LOGS : 28 APR. - 4 MAY 2014
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 23:04 pm
New or seldom heard stations : RNW, WEGPIRAAT, COLUMBIA, COAX, PIRANA, and a lot still UNID after checking all other logs.
On Sunday: many stations on 7.3MHz, including a bunch of QSOers.
Forgotten from Sun. 27 APR. 2014 :
6940,9 2109-2125 UNID, trace>e.weak, f'/up v.slowly, tk, maybe about R.Caroline (2135 gone)
* * * * * MON. 28 APR. 2014 * * * * *
6300,0 1518-1524 UNID, trace with mod. \under PLC [cf TELSTAR ]
6305,0 1607-1624 UNID, e.weak \PLC>strong PLC, D mx(instrum, accordion, song), end?
6289,95 1620-1900 RODE ADELAAR, weak>fair+good peaks, accordion, D songs, brass mx, 1629 ID
6267,0 1630-1635 UNID, D(?) mx \under stronger traffic 6266u. (1638 gone)
6305,1 1704-1729 R. ALTREX, v.weak\noisy,ut.QRM. Tobacco road, mx, tk in E, IDs, meuh !!
6234,5 1716-1723* UNID, rock, then undermod, 1721 tk ..Dingda(?) Radio.. [cf DIGITAL ]
6280,2 1731-2253 R. MERLIN INT, \noisy at first, traffic6282u, mx, 1814 ment' R.Caroline North, ID, pops, 2037 ID,g's
6265,0 1816-1821* UNID, v.weak\hush noise, pop, 1821 ID? no copy, and off [cf HITMIX ]
6305,0 1825-1900 HITMIX R., e.weak \hush noise, Bzn, Red River rock, IDs, 1832 SSTV, 1848 polka, g's, ID
6299,9 1956-2033 R. MAZDA, strong, good mod, pop-rock (+occ. D songs), 2004 Get it on, 2018 CCR, 60s, 2029 ID
6288,0 1958-2002* UNID, instrum mx (D and pop), 2001 This F.R. now c'/d. [ cf HITMIX ]
4025,0 2008-2200 LHH %, fair\fading > strong\occ.traffic4020u, mx, 2058 bit of tk, "On the border", later clear mx
6390,6 2010-2045* R. DUTCHWING, C&W, 2041 ID, "from the NL"
6300,3 2047-2050* RNW ?, (2038 blank), weak\fading,atmos, 2047 ..Radio NW(?)48@..mail.com, c'/d, 2049 same @
* * * * * TUES. 29 APR. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 1558-1608 RODE ADELAAR, weak\PLC, D songs, 1601 ID
6205,0 1635-1642* UNID, v.weak\noisy,PLC, pop, 1638 tk over, ID?, "6-2-oh-5 kHz", Balkan mx
6284,9v 1643-1731 UNID, v.weak\hush noise,PLC, (slow drift to 6284,6). 1653"Lady Marmelade", 1658 O.Redding, 1710 polka, waltz, 1721 D song "~ritchipi", more D songs [cf DIGITAL ]
6290,0 1702-1720 Z. --- PIRAAT, v.weak +peaks, mx, 1719 c'/d ID (part copy only), bpm. [cf WEG PIRAAT ]
6305,0 1810-1835* UNID, weak\PLC,atmos, mx, D song, 1825 instrum 80s medley, 1831 this FR now c'/d.
6285a 1840-1850 UNID, in SSB (6284L??, not clarified), tk, parts of mx
6735u 1854-1905 UNID, v.weak\sticky PLC, "Ring my bell", 1904 Pirate for Peace, 1905 end? [cf COOL AM ]
6305,0 1907-1926 R. PYTHON, good \a few atmos, mx, 1920 ID, mx, hello Snowball, 1925 ID, 10W
4025,0 2040-2057 LASER HOT HITS %, strong, mx, tk: Yellow Magic Orchestra, Billy Preston, 2055 "Life on Mars"
* * * * * WED. 30 APR. 2014 * * * * *
6289,95 1000-1014 UNID, v.weak\strong PLC, D song, accordion
6205,05 1003-1012 UNID, e.weak\strong PLC,ut. on L-side, hard to hear mx.
6747,0 1554-1725 UNID, v.weak>fair \PLC, D songs, D mx. [cf PIONEER ]
6304,95 1600-1601* UNID, mx parts with dropouts, s/off before 1602. [cf PYTHON ]
6280,2 1602-1607 R. MERLIN INT, mx, tk, ID+hl, ID+@.
6305,1 1710-2046 R. MERLIN INT, weak \L-side ut., pops, IDs, 1809 Grocer Jack, 2031 M voice:"DJ Nellie"
6290,0 1712-1834* RODE ADELAAR, fair-good\atmos, D mx, IDs, 1714 Mickey Mouse polka,1833 ID+@, 1833'55" off
6220,0 1715-1726 R. RONALISA, fair \hum(other stn), ID+@ in E, ment' Silverback, "Ronalisa" song, polka, \it.traffic
6210,0 1722-1726 UNID, e.weak\atmos, mx, ID ?,more mx... [cf O. CALIENTE ]
6924,0 1820-1830 UNID, e.weak \atmos, strong traffic 6930L. mx
6210,0 1835-1839* R. TELSTAR INT, wek\noisy,atmos. tk in D, ment' Twentana, ID, D song
6290,0 1841-1914 HITMIX, weak\atmos, D songs, instrum background: tk, ID, 1903 also: Telstar. [cf Combination]
6241,0 1845-1854 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos,etc. schlager, accordion, hip-hop (1901 gone) [cf ASTRA R. ]
4025,0 1904-2150 LASER HOT HITS, fair \strong 4020RTTY, mx, tk, Laser Int, mx...
