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LOGS : 28 JUL. - 03 AUG. 2014

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 23:13 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Another holiday log, with Sony and telesc./wire antennas, freq. + - 2kHz.
All in S.E. France, not far from Italy, and once again SW GOLD was quite stronger than at home in W. France (just like R. Tango Italia). Black Bandit was identified only by op' known voice (reptd elsewhere as SPEKLAP). Puzzling stations of the week: R. Kipspies, Radio PCD, and a few still UNID after careful crosscheck. Also that KILOGO BRAVO (?), maybe "KGB" spelled?. (Times greater than 2400 are of course 0000 and more of the next day).

* * * * * MON. 28 JUL. 2014 * * * * *
6305 1530-1621 UNID, e.weak \fades: trace; some mx and tk at times, v.weak pop at last (1625 gone) [cf MERLIN ?]

6325 1604-1656 UNID, good peaks \atmos; C&W and D songs, 1644 Elvis. (1725 gone) [cf ODYNN ]

6297 1611-1728* R. TELSTAR, R&R, pop, Shadows, 1631 ID, g's, D mx, 1726 tk in D, ID

6200 1731-1753 UNID, trace \splashes,atmos; some mx not really heard

6305 1743-1759 R. MERLIN INT ?, e.weak \much atmos; mx, tk by W, IDs (not OK), 1757 She's not there

6950 2008-2052 LHH, fair \noisy,atmos, sounds muffled; mx, Laser Int, tk...

6930 2023-2052 UNID, mx from Brasil, mx, 2033 gd ev',, g's, Sly & Family Stone, 2038 ID=? [cf LITTLE FEAT]

* * * * * TUES. 29 JUL. 2014 * * * * *

6297 1634-1649 UNID, v.weak\atmos, mx, trumpet, "Downtown", 1645 Wooly Bully, 1649 tk over mx, lost [cf DR TIM ]

6325 1658-1753 SKYWIRE R., v.weak\atmos; R&R, reggae, pop, I shot the sheriff, 1737 IDs and mx, 1741 Radar love

6290 1731,1743* UNID, 1731 mx, blank, 1742 tk, blank and end [ cf FIREFOX ]

6220 1733-1735 R. TANGO ITALIA %, good \atmos; tango, 1735 break

6290 1747-1758 R. FOXFIRE, mx, tk in D, ID, mx
6290 2039-2052 R. FOXFIRE, I fought the law, g's:R-Adelaar,B.A., Powerliner, ID+@, few records before c'/d, 2048 ID+@, g's, bye-bye, Shadows, ment' MRF, Walk don't run, more IDs+@, etc...

6306 2032-2121 UNID, mx, 2037 Proud Mary, 2111 Santana, 2121 Moonlight shadow. [cf JOEY ]

6263 2044-2054 HITMIX ?, W singer in D, more mx, 2054 ID (not quite OK). (2109 gone)

6747 2055-2120 UNID, mx, mx. [cf PIONEER ]

6290 2108-2122 UNID, v.weak; 2112 Walk like an Egyptian, 2116 tk in D over accn, ID= ? [cf JAMAICA ]

6325 2313-2332 BLACK BANDIT, strong \on-off ut.QRM; tk in D (known voice), mx, Moonlight shadow, C&W, g's to Dr Tim and Powerliner, more C&W, 2332 g's in E, c'/d

* * * * * WED. 30 JUL. 2014 * * * * *

6290 1645-1645 UNID, trace of mx [cf SKYWIRE ]

6290 1925-1951 R. LOWLAND, e.weak \undermod?; 1943 Shadows, 1947 ID, mx

6299 1927-1943 VOTN ?, mx, some "Susanna" song, tk in E, ID (not quite OK), mx.

