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LOGS : 10 - 16 FEB. 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 22:18 pm
by Ray Lalleu

- LHH still off the air
- Thursday: World Radio Day (see 6260)
- more Horizon FM loggings, also Atlantis FM on Sunday
- Cosmic Radio : IDed again and again

Trying to give periods (not only 1 time) is prone to erroneous joins of stations on the same frequency. That week, it happened to me on Thursday (on 3905,0 Calypso then Skyline, but I heard no ID of Skyline) and on Sunday (on 6300,0 I joined Telstar -Unid for me- to Nora, meantime there may be a 3rd station, I don't know). Of course, these errors are rectified below (in IDed+UNID, or UNID+UNID+IDed). I hope there are no more errors, but beware about long periods!

* * * * * MON. 10 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6290,0 0928-0953 R. VERONA INT, fair \PLC, pops, D songs, IDs+@, "way of life", c'/d (1000 gone)

6284,0 0929-1024 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks with mx

6300,0 0930-1000 UNID, weak \PLC, D mx, occ. pop, 0957 g's to R.Helfet??, Verona, Z.Brekneder??, c'/d [cf ASCONA ]

6219,95 0947-1009* R. VERONA, weak +odd peak, well done mod. D instrum mx, tk in D, IDs+@

6300,0 1015-1023* UNID, e.weak \PLC,deep fades, mx, 1022 tk in E, ID no copy.

6285,0 1546-1619 R. TINA, e.weak\fading,PLC. mx, tk in E, IDs+@(copied at last) [ cf HITMIX ]

6305,0 1711-1821 R. NMD, fair\noisy,PLC, pops, bpm, synthe, tk, 1736 ID, 1816 ID+@(multi)

5805,0 1719-1822 HORIZON FM, v.weak, mx, IDs, "made in the Canaries", ads

6306,0 1905-1908* RNP ?, bits of tk and mx (song in F), ID not sure (same voice : cf 1919)

6307,0 *1908-1919* R. NMD, messing at first, 1911 tk in E to Mick/Mike?RFB?, 1918 c'/d ID+@

6307,0 *1919-1944* R. NACHT PIRAAT, bits of disco, NMD, bits of tk, mumbling, 1937 medley, 1943 ID, bye

5840,0 2130-2148 HORIZON FM, Walking on the moon, IDs, mx. (2152 long blank)

5840,0 2451-2455 HORIZON FM, mx, ID

* * * * * TUES. 11 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6285,0 0845-0849 R. VERONA, e.weak, mx, c'/d ID, 0847 blank (0848 few sec. of mx, blank again)

6219,9 0850-0856 R. VERONA, v.weak\PLC, Hey Jude, polka, 0855 tk in D, ID+@, polka (0900 gone)

6290,0 0854-0949 R. VERONA, \blank noise?, D songs, 0859 "way of life", ID, D mx, 0929 ID?? \var.het

6209,2 0901-0920 trace, \blank noise, traffic (other traces : 6280,0 - 6270,0 - 6278,6 - 6278,7 - 6299,9 - 6279,8)

6300,0 0909-0910 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 0910 lost

6745,15 1019-1031 UNID, \PLC, 1021 blank, 1030 mx, 1031 lost

6299,9 1023-1025* UNID, e.weak, few words?, mx, s/off at 1025'40"

6284,4 1125-1140 UNID, v.weak \PLC, then strong PLC. mx, 1134 polka? on 6284,3

6290,0 1409-1411 UNID, mx \under PLC and ut.noise, 1411 glider het coming on and settling on 6288,8

6300,0 1559-1646 UNID, fair>good+peaks, nonstop D mx
6300,0 1654-1724 R. TELSTAR, strong, Cecilia, ID, I got you babe, 1701 ID, g's, 1708 Bzn

6284,9 1603-1605* BAKEN 16, good-strong, mx, tk in D, ID, JID(Cucaracha) and s/off.

6266,9 1605-1653 BLACK ARROW, good-strong, pops, tk, IDs, g's, 1642 S.Blue"Never marry.., 1651 ment' RMGP

6285,0 1616-1702 R. LUXEMBURG, var. mx (mostly instrum, brass...), 1703 JID (1709 blank)

6280,2 1623-1818 COSMIC R., e.weak long UNID, mx, tk, jingles, 1749 repeat from Saturday (pops) (1910 trace)

6320,0 1633-1634 UNID, e.weak \PLC, "I love R&R"; pop-rock W singer. (1653 gone)

6267,0 1658-1706* BAKEN 16, Ids(unsure) over mx, \ut.bursts, 1706 JID and off.