6935,3 2033-2045 FR. VICTORIA, \occ.gurgling noise, Judy in disguise, ID, Spirit in the sky, Louie Louie, 2045 deep fade
* * * * * THURS. 01 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 1700-1931* RODE ADELAAR, v.weak\PLC > fair\atmos, mx, 1704 ID, 1928 ID+@, brass mx and s/off.
6280,2 1701-1736 UNID, v.weak \PLC,atmos, mx, 1707 YMCA, later \traffic QRM [cf MERLIN ]
6305,15 1710-1732 R. ALTREX, tk, IDs, mx, meuh ! 1714 ment' Casanova,Norton...
6298,0 1718-1728 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, mx. 1728 deep fade. (1732 gone)
6321,0 1733-1733 trace only. [cf O. CALIENTE ]
6305,0 1829-1832* VOTN, mx, rep to Altrex, ID as "the Voice"
6305,0 *1832-1833* UNID, voice only, tk to Altrex,
6305,0 *1834-1838* VOTN, mx, "CQ DX", tk to Altrex, ID(THE VOICE), mx, tk in D, ID, mx, 1838'30" s/off
6210,0 1840-1907 R.COLUMBIA %, e.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, This is Radio - - SW - - hotmail, mx, tk \harder & harder
6300,0 1855-2051 BLAUWE PANTER, 1857 ID in D+E, 1931 Let's all chant, pops, 2049 Ona way ticket
6324,9 1907-1958 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos,6327 ut. mx, tk, rock, 1920 ID ?,1926 ID ?, ..danke schoen..
6735,0 1936-2153 COOL AM R. e.weak\PLC,atmos, blues, 2000\v.strong number stn on 6739u, blues, 2112 ID, etc
6735 u 2229-2231* UNID, \noisy, blues.
4025,0 1953-2125 LASER HOT HITS, good, mx, ID, rpt, Roy Orbison"You've got it", mx...
6293,0 2114-2127 Z. VERONA, D mx, allo-een-twe, IDs?, mx, 2126 ID+@, D song
6939,9 2056-2139 R. COAX, e.weak \noisy, atmos,QRM around, mx, many IDs+@, wanting rpts, harder & harder
6937,0 2123-2215 UNID, \stanag, QRM R.Coax, mx, first in AM, 2136 in DBL(no carrier) ?, 2215 in USB (2227 gone)
6980,85L 2202-2206 UNID, mx hard to clarify, 2205 a few words, Soul man
6981,0L 2207-2225 UNID, mid-60s soul mx, so-so audio, 2213 "NMF(??)", 2118 blues \bad audio [cf OVER 60° ]
6950 L 2226-2226 UNID, mx, then a ventriloquist (?) , in ru ?
6293,0 2232-2307 Z. DAKOTA, D songs, tk, 2250 IDs+@ in E, mx
6375,6 2234-2240* R. PIRANA ?, e.weak \6373ut., mx, latino song, ID (not quite clear), hotmail, tk in sp., 2240'50"*
* * * ** * FRI. 02 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6210,0 1542-1650 UNID; trace-e.weak > e.weak\atmos then PLC, mx, 1555 Pump up the volume?, 1632 ska (1658 gone)
6290,0 1545-1712 ODYNN R., v.weak, Pump up the volume, 1549 ID, 1600 \PLC, 1620 Alain Barrière "Tu t'en vas", H.Rising Sun, 1637 Yellow River, g's, ID, 1705 rock, 1712 Dust in the wind
6304,9 1600-1644* UNID, v.weak \PLC, rock, 1643 dank U Casanova. [cf Python ]
6245,0 1608-1637 R. CASANOVA, e.weak\PLC, f'/up, mx, D songs, 1636 tk, ID by known voice (1644 gone)
6324,9 1707-1942 UNID, weak \PLC, D songs, 1932 f'/up, 1935 market carribean mx. (1952 gone) [cf NORTON ]
6260v 1713-1720 UNID, \drift to 6262, bb, 1716 allo, 1718 accordion, tk, 1720 QSY to 6226,7 and off [cf LOTUS ]
6220,0 1817,1826 trace under noise [ cf COLUMBIA ]
6210,0 1813-1921* R. HITMIX, v.weak\PLC, D songs, 1916 tk, ID, 1918 Eine cigarette, 1920 ..now c'/d
6240,0 1826-1828* UNID, fair +peaks \PLC, mx, sudden s/off at 1828'43" [cf STERRENKIJKER ]
6284,8 1829-1954 UNID, euro-singer, then D songs, 1954 "Ring of fire" in D, 1857 member of P4P. [cf DELTA ]
6295,0 1832-1852 ODYNN R., Nancy S."These boots..", 1835 allo Snowball, IDs.., CCR, IDs, Jimi"Hey Joe"..
6305,1 1843-2246 R. MERLIN INT, weak\PLC, pops, rock, IDs
6245,0 1859-1955 MUSTANG R., strong \PLC !, D brass mx, then pops, 1914 ID, more pops
6425,1 1923-2115 STUDIO 52, "Hair" remix, mx and g's, 1944 You were on my mind, 1956,2115 IDs
4025,0 1949-2253 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy at first, 2233 // to 6950
6940,0 2108-2135 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, 2112 ID, 2135 v.weak (2142 gone)
6978,5v 2110-2252 UNID, good\fading (drift to 6978,2) rock, 2155 Highway to Hell, 2250 \hum [cf ROCK R. NETW.]