6265 1951-2035 R. NORA, blues, "beautiful weather in the N of NL", ID, 2027 c'/d in 10-15 min, 2034 ID, trumpet
6265 2046-2055 R. MONTFERLAND, Bandolero, 60s mx, 2051 IDs, tk to Nora in D

6290 2031-2119 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, 2033 ID, mx

6950 2036-2120 LITTLE FEAT R., ID+@ (spelling FEAT), mx, tk, g's, 2057 ID, Mr Tambourineman, 2120 ID

6290 2244-2246 R. POWERLINER INT, ID in E, tk in D, hello to Zeewolf(?), g's to Foxfire, etc

* * * * * THURS. 31 JUL. 2014 * * * * *

6290 0619-0730 UNID, v.weak \noisy, D mx, polka, barrel organ, D instrum, \f'down, loc.noise [cf PLUTO ]

6305 1857-1903 UNID, e.weak\loc. noise; mx, then dull tk, 1903 lost [cf ZEEWOLF ]

6305 1909-1914 BLACK BANDIT, mx, 1912 known voice, long tk, 1914 C&W

6220 1921-2312 R. TANGO ITALIA, clear; tango, tango...

6210 1921-2312 SW GOLD, mx, mx, IDs

6950 1922-2125 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic QRM; mx, pop-rock, tk no copy, 2044 ID, mx, tk...

6960 1927-1931 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, tk, mx... [cf PREMIER ]

6964 1953-2327 UNID, trace>e.weak \ut.QRM; 2039 Paint it black, 2254 ID no copy, C&W, 2304 Doors, 2319 ID (no copy) over the Who"Baba O'Riley", etc [cf GSV ]

6940 1958-2003 UNID, \stanag noise; tk over mx "- - on SW- -", pops. (2037 gone) [cf PREMIER ]

6320 2007-2010 BLACK BANDIT, D version of "Ah si j'étais resté célibataire", tk in D (known voice), g's to stns

6240 2012-2013 UNID, fair \big noise; D mx (Bzn ?), more mx (2016 gone). [cf HITMIX ]

6305 2018-2027 UNID, \image QRM; mx, whispered IDs?, parts of tracks. [cf SCOTLAND ]

6320 2028-2035* R. ZODIAC, mx, tk, IDs, 2029 C&W, 2032 Peter Gunn, 2033 ID+@

6910 2046-2046 UNID, mx, quick lost [cf PLUTO ? ]

6925 2048-2131 LITTLE FEAT R., "I'm a boy", mx, 2057 ID, mx, 2102 ID, 2131"Somebody help me"

6980 2103-2129 UNID in SSB, \kind of fax QRM; mx, 2129 tk, then blank. [ cf KIPSPIES ]

* * * ** * FRI. 01 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6286 1655-1738 FOCUS INT %, v.weak; rock, 1702 tk (no copy), 1710 G.Thorogood ?
6286 1942-2157 FOCUS INT, fair\noisy,atmos; rock, duo tk, 1958 ID+@, 2019 Hendrix, 2144 ID+@
6286 2338-2442 FOCUS INT, mx, tk, 2441 Focus now every 1st WE of the month instead of last WE, ID.

6210 1659-1712 SW GOLD, mx, ID. Also 1950-2156 : strong; mx, ID. Also 2352, 2436.

6480 1704-1708 UNID, mx, 1707 ID no copy by M "- - - on SW" then by W.

6305 1710-1712 UNID, mx under noise

6295 1739-1739 UNID, mx [cf WITTE REUS ]

6295 1932-1953 BLACK BANDIT, tk (known voice) over C&W, g's to Youri, 1934 D song, g's to Telstar, 1942 cajun

6220 1947-2156 R. TANGO ITALIA %, good; tango, latino songs. Also 2352 techno-tango!, 2436.

6240 2001-2002* UNID, "Man of action" and end.

6322 2010-2158 MUSTANG, strong; pop, 2011 instrum, tk in D, 2014 "low power stn Mustang", g's, ID, 2027 bpm, 2122 rock, ann' 6325, "Seven nations army", \het, 2158 c'/d ID

6200 2020-2137 TECHNICAL MAN, easy; ID, mx, rock.

