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Loggings and Video Links from 4-5 October 2014

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 14:03 pm
by Dave Valko
Was finally able to hear enough stations to make a report worthwhile!! Included in the loggings below are links to videos made of the particular reception.

21455.091 R. Sluwe Voz Carrier and tone around 1251. "Beat It" by Michael Jackson at 1253 w/anmnt mentioning he was closing down. Shout out to Laurel Highlands at 1255. 1256:15 live ID anmnt over Michael Jackson "...this is Sluwe Vos Radio from the Netherlands...anyways were closing down. Thank you all for listening, and hope you have a nice weekend wherever you are. You're listening to the radio station Sluwe Vos. Have a nice weekend. Bye bye". Into another Hard Rock song, and "Down Under" by Men at Work at 1301 and short anmnt at 1301:40. Faded down but did get bits of mx over the next few min. Pulled the plug at 1313:19. (4 Oct.)

21461.128 R. Swiebertje Came on at 1257:51. Mx coming up at 1259. Nice peak at 1300:40 w/Bruce Springsteen song. Another short peak with mx at 1302:50. Thought I heard M briefly at 1306. Went off at 1308:00. Dritfing down. (4 Oct.)

15060.05 R. Trans Europe Signal here at 1309. A little mx right at threshold at 1311 peak, but that was about it. (4 Oct.)
21455.06 Sluwe Vos Signal here at 1511. No audio. Found out in the chat that he was on. Went off at 1515:36. (4 Oct.)

21455.192 R. Black Arrow 1523-1525 "Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones. Signal dropped down. Chris Smolinski heard ID and shoutouts a few minutes later. Heard a little more mx at 1529 but that was abt it. Drifted down to 21455.168 by 1531. (4 Oct.)

21455.08v R. Sluwe Vos Came back on to do an antenna test. Was on 21455.08 at 1546, but suddenly jumped down to 21455.05 at 1549:20. Thought I hrd a low tone, then at 1555:26 changed tone to 400hz and turned it off 15 seconds later. Signal got stronger at 1602 as he apparently switched antennas, then at 1602:52 the freq suddenly jumped from 21455.034 to 21455.019. Never was quite good enough for definite audio, if there was any, to 1611 t/out. (4 Oct.)

14497.005U R. Eldorado 2015 mx poking through weakly. 2017 "Rum and Coco Cola" by The Andrews Sisters. 2023-2025 "Always in my Heart" by Vera Lynn. Many more nonstop oldies. 2051:55 anmnt w/e-mail but was weaker at this time. Came back up a little at 2058 but then disappeared by 2102. 2124 ID anmnt "Thank you for listening.....R. Eldorado..." but the machine gun UTE was on the freq. 2/5/4/3/2. Continually drifted up and had a difficult time finding the exact freq because of the USB. Tried 11077U at 2128 but I didn't hear it. (4 Oct.)

13664U Over 60 Degrees R. From at least 2100. 2104 M anncr but just couldn't copy. 2105 went into mx, but not strong enough to recognize. 2108:20 short peak. Sounded like the Doors at 2117:05 peak. Then lost or off after 2118. (4 Oct.)

17230U R. Eldorado A little music again at times 2137, 2139, 2140, 2142. 2145:00 peak on 17230.040. Lost then but back up just a tad above threshold at 2153-2154 w/cont. mx. (4 Oct.)

6235L Minipower R. Mx coming up at 2228. Stronger by 2232 w/mx. (Earth Wind & Fire at the start, then Kool & the Gang per op) 2303-2307 finally able to recognize "Just the Way You Are" by Billy Joel. 2308-2313 sounded like a Rock song. May have gone off at 2314 as nothing hrd after that. Very weak. (4 Oct.)

6200 LHH via R. Magic Int. 2332:50 nice canned ID w/SFX. Better than the last couple nights. (4 Oct.)

6210.02 Technical Man (pres.) Hrd as early as 2225 w/wisps of mx. Went off too early at 2229:50 before it had a chance to improve. (4 Oct.)

6205 R. Universe (very tent.) Looks like he came on at 2228:11. Never could get any definite audio, and went off at 2333:29. (4 Oct.)

6320 Black Bandit R. A lot of chatter w/occas. mx breaks after 2304. Many listener acknowledgments and ments of the USA. Played a Polka at 2313. Sang a song at 2332. (4 Oct.)

11690.004 Scandinavian Weekend R. (very tent.) Definitely a signal here at 2338 w/what sounded like mx. Very weak. Right at the threshold. Went off at exactly 2356:59. Signal strength and s/off suggest SWR. (4 Oct.)

6200 LHH (via R. Magic Int.) End of "Dreamer" by Supertramp, then nice ID jingle at 0727:50, and into "Land of Confusion" by Genesis. Just a general ID/promo at 0737. Fading by 0756 check. Fairly good signal. (5 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 153 foot Delta Loop