \bad scratching ut.QRM on 6330; D song with accn [cf NORTON ]
6294,9 1813-1818* UNID, parts of rock, tk above mx. 1817 Hendrix"..watch tower", 1818 sudden s/off [ cf ODYNN ]
6209,9 1820-1826* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk in D by M+W, mx, end at 1826'40" [ cf STARLIGHT ]
6849,0 1836-2001 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC; blues, 1842 ID, rock, jazz, 1939 ID+@, 1957 rock
6300,05 1846-1848* UNID, v.weak +peaks \PLC; mx, sudden s/off at 1847'50"
6205,5 1849-2213 R. TANGO ITALIA, non stop tango, 2003 ID
6215,0 1911-1917 UNID, e.-v.weak \PLC; mx, 1916 instrum techno. [ cf WITTE REUS ]
4025,9 1918-2137 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good \fading; jazzy, tk, mx. 2007 \traffic 4022,5; 2012 ID, 2137 Dragonslayer
6380,0 1927-2156 LITTLE FEAT R. mx, tk, IDs. 1947 first clear ID (in E+F), F singer(JJ Goldman), g's, 2126 Stones
6399,9 2041-2157 UNID, v.weak\PLC; some blues mx, 2045 killed by 6400 carrier+1000Hz test tone
6300,0 2106-2108 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, gd ev', ... SW, 2108 ID by W (no copy), instrum mx. [cf BLAUWE PANTER]
6290,0 2110-2114 BLAUWE PANTER %, House of the Rising Sun, next track, but QSY
6300,0 2114-2217 BLAUWE PANTER R., \ut.QRM6302a; 2115 Angie, test-1-2, 2119 ID, 2135 messing, 2213 ZZ Top
6264,8 2205-2319 ODYNN R., good\fading; mx, 2211 hello, ID in D+E, g's to chat, ID...
* * * * * SAT. 06 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6284,7 0654-0841 FOCUS INT, v.weak\PLC; pops, duo tk, IDs, contacts, 0807 "Fire brigade"
6284,8 1214-1614 FOCUS INT, v.>e.weak>weak, \PLC; pops, 1354 ID+hl,1406 Linda Ronstadt "It's so easy"
6284,8 1846-2111 FOCUS INT, easy; pop, rock, IDs, 2040 tk: WishboneAsh-R.Caroline-Led Zeppelin
6150,0 0655-0758 UNID, weak; instrum mx (incl' rock)
7265,0 0755-0757 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, weak-v.weak; jazz
6095,0 *0800-0802 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong\fading; "time to warm up the tubes" with Rosko, C&W
6200,0 0809-0816 UNID, e.weak > trace \PLC; instrum mx, then a trace, 0816 s/off ?
6300,0 1215-1339 UNID, e.weak\PLC, fades; mx, tk, D mx, polka, end on 6299,9. [cf GROTE VERSIEDER ]
6325,1 1228-1246* UNID, e.weak-trace \PLC; mx.
6290,0 1236-1238 RODE ADELAAR, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx, 1238 ID.
6925,0 1302-1306 UNID, v.weak; 1302 mx, 1304 long blank
6199,8 1407-1515 UNID, (was a trace), e.weak\fading,strange ut.QRM,PLC; mx, 1419 San Francisco [cf GROENTE B. ]
6300,0 1449-1457 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, tk. [cf WITTE REUS ]
6397,0 1457-1503 UNID, e.weak+v.weak peaks \PLC; Man of action, ..final .. R.Northsea Int .., mx, tk
6747,1 1504-1510 PIONEER R., polka, ID+@, D song
6255,0 1610-1624 UNID, \scratching ut.noise 6254a; accn, C&W, D instrum mx. [cf NORTH POLE ]
6320,0 1821-1857 R. ALTREX, \occ. traffic; Meuh!, tk in D, Dank U, Merci beaucoup, Ici R. Altrex, gd ev', mx
6305,1 1826-2211 R. MERLIN INT, fair-good\fading,PLC,etc; Caroline: Flashback-story-jingles-songs..., 1902 ID
6290,0 1839-1918 RODE ADELAAR, D song "Papa.. Mama...", 1903 tk, ID, ID+@, mx
6210,0 1848-1918 UNID, e.weak\undermod,noisy, atmos; mk, tk, 1854 \bad PLC too [cf SKYLINE R G ]
6380,0 1919-1922 MUSTANG ?, strong; mx, tk in D, mx.