6266,9 1709-1711 BLACK ARROW, tech tk in D, "Barracuda" background, 1711 ID, c'/d, rock.

6214,9 1914-2122* UNID, strong \muffled, SSTV, bpm mx, rock, 2001 techno-transe \hum, etc. [ cf CARMEN ]

6734,9 1924-1928 COOL AM R., mx, 1925 ID, mx, 1928 lost

5780,0 1952-2025 HORIZON FM, \PLC, pops, 1958 IDs, ads, 2000 news, 2024 ad from Tenerife, mx

* * * * * WED. 12 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6300,0 1131-1131 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D song. (1133 gone)

6219,9 1133-1139 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak, D mx, mx, 1136 ID, polka, polka

6290,0 1134-1142 UNID, v.weak \PLC, ut.noise, D songs. (1140 moving het 6289,3>6285 long blank)

6295,0 1215-1215 UNID, v.weak, mx

6735 u 1644-1656 COOL AM R., mx, IDs+@, ad for Cool AM Productions, etc

6291,6 1656-1701* R. SILVERBACK, in AM-USB ?, weak\noisy, atmos. ZZ Top, 1659 IDs+@ in D+E+G.

6305V ! 1703-1827 LONG LIFE R., quite drifty!, mx(hard to hear), IDs unsure, 1709 mx box

6319,8 1720-1724 R. PLUTO, D W singer, Abba"Gimme...", 1722 IDs, 1724 end?

6284,9 1726-1739 UNID, Elvis"It's now or never, birds'songs, more Elvis?, mx... (1755 gone)

5780,0 1740-1826 HORIZON FM, weak\noisy, pops, tk in E, 1826 ID.

6291,7 1755-1811 UNID, strong peaks, tchacs, "1-2-polizei", 1758 hammering bpm, 1803 quiet mx [cf VOTN ]

6279,9 1811-1819 R. VERONA, mx, g's, IDs+@, c'/d, "way of life", more g's-IDs-c'/d. (1822 gone)

6285,0 1817-1821 R. EXPERIENCE, weak, mx, 1821 ID, testing-1-2, c'/d, gd ev'. (1825 gone)

6324,8 1823-1824* UNID, v.-e.weak, mx, sudden s/off at 1824'40"

3904,8 1916-2025 R. ALICE, strong \strong white noise bursts (jamming?), mx, 19.24 ID, mx, tk, accordion, Shadows

3904,9 2214,2221 UNID, e.weak, 2214: mx, oriental song, 2221: on/off, few sec. on each min.

* * * * * THURS. 13 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6290,0 0809-0811 R. VERONA, D waltz, polka, tk, ID ?

6324,9 1201-1208 UNID, trace-e.weak mx

6255,0 1203-1209 UNID, \strong ut.bursts, Dancing in the street, S.Davis Gr."Gimme some loving", 1209 Small Faces?

6310,0 1557-1616 R. VENDOR, v.weak \PLC, D mx, 1615 polka, ID (1640 gone)

6299,9 1559-1641 R. NORTON, v.weak\PLC, mx, 1604 ID, mx, 1640 polka, tk. (1643 gone)

6290,0 1609-1703 R. TELSTAR INT, (after long blank) fair>strong, pops, D songs,1627 IDs, mx, D mx (1709 gone)

6283,0 1617-1618 UNID, e.weak, mx, accordion. (1622 gone)

6220,0 1618-1701 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak, D mx, IDs

6305,0 1624-1624* UNID, mx, then ? QSY to 6307 ?

6307,0 1624,1632 R. PLUTO, 1624: v.weak, mx, 1632: weak\noisy, ID in E (1640 gone)

6325,0 1626-1743 R. VERONA, D mx, 1639 R&R by ballroom orch., g's, ID+@, etc... (1801 gone)

6306,0 1647-1804 NMD, guitar, polka, annts, 1714 "Station NMD, de beste muzik", D mx, 1749 Can't go home, Dandy

6280,15 1552-1828 COSMIC R., e.weak\atmos > v.weak, var. mx, 1746 ID+JID, rock, 1756 Love shack, JID
6280,15 1925-1958 COSMIC R., v.weak\PLC, Doors"Light my fire, 1955 ID "on SW and FM", mx till 1958, long blank

6210,05 1657-1725 POLKA R., strong, polka, tiki (messing with mod), polka, yodl, 1720 ID in G, polka

6294,9 1704-1704 UNID, D waltz with singer in E.