6315,0 2116-2120 UNID, pop, synthe mx (2130 gone) [cf BLACKBEARD ]
6207,35 2123-2208 DELTA R., v.weak\PLC, mx, 2128 c'/d ID, 2200 still there
6930,0 2133-2142 PREMIER R. INT, pops, "Jean genie", ID
6935,0 2147-2157 PREMIER R. INT, mx, ID "closing", mx, mx.. (2212 gone)
6950,0 2135-2253 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 2150 D.Norris, 2153 ID, mx... 2233 // to 4025
3930,0v 2221-2302 UNID, e.weak\noisy, jerking (max 3930,7), pops, anaemic "Nutbush City limits"! [cf EUROPE ]
* * * * * SAT. 03 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0636-0745 R. MERLIN INT, weak>v.weak, 0638 ID, mx, 0736 ID+@ by W, canned ID, mx (0819 gone)
7265,0 0644-0645 MV BALTIC R. ?, relaying Glenn Hauser's World of radio.
6095,0 0822-0825 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, C&W, ads for KBC Import, Truck Magazine
6095,0 1010-1015 MIGHTY KBC, only fair-good \PLC, pops, tk, ID
6095,0 1307-1417 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong again\short deep fades, 60s mx, R&B, Elvis, soul, tk
6322,0 1418-1421 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx
6383,0 1422-1426 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, " - - Radio", 1426 end ? [cf NMD ]
6747,0 1429-1506 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise, mx, 1436 Final countdown, 1457 In the army now
6802,9 1445-1509 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut? > drowned, 1445 some tk, mx, She's not there. (Also 1953-1955 mx)
6305,0 1915-2318 BOGUSMAN, up to strong \L-side ut., mx,rock,alt.mx, long tk in E, 2101,2248 'IDs'(own way...)
6282,95 1918-2035 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, good\bits of atmos, voice less singer, gd ev' ID, "band of 9-10 kHz now", g's, 1922 test tones, mx again, 1944 rock, IDs, 2027 techno-drums
6240,0 1923-1943 UNID, \fading,atmos, Jeanette? in sp., mx, tk over (veiled voice) [cf UNID ]
6207,0 1926-1937* HITMIX R., v.weak\PLC, laughing, IDs, bye-bye, mx, 1933 Eine cigarette, 1936..now c'/d, 1937'50"*
6725,0 1946-2115 R. TOWER, tk and IDs+@ over "Walk don't run, D pop, 2037 strong, g's to CZ, ann. //1611
6950,0 1956-2259 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1957 news by FSN, ID by M.Scott, mx // 4025, 2141 Laser goes DX
6950,0 2310-2338 R. BLACKBEARD, no more relaying LHH, mx, 2338 ID+@
4025,0 2009-2140 LASER HOT HITS, good \fading, loc.noise, //6950, mx, tk, 2141 Laser. (also 2310, not // anymore)
6925,0 2001-2004 UNID, tchac-tchac mx, 2004 soft end? or quick f'/out ?
6255,1 2027-2147 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, offshore story: end of R.London in 1967, 2102 typ. voice, oldies, memories
6940,0 2040-2120 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, Sweets for my sweet, live IDs "from somewhere in the UK" (2137 gone)
6925,0 2051-2303* UNID, good>strong \bit of ut., R&R, Yaketi Yak (not Coasters), C&W, old jazz, 2258\traffic [cf TRX ]
6285,0 2106-2332 R. POWERLINER INT, good\deep fades, on-off audio, C&W, rock, 2243 ID, g's, H.RisingSun, etc
6241,0 2148-2239 R. COLUMBIA, e.weak\bad fading, 2158 This is.., 2221 ID+@, 2228 Hey Jude
6210,0 2203-2236 SLUWE VOS R., good>strong\fading, ID+@, mx,mx. (2324,2332 : long blank carrier)
6221 v 2206-2226 UNID, e.weak, tk, 2206 on 6221,4 (live.nl??) 2209-2216 on 6221,1 trace then tk, 2226 on 6221,0. QSO?
6250,0 2228-2340 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, strong, rock, 2334 ID, 2239 synthe mx, 2319 Daddy cool, 2340 rock, ID
6265,8 2240-2243 UNID, v.weak\mushy!, D song, ID+hl (mushy!), ment' Dr Tim, some D song.
6915,0 2253-2349* PREMIER R. INT, v.weak, "My generation", tk by M+W, pops, later tk too, 2346 ad for 7up, Man of action, ID, deep fade, g's, c'/d, bye-bye
6236,0 2320-2330* R. COLUMBIA, e.weak, Walk don't run, brass mx, 2326 ID+@, mx, 2329 ID+@, blank and end.
* * * * * SUN. 04 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6199,7 0659-0736 UNID, v.weak\bad fading, PLC, 0701 Dire Straits, 0734 tk(no copy). [cf ORANG UTAN ]
6265,05 0737-0835* R. NORA, weak\ut.splash, nonstop mx background, tk over with many stops: g's, IDs, in D/E/G.
