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LOGS : 14 - 20 APR. 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 22:58 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Many stations on the air! Look for :
- Minipower: frequency hopper, ID heard here only once (see also Unids on 6214 and elsewhere?)
- OLD TIME R. from Germany
- quite unsure R. Kaironia (rather Pirana ?)
- Easter weekend with marathon stations : R.Marabu, R.Star Int
- RWI had uncommon offshore stories (much more than the usual Caroline-London-Mi Amigo)
- British stations also very active, particularly Blackbeard

Now waiting for R. Teac (after R. Akai ;-))

* * * * * MON. 14 APR. 2014 * * * * *

6261,9 0635-0646 RODE ADELAAR, weak-fair, \traffic bursts, D mx

6205,0 0636-0645 HORIZON FM, fair, pops, 0645 ID

6095,0 0921,0952 TRANSPORT R. %, strong, tk in D, mx

6285,0 1032-1034* UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk over mx, end.

6287,0 1034-1037 UNID, trace-e.weak \PLC, tk, then lost (end?)

6285,0 1658-1720 R. VENDOR, weak \traffic6280u, occ.strong PLC, brass mx, D mx, 1716 ID

6710 L 1705-1710 UNID, LSB+carrier, v.weak\PLC, "Shaft", 1706 long tk (slavic language?)

3904,9 1721-1820* UNID, v.weak > fair+peaks, R&R, 1724 "on SW ...", 1800 G singer [cf ALICE ]

6285,0 1803-1818 UNID, weak, mx, tk, fancy sounds [cf ALTREX ]

6291,5 1813-1817* UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, tk("in" the record?), sudden off.

6291,0 1822-1830* UNID, v.weak\PLC, fading, mx, 1830 tk (mushy audio), end [ cf TOP ]

6297,0 1832-1832 UNID, mx, QSY (to 6295,9 ?)

6295,9 1833-1847 UNID, testing ? with parts of tracks (incl. D instrum, some C&W). [cf JOEY ]

6280,25 1902-2155 R. MERLIN INT, \soso mod, Santana, ID, mx, IDs, 2024 Should I stay.., 2102 Santana.. (also 2406)

6720 L 1910-1944 UNID, e.weak \atmos, KISS"I was made..", rock on stage, f'/up\atmos.

6735 L 1915-1916 UNID, \traffic,atmos, mx, Greek mx

6910,0 1935-1940 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\atmos,ut.QRM up side. 1936 ID+@, Man of action, 1939 ID, ding!
6915,0 2040-2053 UNID, Dexys MR"Come on Eileen", mx. [cf PREMIER ]

6326,9 1944-1952 R. MAZDA, strong, mx, 1951 g's, ID, Yellow sun of Ecuador :-(
6324,9 2001-2041 R. MAZDA, strong, tk, ID+@, \hum, 2006 Man of action, mx...

4025,0 1948-2113 LASER HOT HITS, strong \RTTY L-side, clip from Caroline 558, 2111 ID+contacts

6300,0 1953-1958 UNID, v.weak \atmos, short breaks, instrum mx, f'/up (2006 gone)

6290,75 2007-2017 R. PIRANA ?, e.weak(undermod) \atmos, mx, many IDs (almost OK) in E and sp.

6379,95 2028-2042 FLUX AM, 80s remix, ID+@ (almost OK), 2032 ID

6400,0 2034-2044 UNID, mx, 2035 S-Express, mx...

6262,7 2103-2119 R. KAIRONIA INT ??, \noisy, mx, 2104 British voice (Underground?), g's, ID, g's to Wizard, 2108 mails from Little Feat and Armadillo, test trn tonight.

6290,0 2113-2113 UNID, pop W singer

6395,0 2120-2132* UNID, v.-e.weak \atmos,UT.QRM on L-side, mx.