6296,3 1708-1748 UNID, up to strong, polka, brass mx, D songs. - - - - - - [ cf DIGITAL ]

6285,0 1715-1830 R. ALTREX, v.weak, D songs, 1728 ID, pop, 1744 song in F, mx...

6222,0 1718-2053 CARMEN R., v.weak \ut.QRM, tk, pop, 1742 SSTV, 1752 ID, mx, mx..

3905,0 1807-1827 R. CALYPSO, v.weak\noisy, mx, tk, pop, polka, g's to stns, mx, D mx, 1826 ID
3905,0 1936-2024 R. CALYPSO, \noisy ut., mx, 1941 Walk don't run, g's (UBoat,Mike), ID, mx, mx

6305,0 1923-1948* UNID, fair \PLC, mx, bits of tk' (dull voice) ment' Nacht Piraat ??

6305,9 2002-2034* UNID, good \fading > e.weak, D mx, test tones, instrum mx

3932,1 2012-2026* MRF R., e.weak \noisy, mx, ID, test, J.Hendrix..., Pop-corn

6260,0 2035-2211 UNID, v.strong, pops, tk in it. 2100 time check in it., 2140 \QRM, ---, 2207 long duo tk, tk, tk... 2211 mx again. [ also heard in UKR and CZ ]

3905,0 2101-2157 UNID, strong \strong ut.noise, mx, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf SKYLINE ]

* * * ** * FRI. 14 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

5780,0 0848-0903 HORIZON FM, e.weak, mx, tk, 0902, usual pushed song
5780,0 1731-2237 HORIZON FM, v.weak > weak\PLC,atmos, mx, Tenerife, mx, 1806 ID, mx...

6746,9 0831-0918 UNID, fair\fading, songs in D and E, "Lucille", Johnny & the Hurricanes, s/off. (1431 trace)

6305,0 0840-0859 UNID, v.weak \PLC, non stop R&R. (0904 gone)

6305,0 1407-1521* UNID, v.weak\fast fading > fair \PLC, rock, later D songs, reggae, 1518 tk, g's stns [cf TELSTAR]

6320,0 1419-1422 UNID, trace-e.weak mx 'heard', lost.

6746,9 1435-1727* UNID, e.weak\PLC at first, Johnny &Hurricanes, D songs - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6802,85 1439-1526 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D songs and pop translations in D. - -[ cf PINK PANTHER ]

6914,9 1448-1510 R. PYTHON, v.weak +peaks, pops, 1455 ID, rpt, 1509 ID+@ (1526 gone)

6285,0 1513-1530 R. ALTREX, e.weak \PLC, ID, tk, mx, 1522 "Sympathy"

6285,0 1702-1735 MUSTANG R., strong, mx, g's, IDs, 1722 Rosanna, g's

6300,0 1750-1956 STATE OF UNREST R. (after long blank), mx, IDs+contacts, rock, mx...(2001 gone)

6205,5 1958-2238 R. TANGO ITALIA %, retro latino songs (Argentina ?), 2138 tango

3905,0 2140-2204* UNID, v.weak, tnx rpts, short test, Rhapsody in blue(part), songs in sp., g's, 2204 ciao [cf U-BOAT]

* * * * * SAT. 15 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

5780,0 0755, 0831 HORIZON FM %, weak, strong mod, mx. (later: trace)
5780,0 1943-2148 HORIZON FM %, v.weak, pop

6320,0 0757-0802 UNID, "Fox on the run", mx. (0830 gone)

6210,1 0846-0903 UNID (after blank), mx, pop-rock, mx [ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6212,1 0914-0948 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, 0932 My lucky number, On the border, Black is black [ cf EXPERIENCE ]

6205,05 0904-0947 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, rock, mx, 0935 jingle, 0947 jingle "Music power" [ cf KING SW ]

9510,0 0918-0927 R. CITY (known voice), powerful, pops, tk

6285,0 0928-0948 STATE OF UNREST R. , ID+@, 0930 time check, ID special trn, rock, mx, mx

6954,9 0950-0954 UNID, e.weak. mx - - - - [maybe R. COAX ]

6325,0 1153-1209 R. MONIQUE, v.weak \fading, mx, g's to stns, 1204 rpt, ID, JID, pop

6199,6 1157-1210 UNID, v.>e.weak \fading, mx - - - - - - - - [ cf ORANG UTAN ]

6290,0 1205-1209 UNID, e.weak \u-side under ut. mx, JM.Jarre. - - [ cf FLUX AM ]

6245,0 1209-1209 trace \under PLC here. - - - -[ cf TWENTANA ]

6095,0 1315-1315 KBC %, v.strong \fading, "Tutti fruti", tk, Connie Francis "Happy days"