6300,0 0747-0806 UNID, weak/v.weak \noisy,PLC,ut. clocs. blues, tk, ID?, blues, rock... [cf WALDMEISTER ]
7700,0 0755-0854 FRSH, fair \hum then sticky PLC, IS, IDs, 1 hour test, P.Verbrugen, rock, 0850 c'/d, to next month
7265,0 0812-0855 MV BALTIC R., weak-fair, AM-USB, rock, tk in G, folk mx, seems a bit undermod at times
7390,0 0820-0823 UNID, e.weak\border of PLC guard band, undermod, mx.
6095,0 0836-0930 KBC, v.strong, Trucker Radio, mailbag by M+M+W, C&W, "Let's get drunk" (Oooh!......)
6305,1 0840-1204 R. MERLIN INT, weak>e.weak, SSTVx3, 0909 Fin-a-fink, Waterloo sunset, 0915 ID, 1034 ID+@
6305,1 1641-2239 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak at first, ID+hl, Rocking all over the world, 1825,1910 "Rosie"x2, oldies, IDs
7300,05 0856-0901 UNID, e.weak\under loc.noise, mx, 0900 a few words?, 0901 end? [cf U-BOAT 66 ]
7330,0 0903-0940 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, 0938 C&W, 0940 ..email address.. [cf MISTI ]
7329,75 0941-0942* UNID, tk in E (traffic-type voice), This is (3 letters)
7330,0 *0942-0944 UNID, tk, 0944 "This is -- -- Echo"
7329,55 0944"55 UNID, tk
7330,0 0946-0947 UNID, tk, then lost
7299,0 0948-1007 RMGP, e.weak, mx, tk, ID in E by W ("Ghost Planet" copied) also in it., 1004 singing dog
7330,0 1007-1047 R. JOYSTICK, strong, transe mx, mx to sell tasteless bier, 1016 long tk in G +bar noise, 1045 ID
6285,0 1020-1047 R. TELSTAR INT, v.weak, mx, g's to stns, IDs, plug DrTim/Iann Xat
6265,0 1022-1022 R. CASANOVA, e.weak, mx, ID.
6260,0 1031-1048 R. CASANOVA, D or G song, pop, 1035 known voice, 1048 ID+@
6802,9 1038-1934 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak\PLC, D schlager, 1206 trace, 1604 v.weak\PLC, ID, 1930 good\PLC,ut.
6209,9 1200-1203 UNID, e.weak, some mod > f'/out
6322,1 1617-1919 UNID, e.weak\PLC, var.mx, tk, ID no copy, 1637"Gimme some loving", f'/up but mx only [cf ALTREX ]
6390,5 1619-1624 UNID, v.weak, mx, some cold start drift? to 6390,7 [cf LOWLAND ]
6390,5 1724-1819 UNID, tk over Marvin Gaye mx, bye-bye, bb mx, mx [cf LOWLAND ]
6390,5 1920,1936 UNID, 1920: tk, rock. 1936: D merry-go-round mx [cf LOWLAND ]
6290,0 1642-1910 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak\6295 splash, mx, 1647 ID+@, 1723 All you need is love, pops, 1829 ID
6255,0 1648-1653 UNID, v.weak\PLC, R&R, [cf DIGITAL ]
6256,0 1721-2013 UNID, v.weak\PLC, 1837 accordion, 2013 Final countdown [cf DIGITAL ]
6240,0 1654-1842* R. FOXFIRE, v.weak\PLC, rock, 1657 ID, mx, 1840 c'/d ID+@+g's, Red River rock
6215,5 1703-2241 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak\strong PLC at first, v.quiet mx, then tango, tango...
6210,0 1708-1718 UNID, e.weak\sticky PLC, mx, tk (no copy), mx, > trace, under noise. [cf O. CALIENTE ]
6295,0 1827-1827 UNID, \stereo with Reflexions Europe, polka, then yodl. (1910 relig. progr. alone)
6270,0 1831-1836* UNID, \stanag around, mx, "Calimba de luna", blank+hum and s/off.
6220,0 1844-1857 R. COLUMBIA ?, ID no copy but typical, mx, then \PLC,ut. 1853 Fox on the run, 1857 ID?
6209,9 1848-1853 PAARDENKRACHT, W singer in G, 1852 ID, g's, song
6239,5 1858-2110* RNW, v.weak\PLC,atmos,bursts. "L'eau vive"(but in G?), mx, 2019 It's all over now baby blue, 2106 c'/d, g's, IDs enough times to get a good one , cancan mx, bye-bye
6935,0 1927-1928* UNID, e.weak\atmos,etc, mx (already trace+mod at 1613).
6389,5 1935-1936* UNID, strong, tk, mx, and off.
6390,5 1936-1936 UNID, D merry_go-roound mx
6324,4 1938-1956* R. UNDERGROUND, strong\occ.traffic or ut., excellent mod, high end progr. , 1954 player break
6324,4 2000-2126 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, back with mx, g's, IDs+hl, pops... (2139: blank and s/off)
6280,0 2003-2017 MUSTANG R., strong\PLC,ut.QRM, "Oh Carol", Logical song, techno, 2017 ID, g's, techno
6288,0 2028-2140 ODYNN R., \6295 splashes, mx, g's, gd ev' ID, H.California, mx
6939,0 2036-2047 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, IDs, g's(to Mike Fox, to CZ). (2115 gone)
6255,05 2056-2138 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, mx, std ID, typ. tk, mx, 60s pops, Memories, 2133 Waterloo sunset
4025,0 2112-2115 LHH, good \strong ut.noise. mx, tk, Laser
6290,0 2240-2246 UNID, good. ELO, rock.