6405,0 1920-2057* UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, 2025 "Tonight"
6425,2 1937-2120 STUDIO 52, \ut.noise(u-side),atmos,PLC; mx, rock, polka, 2027 IDs, g's, 2120 killed by ut.
6940,0 1945-1957 UNID, \stanag on 6938; mx, mx. (2029 gone) [cf PREMIER ]
4026,0 2001-2042 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy,atmos; mx, tk, ID
6324,9 2003-2036 UNID, fair-good \PLC,ut.QRM; D songs. [ cf NORTON ]
6263,5 2008-2154 OZNRH %, trace \audio under noise, 2111 het 6265(see below)
6290,0 2006-2110 UNID, e.weak; C&W, mx. [cf RNW ]
6238,9 2012,2041 R. UNDERGROUND, good\fading; ID, JID, g's, 2041: on 6239,15 tk, g's, JID, mx
6300,0 2036-2109 R. POWERLINER INT, fair; rock, 2051 Hendrix"..watch tower", 2059 ID, test, 2109 Shaft
6265,0 2111-2117 UNID, v.weak \het 6263,5; mx, some tk, "test", bpm, "test" (2153 gone) [cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6925,0 2121-2145 R. TRX, \it. traffic; H.of RisingSun, Twist again, Good day sun shines, Suzy Q, 2133 IDs, f/down
6295,2 2148-2214 ARTEM, strong peaks; "Sin Fronteras" (IDs, mx), 2156 ment' Pirana, 2157 Alan Stivell "Tri martolod" live in Lorient, \deep fading, 2212 "O Coracao do Brasil", 2214 rock. (also 2326 : D? song in E) [via BORDERHUNTER ]
* * * * * SUN. 07 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0745-1036 R. MERLIN INT, v.-e.weak \PLC, occ. ut(u-side); mx, 0747 JID, mx, 0902 ID
6284,8 0748-1235 FOCUS INT, fair>e.weak, pop, rock, 0751 ID. (Also 1455 "Chanson d'amour", 1530 mx)
6284,7 1658-2146 FOCUS INT, weak>fair, mx, 1942 "7 nations army", ID+@
6250,0 0752-0756 UNID, e.weak \PLC, ut.; mx. (0823 gone) [cf PLUTO ]
6150,0 0756-0948 UNID, v.weak\PLC > e. weak; instrum mx. (1504: trace) [ cf EUROPA 24 ]
6140,0 *0759-0900* MV BALTIC R., strong; Man of action, ID+@, mx, 0813 Caroline, mx, IDs, 0858 tchuss
6095,0 0801-0948 KBC (Trucker R.) %, v.strong, C&W, duo tk.
6260,0 0804-0853 UNID, v.weak \PLC,traffic; mx, contacts?, 0808 ID no copy, 0830 \big PLC now; [cf THUNDERBIRD ]
6290,1 0845-0905 UNID, e.weak; mx, pop-rock, 0851 ID no copy, 0903 Man of action. (+ 0944: trace) [cf RONALISA]
6205,1 0855,0912 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.; mx. 0912: f'/down to a trace. [cf KING SW ]
9485,0 *0900-0934 MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB. Man of action, ID in E +web site, mx, 0930 ID in G, Man of action
6250,0 0906-1041 UNID, e.weak\PLC; yodl, ID no copy, g's, 0944"Caroline", D songs. [cf CASANOVA ]
7327,0 0935-0941 SALLANDSE BOER ??, e.weak; mx, ID not OK, 0938 ID (seemed OK), 0939 thank you Klaus, then "Ghostbusters". [ DrTim Logged RMGP ]
6295,0 1037-1040 BORDERHUNTER R., weak-v.weak\PLC; mx, ID in E, Righeira?
6200,0 1041-1050 UNID, e.weak \fading,PLC; mx, 1044 some tk, mx, 1048 "I got the power" alike [cf TECH MAN]
6290,0 1236-1241 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx [cf GROTE VERSIEDER ]
6305,8 1439-1530 UNID, e.weak > v.weak\PLC; C&W? then many D songs. [cf R. JOEY ]
6280,0 1456-1531 UNID, v.weak \squeezed ut.-Focus, bad fading; mx, pop, 1531 tk
6950,0 1513-1709 LASER HOT HITS, \fading; mx, ann' 6950 and 4026, hl, D.Norris, Laser Int, later \traffic QRM
6380,0 1636-1637* UNID, on/off mx, then s/off.