6295,0 2136-2154* LITTLE FEAT, good \atmos, f'/down. mx, 2151 ID+@gmail, hello Terry/NFL

* * * * * TUES. 15 APR. 2014 * * * * *

6280,2 0658-1000 R. MERLIN INT, weak > trace under PLC, mx, IDs, 0808 ID+hl+@, "American woman"

6261,9 0740-0824 RODE ADELAAR, weak > v.weak, D/pop mix, 0751 ID, 0824 ID

6205,0 0744-0745* UNID, tk over tiki+barrel organ mx, end

6290,0 0931-1000 R. TELSTAR, e.weak \PLC, D mx, 0950 peak: "allo", g's to DrTim,... 0955 Telstar, 0959 c'/d ID

6290,0 1557-1628* R. TELSTAR (vs R. ODYNN), \v.noisy, Telstar stronger, rock, 1600 tk in D, g's to Marco,DrTim, 1604 ID in E: R. - - Int, Psycho killer, more mx & tk, carriers beating, 1616 Rock your baby, 1619 Baker Street, 1623 Dragon slayer, c'/d, g's, ID, c'/d, sudden ID of the other:"It was R. Odynn", 1626 both stns, 1628 the stronger one s/off.

6290,0 1628-1633* R. ODYNN %, going on, v.weak\noisy, synthe mx, 1629 ment' Telstar, tk added over mx not faded, "OK Franco .. you are list' to ..." (ID no copy).

6285,0 1634-1736 R. ODYNN, ID over mx, 1635 Walk ..Egyptian, 1639 Pump up the volume, 1650 IDs+hl+@, pops

6240,0 1641-1658 R. MIR via PIRATES FOR PEACE, mx, tk in Russian? and E about UKR and Soviet Union, IDs.

6284,9 1814-1816* UNID, mx, then tk in D about Odynn, tech rpt for (Python or Pluto?) [cf KLEINE Z.]

6978,3 1820-1858 v.weak\fading,noisy, rock. (later, 1911-2000 : blank \strong traffic on 6976,3L in Port.?)

6294,9 1859-1915 v.weak\loc.noise, rock, tk, rpt, ID, mx. (1924 gone)

4025,0 1905-2103 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, FSN ad, tk, mx, 2059 fair, tk, rock, JID, Dragonslayer

6214,0 1925-2007 UNID, weak \strong PLC, mx, tk?, 1949 "Africa", then f'/down, blanks and mx [cf MINIPOWER ]

6213,0 2054,2105 UNID, v.weak, mx, 2105 euro-singer (in sp.) [cf MINIPOWER ]

* * * * * WED. 16 APR. 2014 * * * * *

4025,0 0616-0629 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\fading,noisy, mx, ID, tk

6289,95 0620-0830 RODE ADELAAR, weak-fair, instrum rock-pop, 0655 Hey Jude, Mocking bird hill, 0702 Sorry I'm a lady, 0710 R&R, etc mx & tk, 0828 ID (then \strong PLC).

6280,2 0917-1024 R. MERLIN INT, v.>e.weak\PLC, mx, ID. (also 1117: trace)
6280,2 1508-1643 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak at first, mx, IDs, 1643 On the road again. (also 1813-1833) (1913 gone)

6745,2 1514-1938* UNID, e.weak\PLC > fair, non stop mx mix (pops, rock, also D mx...), 1935 polka. [cf PIONEER ]

6305,0 1626-1642 UNID, e.weak\PLC, ut.QRM. mx, 1628 drowned, 1642 lost. (1644 bit of a trace)

6802,9 1753-1850 PINK PANTHER R., good \fading, pops, 1804 ID, 1805 \strong RTTY6802. 1850 On the road again, ID

6325,1 1807-1832 UNID, fair > v.strong, mx, dropouts, 1821 "Ma belle amie", 1830 H. of Rising Sun [cf EXPERIENCE ]

6290,0 1811-1825 R. TELSTAR INT, reggae, 1811 g's, ID.
6290,0 1833-1913 UNID, 1855 Bye bye love, tk in D (no copy). [cf SILVERBACK ]

4025,0 1826-2201 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \noisy,RTTY4020, mx, tk:Venga Boys, ID, 2201 ID+@

6385,0 1835-1839 UNID, v.weak, 60s pop (1854 gone)

6240,0 1907-1919* UNID, (1858 strong blank), mx, Have you ever seen the rain, Born on the bayou, blank, end [cf MIR]

6214,0 1919-1924* UNID, v.weak, mx, sudden off

6280,0 1928-2028 OLD TIME R. (auf Deutschland), strong, bits of mx at first, 1954 IDs no copy, 2002 R. - - from Germany, POB..., 2004 ID, POB 234 Munich, mx, more IDs in E or G, retro mx, comedy, waltz, G song...