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
New or seldom heard stations : RNW, WEGPIRAAT, COLUMBIA, COAX, PIRANA, and a lot still UNID after checking all other logs.
On Sunday: many stations on 7.3MHz, including a bunch of QSOers.
Forgotten from Sun. 27 APR. 2014 :
6940,9 2109-2125 UNID, trace>e.weak, f'/up v.slowly, tk, maybe about R.Caroline (2135 gone)
* * * * * MON. 28 APR. 2014 * * * * *
6300,0 1518-1524 UNID, trace with mod. \under PLC [cf TELSTAR ]
6305,0 1607-1624 UNID, e.weak \PLC>strong PLC, D mx(instrum, accordion, song), end?
6289,95 1620-1900 RODE ADELAAR, weak>fair+good peaks, accordion, D songs, brass mx, 1629 ID
6267,0 1630-1635 UNID, D(?) mx \under stronger traffic 6266u. (1638 gone)
6305,1 1704-1729 R. ALTREX, v.weak\noisy,ut.QRM. Tobacco road, mx, tk in E, IDs, meuh !!
6234,5 1716-1723* UNID, rock, then undermod, 1721 tk ..Dingda(?) Radio.. [cf DIGITAL ]
6280,2 1731-2253 R. MERLIN INT, \noisy at first, traffic6282u, mx, 1814 ment' R.Caroline North, ID, pops, 2037 ID,g's
6265,0 1816-1821* UNID, v.weak\hush noise, pop, 1821 ID? no copy, and off [cf HITMIX ]
6305,0 1825-1900 HITMIX R., e.weak \hush noise, Bzn, Red River rock, IDs, 1832 SSTV, 1848 polka, g's, ID
6299,9 1956-2033 R. MAZDA, strong, good mod, pop-rock (+occ. D songs), 2004 Get it on, 2018 CCR, 60s, 2029 ID
6288,0 1958-2002* UNID, instrum mx (D and pop), 2001 This F.R. now c'/d. [ cf HITMIX ]
4025,0 2008-2200 LHH %, fair\fading > strong\occ.traffic4020u, mx, 2058 bit of tk, "On the border", later clear mx
6390,6 2010-2045* R. DUTCHWING, C&W, 2041 ID, "from the NL"
6300,3 2047-2050* RNW ?, (2038 blank), weak\fading,atmos, 2047 ..Radio NW(?)48@..mail.com, c'/d, 2049 same @
* * * * * TUES. 29 APR. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 1558-1608 RODE ADELAAR, weak\PLC, D songs, 1601 ID
6205,0 1635-1642* UNID, v.weak\noisy,PLC, pop, 1638 tk over, ID?, "6-2-oh-5 kHz", Balkan mx
6284,9v 1643-1731 UNID, v.weak\hush noise,PLC, (slow drift to 6284,6). 1653"Lady Marmelade", 1658 O.Redding, 1710 polka, waltz, 1721 D song "~ritchipi", more D songs [cf DIGITAL ]
6290,0 1702-1720 Z. --- PIRAAT, v.weak +peaks, mx, 1719 c'/d ID (part copy only), bpm. [cf WEG PIRAAT ]
6305,0 1810-1835* UNID, weak\PLC,atmos, mx, D song, 1825 instrum 80s medley, 1831 this FR now c'/d.
6285a 1840-1850 UNID, in SSB (6284L??, not clarified), tk, parts of mx
6735u 1854-1905 UNID, v.weak\sticky PLC, "Ring my bell", 1904 Pirate for Peace, 1905 end? [cf COOL AM ]
6305,0 1907-1926 R. PYTHON, good \a few atmos, mx, 1920 ID, mx, hello Snowball, 1925 ID, 10W
4025,0 2040-2057 LASER HOT HITS %, strong, mx, tk: Yellow Magic Orchestra, Billy Preston, 2055 "Life on Mars"
* * * * * WED. 30 APR. 2014 * * * * *
6289,95 1000-1014 UNID, v.weak\strong PLC, D song, accordion
6205,05 1003-1012 UNID, e.weak\strong PLC,ut. on L-side, hard to hear mx.
6747,0 1554-1725 UNID, v.weak>fair \PLC, D songs, D mx. [cf PIONEER ]
6304,95 1600-1601* UNID, mx parts with dropouts, s/off before 1602. [cf PYTHON ]
6280,2 1602-1607 R. MERLIN INT, mx, tk, ID+hl, ID+@.
6305,1 1710-2046 R. MERLIN INT, weak \L-side ut., pops, IDs, 1809 Grocer Jack, 2031 M voice:"DJ Nellie"
6290,0 1712-1834* RODE ADELAAR, fair-good\atmos, D mx, IDs, 1714 Mickey Mouse polka,1833 ID+@, 1833'55" off
6220,0 1715-1726 R. RONALISA, fair \hum(other stn), ID+@ in E, ment' Silverback, "Ronalisa" song, polka, \it.traffic
6210,0 1722-1726 UNID, e.weak\atmos, mx, ID ?,more mx... [cf O. CALIENTE ]
6924,0 1820-1830 UNID, e.weak \atmos, strong traffic 6930L. mx
6210,0 1835-1839* R. TELSTAR INT, wek\noisy,atmos. tk in D, ment' Twentana, ID, D song
6290,0 1841-1914 HITMIX, weak\atmos, D songs, instrum background: tk, ID, 1903 also: Telstar. [cf Combination]
6241,0 1845-1854 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos,etc. schlager, accordion, hip-hop (1901 gone) [cf ASTRA R. ]
4025,0 1904-2150 LASER HOT HITS, fair \strong 4020RTTY, mx, tk, Laser Int, mx...