6265,8v 1641-1657 trace, drifting to 6267,2 kHz. No audio heard here. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6255,4 1642-1948 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak \PLC; tango. (Also at 2147)
6199,9 1643-1655 TECHNICAL/TECHNISCHE MAN, strong peaks; D song, IDs, bpm, IDs, "for short moments"
6199,9 1713-1715 TECHNICAL/TECHNISCHE MAN, Doors?, then trapped at 180bpm, ID in D, rep? to the Voice
6199,8 1720-1722 THE VOICE ?, in E, \hum; mx, bye-bye, s/off. (then China ? on 6200)
4026,0 1717,1954,2148 LHH %, mx, 1719 Bzn, 1954: tk, ..on 4026.., mx, 2148 mx.
6240,0 1826-1838 UNID, v.weak\much atmos,F traffic on 6238,5u: v.hard to hear; mx, D? mx, tk. [cf HITMIX ]
6265,0 1839-2027 BOGUSMAN, good \much atmos; tk about Led Zeppelin, rock, more tk, 1948 "IDing"
6304,9 1852-1908 UNID, v.weak\much atmos; D.Summer"Hot stuff", mx, 1904 tk, ID no copy. [cf PYTHON ]
6319,9 1857-2036 R. EGERLAND, weak +peaks \much atmos; G/D brass mx, G/D polka &waltz, 1910 ID (in G?)
6299,95 1903-1903 UNID, v.e.weak\much atmos; mx. (not heard at 1908)
6396,9 1927-1952 WEEKEND MUSIC R., fair\PLC, much atmos; ID+@, duo tk (replies: Scottish accent!)
6240,0 2009-2012 UNID, e.weak\much atmos, ut.QRM. Beatles "8 days a week", more mx, but lost.
6950,0 2028-2035 LITTLE FEAT R., weak\atmos; R&R, ID, mx, ID+@, rock
6315,0 2036-2044 "-- -- MUSIC R.", weak\atmos; D.Straits, Sugar baby love, I got you babe, 2043 ID not OK, mx
6848,9 2138-2200 R. GSV, weak\PLC,atmos; mx, tk, IDs. 2143 g's to Jari, 2154 Riders on the storm
6990 L 2302-2304 UNID, mx, on/off audio (and no carrier)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc...; details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
Look for OZNRH testing on 6263,4 with very weak signals (much work to do). Almost all other loggings not already published on Internet are for very short transmissions, except : maybe Pluto(?) on Thursday evening, Unid on Saturday at 1228-1246*, and some signals under strong QRM. Note a lot of SSB signals, and UNID blues stations (not allways the same ones!). One shots : R. Starlight, R. Egerland. Quite a good week when remembered 3 months later.
* * * * * MON. 01 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6285,0 1557-1655 R. TELSTAR INT, weak\PLC; pop,polka, D songs, tk in D, ID? in the middle of g's to D stns
6920,0 1615-1628* MUSTANG R., weak-fair \messing; tchacs, synthe, 1625 allo een twee Pony.. ID, 1628 blank
6952,0 2107-2109* UNID, singer in D (quiet), s/off at 2109'45" [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
4026,0 2115-2120 LASER HOT HITS, fair\RTTY4020; ID, tk, Wake me up before you go go, Dragonslayer, tk
* * * * * TUES. 02 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0735-0739 EUROPA 24, weak\PLC; mx, triple ID
6285,0 1341-1355 R. ODYNN, e.>v.weak \PLC; Mx, D song, 1353 ID, tk, mx
6290,1 1630-1646* UNID, v.weak \noisy,hum; Yellow sun of E. , KISS, stn underneath?, noname c'/d [cf SILVERBACK]
6306,5 1837-1839* R. ROB 007, \F fishers 6307,5u; mx, ID+@ (zero zero seven), repeated
6306,5 *1840-1840* UNID, voice rpt for Rob
6397,0 1842-2017 R. GSV, \occ.stanag burst; mx, tk, IDs. 1844 Walk like an Egyptian
6299,9 1852-1909* UNID, fair\PLC; Bad case of loving you, tk, 1900 Satisfaction (with on/off audio). [cf ROZ ]
6290,0 1909-1948 R. MONTFERLAND, rockabilly, guitars, movies, 1938 ID, g's
6305,9 1941-1947* UNID, (1909 alr. blank), singer in E, sudden s/off. [cf KLEINE Z. ]
6205,0 1948-2053* WITTE REUS, v.weak, alt IDs at first (Malaka??), JM.Jarre, Eagles, Yes, from 2014 IDs, mx
6263,4 1958-2145 trace, no audio heard, maybe OZNRH testing
6850,0 2005-2040 ARCADIA R., jazz, 2031 ID, ..on MW & SW ..dedicated to jazz and..
