LOGS : 03 - 09 MAR. 2014

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 03 - 09 MAR. 2014

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Some confusion at times :

- R.Blackbeard on 9650 on Sunday sent a relay of LHH, then own programme, then Galaxy Int.
- R. Alice on 3905 on Saturday was followed by R. Active
- Tina stable : many names, including a new one ?

Also look for : R. Carnaval, Horizon FM (on 41 mb ?), R. Etherfreak, R. Coax, Cosmic R. (?), and a lot of Unids

* * * * * MON. 03 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6284,9 1447-1447 UNID, e.weak \PLC, "test-1-2, allo", mx. (1449 gone)

6299,9 1448-1538 R. TELSTAR INT, v.weak > weak, mx, IDs in D, Adamo, Elvis, instrum, songs in G (1545 gone)

6322,85 1454-1459* UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, C&W girl then end without annt.

6295,0 1534-1619 UNID, e.weak\PLC, QRM from Telstar, atmos. mx, tk, 1614 long tk. (1630 gone)

6285,5 1546-1605 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos, accordion, pops, bpm. (1630 gone)

6300,0 1545-1557 UNID, trace, 1552 some mx 'heard'.

6302,0 1607-1657 (Tina stable), e.weak\PLC, mx, tk, "Winchester cathedral" whistled, Bzn row, 1644 euro mx, 1654 tk about Mir, Skyline, Misti, Delta or Telstar, c'/d, 1656 bye, SuperStudio1A (at) gmx.de, 1657 cut the record [cf HITMIX ]
6302,0 1657-1710* R. TINA, Also spracht Zarathustra, many IDs+@, mx, Knowing me knowing you, Sugar sugar
6300,0 *1710-1727* (Tina stable), v.weak, end of Sugar sugar, tk in D, 1716 Beatles "She loves you", mx, tk, but no clear ID now, 1725 This is TRRF(??) (another fancy ID?) and - - @gmx.de, now c'/d, and s/off

6285,0 1728-1948 R. MIR (via P4P), fair \fading,atmos, mx, R. MIR IDs, "Russia attacks Ukraine", also P4P IDs+@, 1911 tk in Ru. or Ukr. about ..demokratische ... Ukraine .. Belarus.., 1913 This is R. Mir (over hip-hop), etc...

6300,05 1733-1802 R. RONALISA, weak\PLC, tnx Pluto, Peggy Sue, Bzn, Blueberry Hill, Mr Tambourineman, piraat song and unclear IDs, 1749 cartoon, ID sounding like Veronica, D songs, 1755 ID OK now, \Stanag, sounds muffled, 1759 row of IDs, then strong hum from Wizard, "20 watts", then drowned
6300,0 1759-1808* WIZARD R., breaking R. Ronalisa, 1759 carrier, 1801 mx, 1803 ID, rpt for Ronalisa, 1805 no more hum, Wizard on 6299,95, ID, new inverted V antenna, mx, ment' Baltic Sea, Telstar, 1807 ID, c'/d
6300,05 1808-1812 R. RONALISA, blank, 1809 "Oxygene", ID, rpt for Wizard,etc...

6269,95 1915-1916 Z. ASCONA, then D song and no ID, QSY to 6267,95
6267,95 1916-1931* Z. ASCONA, weak, v.weak tk over D songs, IDs not sure, 1930 clear ID+@, s/off
6270,0 1931-1941* Z. ASCONA, s/on, ID+@, fair \noisy,PLC, brass mx, "Funky town" in D, 1939 tk in E, c'/d, Zender Ascona hotmail, mx, bye-bye, 1941 c'/d now, and s/off

6306,1 2130-2205* R. CARNAVAL, fair \atmos,ut.bursts. D mx, jazz clarinet, 2136 part ID, 2142 SSTV, D mx, 2149 prob. ID+@ but no copy, 2150 Nabucco in waltz/polka version, 2154 SSTV, piraten song, some Loopdila schlager, 2203 clear ID (but @ not copied), carnaval song, end.

6300,0 2133-2142* UNID, weak/v/weak \atmos,PLC, mx, 2142 end.

* * * * * TUES. 04 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6290,0 1456-1504* R. TELSTAR INT, weak\PLC, waltz, accordion, tk in D, IDs...

6284,9 1702-1704* R. PLUTO, weak\PLC, pop, tk in E, ID+@, bye-bye

6294,9 1924-1934 R. ALTREX, russian mx, ID, short show, g's to Jari, reverb, ID, c'/d, mooh !