6935,3 2033-2045 FR. VICTORIA, \occ.gurgling noise, Judy in disguise, ID, Spirit in the sky, Louie Louie, 2045 deep fade
* * * * * THURS. 01 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 1700-1931* RODE ADELAAR, v.weak\PLC > fair\atmos, mx, 1704 ID, 1928 ID+@, brass mx and s/off.
6280,2 1701-1736 UNID, v.weak \PLC,atmos, mx, 1707 YMCA, later \traffic QRM [cf MERLIN ]
6305,15 1710-1732 R. ALTREX, tk, IDs, mx, meuh ! 1714 ment' Casanova,Norton...
6298,0 1718-1728 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, mx. 1728 deep fade. (1732 gone)
6321,0 1733-1733 trace only. [cf O. CALIENTE ]
6305,0 1829-1832* VOTN, mx, rep to Altrex, ID as "the Voice"
6305,0 *1832-1833* UNID, voice only, tk to Altrex,
6305,0 *1834-1838* VOTN, mx, "CQ DX", tk to Altrex, ID(THE VOICE), mx, tk in D, ID, mx, 1838'30" s/off
6210,0 1840-1907 R.COLUMBIA %, e.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, This is Radio - - SW - - hotmail, mx, tk \harder & harder
6300,0 1855-2051 BLAUWE PANTER, 1857 ID in D+E, 1931 Let's all chant, pops, 2049 Ona way ticket
6324,9 1907-1958 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos,6327 ut. mx, tk, rock, 1920 ID ?,1926 ID ?, ..danke schoen..
6735,0 1936-2153 COOL AM R. e.weak\PLC,atmos, blues, 2000\v.strong number stn on 6739u, blues, 2112 ID, etc
6735 u 2229-2231* UNID, \noisy, blues.
4025,0 1953-2125 LASER HOT HITS, good, mx, ID, rpt, Roy Orbison"You've got it", mx...
6293,0 2114-2127 Z. VERONA, D mx, allo-een-twe, IDs?, mx, 2126 ID+@, D song
6939,9 2056-2139 R. COAX, e.weak \noisy, atmos,QRM around, mx, many IDs+@, wanting rpts, harder & harder
6937,0 2123-2215 UNID, \stanag, QRM R.Coax, mx, first in AM, 2136 in DBL(no carrier) ?, 2215 in USB (2227 gone)
6980,85L 2202-2206 UNID, mx hard to clarify, 2205 a few words, Soul man
6981,0L 2207-2225 UNID, mid-60s soul mx, so-so audio, 2213 "NMF(??)", 2118 blues \bad audio [cf OVER 60° ]
6950 L 2226-2226 UNID, mx, then a ventriloquist (?) , in ru ?
6293,0 2232-2307 Z. DAKOTA, D songs, tk, 2250 IDs+@ in E, mx
6375,6 2234-2240* R. PIRANA ?, e.weak \6373ut., mx, latino song, ID (not quite clear), hotmail, tk in sp., 2240'50"*
* * * ** * FRI. 02 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6210,0 1542-1650 UNID; trace-e.weak > e.weak\atmos then PLC, mx, 1555 Pump up the volume?, 1632 ska (1658 gone)
6290,0 1545-1712 ODYNN R., v.weak, Pump up the volume, 1549 ID, 1600 \PLC, 1620 Alain Barrière "Tu t'en vas", H.Rising Sun, 1637 Yellow River, g's, ID, 1705 rock, 1712 Dust in the wind
6304,9 1600-1644* UNID, v.weak \PLC, rock, 1643 dank U Casanova. [cf Python ]
6245,0 1608-1637 R. CASANOVA, e.weak\PLC, f'/up, mx, D songs, 1636 tk, ID by known voice (1644 gone)
6324,9 1707-1942 UNID, weak \PLC, D songs, 1932 f'/up, 1935 market carribean mx. (1952 gone) [cf NORTON ]
6260v 1713-1720 UNID, \drift to 6262, bb, 1716 allo, 1718 accordion, tk, 1720 QSY to 6226,7 and off [cf LOTUS ]
6220,0 1817,1826 trace under noise [ cf COLUMBIA ]
6210,0 1813-1921* R. HITMIX, v.weak\PLC, D songs, 1916 tk, ID, 1918 Eine cigarette, 1920 ..now c'/d
6240,0 1826-1828* UNID, fair +peaks \PLC, mx, sudden s/off at 1828'43" [cf STERRENKIJKER ]
6284,8 1829-1954 UNID, euro-singer, then D songs, 1954 "Ring of fire" in D, 1857 member of P4P. [cf DELTA ]
6295,0 1832-1852 ODYNN R., Nancy S."These boots..", 1835 allo Snowball, IDs.., CCR, IDs, Jimi"Hey Joe"..
6305,1 1843-2246 R. MERLIN INT, weak\PLC, pops, rock, IDs
6245,0 1859-1955 MUSTANG R., strong \PLC !, D brass mx, then pops, 1914 ID, more pops
6425,1 1923-2115 STUDIO 52, "Hair" remix, mx and g's, 1944 You were on my mind, 1956,2115 IDs
4025,0 1949-2253 LASER HOT HITS, fair\noisy at first, 2233 // to 6950
6940,0 2108-2135 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, 2112 ID, 2135 v.weak (2142 gone)
6978,5v 2110-2252 UNID, good\fading (drift to 6978,2) rock, 2155 Highway to Hell, 2250 \hum [cf ROCK R. NETW.]