6950,0 2018-2018 UNID, mx. [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6305 L 2054-2109 UNID, in LSB, weak-v.weak\PLC,atmos; blues, mx, 2109 some tk in E, then end ?
4025,9 2114-2150 LASER HOT HITS, good \noisy; mx, ID, tk: 1991, gale in July, mx
3929,9 2115-2153 R. BATAVIA, e.weak \traffic 3927u, hard to hear; mx, "Poupée de cire", "Open up...", 2130 ID+web
* * * * * WED. 03 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 1718-2116 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak>fair \F fishers 6307,5u; mx, 1742 ID, mx, 2006 ID+hl+@, 2036 multi ID
6300,0 1718-1737* UNID, nonstop mx, \hum all along (from a mushy carrier still there after 1737)
6292,0 1730-1734* UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1734 noname c'/d, end [cf HITMIX ]
6290,0 1738-1810 R. PYTHON, mx, mx, 1800 ID, 1801 ID+@, mx (1823 gone)
6380,0 1744-2021 R. JAMAICA, v.weak\loc.noise;mx, 1803-1808 mx, IDs+hl (+ various @ ?), later mx \stanag bursts
6849,1 1811-1821 R. GSV, e.weak, mx, ID, rock.
4026,0 1827,2002 LASER HOT HITS, (not there at 1824), 1827: weak\hissy noise; mx, tk, Laser, 2002: mx
6802,7 1920-1943 UNID, reggae \strong RTTY 6802,0; 1922 clear, mx, 1928 Rose garden [cf PINK PANTHER ]
6853,1 1929-1929* UNID, last seconds of mx.
6952,8 1931-2135 R. GSV, rock, blues, 1941 v.muffled tk, ID by W, 2010 blues, 2018 ID
6239,8 1948-2036 UNID, v.weak\ut.bursts; Ferré Grignard"Ring ring I have to sing", 2000 La Bamba [cf G.STER ]
6295,0 2022-2032 R. ETHERFREAK, weak+peaks; mx, 2026 clear ID+@ by W, Israelites, 2030 ID by M, c'/d
6263,25 2111-2115 trace or blank carrier (not the exact spot of OZNRH)
6925,0 2118-2137 UNID, fair \atmos, Morse, traffic(Brasil?); R&R, Elvis, early 60s pops, 2135 Lucille [cf TRX ? ]
* * * * * THURS. 04 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0712-0713* UNID, mx.
6305,1 1630-1635 R. MERLIN INT, \traffic6300u,noisy ut.6307a; mx, IDs, "Jean genie"
6290,7 1718-1719 UNID, e.weak\bad fading, mx, quickly lost
6284,0 1720-1727 UNID, v.-e.weak \PLC; mx, pop [cf HITMIX ]
6952,8 1844-1953 R. GSV, weak +peaks \some atmos, ut; piano jazz, 1851 IDs, blues, later rock, 1953 ID
6945 L 1853-1901 UNID, mx (not clear) 1859: 40" off between tracks
3905,1 1902-2013 UNID, e.-v.weak\loc.noise,atmos; blues, 50s R&R, 1908 "Stupid cupid"
4026,0 1906-2142 LASER HOT HITS, fair\loc.noise,RTTY4020a; mx, 2002 Laser Int, 2142 Caroline story
6290,1 1912-1924 UNID, fair\noisy, soso mod; Yellow sun.. , 1920-1924 \het6290,3; accn, song in sp. [cf SILVERBACK ]
6380,0 1913-2019 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\atmos, dropouts; jazz, tchacs, Mungo J;, 1929 ID, "That's the way I like it", 2015 Get it on, IDs, apologizes for dropouts, She'd rather be with me. (still mx at 2151, fair-good).