3905 2021-2157 UNID, v.weak \under loc.noise; "Soldiers who want to be heroes". (traces still at 2425) [cf SKYLINE ]

6305 2050-2410* BORDERHUNTER R., good\bit noise+ut.; pop-rock and tk over Deep Purple, Hendrix, IDs,etc

6965 2102-2122 UNID, e.weak\atmos > trace; mx, some tk. (2324 still a trace). [cf GSV ]

6940 2110-2200 LITTLE FEAT R., weak\atmos; Cream"Sunshine of your love",mx, 2118,2139 IDs, 2200 c'/d

6240 2132-2156 HITMIX48, weak\atmos, mx, tk over: ID+@gmail, instrum mx, 2137 ID no copy, mx

6263 2145,2354 R. SCOTLAND, Deep Purple, ID, said c'/d. 2354 still or again? "RSI", c'/d, try QSO w.B.Hunter, blank

6295 2338-2420 BLACK BANDIT, C&W, polka, parts, gipsy jazz, pop, 2419 tk: known voice, C&W

6269 2346-2417 CRAZY WAVE R., fair\atmos; ID, 2347 Mystery R. JID, "6269 from Germany, 2349 CWR, tk, IDs, mx

6305 2428-2445 R. POWERLINER (& R. KILOGO BRAVO ?), D instrum, IDs (2nd part not quite OK), hellos, mx

* * * * * SAT. 02 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6286 0635-0809 FOCUS INT %, good > v.weak\loc.noise; mx, jingles, tk, no ID heard, 0755 "In the army now"
6286 1221-1235 FOCUS INT, \atmos; mx, "Europe wide radio", mx, 12.35 ID
6286 1436-2048 FOCUS INT, e.weak\noisy >good; 1451 Keep on running, 1649 Move it on over, 1653 ID, mx
6286 2315-2414 FOCUSINT, good; "Do it again", tk, ID, mx, "48 crash", 2414 ID, mx

6210 0636-0809 SW GOLD, fair > v.weak\loc.noise; mx, 0640 ID
6210 1220-1235 SW GOLD, good \atmos; mx, 1227 ID.
6210 1438-2049 SW GOLD, e.weak at first, mx, IDs (also as S.W.C.) (still at 2321-2415)

6205 0637-0810 UNID, v.weak > faint trace; mx, 0640 hard rock, soon down to a trace. [cf KING SW ]

6095 1228-1236 KBC, strong, 60s pops, R&R

6324? 1443-1444 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; "Message in a bottle", then lost

6305 1447-1457 UNID, trace > e.weak \noisy, pop. [ cf AC-DC ]

6300 1505-1551 UNID, e.weak \fades; D mx, 1507 "Radio - - -", mx, 1525 few words, 1545 Dragonslayer, 1549 Man of action, 1551 " - - - closing down" and end. [cf R. PCD ]

6260 1654-1656 UNID, 2 stations hum (prob. CVC + pirate). [ cf BAKEN 16 ]

6295 1854-2048 BOGUSMAN, \atmos, noisy; tk, rock, 1900 in sp. ? then in E, mx, 2017 Dr Feelgood, tk, 2031 ID, mx

6320 1905-1913 RODE ADELAAR, fair\atmos; D mx, 1912 IDs

6306 1915-2047 R. JOEY, \atmos, hets,noisy; mx, 2032 D song, 2047 ID, mx

6320 1947-2047 UNID, fair\atmos; 1947 Get it on, rock, 2007 Daddy Cool, 2035 Listen music, J.Jett. [cf ZARA ]

6950 1957-2057 LASER HOT HITS, fair \atmos; mx, mx, 2051 ID, tk

6215 2023-2026 UNID, e.weak \Sony near overloading; some mx [ cf CWR ?? ]

6239 2028-2028 UNID, v.hard to hear; mx. [cf SKYLINE R. GERMANY ]

6964 2053-2056 UNID, v.hard \atmos, het; mx [cf GSV ]

6305 2247-2414 BORDERHUNTER R., strong, mx, 2251 ID, loc.time check, mx, etc

6295 2301-2314 NMD, mx, 2307 S.Blue"Never marry..", 2310 spelled ID, c'/d soon, ID, low power, mx, pirate...