6315,0 2116-2120 UNID, pop, synthe mx (2130 gone) [cf BLACKBEARD ]
6207,35 2123-2208 DELTA R., v.weak\PLC, mx, 2128 c'/d ID, 2200 still there
6930,0 2133-2142 PREMIER R. INT, pops, "Jean genie", ID
6935,0 2147-2157 PREMIER R. INT, mx, ID "closing", mx, mx.. (2212 gone)
6950,0 2135-2253 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 2150 D.Norris, 2153 ID, mx... 2233 // to 4025
3930,0v 2221-2302 UNID, e.weak\noisy, jerking (max 3930,7), pops, anaemic "Nutbush City limits"! [cf EUROPE ]
* * * * * SAT. 03 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 0636-0745 R. MERLIN INT, weak>v.weak, 0638 ID, mx, 0736 ID+@ by W, canned ID, mx (0819 gone)
7265,0 0644-0645 MV BALTIC R. ?, relaying Glenn Hauser's World of radio.
6095,0 0822-0825 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, C&W, ads for KBC Import, Truck Magazine
6095,0 1010-1015 MIGHTY KBC, only fair-good \PLC, pops, tk, ID
6095,0 1307-1417 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong again\short deep fades, 60s mx, R&B, Elvis, soul, tk
6322,0 1418-1421 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx
6383,0 1422-1426 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, " - - Radio", 1426 end ? [cf NMD ]
6747,0 1429-1506 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise, mx, 1436 Final countdown, 1457 In the army now
6802,9 1445-1509 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut? > drowned, 1445 some tk, mx, She's not there. (Also 1953-1955 mx)
6305,0 1915-2318 BOGUSMAN, up to strong \L-side ut., mx,rock,alt.mx, long tk in E, 2101,2248 'IDs'(own way...)
6282,95 1918-2035 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, good\bits of atmos, voice less singer, gd ev' ID, "band of 9-10 kHz now", g's, 1922 test tones, mx again, 1944 rock, IDs, 2027 techno-drums
6240,0 1923-1943 UNID, \fading,atmos, Jeanette? in sp., mx, tk over (veiled voice) [cf UNID ]
6207,0 1926-1937* HITMIX R., v.weak\PLC, laughing, IDs, bye-bye, mx, 1933 Eine cigarette, 1936..now c'/d, 1937'50"*
6725,0 1946-2115 R. TOWER, tk and IDs+@ over "Walk don't run, D pop, 2037 strong, g's to CZ, ann. //1611
6950,0 1956-2259 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1957 news by FSN, ID by M.Scott, mx // 4025, 2141 Laser goes DX
6950,0 2310-2338 R. BLACKBEARD, no more relaying LHH, mx, 2338 ID+@
4025,0 2009-2140 LASER HOT HITS, good \fading, loc.noise, //6950, mx, tk, 2141 Laser. (also 2310, not // anymore)
6925,0 2001-2004 UNID, tchac-tchac mx, 2004 soft end? or quick f'/out ?
6255,1 2027-2147 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, offshore story: end of R.London in 1967, 2102 typ. voice, oldies, memories
6940,0 2040-2120 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, Sweets for my sweet, live IDs "from somewhere in the UK" (2137 gone)
6925,0 2051-2303* UNID, good>strong \bit of ut., R&R, Yaketi Yak (not Coasters), C&W, old jazz, 2258\traffic [cf TRX ]
6285,0 2106-2332 R. POWERLINER INT, good\deep fades, on-off audio, C&W, rock, 2243 ID, g's, H.RisingSun, etc
6241,0 2148-2239 R. COLUMBIA, e.weak\bad fading, 2158 This is.., 2221 ID+@, 2228 Hey Jude
6210,0 2203-2236 SLUWE VOS R., good>strong\fading, ID+@, mx,mx. (2324,2332 : long blank carrier)
6221 v 2206-2226 UNID, e.weak, tk, 2206 on 6221,4 (live.nl??) 2209-2216 on 6221,1 trace then tk, 2226 on 6221,0. QSO?
6250,0 2228-2340 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, strong, rock, 2334 ID, 2239 synthe mx, 2319 Daddy cool, 2340 rock, ID
6265,8 2240-2243 UNID, v.weak\mushy!, D song, ID+hl (mushy!), ment' Dr Tim, some D song.
6915,0 2253-2349* PREMIER R. INT, v.weak, "My generation", tk by M+W, pops, later tk too, 2346 ad for 7up, Man of action, ID, deep fade, g's, c'/d, bye-bye
6236,0 2320-2330* R. COLUMBIA, e.weak, Walk don't run, brass mx, 2326 ID+@, mx, 2329 ID+@, blank and end.
* * * * * SUN. 04 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6199,7 0659-0736 UNID, v.weak\bad fading, PLC, 0701 Dire Straits, 0734 tk(no copy). [cf ORANG UTAN ]
6265,05 0737-0835* R. NORA, weak\ut.splash, nonstop mx background, tk over with many stops: g's, IDs, in D/E/G.