6321,9 1936-2014 NMD R., good peaks; "I got you babe", more 60s pops, tk above, g's, ID+@, 2013 c'/d
6289,8 1940-2001* UNID, e/weak \atmos; mx, D? song, mx, 1957 tnx, bye-bye, new antenna [cf RONALISA ]
6207,0 2020-2046 UNID, v.weak\atmos,PLC; ".. all Europe radio on SW", mx, tk (far from mike) [cf BNA ]
6295,1 2028-2148 UNID, weak\noisy,atmos; mx mix, Whiter shade..., 2122 What is love, ..Love shack, g's [cf VAT 69]
6318,8 2118-2149 R. PLUTO ?, weak-v.weak\atmos,PLC; mx, IDs no copy except at 2124 almost OK
6305,1 2119-2149 R. UNDERGROUND, good; mx, Asian song, bugles, 2148 ID, yodl
3929,8 2135-2151 R. BATAVIA, v.weak\noisy,atmos; Bzn, California dreaming, Downtown, 2150 ID+@ (.tk?)
* * * ** * FRI. 05 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6284,7 1302-1711 FOCUS INT, v.weak>weak \PLC; mx, pop, rock, IDs, website, @
6284,7 1819-2205 FOCUS INT, good; "Taxman", 1923 Supremes, Plastic Bertrand, 2052 "London calling"
6240,0 1627-1641 UNID, e.weak\PLC, slight het on 6239,5; mx, mx. (1711 gone). [ cf HITMIX ]
6300 a 1638-1654 UNID, bad TX, self jamming. mx under noise, hard rock, Beatles "Get back" [ cf POWER AM ]
6291,9 1650-1654* Z. ODYNN, accn then barrel organ, g's, ID in D, end at 1653'50".
6424,8 1655-1714 UNID, e.weak\bit PLC; mx and tk, much too weak. [cf STARLIGHT ]
6747,1 1702-1834* PIONEER R., v.weak\PLC; mx, Beatles"A day in the life", 1829 Hurricanes, 1833 ID, 1834 blank
6324,85 1707-1716 UNID, weak-v.weak \bad scratching ut.QRM on 6330; D song with accn [cf NORTON ]
6294,9 1813-1818* UNID, parts of rock, tk above mx. 1817 Hendrix"..watch tower", 1818 sudden s/off [ cf ODYNN ]
6209,9 1820-1826* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk in D by M+W, mx, end at 1826'40" [ cf STARLIGHT ]
6849,0 1836-2001 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC; blues, 1842 ID, rock, jazz, 1939 ID+@, 1957 rock
6300,05 1846-1848* UNID, v.weak +peaks \PLC; mx, sudden s/off at 1847'50"
6205,5 1849-2213 R. TANGO ITALIA, non stop tango, 2003 ID
6215,0 1911-1917 UNID, e.-v.weak \PLC; mx, 1916 instrum techno. [ cf WITTE REUS ]
4025,9 1918-2137 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good \fading; jazzy, tk, mx. 2007 \traffic 4022,5; 2012 ID, 2137 Dragonslayer
6380,0 1927-2156 LITTLE FEAT R. mx, tk, IDs. 1947 first clear ID (in E+F), F singer(JJ Goldman), g's, 2126 Stones
6399,9 2041-2157 UNID, v.weak\PLC; some blues mx, 2045 killed by 6400 carrier+1000Hz test tone
6300,0 2106-2108 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, gd ev', ... SW, 2108 ID by W (no copy), instrum mx. [cf BLAUWE PANTER]
6290,0 2110-2114 BLAUWE PANTER %, House of the Rising Sun, next track, but QSY
6300,0 2114-2217 BLAUWE PANTER R., \ut.QRM6302a; 2115 Angie, test-1-2, 2119 ID, 2135 messing, 2213 ZZ Top
6264,8 2205-2319 ODYNN R., good\fading; mx, 2211 hello, ID in D+E, g's to chat, ID...
* * * * * SAT. 06 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6284,7 0654-0841 FOCUS INT, v.weak\PLC; pops, duo tk, IDs, contacts, 0807 "Fire brigade"
6284,8 1214-1614 FOCUS INT, v.>e.weak>weak, \PLC; pops, 1354 ID+hl,1406 Linda Ronstadt "It's so easy"
6284,8 1846-2111 FOCUS INT, easy; pop, rock, IDs, 2040 tk: WishboneAsh-R.Caroline-Led Zeppelin
6150,0 0655-0758 UNID, weak; instrum mx (incl' rock)
7265,0 0755-0757 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, weak-v.weak; jazz
6095,0 *0800-0802 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong\fading; "time to warm up the tubes" with Rosko, C&W
6200,0 0809-0816 UNID, e.weak > trace \PLC; instrum mx, then a trace, 0816 s/off ?