6214,0 1940-1957 UNID, \low mod, breaks, Julio Iglesias or alike.

6290,0 2025-2043 UNID, fades+peaks, "Whiter shade of pale" in sp., "California dreaming" too, 2238 rock on stage [cf MINIPOWER ]

6285,0 2039-2056 UNID, e.weak\PLC, hard to hear then drowned. [cf KLEINE Z. ]

6281,1 2040-2148 VOTN, strong\noisy +v.strong peaks, 2042 E.Moricone, 2056 Blue moon, 2057 "short test", ID, 2133 said c'/d, 2140 "I believe in angels", more Bzn.

6295,0 2050-2055* UNID, e.weak, B.Dylan?, J.&Hurricanes?(part) and s/off [ cf JOFOX ? ]
6295,0 2102-2132* R. PLUTO ?, e.weak, instrum mx, 2105 gd ev', ID(no copy) on 6295, 2111 Hurdy gurdy man, 2130 annt in E, .. Pluto .. kHz .. bye-bye.

6260,0 2059-2203 BLACKBEARD, fair \noisy, strange mx, shouted ID, mx, many IDs, ann' 6266(false)

6978,4 2115-2210 UNID, good carrier \bit low mod, mx, not much rock. [ cf ROCK R. NETWORK ]

* * * * * THURS. 17 APR. 2014 * * * * *

6285,0 0845-0848 UNID, trace + short v.weak peaks \PLC, mx. (also 0915-0920 : trace only)

6295,0 1822-1900 R. ALTREX, v.weak \noisy,splashes. ID by mooh! (meuh!), CCR, mx, My little runaway

6289,6 1824-2223 UNID, rec's of ATLANTIC 252 from the 90s, weak \traffic, ut.QRM > strong, pops, years, IDs

6282,0 1829-1831* TELSTAR R., Riders on the storm, tk in D+E, bye-bye, ID and off.

6268,0 1835-1905 UNID, \stanag splash from U-side, alternative mx. End: around 1905.

6400,3 1843-1850 UNID, e.weak, mx. (1931,1950 \strong traffic on 6400u)

6205,0 1909-2130 UNID, v.weak\PLC, ut. "weaving loom", pops, 1925 "Message to you Rudy", 2128 een-twe-dri

6214,0 1914-1925 UNID, good \atmos, rock. (1936 gone, 2109 mx).

6308,9 1926-2004 UNID, e.weak \ut.QRM on U-side, pops

4025,0 1938-2209 LASER HOT HITS, weak > strong \loc.noise, Aneka"Japanese boys", ID+@, mx, 2205 rock, ID

6244,6 1953-1956 UNID, \het6243, W singer in E, 1956 G waltz. (2001 gone? \strong ut.)

6240,9 2109-2139 R. UNDERGROUND INT, mx from Asia, ID, JID, 2131 bugles on 6241,1, 2138 c'/d

6389,0 2115-2140 LITTLE FEAT R., e.weak, Whiter shade of pale, ID, 2133 V.Paradis, ID, C&W, Soul man

6975 L 2120-2230 UNID, v.weak \atmos, blues, Chuck Berry tracks, 2146 ID no copy, blues. [cf OVER 60° ]

6745,2 2141-2332 UNID, pops/D mx mix, 2141 In the army now, 2225 Fugee cacao [cf PIONEER ]

6949,3 2319-2345 R. FREE WHATEVER, v.weak \bad fading,atmos, IDs, jazz.

* * * ** * FRI. 18 APR. 2014 * * * * *

6290,0 0710-0755 RODE ADELAAR, e./v.weak \PLC, D mx, tk, IDs

6282,0 0852-0858 UNID, trace with mod., \traffic

6280,2 1545-1809 R. MERLIN INT, weak \stanag6275, pops, 1552 g's, ID+@, 1601 Sugar sugar

6290,0 1546-1817 RODE ADELAAR, e.weak > weak, pop-rock and D mx, 1648 Yesterday man, Tonight, 1807 IDs+@

6324,95 1549-1730 R. NORTON, v.weak, D mx, 1634 ID, 1730 c'/d ID

6245,15 1602-1721 CRAZY WAVE R., e.weak \QRM6239, PLC, mx, IDs+@(not quite OK at first), 1626 techno, time check, 1629 said c'/d, clear ID, 1708 \strong PLC, Race with the devil, 1710 ID. (also 1810 tk in E, mx).