6299,8 1933-2008* WIZARD R., (after long blank), mx(low mod), mike test and messsing, later mx and tk about R. Mir, g's to stns, test from Wizard R., 1956 Driver's seat, 2008 end.

6325,0 1942-1954 R. NIGHT PIRATE, D brass, tk over G song, mumbling ( modulator .. 300W ..), 1947 De Nacht Piraten, RNP, mx, 1958 This is R. Night Pirate, .. NL, mx, tk..

6290,0 1957-1957 R. NIGHT PIRATE, gd ev' ID, techno mx

6289,95 2008-2016* R. NMD, \hum at first, D mx, tk, ment' NMD, Delta. 2013 D version of Yankee Doodle, This is NMD (spelled), short report for Night Pirate (2015 again), 2016 tk in D, mx and s/off

6290,0 *2016-2020 DE RNP, R. NACHT PIRAAT, mx parts, tk in D, blanks, messing

6290,0 2031-2042 R. NMD, ID+@, instrum mx, ID, mx, 2037 long blank

* * * * * WED. 05 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6324,8 1756-1828 UNID, weak \strong PLC, non stop D songs. - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

6290,0 1815-1822* R. RONALISA, v.weak \PLC, mx +IDs, Pop-corn, OK rpt, Sugar baby love, JM.Jarre"Oxygene", c'/d

* * * * * THURS. 06 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6290,0 1847-1920a UNID, fair \PLC, mx, "By the juke-box" in D, end around 1920 approx. - - [cf NMD ]

6300,0 1928-1933 UNID, e.weal \loc.noise, some mx 'heard', then lost.

* * * ** * FRI. 07 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6746,9 1036-1109* UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, On the border, 1106 Stray Cats ?. Red River rock (in medley), 1109'40*
6746,9 1610-1717 R. PIONEER, weak\noisy, mx, ID+@, mx, mx parts. (1732 gone)

6325,05 1614-1633 PYTHON R., good +peaks, mx, mx, 1633 IDs+@, mx (1641 gone)

6295,0 1615-1630* UNID, tk about politics (language = ?), later mx.

6285 V 1618-1949 LONG LIVE R. ?, quite drifty (6284-6286 range) with quick returns, e.weak \noisy, hard to hear, mx, many IDs+@ (and music box) in E but no copy, except the last one (almost OK), 1736 -shortwave(at)gmail.com

6295,0 1641-1735 HITMIX R. ?, v.weak\PLC, pops, 1643 ID+@ almost heard (that name doesn't break through !), Beach Boys, pops, 1709 tk over red River rock, ann' Bellamy Brothers, mx.

7295,0 1654-1703 HORIZON FM %, pops, some tk, 1700 news in E, mx. (1718 gone)

6295,0 1922-1953 (Tina stable), pops, 1949 Bzn ?, 1953 QSY to 6293
6293,0 1953-2047* (Tina stable), mx, D mx, Bzn, 2047 "F.R. stn now c'/d" - - [ cf TINA ]

6265,4 1938 - - 2238 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, tango

6219,9 1942-2034 R. PYTHON, mx, tk, 2020 Arabic? mx, ID, g's, ID+@, mx, 2047 ID, tk, mx. (2048 gone)

6298,0 1955-1956 UNID, e.weak, QSY to 6301
6301,0 1956-2007 UNID, e.weak, D mx and blanks (or under mod ?), 2006 tk (no copy at all) (2017 gone)

6324,2 2007-2032 R. UNDERGROUND INT, strong\ut.QRM, Jefferson Airplane, Dancing in the street, 2012 1-2-gd ev', mike tests, 2017 ID, mx from Asia, 2038 3Green tambourine" \RTTY on U-side. (2047 gone)

3905,0 2035-2045 UNID, strong, pops, D song in E - - - - - -[ cf ALICE ? ]
3905,0 2144-2248 R. ACTIVE, \fading, mx, D song, instrum, phone? tk, 2209 IDs, etc, 2239 mx, D song, instrum

6300,0 2055-2121 R. ETHERFREAK, v.weak\noisy, mx, IDs no copy (some by W or Jr), 2102 Bus stop, 2105 good IDs

6290,0 2107-2136 CUPID R., strong, mx and tk, rock, 2116 ID, hellos, 2120 ID, 2136 ID+@ (2200 gone)

6305,0 2122-2159* UNID, fair +peaks \fading, mx, 2126 in E, g's (ID?), 2131 tk, het bursts, tk about 2012, mx.

6210,0 2137-2202 SLUWE VOS R., good\noisy > strong, RxReport.., mx, techno, 2151 ID, spassiba Alexander..