6300,0 1215-1339 UNID, e.weak\PLC, fades; mx, tk, D mx, polka, end on 6299,9. [cf GROTE VERSIEDER ]
6325,1 1228-1246* UNID, e.weak-trace \PLC; mx.
6290,0 1236-1238 RODE ADELAAR, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx, 1238 ID.
6925,0 1302-1306 UNID, v.weak; 1302 mx, 1304 long blank
6199,8 1407-1515 UNID, (was a trace), e.weak\fading,strange ut.QRM,PLC; mx, 1419 San Francisco [cf GROENTE B. ]
6300,0 1449-1457 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, tk. [cf WITTE REUS ]
6397,0 1457-1503 UNID, e.weak+v.weak peaks \PLC; Man of action, ..final .. R.Northsea Int .., mx, tk
6747,1 1504-1510 PIONEER R., polka, ID+@, D song
6255,0 1610-1624 UNID, \scratching ut.noise 6254a; accn, C&W, D instrum mx. [cf NORTH POLE ]
6320,0 1821-1857 R. ALTREX, \occ. traffic; Meuh!, tk in D, Dank U, Merci beaucoup, Ici R. Altrex, gd ev', mx
6305,1 1826-2211 R. MERLIN INT, fair-good\fading,PLC,etc; Caroline: Flashback-story-jingles-songs..., 1902 ID
6290,0 1839-1918 RODE ADELAAR, D song "Papa.. Mama...", 1903 tk, ID, ID+@, mx
6210,0 1848-1918 UNID, e.weak\undermod,noisy, atmos; mk, tk, 1854 \bad PLC too [cf SKYLINE R G ]
6380,0 1919-1922 MUSTANG ?, strong; mx, tk in D, mx.
6405,0 1920-2057* UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, 2025 "Tonight"
6425,2 1937-2120 STUDIO 52, \ut.noise(u-side),atmos,PLC; mx, rock, polka, 2027 IDs, g's, 2120 killed by ut.
6940,0 1945-1957 UNID, \stanag on 6938; mx, mx. (2029 gone) [cf PREMIER ]
4026,0 2001-2042 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy,atmos; mx, tk, ID
6324,9 2003-2036 UNID, fair-good \PLC,ut.QRM; D songs. [ cf NORTON ]
6263,5 2008-2154 OZNRH %, trace \audio under noise, 2111 het 6265(see below)
6290,0 2006-2110 UNID, e.weak; C&W, mx. [cf RNW ]
6238,9 2012,2041 R. UNDERGROUND, good\fading; ID, JID, g's, 2041: on 6239,15 tk, g's, JID, mx
6300,0 2036-2109 R. POWERLINER INT, fair; rock, 2051 Hendrix"..watch tower", 2059 ID, test, 2109 Shaft
6265,0 2111-2117 UNID, v.weak \het 6263,5; mx, some tk, "test", bpm, "test" (2153 gone) [cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6925,0 2121-2145 R. TRX, \it. traffic; H.of RisingSun, Twist again, Good day sun shines, Suzy Q, 2133 IDs, f/down
6295,2 2148-2214 ARTEM, strong peaks; "Sin Fronteras" (IDs, mx), 2156 ment' Pirana, 2157 Alan Stivell "Tri martolod" live in Lorient, \deep fading, 2212 "O Coracao do Brasil", 2214 rock. (also 2326 : D? song in E) [via BORDERHUNTER ]
* * * * * SUN. 07 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0745-1036 R. MERLIN INT, v.-e.weak \PLC, occ. ut(u-side); mx, 0747 JID, mx, 0902 ID
6284,8 0748-1235 FOCUS INT, fair>e.weak, pop, rock, 0751 ID. (Also 1455 "Chanson d'amour", 1530 mx)
6284,7 1658-2146 FOCUS INT, weak>fair, mx, 1942 "7 nations army", ID+@
6250,0 0752-0756 UNID, e.weak \PLC, ut.; mx. (0823 gone) [cf PLUTO ]
6150,0 0756-0948 UNID, v.weak\PLC > e. weak; instrum mx. (1504: trace) [ cf EUROPA 24 ]
6140,0 *0759-0900* MV BALTIC R., strong; Man of action, ID+@, mx, 0813 Caroline, mx, IDs, 0858 tchuss
6095,0 0801-0948 KBC (Trucker R.) %, v.strong, C&W, duo tk.