6239,1 1607-2422 R. MARABU, strong > v.strong, clear, tk in G, "The entertainer", mx, 1621 ID, ment' Mi Amigo, Geronimo, IDs in E+G, mx, 1653 duo chat in G, 1811 theater play?, 2011 ID, later: mx,mx

6219,1 1608-2422 R. STAR INT, up to good+strong peaks, mx, offshore stories, 1618 ID+web, 1707 Doors, later mx

6306,4 1610-1611 UNID, e.weak, mx

6300,0 1612-1612 UNID, e.weak-trace, mx barely heard.

6199,7 1632-1657 R. ORANG UTAN, v.weak \hum bursts, mx, 1634 ID, mx, 1654 het from 6198,9

6450,2 1642-1645 STUDIO 52, v.weak, D mx, rock, ID, D song
6425,2 1726-2249 STUDIO 52, weak \stanag 6430, mx, D mx, 1954 g's, ID

6205,5 1657-1814 R. TANGO ITALIA, e.weak, usual IS with it. anthem, later tango.
6265,5 1935-2247 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango

6300,0 1711-1817 R. SILVERBACK, fair\PLC, D song, 1713 ID+@, Tarzan shouting, also pops, 1817 ID

6325,05 1814-1814 UNID, \ut.splashes, mx. [cf KLABAUTERMAN ]

6735,0 1821-1842 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx, California dreaming, then trace (drowned) [cf COOL AM ]

6809,9 1833-1919 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx, IDs (no copy) by Jr, speeding bpm, later \stanag 6807a [cf JOEY]

6747,0 1843-1852 UNID, e.weak-trace \sticky PLC, mx, 1850 - -, mx
6747 u 1920-1930 UNID, \PLC, noise. mx in USB

6925,0 1854-1905 UNID, \v.noisy, occ.traffic 6930L, blues, mx. (1911 gone)

6939,9 1905-2042 UNID, e.weak, mx, 1908 tk(no copy), 1914 under noise, 2030 pop \6933splash, 2033 IDs??, Doors.

6286,6v 1932-2009 R. UNDERGROUND, JID, tk, rep to mails, ID, "Kuku", drift to 6287,1 - 2009 ID, rock

6255,05 1935-2247 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, brass mx, typical tk: Britain R., Beach Boys, 2131 Lord Sutch

6210,0 1941-2011 MINI-POWER, \PLC, 1900 Hz test tone?, mini-parts of mx, shouted ID, 2011 H.Rising Sun

6394,0 1948-1955 UNID, TomTomClub, 19.50 Zender..., 19.55 ..from the NL on 6-9-3-4, mx.

3905,0 1958-2300 UNID, strong, pops, reggae, rock, 2300 Wind of change. [cf SKYLINE ]

4025,0 2006-2301 LASER HOT HITS, good, the R.Caroline 558 recordings were not so good. 2301 JID

6324,95 2012-2108 R. MAZDA, good\fading > strong-v.strong, D mx, 2058 live ID+@, g's, 2108 Comment ca va

6385,0 2016-2052 UNID, weak-fair\PLC,ut., mx, IDs at 2016 and 2052 (I understood "Etherfreak") [cf LITTLE FEAT ]

6933,0 2023-2030 R. BLACKBEARD, pop-rock, 2027 allo Terry/NFL, 2029 ID, Scatman, hellos..
6930,0 2038-2045 R. BLACKBEARD, \traffic6930L, Hurrah holidays, ID, mx
6940,0 2111-2153 R. BLACKBEARD, ID+@, Pump up the volume, 2153 Rich man's world, Voulez-vous

6392,0 2049-2109 UNID, weak-fair, mx, R&B, 2100 blues (2128 gone)

6290,0 2104-2147* NMD R., barrel organ, guitar, accordion.. 2130 drumbox pop, 2142 Black Betty, Peter Gunn, c'/d, tnx rpts, bye-bye, 2145 Jethro Tull, 2146 bye-bye, ID+@, 2147 ID, end.