6300,0 0747-0806 UNID, weak/v.weak \noisy,PLC,ut. clocs. blues, tk, ID?, blues, rock... [cf WALDMEISTER ]
7700,0 0755-0854 FRSH, fair \hum then sticky PLC, IS, IDs, 1 hour test, P.Verbrugen, rock, 0850 c'/d, to next month
7265,0 0812-0855 MV BALTIC R., weak-fair, AM-USB, rock, tk in G, folk mx, seems a bit undermod at times
7390,0 0820-0823 UNID, e.weak\border of PLC guard band, undermod, mx.
6095,0 0836-0930 KBC, v.strong, Trucker Radio, mailbag by M+M+W, C&W, "Let's get drunk" (Oooh!......)
6305,1 0840-1204 R. MERLIN INT, weak>e.weak, SSTVx3, 0909 Fin-a-fink, Waterloo sunset, 0915 ID, 1034 ID+@
6305,1 1641-2239 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak at first, ID+hl, Rocking all over the world, 1825,1910 "Rosie"x2, oldies, IDs
7300,05 0856-0901 UNID, e.weak\under loc.noise, mx, 0900 a few words?, 0901 end? [cf U-BOAT 66 ]
7330,0 0903-0940 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, 0938 C&W, 0940 ..email address.. [cf MISTI ]
7329,75 0941-0942* UNID, tk in E (traffic-type voice), This is (3 letters)
7330,0 *0942-0944 UNID, tk, 0944 "This is -- -- Echo"
7329,55 0944"55 UNID, tk
7330,0 0946-0947 UNID, tk, then lost
7299,0 0948-1007 RMGP, e.weak, mx, tk, ID in E by W ("Ghost Planet" copied) also in it., 1004 singing dog
7330,0 1007-1047 R. JOYSTICK, strong, transe mx, mx to sell tasteless bier, 1016 long tk in G +bar noise, 1045 ID
6285,0 1020-1047 R. TELSTAR INT, v.weak, mx, g's to stns, IDs, plug DrTim/Iann Xat
6265,0 1022-1022 R. CASANOVA, e.weak, mx, ID.
6260,0 1031-1048 R. CASANOVA, D or G song, pop, 1035 known voice, 1048 ID+@
6802,9 1038-1934 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak\PLC, D schlager, 1206 trace, 1604 v.weak\PLC, ID, 1930 good\PLC,ut.
6209,9 1200-1203 UNID, e.weak, some mod > f'/out
6322,1 1617-1919 UNID, e.weak\PLC, var.mx, tk, ID no copy, 1637"Gimme some loving", f'/up but mx only [cf ALTREX ]
6390,5 1619-1624 UNID, v.weak, mx, some cold start drift? to 6390,7 [cf LOWLAND ]
6390,5 1724-1819 UNID, tk over Marvin Gaye mx, bye-bye, bb mx, mx [cf LOWLAND ]
6390,5 1920,1936 UNID, 1920: tk, rock. 1936: D merry-go-round mx [cf LOWLAND ]
6290,0 1642-1910 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak\6295 splash, mx, 1647 ID+@, 1723 All you need is love, pops, 1829 ID
6255,0 1648-1653 UNID, v.weak\PLC, R&R, [cf DIGITAL ]
6256,0 1721-2013 UNID, v.weak\PLC, 1837 accordion, 2013 Final countdown [cf DIGITAL ]
6240,0 1654-1842* R. FOXFIRE, v.weak\PLC, rock, 1657 ID, mx, 1840 c'/d ID+@+g's, Red River rock
6215,5 1703-2241 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak\strong PLC at first, v.quiet mx, then tango, tango...
6210,0 1708-1718 UNID, e.weak\sticky PLC, mx, tk (no copy), mx, > trace, under noise. [cf O. CALIENTE ]
6295,0 1827-1827 UNID, \stereo with Reflexions Europe, polka, then yodl. (1910 relig. progr. alone)
6270,0 1831-1836* UNID, \stanag around, mx, "Calimba de luna", blank+hum and s/off.
6220,0 1844-1857 R. COLUMBIA ?, ID no copy but typical, mx, then \PLC,ut. 1853 Fox on the run, 1857 ID?
6209,9 1848-1853 PAARDENKRACHT, W singer in G, 1852 ID, g's, song
6239,5 1858-2110* RNW, v.weak\PLC,atmos,bursts. "L'eau vive"(but in G?), mx, 2019 It's all over now baby blue, 2106 c'/d, g's, IDs enough times to get a good one , cancan mx, bye-bye
6935,0 1927-1928* UNID, e.weak\atmos,etc, mx (already trace+mod at 1613).
6389,5 1935-1936* UNID, strong, tk, mx, and off.
6390,5 1936-1936 UNID, D merry_go-roound mx
6324,4 1938-1956* R. UNDERGROUND, strong\occ.traffic or ut., excellent mod, high end progr. , 1954 player break
6324,4 2000-2126 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, back with mx, g's, IDs+hl, pops... (2139: blank and s/off)
6280,0 2003-2017 MUSTANG R., strong\PLC,ut.QRM, "Oh Carol", Logical song, techno, 2017 ID, g's, techno
6288,0 2028-2140 ODYNN R., \6295 splashes, mx, g's, gd ev' ID, H.California, mx
6939,0 2036-2047 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, IDs, g's(to Mike Fox, to CZ). (2115 gone)
6255,05 2056-2138 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, mx, std ID, typ. tk, mx, 60s pops, Memories, 2133 Waterloo sunset
4025,0 2112-2115 LHH, good \strong ut.noise. mx, tk, Laser
6290,0 2240-2246 UNID, good. ELO, rock.
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.