6300,0 2212-2245* UNID, weak\noisy,atmos, "1-2-3-4" in E, blues, boogie... 2231 in LSB. Sudden s/off

* * * * * SAT. 08 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6802,85 0832-0939 UNID, v.weak\sticky PLC, (after long blank), mx, tacboom mx [cf PINK PANTHER ]
6802,85 1040-1612 UNID, v.weak > fair \PLC, D.I.S.C.O., mx, 1602 Lucky number, Stray Cats
6802,85 2031,2102 UNID, 2031 D.Bowie ?, 2102 pop song

6975,1 0840-0921 R. RONALISA, e.>v.weak \fades, Girl's coconut, IDs, Sugar baby love, 0910 polka, 0921 The Wall

6944,9 0850-0927 R. COAX, e.weak \fades in loc.noise, mx, tk, 0909 ID+@

6930,2 0901-0918 R. ALTREX %, v.weak \loc.noise, mx, 0911 Rose garden, mx, off at 0918'45" (to 6960 ?)
6960,0 0919-1034 R. ALTREX ?, v.weak \loc.noise,freebanders, hip-hop, mx, rap, 1032 ID (not sure) (1038 gone)

6910,0 0902-0915 TIDAL WAVE, strong peaks \noisy ut. D mx, polka, allo-test-1-2, bonjour Iann, ID. (to 6915?)
6915,0 0915-0931 TIDAL WAVE %, strong, polkas, tk in D, D songs. - - [ cf TIDAL WAVE ]

6968,0 0922-1351 UNID, trace, some audio at times, 1037 now on 6967,9

6304,9 0932-0935 V. OF THE NL, weak \PLC, mx, D song, shouting "Veronica", ID, gd m'. (1003 gone)

6205,1 0935-1058 UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx, 1043 California dreaming, 1058 Les Zeppelin [cf KING SW ]

6300,0 1041-1152 R. ALTREX, e.weak \PLC, 1048 Like a rolling stone, 1052 ID, mx [cf Relay Caroline 50 years ?]

6095,0 1046-1517 KBC, v.strong, 1046 Rosko #1 : "Drink a beer", 1418 pop, R&R

6284,9 1146-1153 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, mx (hard to hear) - - - - [cf GOUDENSTER ]

6284,95 1400-1410 R. ALTREX, trace>e.weak, mx, IDs, mooh !

6304,2 1359-1410 R. MARABU, weak > strong \PLC, mx, 1404 Non stop Marabu, mx
6304,5 1518-1616 R. MARABU, mx, 1519 ID
6304,3 1942-2129 R. MARABU, strong, mx,1956 tk in G, IDs, mx. (also 2341 : e.weak \PLC, mx)

6395,0 1524-1526* BAKEN 16, v.weak \PLC,stanag6390, mx, tk, JID and off.

6395,0 *1527-1533* SCOTLAND R., strong, "Tonight", ment' Tina, in D+G, in E for lisnrs, rpt, ID in E, mx, off

6746,9 1534-1607 UNID, good \PLC, accordion, mx, Let's go to the hop, Stray Cats [ cf PIONEER ]
6746,9 2029-2120 UNID, bit of comedy, bit of Pink Panther tune, mx, D mx. [ cf PIONEER ]

6924,9 1536-1613* STATION QRP, weak \loc.noise, mx, IDs+@

6950,0 1540-1614 R. BLACKBEARD, fair-good, mx, 1549,1556 IDs

6944,9 1546-1546 UNID, v./e.weak, carrier, not sure for mx under splash from Blackbeard

6325,0 1614-1614 UNID, weak \loc.noise, pop - - - - - - - - - -[cf WALDMEISTER ]

6295,0 1616-1616 UNID, W talking, sounds like official or political station

6324,9 1941-2129 UNID, D songs, occ. pop, 2054 Apache - - - - - - [cf NORTON ]

6209,9 1944-2050 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. DJ about Jimmy Rodgers, "Ave Maria"(Shirley Bassey?), Julie Rogers in 1964, anorak background, offshore memories, hushed IDs, Swinging Blue Jeans"You're no good", etc

6375,0 1959-2001* FLUX AM %, weak \squeezed strong RTTY-weak fax. pop-techno, QSY to 6290? (same record)

6290,0 2002-2131 FLUX AM, mx, synthe, tk, only 14W, Shadows, IDs+@, D mx.

6450,3 2014-2126 UNID, strong \ut U-side, pops, allo-1-2-tnx FRS, Walk like an Egytian, 2045 Petit cordonnier(in D), 2059 Hair remix, 2123 fair \stanag 6455, pop, Stop the cavalry - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]

6730,0 2022-2028 UNID, e.weak \traffic in Russian, Ma Baker, tk (M+W ?), mx.