6325,0 1319-1336 UNID (after blank), weak\PLC, pops (parts, audio burps). (later long blank)

6300,0 1332-1349* UNID, e.weak, mx, mx

6425,0 1446-1508 UNID, e.weak\PLC, tk, mx, parts, "Daydream believer"?(hammered), 1457 Beach Boys, techno, 1507 canned ID by W: " - - SW, this is - - Radio" (OLD TIME ??)., mx. (1536 gone)

6940,0 1510-1545 UNID, weak > strong peaks\noisy, D mx (C&W like), club mx. (1609 gone) [ cf TRANS EUROPE]

6305,0 1519-1559* UNID, v.weak\PLC, mainly phone calls?, occ. mx - - [ cf PYTHON ]

6290,5 1524-1532 R. SKYWIRE, hard to hear, pop-rock, Get it on, The Wall, 1531 ID, Eloise (1535 gone)

6289,9 1546-1616* DELTA R., e.weak \PLC, mx, "non stop mx! mx! mx!", JID, mx, sudden s/off

6265,5 1555,1617 R. TANGO ITALIA, 1555:usual IS / ID loop, 1617: tango (1622 gone)
6285,5 1626-1808 R. TANGO ITALIA , 1627 ID, non stop tango
6205,5 2043,2149 R. TANGO ITALIA %, 2043: mx, then tango, 2149: tango

6481,15 1600-1606* SKY---, v.weak \ut.QRM u-side, tk and IDs with reverb (only part copy), instrum, 1604 Pop-corn, "6-4-8-1 .. Sky-- .. very low power .. bye". S/off at 1606'35". [ cf SKYLAB R. ]

6325,0 1612-1712 UNID, fair-good, pop, Bzn?, 1625 Voyage voyage, 1631 Shame on you, then mad guitar, gospel, "High energy", mx, rock, sad 80s mx, C&W, pops. - - [ cf VOTN ]

6265,0 1617-1621* R. CASANOVA, \QRM tango, Mungo J."Lady Rose", ment' Delta WB, etc.. 1621 ID, s/off 1621'45"

6275,0 1628-1630* UNID, song (italian?), then s/off. - - [ cf CASANOVA ]

6254,9 1642-1937* R. MERLIN INT, movie themes (incl' MiddleAges cartoon), 1700 Caroline/Mi Amigo clips/jingles (also R.London), 1914 R&R medley, 1917 IDs, mx.

6290,6 1713-1740 UNID, Sweet home Alabama, Suzy Q, Whole lotta love, 1723 het from Tango, 1726 I put a sspell on you, 1740 CCR Down the corner. (1744 gone) - - - - - -[ cf SKYWIRE ]

6302,9 1740-1744* UNID, 1740 blank, 1741 s.Blue "Venus", sudden off at 1743'50"

6292,0 1745-1753 R. ODYNN, R&R, hl, ID+@, mx. 1753 under strong noise (1808 gone)

6240,0 1748-1809* R. PLUTO, weak \noisy,PLC. mx, 1752 ID+@ no copy, mx, D or G songs, 1809 c'/d ID

3940,0 1812-1819 UNID, e.weak, in AM-USB ? short breaks, pop, Crubchy granola. (1911 gone) [ cf ACTIVITY ]

6305,0 2048-2106 UNID, bpm mx, 2052 2' blank, 2058 Born to be alive(bits), 2104 een-twe-dri allo, 2106 \ut.noise!

6286,6 2056-2056* UNID, rock, last seconds

* * * * * SUN. 16 FEB. 2014 * * * * *

6199,7 0829,0858 R. ORANG UTAN, weak\PLC, 0829: instrum mx, ID, D song. 0858: mx, "ok - - -", ID.

6205,1 0831-1059 UNID, weak>v.weak \PLC. mx, 1024 This - - -, our mailing address - - - (lowers his voice!) [ cf KING]

6245,0 0835-1026 UNID, weak\PLC, D (or G?) songs. - - - - [ cf TWENTANA ]

6265,0 0837-0837* UNID, was tk' (POB ?) and off. - - - - - - - - [ cf 6265 QSO : 0825-1005 ]

6265,15 *0837-0840* R. NORA (?), blank, W singer (Doris Day ??), gute morgen, ment' Misti, ID(?), tech tk in D

6265,0 *0841-0843 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk (at least part in G). (QSO also 1017, 1027, and 6263 at 1157 ?)