6880,0 2115-2117 SLUWE VOS R., mx, ID, hellos, c'/d, Rivers of Babylon. (2112 gone)

6385 L 2148-2150 UNID, mx in LSB, 2150 switch to AM, but QSY or end.

6305,1 2156-2227 UNID, \stanag6303a, accordion, Casanovas song, instrum, waltz, accordion, 2223 sirtaki, C&W

6295,1 2202-2302 R. BLACKBEARD, mx, hellos>DocTim,Achim, 2208 ID, 2220 ID+@, 2251 on 6295,0, mx

6286,2 2211-2216* UNID, \atmos, mx, accordion [cf UNKNOWN R.]

6324,2 2215-2245 UNID, mx, mx, mx, 2245 Bzn? [cf UNDERGROUND ]

6260,0 2423-2426 UNID, pop, 2424 comedy (in what language ?)

* * * * * SAT. 19 APR. 2014 * * * * *

6239,1 0715-0836 R. MARABU, strong, mx, IDs, tk in G
6239,1 1050-1400 R. MARABU %, good, mx
6239,1 1823-2316 R. MARABU, strong \some ut.QRM, mx, 1951 ID+@ in G, 2028 ID

6219,1 0716-0837 R. STAR INT, fair +peaks \deep fades,traffic. mx, tk in E, 0717 R.Pandora clip?, ID+POB, rock
6219,1 1051-1400 R. STAR INT, v.weak, ID, mx, 1319 about year 1962
6219,1 1823-2316 R. STAR INT, mx, 2028 ID+POB+@, IDs, mx

6205,0 0806-0838 UNID, e.weak \PLC,fading, mx, rock, mx [cf KING SW ]

6095,0 0813,1052 KBC v.strong, 0813 Rosko's Coast to coast country. 1052 strong\fading, pop

9510,0 0816-0824 R. CITY, v.strong\fading, mx, tk (known voice), clip: DJ Alan Free, R&R

6300,7 0824-0835 UNID, e.weak +v.weak peaks \fades, mx, 0835 on 6300,8 (0839 gone)

6290,0 0835-0839 UNID, v.weak, mx, D mx [cf VERONA ]

6325,0 0838-0838 UNID, v.weak, mx
- - -
6290,0 1042-1058 UNID, v.>e.weak, accordion, D mx [cf RODE ADELAAR ]

6280,0 1044-1330 UNID, v.>e.weak\stanag6275,PLC, mx, 1049 tk(no copy), 1327 reggae. [cf MERLIN ]

6260,0 1320-1327 COSMIC R., e.weak\PLC,ut.QRM, mx, 1322 ID no copy, JID OK, Walking on sunshine. (1342 gone)

6300,0 1331-1400 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 1335 polka. [cf NMD ]

6325,0 1337-1346 UNID, under noise (from ut. ?)

6200,0 1344-1400 TECHNICAL MAN, remix of Vamos a la playa, 1355 again :-(, 1359 ID in E+D

6312,45 1346-1349* R. NORDSEE INT, weak\PLC, mx, 1347 ID, "test", in G, Man of action.

6308,0 1349-1400 R. WAVES INT, e.weak\PLC, ID in E, mx, 1400 ad for Offshore Echos Magazine (in E)
- - -
6210,0 1820-2242 TECHNISCHE MAN, good > v.strong, Amarillo, ID, 1956 ID, tk in D, 2228 ID+hl (in sp.+fr.)

6255,05 1824-1827 R. MERLIN INT, \hets+ - 5, twist, Do you love me(cover?), ID, Flashback, more 60s pop

6268,0 1827-1835 COSMIC R., mx, jingle, DJ, 1834 McCartney"Uncle Albert", ID

6283,0 1836-1845 R. HITMIX, mx, tk, 1842 IDs, c'/d, mx background. (also at 1950, same ?)