6260,0 0804-0853 UNID, v.weak \PLC,traffic; mx, contacts?, 0808 ID no copy, 0830 \big PLC now; [cf THUNDERBIRD ]
6290,1 0845-0905 UNID, e.weak; mx, pop-rock, 0851 ID no copy, 0903 Man of action. (+ 0944: trace) [cf RONALISA]
6205,1 0855,0912 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.; mx. 0912: f'/down to a trace. [cf KING SW ]
9485,0 *0900-0934 MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB. Man of action, ID in E +web site, mx, 0930 ID in G, Man of action
6250,0 0906-1041 UNID, e.weak\PLC; yodl, ID no copy, g's, 0944"Caroline", D songs. [cf CASANOVA ]
7327,0 0935-0941 SALLANDSE BOER ??, e.weak; mx, ID not OK, 0938 ID (seemed OK), 0939 thank you Klaus, then "Ghostbusters". [ DrTim Logged RMGP ]
6295,0 1037-1040 BORDERHUNTER R., weak-v.weak\PLC; mx, ID in E, Righeira?
6200,0 1041-1050 UNID, e.weak \fading,PLC; mx, 1044 some tk, mx, 1048 "I got the power" alike [cf TECH MAN]
6290,0 1236-1241 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC; mx [cf GROTE VERSIEDER ]
6305,8 1439-1530 UNID, e.weak > v.weak\PLC; C&W? then many D songs. [cf R. JOEY ]
6280,0 1456-1531 UNID, v.weak \squeezed ut.-Focus, bad fading; mx, pop, 1531 tk
6950,0 1513-1709 LASER HOT HITS, \fading; mx, ann' 6950 and 4026, hl, D.Norris, Laser Int, later \traffic QRM
6380,0 1636-1637* UNID, on/off mx, then s/off.
6265,8v 1641-1657 trace, drifting to 6267,2 kHz. No audio heard here. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6255,4 1642-1948 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak \PLC; tango. (Also at 2147)
6199,9 1643-1655 TECHNICAL/TECHNISCHE MAN, strong peaks; D song, IDs, bpm, IDs, "for short moments"
6199,9 1713-1715 TECHNICAL/TECHNISCHE MAN, Doors?, then trapped at 180bpm, ID in D, rep? to the Voice
6199,8 1720-1722 THE VOICE ?, in E, \hum; mx, bye-bye, s/off. (then China ? on 6200)
4026,0 1717,1954,2148 LHH %, mx, 1719 Bzn, 1954: tk, ..on 4026.., mx, 2148 mx.
6240,0 1826-1838 UNID, v.weak\much atmos,F traffic on 6238,5u: v.hard to hear; mx, D? mx, tk. [cf HITMIX ]
6265,0 1839-2027 BOGUSMAN, good \much atmos; tk about Led Zeppelin, rock, more tk, 1948 "IDing"
6304,9 1852-1908 UNID, v.weak\much atmos; D.Summer"Hot stuff", mx, 1904 tk, ID no copy. [cf PYTHON ]
6319,9 1857-2036 R. EGERLAND, weak +peaks \much atmos; G/D brass mx, G/D polka &waltz, 1910 ID (in G?)
6299,95 1903-1903 UNID, v.e.weak\much atmos; mx. (not heard at 1908)
6396,9 1927-1952 WEEKEND MUSIC R., fair\PLC, much atmos; ID+@, duo tk (replies: Scottish accent!)
6240,0 2009-2012 UNID, e.weak\much atmos, ut.QRM. Beatles "8 days a week", more mx, but lost.
6950,0 2028-2035 LITTLE FEAT R., weak\atmos; R&R, ID, mx, ID+@, rock
6315,0 2036-2044 "-- -- MUSIC R.", weak\atmos; D.Straits, Sugar baby love, I got you babe, 2043 ID not OK, mx
6848,9 2138-2200 R. GSV, weak\PLC,atmos; mx, tk, IDs. 2143 g's to Jari, 2154 Riders on the storm
6990 L 2302-2304 UNID, mx, on/off audio (and no carrier)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc...; details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.