6245 2317-2344 R. UNDERGROUND, W singer in G, low power(known voice), D "koekoe", Korean? song [cf 6247]

6925 2323-2347 UNID (in SSB, hard to clarify), mx, 2337 Born to be wild, 2341 ID no copy. [cf OVER 60° ? ]

6935 2329-2350 R. POWERLINER, good-strong, Golden Earring, ID, g's, rock, pop, Lil'Red Ridinghood, g's, ID+@

* * * * * SUN. 03 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6210 0640-0804 SW GOLD, fair>good, 0643 ID+@, 0710 Change of hooks, 0804 G.Thorogood. Also 1624-1631
6210 1947-2200 SW GOLD, \QRM on 6206 at 2038, then on 6205 at 2122 (Also: 2512-2557, mx, IDs)

6286 0645-0804 FOCUS INT, v.weak, mx, 0705 duo tk, ID+@. Also 1614 rock, 1618 G.Thorogood "Move it on over"
6286 1936-2115 FOCUS INT, \het on 6285 at 1937, rock, 2031 ID

6304 0649-0740 UNID, v.weak > trace; mx. [ cf MERLIN ]

6325 0707-0803 UNID, e.weak > trace, mx, tk ( - - - Int'l), mx [ cf NORTON ]

6205 0755,0808 UNID, 0755: e.weak, tk "- - Int'l - - "(M+W duo ?), 0804: trace. [cf KING SW ]

6095 0800-0807 KBC, ad for KBC Import, guitar: "Figaro", rock, ID, mx

6300 1618-1631 UNID, e.weak \atmos; mx, tk, hl: 0031..., mx [ cf LOWLAND ]

6979 1625-1631 UNID, \stronger traffic 6980u; rock
6979 1956-2142 ROCK R. NETWORK, mx, incl' rock, 2142 ID, then blank (end?)

6265 1940-2052 UNID, pop-rock, "I feel love", Blues Brothers, rock, Beatles medley [cf DIGITAL ]

6240 1943-2050 UNID, v.weak\noisy,QRM?; D mx, except 2035 "Hello Marylou". [cf JOEY ]

6220 1946-2200 R. TANGO ITALIA %, strong, jazz and other mx from Argentina, later tango.

6955 1950-1956* UNID, weak; quiet mx, end.

6930 2018-2112 LITTLE FEAT R., rock, tk, ID+@, mx, 2106 ID

6940 2019-2025 PREMIER R. INT ?, weak \atmos; pops, tk, ann' 6940, 2025 time check, ID not quite OK (2106 gone)

6206 2039-2046 UNID, mx, rock. [ cf BLUE STAR ]
6205 2122-2202* UNID, My little runaway, Message in a bottle, D songs [ cf BLUE STAR /6203 ]

6306 2055-2100 UNID, \het from image on 7205; 60s instrum, tk, c'/d, Crunchy Granola. 2100 end ? [cf RNW ]

6324 2102-2132 R. UNDERGROUND, \image QRM; D accn, tk (known voice), ID no copy, hunt bugles, D song

6260 2116-2118 UNID, mx, ID in F : Radio - - - Int'l, mx (maybe RX overload ?)

6305 2132-2159 R. POWERLINER INT, \image QRM, mx, 2137 ID, g's, few records before c/d, bonne nuit Iann

6950 2140-2155 R. TRANSEUROPE, mx, tk, hl+ID+@, mx

6925 2155-2204 UNID, v.weak \atmos, continuous QRM (from traffic?); mx [cf OVER 60°]
6925 2208-2226 UNID - SSB, 2212 Those were the days, 2221 ID no copy, Dylan, 2226 psyched. [cf OVER 60°]

6266 2223-2228 UNID, tk, pops, mx [cf DIGITAL ]

6266 2507-2552 R. ARMADILLO, h.rock, pops, tk about late QSLing, Xtal TX, ID, c'/d soon, etc IDs (later: blank)

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