6290,0 1845-2025 UNID, v.weak\atmos, "What's new Pussy Cat", mx, 1854 stealth IDs ??, mx, mx

6306,0 1857-1906 UNID, v.strong, mx, La Lambada, Bette Davis eyes, etc... [cf MUSTANG ]

6325,0 1906-1910 UNID, relaying Artem's "Afrikans Music" [cf TELSTAR ]

6378,0 1911-1945 UNID, v.weak\atmos, In the midnight hour, more R&B, later blues. [cf MINIPOWER ]

6450,0 1916-2152 STUDIO 52, good\atmos, mx, D songs, accordion, 2116 ID, 2152 Wir sind die Casanovas

6935,0 1925-1928 UNID, pops (1932 gone)

6925 L 1929-2256 UNID, weak \"loom"QRM, atmos, strange mx, then \traffic, mx, tk (no copy) [cf OVER 60° ]

6325,0 1945-1948 UNID, SSTV, SSTV, mx [cf MUSTANG ]

4025,0 1957,2231 LASER HOT HITS, 1957 \traffic4020u(in port. ?), mx, ID. 2231 mx, \white noise burst, DJ

6323,0 2001-2132 R. ODYNN, weak>soon strong, Pump up the volume, A.Brown"Fire", rock, 2104 IDs+hl, Tequila

6280,0 2011-2025 UNID, e.weak, mx, D mx?, non stop mx

6915,0 2030-2059 UNID, CCR, Charles Aznavour, long tchacboom, mx, mx (band noise) [cf MINIPOWER ]

6969,9 2047-2225 CWR, ID "from Germany", Nirvana, DJ in G, IDs, mx... \ut.QRM, 2203 ID, JID

6285,0 2105-2132 R. POWERLINER, g's over mx, also ID as "P.R. Radio", D Sat. night mix

6379,6 2107-2148 R. ZEEWOLF INT, good, filler mx (in a loop?), 2137 g's to lisnrs, 2147 ID+@

6260,0 2118-2131 UNID, e.-v.weak, Keep on running, IDs(no copy), pops, 2126 Troggs, "way of life" [cf LITTLE FEAT]

6425,0 2149-2152 UNID, mx right under the stanag [cf ETHERFREAK ? ]

6945,0 2156-2224 UNID, v.weak\atmos, Upside down, choirs, mx, mx, 2224 H. of Rising Sun. [cf Minipower ]

6285,0 2226-2257 UNID, D instrum mx, tk(no copy), D mx [cf CUPID ]

6289,5 2235-2318 UNID, strong, pops (2243 some jazz) [ cf DIGITAL ]

6280,0 2314-2318 UNID, \splash from 6289,5, mx.

* * * * * SUN. 20 APR. 2014 * * * * *

6289,9 0633-0815 R. ORANG UTAN, weak>trace, 0636 live ID, 0652 Wake me up.., ID, mx, 0753 J.Cash.

6259,9 0637-1037 R. WAVES INT, drift to 6260,65, good>weak, Michel Polnareff "Radio", mx, early offshore history: Scandinavia, NL, R. Antwerpen in 1962, G. De Caluwe, R. Uilenspiegel, R. Nordzee from REM Island(1964-1965). Then British scene just before Caroline/Atlanta launchings in 1964. Then mx, 0732 ad for OEM, ID in F, Splendid "Radio pirate" song, 0823 Imagine, \much fading, 0826 ID, 0923 more offshore stories (Red Sands)

6239,1 0651-1026 R. MARABU, strong > fair, mx, IDs in G and E.
6239,1 1330-2145 R. MARABU, strong again, mx, 1836 ID

6219,1 0651-1021 R. STAR INT, good \much fading > v.weak, mx, IDs+POB+@
6219,1 1410-2145 R. STAR INT, mx, IDs, 1837 long tk, 2145 clip from Caroline 319.

6205,0 0652,0723 UNID, v.weak \splash from 6200, mx, 0723 "- - on the SW", jingle, mx.

6199,95 0652-0842 UNID, good +strong peaks, mx, 0723 techno, 0838 accordion, gigouillette, polka [cf TECH.MAN]

6324,95 0736-0815 UNID, v.>e.weak \PLC, mx, polka, D song, 0751 medley incl' sirtaki (0843 gone) [cf NORTON ]

7265,0 0744-0800* EMR, fair\fading, in AM-USB, R.Atlantis clip, ID, "E for kids", rock.. 0759 c'/d (to 6045/9485)

6280,2 0754-1024 R. MERLIN INT, weak>e.weak \PLC,squeezed, mx, IDs+hl+@
6280,2 1429-1944 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \squeezed, mx, IDs(some IDs by W). 1445 Doors.