6280,0 0843-0857 UNID, fair+peak, Orange blossom special?, D song(bpm remix), mx, D mx. (0909 gone)

6299,9 0847-0849 UNID, v.weak, waltz(accordeon, singer). (0857 gone) - - [ cf NORTON ]

7265,0 0850-0900* E.M.R., in AM-USB, strong \noisy, mx, in E, 0852 ID+@, pops. s/off 1s before 0900'00

6265,0 0858-0858 UNID, pop-rock - - - - - - - - - - [ cf QSO ]

9480,0 0900-1000* E.M.R., in AM-USB, strong \9475 het, mx, 0902 ID in E+F, mx, //6045, 0924 ID, "E for kids", etc
9480,0 *1000-1052 GERONIMO SW, ID, pop-rock, Dave Scott: ID+contacts, mx, IDs...

6045,0 0904-0939 E.M.R., //9480, v.strong but audio not so good, 0906 ID, "Hair", etc, 0939 addr. via MV Baltic R.

6277,0 0909-0935 R. LUXEMBURG, strong>v.weak, mx, pops, 0913,0935 IDs.
6277,0 1015-1156 UNID, weak+peaks, pops, 1154 Don't bring me down, Irish mx, 1156 tk\burst, mx

6095,0 0920,0938 KBC, powerful, clear, mx, 0938: duo DJ, listeners' record, Trucker Radio.

6300,0 0925-0935 UNID, v.weak\PLC. D? song, rock medley, ID no copy, 'scratch' mx, club? medley? [cf TELSTAR ]
6300,0 1011-1056 UNID, v.weak, mx, 1032 Elvis"Little sister, 1053 yodl, 1056 La Bamba

6290,05 1012-1015* R. SHADOWMAN ?, strong peaks, mx, ment' R.Scotland, ID heard as Zeroeman
6290,05 1028-1032 R. SHADOWMAN ?, strong, mx, ID heard as Zeroeman, rock, synthe, techno

6255,0 1018-1157 R. MERLIN INT, pops, IDs, Blondie"Denis", 1059 Get it on, 1149 Love shack (still mx at 1313)

6300,0 1132-1154 R. NORA, weak-fair \noisy(ut), PLC. mx, tk in D, 1136 ID, 1151 C&W, pop..

6325,0 1137-1158 UNID, (alr.trace at 1009), e.weak, accordion, 1144 ment' Verona, Tina, D waltz, mx [cf VERONA ]

6305,9 1307-1325 UNID, e.weak\PLC, pops - - - - [ cf BRANDARIS ]

6290,5 1310-1323 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, 1323:\het from 6290,05, tk

6280,0 1312-1312 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx

6393,1 1537-1537 UNID, tk in D, ment' Verona, Zodiac, mx - - [cf QSO 6393 : 1420-1545 ]

6393,6 1540-1543* UNID, v.weak, retro mx, ...W. part of the NL.. ..MD.. - - [cf QSO ]

6393,2 *1543-1543 UNID, blank, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [cf QSO ]

6325,0 1544-1553 R. NACHT PIRAAT, D mx, 1550 g's(Gino, Iann), ID, 1553 accordion+barrel organ (1601 gone)

5780,0 1547-2222 ATLANTIS FM, e.weak > fair\noisy, mx, tk in E, 2200 ID, 2201 news, 2204 ID, My funny valentine

6285,0 1554-1714 R. TWENTANA, Man of action, Walk don't run, 1559 IDs, Ost NL, polka, D mx..

6325,1 1714-1722 R. EXPERIENCE, spelling ID, mx, g's, IDs..

6284,85 1743-1756* UNID, good-strong \jamming? (kind of steam locomotive till exactly stn lost at 1755'55") 1743 Bus stop, 1747 Pop-corn, 1749 tk \furious jammer! , mx(S.Wonder?), then f/down, 1754 tk again. [cf B.ARROW ]

6325,0 1757-1945 BOGUSMAN, good +peaks \hash bursts, mx, 1802 ID, long tk, mx, 1932 ID, strong

6285,0 1931-1952 UNID, weak\PLC, mx, H.California, mx, mx. - - [ cf WALDMEISTER ]

6205,5 1943,2140 R. TANGO ITALIA %, 1943: tango, 2140: mx from Argentina.

3904,85 1949-1951 R. ASCONA ?, weak\noisy, yodl, rock, ID (not good) from NE of NL, mx

6919 L 2142-2146 UNID, e.weak \mx, 2146 a few words

6925 u 2349-2408 UNDERCOVER R., \traffic, mx, 2350 ID+@, 2353 stn T-shirts, Dr Benway, ID, "from the middle of nowhere"(also 2400), mx, T-shirts... 2405 long story

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