6840,0 2031-2036 CWR, ID, mx, ID as 'Radio CWR" in E, tk, some folk singer

6950,0 2037-2111* UNID, strong > fair, pop, electro_pop, tchacs, sudden s/off at 2111'45" [cf BLACKBEARD ]

6915,0 2106-2115 PREMIER R. INT, fair, mx, ID, time check, ID+@, mx, 2115 Black is black(reprise)

4026,0 2134-2151 UNID(not LHH), \4020 ut., non stop mx, 2147/Is this the power (remix), techno [cf BLACKBEARD ]

* * * * * SUN. 09 MAR. 2014 * * * * *

6304,25 0718-0921 R. MARABU, strong \fading, mx, tk in G, 0731 Show me the way.., 0837 Ten years after, 0843 ID
6304,5 1727-2303 R. MARABU, strong>v.strong, tk, mag in E, mx, 1957 IDs, mx, etc, tk in G, alternative mx.

6295,0 0721-0751 R ETHERFREAK, e.weak\PLC, mx (incl' pop, D songs), 0750 ID+@

6220,25 0727-0846 R. ORANG UTAN INT, weak \fading,traffic6215u, pops, D.Straits, anorak, Walking on sunshine, 0939 Walk don't run, ID, 60s pop, .., 0826 Osaka song \traffic from Brasil? (0903 gone)

6199,9 0730-0918 TECHNISCHE MAN, strong, mx, 0738 ID in D+E, tk about equipment, etc, 0903 Rasputin

6278,8 0752-0752 UNID, e.weak under noise, some mx

6240,0 0724-0828 UNID, e.weak \PLC, tk (in E?) and blanks (undermod?) [cf CAROLINE INT ]

6265,1 0753-0845 R. NORA, good \fading, 60s pops, 0830 "kilowatter"??, ID+@ in E, S.Blue"Never marry..."

6287,0 0835-0920 R. ALTREX, v.weak, N.Sinatra"These boots...", D ? mx, tk in E, ID, 6286,9

6374,9 0841-0921 R. LOWLAND, e.-v.weak \fax, hl in E, ID+@, mx

6265,0 0903-0905 R. SCOTLAND, ID, in QSO with Nora (0918 again, ID, Dragonslayer)

6275,0 0917-0917 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx. (0920 gone)

6190,0 0919--0920 R. GLORIA INT, weak \PLC, pop, tk (known voice), mx

6950,0 1708-1715 UNID, strong peak \fading, Is this the power(remix) like 4026 on Sat night, jingle? [cf BLACKBEARD]
6950,0 1801-1828 GALAXY INT, 100W, homebrew audio compressor, from central UK, joking, mx, 1808 hl, ID, duo, joke, .. sunspot cycle.. 1819 ID, 30W, hl, ment' Likedeeler, 1821 mx, 1828 tk, messing. - - [ via BLACKBEARD ? ]

6802,8 1717-2003 UNID, \noisy(ut's), pops, 1756 Sorry I'm a lady, [cf PINK PANTHER ]

6393,9 1718-1718* UNID, mx, blank and s/off.

6324,9 1720-1748 UNID, e.weak (because undermod), mx, mx. - - [ cf JOEY ]

6285,5 1728- - 2020 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6290,5 2249-2249 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango

6280,15 1729-1729 UNID, tk, angry~, \QRM from tango
6280,2 1841-1846 COSMIC R. ?, \squeezed: ut.noise and tango, mx, 1844 IDs quite unsure, pops

6245,0 1731-1846 HORIZON FM %, M+W DJ, Top 40
6245,0 2250-2302 HORIZON FM, mx, tk, 2258 ID, ads, ID+MHz, news, ID+MHz, mx

6970,0 1822-1828* UNID, "If you go to S. Francisco", mx, sudden s/off

6325,1 1838-1852 R. KLABAUTERMAN, pops in G, 1851 ID+@

6266,0 1845-1846 ODYNN R., polka "Lalalalala, ouh!", tk in D, ID, D song

6309,9 1848-2057 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong \fading, pops, hushed IDs, Laser 558 story, 2021 Que calor le vida, 2028 "Ave Maria" (like yesterday, it's a repeat), mx and offshore clips.

6290,0 1853-1853 UNID, v.weak, D mx

6915,0 2004-2016* PREMIER R. INT, fair-good \het6912, atmos, mx, 2014 Man of action, ID+@, bye-bye

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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