9485,0 *0800-0805 EMR, via MV Baltic R. (ann'd), in AM-USB, good +strong peaks \fading. Voice over mx: so-so!

6045,0 0805-0813 EMR, strong, //9485 but mod not so good, mx, ID+@, mx, 0813 deep fade, ID

6095,0 0808,1021 KBC, v.strong, mx, Trucker Radio, ads for TruckNews Mag. 1021 mx

6284,95 0818-0821 UNID, weak-v.weak, blank then D mx. [cf MAZDA ]

6265,1 0823-0836 R. NORA, v.weak \noisy,PLC,hard to hear. mx, 0829 ID no copy, 0834 ID in D+E, c'/d, etc...

6293,0 0844-1033 COSMIC R., weak\PLC,other stn QRM? at first: mx, IDs no copy, then clear mx and IDs

6289,9 0903-0909 R. MAZDA, D song, ID in D+E, mx, rpts, ... (0917 gone)

6290,0 0918-0918 UNID, v.weak, mx. (0921 gone)

6250,0 0924-1037 R. CASANOVA, v.weak, seagulls, tk over "Charly Brown", hl, waltz, 0952 clear ID+@

9510,0 0938-0947 UNID, v.strong, mx, 60s soul, coarse rock, tk in E with husky voices, some .org address

9485,0 0939-0949 GERONIMO SW, good\fading, comedy, offshore stories, Dave Scott, ID, mx, g's

6285,0 1023-1036 DIFFERENT R., Benny Hill theme, @, 1034 Bogus?, humor (laughing box?) [cf GHOUL ]

6802,9 1028-1031 UNID, e.weak, mx [cf PINK PANTHER ]
6802,9 1453-2052* PINK PANTHER R., 1453 was tk', then nonstop mx, 2044 ID in D+E, c'/d, ID+@, cartoon mx

6210,0 1412-1450 UNID, trace-e.weak at best, mx. (maybe also 1525, under ut.)

6325,0 1421-1428* R. EXPERIENCE, e.weak, f'/up, The lions sleeps tonight, 1425 ID, mx, ID

6400,0 1636-1641 UNID + UNID, hum -->see WNKR later (but no way to unentangle that)

6725,05 1642-2106 R. TOWER, fair >strong, mx, tk in D, facebook, Osaka song, g's Universe, Iann'sXat, Hitmix, 1650 The opera, Fox on the run, "140km from Amsterdam" but IDs no copy, 1719 ID+@ clear at last, etc...

6325,0 1740-1743 R. AC-DC, good\fading,ut on U-side. ID+@, Rawhide, Smoke on the water, g's.

6305,05 1744-1744 UNID, e.weak \splash. (Later a trace on 6304,9 at 1824)

6285,0 1826-2033 BOGUSMAN, tech. tk about tr' on 24-26 MHz in FM with backscatter, self-ment', later: mx

6265,5 1833-2128 R. TANGO ITALIA %, \het on L-side, tango

6385,0 1844-1942 R. UNIVERSE, fair\fading, F song"Paris latino", ID+@, 1856 ID+@, mx.

6394,95 1849-1942 R. WAVES INT, ID in F, Thames towers story, R. Sutch, R. City... 1854 \strong PLC, 60s mx

6400,0 1856-2027 WNKR, v.weak\PLC,occ.traffic or het. duo tk in E, mx, 1910 ID, 1933 It's a heartache, rock

6324,1 1925-2158 R. UNDERGROUND, drift>6323,8 kHz, strong\fading, blues, ment' WBCQ, WNKR, IDs+mx

3904,95 1947-2218 R. ALICE, pops, occ. D or G song, 2004 ID, Down on the corner, mx, 2218 ID

4025,0 1949-2218 LASER HOT HITS, mx, DJ, ID+@, mx...

6450,1 2108-2201 R. AKAI, g's over Shadows, ID, many IDs over mx parts

6283,0 2125-2215 R. PYTHON, strong, Shadows, tests, ID, tnx

6255,05 2128-2215 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, Lord Sutch story, mx, 2143 RNI clip, story.

6300,0 2146-2155* UNID, e.weak \stanag6298, mx, D song, sudden off.

6935 u 2203-2210 UNID, \sticky noise, mx, 2210 blank.

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
